Michele Carved Five Inches off her Waist with Venus

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You would never know it by looking at her, but Michele is a mother of three and grandmother of two.  At the age of 58, she came to Venus wanting to tone up her legs, but was blown away by the changes she was able to make to her entire shape.  It is unusual that someone comes to us with the nutrition component nailed down, but Michele’s mother had instilled in her the ability to intuitively portion control so it was the workouts that made the difference for her.

We talk a lot at Venus about stumbling forward because that is how life will always be.  There are going to be ups and downs and parties and hardships and it is our goal for you to walk away with not only an improved physique, but also with a few tools to roll with the punches.  You are stronger than you think.  Michele broke her toe during the first week of the contest and endured a major health scare, but she stumbled forward to success.  Her pictures are the undeniable proof!

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You can listen to her interview here:

About Jenny

Jenny is a past Venus contest winner and is currently available for personal coaching. Though she had always been active and a lover of all things fitness, it was the knowledge she gained here, about calories and fasting that finally ended her weight loss struggles.

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