Is this the New Normal?

Is this the New Normal?

Is this the New Normal?


As the current contest winds down to the end, some of you are preparing for a photo shoot and others decided this wasn’t your time for a contest.

This can be a time of excitement or disappointment.

A couple of weeks ago I encouraged those ready to forge on to the photo shoot to not let fear stop you.  This week I want to encourage others.  Most likely you made some progress but you aren’t giving yourself credit for because you feel like you did not “finish” the contest, but that is not true.

Sometimes the contests are simply not the right time for you.  The lessons you learned in the last 3 months are still valuable for the rest of your life.

What we do here at the Venus Factor is like fish swimming up stream.  Our lifestyle of impulse control goes against the grain of the rest of modern society.  I bet even with a few mistakes you overcame adversity and many hurdles already.  This is no small accomplishment.  The skills are important skills to keep for the rest of your life.


Modern society currently has an obesity epidemic

To quote an article that ran in today’s Daily Mail Online:

A vast majority of overweight and clinically obese children in the U.S. believe they are ‘about the right weight,’ a major study finds – and nearly a third of all kids incorrectly judged their weight.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention studied over 6,100 children aged between eight and 15 and discovered that 81per cent of overweight boys and 71per cent of overweight girls believed their weight to be in the ‘right’ range, i.e. healthy.

Of children who were diagnosed as obese, almost half of boys and over a third of girls thought they too were of about the right weight for their age.



NCHS Data Brief (From the Centers for Disease Control)


Normal tends to be relative.  Kids growing up now are learning a new normal. Unless our habits change as a society this is the new trend.  According to the NCHS Data brief people are consuming more calories and becoming more sedentary.

What we do at the Venus Factor is the opposite of this.  Even though you are embarking on a perfectly healthy lifestyle you will be viewed as “extreme”.  This makes the new lifestyle you are trying to learn become a hurdle.  Any progress is hard earned.


It is not a contest, it is a lifestyle

The contest is a mere train stop en route to the rest of your life.

I have several coaching clients who started the coaching program to help them complete the contest. They ended up realizing that the time was spent learning some valuable lessons and have decided not to finish the contest.

This one most precious young lady put her lesson into words so beautifully.

Yes she wrote the note to me, and I left it as is, but there is nothing special about me, it’s the lesson itself that she learned that is priceless. We all learn this lesson when we get so close to our goal.  I don’t think I can put it out any better than she just did:


Oh dear Roberta you are the most wonderful person I’ve ever known!!!

When I started the contest I was committed to starve myself and workout like crazy to get to my goal by the end of it, thinking that 10 weeks would go away like nothing! I thought you would support me on my plan to reach my goal, but instead you were honest and told me what I didn’t want to hear, that I was short and losing weight the healthy way would take longer. I was disappointed but realized you were right. I was tired of eating the way I was and relying on fasting to compensate for binging. I felt so lost during the long fasting and decided to listen to your advice and thank God I did.

It’s true my body is not quite at my goal, but it has improved a lot. And the most important thing is that thanks to you I learned to be patient, now I still have a goal, but not a deadline, I know if I keep going I will get there with what you taught me.

Thanks so much for what you do for me! I could never thank you enough. You coached me not for the contest, but for a lifestyle!


When people do the cycle of eat low and binge repeatedly I call this the “eating yo-yo”.  It’s a point of plateau or even going backwards.

No matter how much it would make me look good to produce a bunch of contest winners by cheering on with “eat less, eat less” I won’t do it. It doesn’t look good when they rebound after the contest anyway. None of us need that. We need our lives back.

All those in this situation are within a three inches of the VI waist. This is a critical point where the body refuses to be rushed. This is where the Venus Factor “Theory of fat availability” and “Reverse Taper” come into play.  You can’t make things happen any faster than the body will allow.  The rate you build muscle is genetic.  The rate you lose fat at this point is so low it might not show an indication on the body weight scale.

When you get to this point you can’t eat so low anymore.  You also can’t eat too high or for a long string of days if you want to lose that last bit of fat, because you can’t eat low enough anymore to make up for it.  It’s needs to be more of an even keel.  I call this the calorie tightrope.


Our Venus contest winners all learned valuable lessons for life.

Our Venus contest winners all learned valuable lessons for life.


 You are already a winner!

So the main thing to remember is that if you are learning to eat less for your deficit, or walk the calorie tightrope, or learning to make lifting weights a habit for life, these are all swimming against the stream of normal society. Each victory is hard earned.

No matter how far along you are in your goals, if you have been making progress it is a huge win.  It’s a huge victory.  Do not sell yourself short.  Just keep swimming and never give up.

The deadline for submitting the VT11 contest final pictures is August 11, 2014 midnight.  If you are in this contest and you are delayed due to waiting on photography final processing all you have to do is email me ( and let me know.  The front page newspaper picture must be dated August 11, 2014 or earlier.

I look forward to seeing your hard work shine!

-Coach Roberta

(You can find me in the online community.)


Find out more about Venus Transformation contests:


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The Hormetic Effect Of Exercise; Uncensored Podcast


What is the correct balance or "sweet spot" for exercise?  What is too much, and what is too little?

What is the correct balance or “sweet spot” for exercise?
What is too much, and what is too little?


The Hormetic Effect Of Exercise

What is “sweet spot” for the amount of stress or dosing workouts?

What are the various effects of exercise?

What about too little or two much exercise?

What happens when you do the right amount of exercise?

What about exercise performance?

What are the side effects?

What about health ramifications of exercise?

What is the concept of working out for being healthy and look good?

What is the right balance for exercise and nutrition?

How does exercise effect your digestion?


Listen to what John and Brad have to say about The Hormetic Effect of Exercise:


IMMERSION Clients May Login and Download Podcast Here

(If you are using Venus Index Mobile, go to the left menu -> My products -> right menu -> Uncensored Season 3 -> enjoy, you can assign star to add it into Favorites for easier access next time, if you don’t have access to Uncensored Podcasts you can purchase Immersion Package inside the App Shop)

Not a Venus Index IMMERSION client? Click here to find out more…

You can win a Venus Transformation contest in your 60’s; Ana Gomez


I am 60 years old and never imagined feeling healthy at this age, knowing that this lifestyle will help me feel and look better. It’s a dramatic change for someone who never visited a gym before.

I am 60 years old and never imagined feeling healthy at this age,
knowing that this lifestyle will help me feel and look better.

It’s a dramatic change for someone who never visited a gym before.


Ana Gomez came in tenth place in our Venus Transformation contest VT10


Ana’s own words regarding the Venus Factor:

With the help of Valero Fitness Subsidy Program, I lost 36 pounds and prevented the return of cancer I joined the local YMCA and started going to Pilates classes which led me to other classes including Venus Index Program which I attribute the most to my success. During this VI10 contest I lost another 10.3 pounds.

As a cancer survivor, I know that exercising can help me live longer. Most if not all survivors find a new priority in life: keeping cancer from returning. After intensive research, I came to the conclusion that exercising after medical treatment was equal to a longer life and less recurrence. My goal then was to eat right and exercise, but I did not accomplish my goal for almost seven years.

I had tried every new diet in the market and media, constantly on and off of them. I had tried among others, Adkins, 3-day diets, weight watchers, the zone and nothing worked. After seeing a flyer at my local YMCA, showing before and after pictures of the Venus Index Instructor Liss Graham, who had the same problem I had for years, I enrolled in the class and just a few months later I was doing and “after” photo shoot. The program is design to create the perfect hourglass figure. The difference in my body shape was unbelievable. The beauty of this program is that it is not boring at all as every class is a different workout. Venus Index taught me to count calories, how to measure myself and keep a daily log of each indicator. Another tool that works for me is taking pictures every week to compare the progress. It is always best to compare yourself to yourself instead of finding random people who are not your height or age.

The most drastic change was counting calories and keeping a balance during the day/week. It’s amazing to see how I used to eat chicken nuggets as a snack without realizing that it was almost half of my daily calorie intake. My quick snack fix is a tablespoon of peanut butter, Ad-Mak crackers and a wedge of light laughing cow cheese. Now I enjoy salads and raw veggies with every meal.

My favorite workout routine is lifting heavy weights – it is what builds your shape. I use weight-lifting gloves, dumbbells, barbells, stability ball and a bench; I also use my fitness Pal iPhone app to count calories.  I am addicted also to Venus Index webpage, I recommended EAT-STOP-EAT book to several people, I tell them that after I read this book, all the pieces started falling in place and started to make sense, only to reassure I was on the right track. A person usually questions you on the FASTING, so when they read the book and the precise explanation they start fasting. I personally drop 2.5-3 pounds when I fast.

Family members showed interest after they noticed that something I was doing was working. Now, several family members have started going to their local gyms after following my advice. I coach them over the phone and it’s working for them as well.

I am 60 years old and never imagined feeling healthy at this age, knowing that this lifestyle will help me feel and look better. It’s a dramatic change for someone who never visited a gym before. How I feel after every workout has made me become addicted. Today, workout is priority – my life and my days are planned around my 60-minute workout. I feel empowered!


Questions and Answers with our Venus winner Ana


How did you find the Venus Factor?

At my local YMCA. There was this flyer posted announcing the start of a VI class with pictures of one lady that placed high on one of your contests and she was teaching VI at the YMCA (Liss Graham). I saw the before and after pictures and caught my attention.


What aspect of the program was most beneficial to you?

The diversity of the program. Different every day!


Did you like the Venus workout?

I got addicted after I found myself not missing a class and wanted to go workout, I love it.


Which workout(s) did you use?

The class started with Phase I and went on and on with all workouts available


What kept you motivated?

The fact that I was seeing my own transformation, exactly as it was explained in that flyer, and the way my body felt, stronger every day.


Do you have a particular style of eating?

I usually do a lot of less than 50 calories snacks through the day, even if I am not on deficit mode. Other than that I do fruit in the morning, salad or veggies at lunch and a big salad with some protein at night

Did you use the undulating  diet protocol?  If so how did it work for you and did you make any modifications?

I did but I experience tiredness at first so I decided to do the deficit days when I was not schedule to WO so actually was 3 days a week.


Did you use any supplements?



Did you use the online community and how was that experience?



Did you find support with friends and family?

Absolutely, furthermore seeing my transformation motivated them to start.


What was the hardest obstacle to conquer?

My sweet cravings before going to bed. I ask our instructor and she recommended Greek Yogurt and strawberries. That took care of it.


How did you feel about your final pictures?

I am my worst critic, I believe I could’ve done much better. Which being that critic to myself has been helping me during my VI journey.


Is this a lifestyle you will continue?

Definitely, I adopted this new lifestyle as part of my life and ever since then, my plans are scheduled around my workouts.


What is your best advice for other Venuses?

If you really want this change in your life, you have us to prove Venus Index works. So just adopt VI as part of your life no matter what. Some days you will be so sore you don’t want to hear about VI but two ibuprofen will take care of that, forget about your soreness and keep up with the next workout. Never Give Up!!

P.S. My husband reminds me every time we are traveling or out of town, ~you don’t need your dumbbells to workout, don’t create excuses, you can work out without dumbbells, just be creative. So True!!

More stories about Venus women in their 60’s:

Lift Heavy for Longevity: Interview With Denise DeGrazia

How to Go from Good to Great at age 60; Interview with Lorraine


Dear Ana,

Congratulations on the amazing changes you’ve made for your health and shape.  You’ve changed both on the inside and outside.  It certainly takes effort and hard work.  You’ve caught on to the Venus lifestyle!

It is fun to know that you can really take on the life.  You can always have an easy awareness about what you eat, and of course you can even exercise without dumbbells.  You did it at 60 so there are no excuses!

Thank you for sharing your story with us.

All my best,


There are NO SHORTCUTS for FAT LOSS; says contest winner Michal

Michal lives in the Philippines with her family.

Michal lives in the Philippines with her family.


Michal Gansad came in fifth place in our Venus Transformation contest VT10


Michal’s own words regarding the Venus Factor:

I had a baby last June 2013, ten months ago which caused me to gain lots of weight. I weighed around 183 lbs. after delivery and from then I struggled to put off those unwanted weights.

I am really huge from my youth. And as expected, I also have a lot of health issues because of that. But in 2010 I started to use a product that helps me become skinny but not lean enough having more or less 32% of body fat using the Tanita Scale. So, I am always positive that I can make it lose weight again. But then, I became disappointed because the magic diet seemed to lost its power. It does not work for me anymore. So, I searched for a solution and this time I wanted it to be a lasting solution. Fortunately I found Venus Index from searching in the internet. After being convinced from their presentation, I joined the community last October 2013. From then on, everything has changed for the best. I learned a lot and have to learn a lot more. There is no such thing as magic pill, or magic diet no shortcuts the first thing I learned from joining VI. Everything I went through VI are just wonderful, it is worth the pain. The sacrifices of eating deficits and doing all the work outs laid in the program improves my mood in day to day basis. It also improved my looks than before when I am lighter by using the product I mentioned earlier. Now I feel I am being freed from all those myths that I believed before. I am not dependent to any slimming products anymore.

Even if I will not win in this VT10 contest, even if I get pregnant again and gain weight, I already consider myself a winner for life, as long as I stick to VI practices. Golden ratio is within my reach, and I am a winner.

I also want to share that I do all my work outs at home. Having a baby and still breastfeeding, it is a challenge for me to drive 35 km. just to hit the gym.


Questions and Answers with our Venus winner Michal


How did you find the Venus Factor?

I found Venus through the Internet. At that time, my previous solution of losing weight did not work any longer. FYI, I am using Herbalife shake at that time if you are familiar with it. They always emphasize about the importance of taking breakfast using their product, of course. But then after delivery, while using the same routine, nothing works, if there is just a little change, that is why I did not stop searching solution and I found Venus. I found the best way so far.


What aspect of the program was most beneficial to you?

The truth about calorie intake, importance of fasting, fasting techniques, undulating protocol, the community, the girls supports sharing insights, podcast, workouts, almost everything in Venus benefits me.


Did you like the Venus workout?

Yeah, so much, the only work out I tried that works for me.


Which workout(s) did you use?

I completed the first 12 week program then, from VT10 to finished completed only up to 10 weeks Final Phase. Because my husband came home for vacation from work, it interferes my routines, lol. I actually asked John Barban what should I do after having few weeks of rest, he said I can repeat Final Phase. But I did not make it due to my busy schedule. So, I decided to go back to the basic and I will never give myself permission to jump forward without completing it.


What kept you motivated?

Honestly I am not motivated all the time, but then, I think about my health, my family’s health, about getting older, I am now 38 years old, I always wanted to get old healthy and fit, along with my family. I want to be like you, like Liss, like Alisha and all other good example Venuses. So, I keep telling myself to move ahead.


Do you have a particular style of eating?

I am not that strict these days unlike last time when I am in the VT10 contest. I just do the usual, eating breakfast late, sometimes I eat once, sometimes I indulge, I am only mindful about the principles of calorie deficit and calorie maintenance.


Did you use the undulating  diet protocol?  If so how did it work for you and did you make any modifications?

Yes. I just follow the advice I read. For example the post from VI Facebook page about the concept of the Reverse Taper Diets, it talks about fasting duration depends on our waist in inches. I apply it to myself.


Did you use any supplements?

Sometimes I take local probiotics. I stopped taking my Herbalife supplements for a long time ago after finding Venus. Then, recently I found out about GMO’s. Soybeans and corns from U.S, they are GMO (genetically modified organism) that causes leaky gut syndrome. I find that so scary, everything in the supermarket even supplements, we not that sure whether it is contaminated or not. So, I decided to go natural.


Did you use the online community and how was that experience?

Yes, I did. I am in HOLO/GOLO2 group. We have spreadsheets where we can put our stats, our goals and our actual accomplishments. Being in that group increased my knowledge on dealing with my weight loss goals.


Did you find support with friends and family?

Just few people knew I joined VT10. They don’t even know what was it all about. So, I don’t depend on them for support. I get most support from the Venus community and from the group.


What was the hardest obstacle to conquer?

My being imperfect, that’s the hardest. When you start to astray from what you are doing, it is difficult to get back on the track.


How did you feel about your final pictures?

Not so sure if I did well. I even doubted to submit it or not, but I learned from the podcast that we are the worst critics against ourselves, so I submitted it anyway to let other people judge.


Is this a lifestyle you will continue?

100 percent yes. What else can I do, is there any better way? I guess nothing.


What is your best advice for other Venuses?

Just keep learning and apply. Make time to do what is needed.

You can find Michal in the online Venus community.

More stories about Venus Mom’s:

Young Mom finds the Venus Factor to be a way of life instead of a means to an end

Lacey Gained her pre-pregnancy confidence back with the Venus workout

Just Say No to Elastic Waist pants; interview with Lori Aquino

An Original Venus who Never Gives Up

After pregnancy, Wins Transformation Contest

How to become a beautiful beach Mom

Venus Mom Erin says “Just do it!”


Dear Michal,

Congratulations the beautiful job you did transforming your life and your body from the inside out!

I love your perspective as being a young mom in the Philippines and your sweet countenance in the Venus online forum.  Thank you for being there with us and thank you for sharing your story!

All my best,

Coach Roberta

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The final sprint for the contest; Don’t let FEAR stop your DREAM.

I'm still pinching myself the way I did back in my Venus Transformation contest days.  What, am I really Cat Woman now??!!

I’m still pinching myself the way I did back in my Venus Transformation contest days. What, am I really Cat Woman now??!!


The final contest sprint

Many of you are now in the final stretch at the end of the VT11 Venus Transformation contest.  This is where you can make the final push with workouts and and a little more effort on the diet compared to a normal season of life.

It’s okay to put in that extra effort which is a bit more than a normal sustainable effort.

It’s okay to sprint for a few weeks.



Along with that sprint comes fear.  Fear of letting yourself down.  Fear of letting others down.  Fear of failure.  Fear of being a dork.  We all have these fears, and they don’t all go away.  We have fear when we push for something hard and try something new like a contest.

Even though there really is nothing to fear, we fear.  In many ways there is nothing to lose, but we conger up the fears.

I’ve been ready and in shape most of this year for a photo shoot, yet fear was stopping me from actually booking one.  I do a lot of networking online and have met some amazing and talented people.

About a month ago I finally contacted one of my online photographer connections.  His name is Ryan and I really liked the work I’d seen him post.  When I showed Ryan some examples of what I’d like to do with the superhero theme his interest seemed to perk up.

I had wanted to keep it a secret, in case I failed.  I wasn’t planning to tell anyone.  But Ryan was so excited that he posted a status update stating that we were doing a superhero photo shoot and that it was going to be “epic“.

Then the pressure was on because the secret was out.  All his friends and all my friends could see it.  So the panic and fear started.

I can honestly say that every day since then has been filled with fear, sometimes to the point of feeling ill and losing sleep (which makes EVERYTHING worse).  Some of my friends know as I posted some funny status updates, or even gym workouts at the “lonely sheriff gym” which made some of my friends chuckle. Fear makes us feel alone.

Someone had posted an inspirational poster about “Setting a goal that is so exhilarating that it excites and scares you at the same time.”  That pretty much summed up the two weeks for me prior to the “superhero photo shoot”.

I’ve got some amazing and talented people I’m connected with now. Every time I post a question about a personal problem the knowledge and generosity never ceases to amaze me. Not only from local friends but from people who I’ve never met in person. It’s simply amazing.

So some of my fear was that I didn’t want to let these amazing people down, or look like a dork or failure to them.  I know I shouldn’t care about what people think. I’ve learned not to care about what mean people think, but I still care about what people think who I know and respect.

I was so sick with fear that at times I wanted to just call the whole thing off, so the pain would go away.  But then I knew I’d have other regrets, and other pain.

I’m really glad I didn’t give up, because the prize was amazing.


It takes a TEAM

I can’t say enough about the fact that it takes a TEAM to pull this off a photo shoot like this. All I did was work on my body and the costume, and even all that took support of family and friends.

Then add in hair color, nails, hair style, borrowed boots (for the Ninja scene not shown in this post), general assistance and driving around, makeup artist, amazing photography skills, etc.  Things like this don’t happen solo. It takes people helping people. It does take a team.

A team takes teamwork skills, and thinking about how you effect others around you.

When you get a chance, help others out. What goes around comes around.

This was my team:

Photographer Ryan Lazalier

Makeup artist Diana Jeanette

Hair Stylist Shayn Guenther

Assistance from my dear friend and amazing woman who will soon realize her own dream of being a fitness competitor Nancy J. Meuer

I’m actually the 53 year old model living my dream (Roberta Saum)

In the days prior to the event my nails and hair color were done by HairHouse ‘N’ NailSaloon and Mekayla Ladd

The amazing thing about this event was that no money exchanged hands. This was totally made up of a group of people helping everyone else build their portfolio’s.  Not everyone gets this type of opportunity.  I was lucky, but I also spend a lot of time helping others out.

That’s how this sort of thing works.  It also helps when you are willing to do something different, out of the box, and scary, like dressing up like a cat woman.  This gave the creative people on the team an ability to use their talents in a fun and unique way.  They wanted to do it. In fact they were excited to do it.

When Shayn and Diana showed up to do my hair and makeup they immediately made me feel at ease.  Diana did an amazing job on my makeup.  Shayn took the effort to add in my hair extensions and style them to match and blend beautifully with my hair.

My hair was highlighted by Danna Ladd at HairHouse ‘N’ NailSaloon. Danna used a very complicated mix to make my hair match the extensions I had.

Danna’s daughter,  Mekayla Ladd, gave me a pedicure and manicure.

For your own success in the fitness game it means setting up your own team.  Get friends and family on board.  We all need support. Every situation is different.  Some really need the online community for support if their family is not on board.  Some have local friends. Some have friends who don’t agree with methods.  Remember this is YOUR journey and not everyone will understand.  It might be a fight for yourself, the fight is worth it.  So keep fighting the good fight until you get the team that works with you.  And always remember team is about give and take.


About the costume

Many people have asked about the costume and scene so here are the details on that.

I pieced together most of the costume with items from  That is where I got the black pleather pants, camo top and shorts, cat woman mask, whip, and gloves.

I had to experiment and try things out for the costume.  At first I put the camo belt around my waist in a crisscross pattern, then went shopping for a waist belt and shoes.  I scoured the big local shopping mall and almost gave up, then at the last minute I found the shoes and the belts which I ended up using for the crisscross.  I decided to use the camo belt around the waist.  Then I had the idea to cut off the top of the camo shorts (along with the belt loops) and attach them to the black pants.  It took a bit of sewing skills and some Velcro pieces.

I had to alter the pants to fit as they were baggy in places.  I also had to modify the gloves which were too long for me (I’m short so they reached up to my armpits!)  I rolled them down and then they looked funky so I added some leather and buckles to the top cuff.  I found some cheap boots at a used clothing store. I cut the leather and buckles off the boots and sewed them on the top cuff for the gloves.

I also had to modify the mask as the holes for the eyes didn’t fit my small face.

I had to use duct tape to hold the crisscross belts up in place on my upper back.  I needed my assistant Nancy to help with that. The belts were brand new like the shoes and I didn’t want to cut them as they will be useful as normal clothing items.

The weekend before the photo shoot Ryan scouted dark alleyways in downtown Sacramento and practiced some night photography.  When he told me about it I feared a bit for our safety since we would be preoccupied with our work and not as aware of our surroundings as we should be.  I arranged for someone to watch out for our safety and who would call it off mid scene if it got too dangerous.

We actually had some close calls with the local night life, but everything worked out fine.

At one point we had a makeup disaster and had to go to a local grocery store for some quick fix items.  Dressed as I was in pleather and dark makeup, I’m pretty sure the locals thought I had different business in town. Nancy and I got a good chuckle out of that, but we motored on with purpose and did what we had to do to get the job done.

The alleyway for the cat woman picture was in downtown Sacramento.  Here’s one more picture from that scene.  You can see Ryan’s creative talents in both pictures.


My friend Nancy said of Ryan, "Wow, he got down on the ground and got dirty to get some great shots of you!"  Yes he did and it was awesome.

My friend Nancy said of Ryan, “Wow, he got down on the ground and got dirty to get some great shots of you!”
Yes he did and it was awesome.


One of the comments my friend Nancy made about Ryan was “Wow, he got down on the ground and got dirty to get some good shots of you!”  Yes, we all noticed that.  And let me tell you that alleyway was filthy.  Ryan is an amazing and down to earth guy who I thoroughly enjoyed working with.  I hope to get more chances to work with him.  I have a feeling it might happen again someday.  Since then he’s asked me to help coach him on “getting lean” and I can honestly say it’s my pleasure to help.

I told Ryan I’ll be cracking the whip! I have one now you see, as I am Cat Woman!

Ryan named the first picture “Catwoman GI Jane“, and the second picture “Alley Cat“.


Don’t let FEAR stop you from achieving your DREAM

So the bottom line is you won’t really know the outcome until you do it.  Take a leap of faith.  Believe in the hard work you’ve put in.  Believe in yourself even though the fear still exists.

If it’s one of our contests you are doing, in many ways you have nothing to fear.  Just like my superhero photo shoot, if the pictures didn’t come out no one has to see them.  If you you don’t like them, just keep them to yourself and keep on swimming.

We keep everything about people in our contest completely private and confidential.  Unless you place in the top 10, no one will even know you entered unless you talk about it.  No one except the contest judges will see your pictures unless you place, and then your awesomeness will be shown to the world.

Do this for yourself, not the contest.  It’s an investment in yourself.  Even if the outcome isn’t what you wanted. That is how we all learn.  Learning is an investment as much as success is.

Think of your photo shoot as something for you to have to look back on.  Just like when you take your family portraits.  It’s a memory of a special time.  Even though my VT3 and VT4 contest photo’s are a couple of years old now they hold very special memories for me.  I’m glad I have them. Someday when I’m 90 years old I will have them to show when I tell my old lady stories about my life if anyone bothers to listen.

We all have fear.  Some of it never goes away. Some of it makes us feel ill. Don’t let it stop you from achieving your dream!

The deadline for submitting the VT11 contest final pictures is August 11, 2014 midnight.  If you are in this contest and you are delayed due to waiting on photography final processing all you have to do is email me ( and let me know.  The front page newspaper picture must be dated August 11, 2014 or earlier.

I look forward to seeing your hard work shine!

-Coach Roberta

(You can find me in the online community.)


Find out more about Venus Transformation contests:

What about Wearable Fitness Technology? Uncensored Podcast



What is biofeedback?

How does biofeedback relate to wearable fitness technology?

What about biofeedback that you feel VS data?

How can this change your relationship with your doctor?

Who owns the data?

What about accuracy?

What about knowing your own body?

What about knowing the feeling of eating the right amount?

What about the pros and cons of the data?

Is it necessary to have these devices to be successful with fitness goals?

What will we need to focus on the most once have these devices?

What is the race in fitness technology about?



Listen to what John and Brad have to say about wearable fitness technology:


IMMERSION Clients May Login and Download Podcast Here

(If you are using Venus Index Mobile, go to the left menu -> My products -> right menu -> Uncensored Season 3 -> enjoy, you can assign star to add it into Favorites for easier access next time, if you don’t have access to Uncensored Podcasts you can purchase Immersion Package inside the App Shop)

Not a Venus Index IMMERSION client? Click here to find out more…

Venus mom Erin says “Just do it!” regarding the Venus lifestyle for fat loss

Erin says "Do it.  Just put your mind to it, and do it.  You will surprise yourself at what you are capable of; you are stronger than you think."

Erin says “Do it. Just put your mind to it, and do it. You will surprise yourself at what you are capable of; you are stronger than you think.


Erin Martin came in seventh place in our Venus Transformation contest VT10



Erin’s own words regarding the Venus Factor:

What Venus means to me:

I was postpartum with my second child and struggling to lose the weight on traditional diets. I was able to lose the pregnancy weight but eventually stalled. I was still overweight and really unhappy with how I looked, I was self conscious and uncomfortable in my new maternal body. Same story, different girl.

My husband found Venus by chance, he watched the video and told me he thought I should take a look. I was reluctant, I didn’t want a gimmick, or fad, or pill, after all I’d come this far on my own, “doing it right, with diet and exercise.” I just needed to keep going and add more cardio. With two small children, adding even more cardio, and possibly a new stroller, wasn’t all that appealing. After a day or two I sat down and watched the Venus Index video, and was intrigued. The theories made so much since to me, I finally felt like I understood what was going on with my body. I really appreciated all the science and research John and partners put into the system, and shared so openly.  It’s actually what “sold” me.

I joined Venus in November 2013, and started the contest in Jan 2014 to keep me focused. As of today I’ve lost a total of 74 pounds on my journey, the last 20 pounds of which, are thanks to VI. I have learned so much about my body, how I respond to food and what I actually need. I’ve learned how to control things through eat stop eat, intermittent fasting, weekly caloric control, when to eat low, when to eat up, and book-ending special events.  I’ve learned how my body responds to exercise, and it’s OK that I hate cardio. I do three to four Venus workouts a week, in 30-45 minutes depending on the day, and that fits into my life. That’s what makes Venus my lifestyle, it is adaptable, it is flexible, and I am in control.  I can now balance food, exercise, work, children, and social events; navigate emotions, motivations, relationships, and negativity with confidence. I have confidence and comfort, not only in my appearance, but in myself and my abilities. I am Venus.


Questions and Answers with our Venus winner Erin


How did you find the Venus Factor?

My husband actually found Venus for me.  He knew how much I’d been struggling with hitting plateaus despite doing “everything right.” He watched the video and encouraged me to as well. I was very hesitant because I didn’t want some gimmick, pill, or fad.  I’d been working at a healthy weight loss for over a year, after the delivery of my second child.  Well, I obviously watched the video.


What aspect of the program was most beneficial to you?

Being in health care, I felt I had a pretty good understanding of nutrition and how the body works.  The science behind why women get stuck, and how to fix it with “eating up” and keeping leptin at optimal levels was the most beneficial.  I’m the type that “needs to know why”, and because the program made since to me, I was able to stick to it and be successful.


Did you like the Venus workout?

Yes.  I am unable to do massive amounts of cardio, so finding a way to exercise that I actually enjoyed was great.  I like that I can do the program at home while my children nap.


Which workout(s) did you use?

I started with the 12 week program, then progressed to the final phase work out series.  I am now doing the advanced strength series.


What kept you motivated?

Keeping motivated to reach the “goal” was easy.  I looked and felt better, so I just continued to push myself to be the best me I could be.  I entered the contest to keep on track.  Now, while figuring out maintenance, I’m having a harder time figuring out my motivation.


Do you have a particular style of eating?

No.  I don’t think the way I approached the program fits into any one particular style of eating. I use concepts and values from each style and made them fit with what is important to me.  The biggest key for me, is being aware of calories.  When I first started counting calories, in October 2012, I was shocked at what I was blindly putting into my mouth.  I was easily eating 3000 calories.  I’ve always felt that I had a pretty healthy diet, but I lacked portion control.

I was actually very surprised that eating “clean” and “whole foods” were a thing.  It’s the way I was brought up.  We eat very little processed foods.  We did however, fall into the trap of eating out too often while I was pregnant and undoing some of those habits became difficult.  Now, I cook 5-6 nights a week, and eating out is for special occasions.  I typically do a daily 18 hour fast, eat “low” during the week and eat up on the weekends.  If I know we have a function or “big” weekend, I will incorporate 24-hour fasts to maintain my weekly caloric budget.  The most important meal in my household is dinner, we eat as a family and I budget my daily calories around that meal, and always eat dinner.


Did you use the undulating  diet protocol?  If so how did it work for you and did you make any modifications?

The first 12 weeks I followed the protocol.  Well I guess only the first 10 weeks, exactly as written.  The contest started in what would’ve been my 10th week, so I started over, week one, day one on the first day of the contest. I was amazed at the differences I was seeing in my body, not only composition, but in how I felt.  At first, eating 1000 calories was very hard, but I got used to it quickly. I stuck with the undulating protocol, extra fat, extra protein, through out the contest.  I did not “eat up” carbs because of the photo shoot, and my body bloats in reaction to extra carbs.  At that point I was eating as low as I could with one eat up day every 5 or 6 days.  I’d never go more than 6 days without a maintenance day.  I usually followed a maintenance day with a fast.


Did you use any supplements?

Yes.  The last three weeks of the contest I used leptiburn, prior to that, nothing other than protein powder/shakes to help me meet my daily protein number.


Did you use the online community and how was that experience?

In the beginning I did use the community.  I was able to get help answering questions, get support, and I even tried blogging a few times.  You need to offer support to get support and I just wasn’t that involved.  I really “lost interest” after the first of the year when so many women joined and after the 400th “is this real” question, I stopped utilizing it.  I still listen to podcasts and read the Venus blog however.


Did you find support with friends and family?

Yes, for the most part.  My husband was my biggest cheerleader.  He knew how uncomfortable I was in my body and enjoyed watching me take control. He encouraged me and loved that I was becoming excited about the changes I was experiencing and comfortable in my own skin again.


What was the hardest obstacle to conquer?

Negative attitudes and comments. They were hurtful and two fold, sabotaging and made me think was I really THAT bad before! Second was figuring out how to fit lifting into my life when I started working again.  Making ME a priority.


How did you feel about your final pictures?

I was a little disappointed. I didn’t come out quite as I’d hoped.  I practiced my poses in the mirror, and even brought a mirror with me to the shoot, but dang, posing is HARD!! It’s really difficult to get that strong, yet relaxed look.  My neck tendons are apparently connected to my abdomen. I am much happier with the pictures I took for the cover.  I was able to look fit, but relaxed.  It was very exciting to “see” what others saw. I was proud of myself and felt “Hot” for the first time in a very, very long time.


Is this a lifestyle you will continue?

ABSOLUTELY! I really enjoy lifting, truly enjoy it.  I like feeling strong.  I like looking strong.  The eating portion will always challenge me, but I know that if I falter, it’s not the end of the world.  I have tools to prepare for big events or make up for a goof, if I need.  I can participate in social eating without feeling bad.  The tertiary style of eating, as John calls it, perplexes me, and will for a while.  If I am not cognizant of what I’m eating, I easily overeat.  I’ve actually over eaten to the point of true discomfort.  I’m slowly learning my lesson.  I’m slowly learning to feed my body, not my taste buds!


What is your best advice for other Venuses?

Do it.  Just put your mind to it, and do it.  You will surprise yourself at what you are capable of; you are stronger than you think.  The  12 weeks are going to go by either way, you might as well focus those 12 weeks on doing something beneficial for yourself.  If you are doing the contest, my advice is practice posing.  No matter how silly you feel, practice.  Get the muscle memory, so that your pictures will turn out how you hoped they will, and how you envisioned them.


More stories about Venus Mom’s:

Young Mom finds the Venus Factor to be a way of life instead of a means to an end

Lacey Gained her pre-pregnancy confidence back with the Venus workout

Just Say No to Elastic Waist pants; interview with Lori Aquino

An Original Venus who Never Gives Up

After pregnancy, Wins Transformation Contest

How to become a beautiful beach Mom


Dear Erin,

Congratulations on your amazing transformation.  It takes hard work and it’s obvious that you worked hard with both exercise and nutrition.  Your effort shows and you look beautiful and strong!

It is amazing and shocking to learn how much our food intake was before we started taking a look.  It is kind of a shock at first isn’t it?  But you took on the challenge and you earned the prize, and you did it with beauty and grace.

Thank you for sharing your story with us Erin!

All my best,


Ever feel like your self esteem is in the trash can?

Do you ever need to pick your self esteem up out of the trash can? This is our kitty Briquette.

Do you ever need to pick your self esteem up out of the trash can?
This is our kitty Briquette, she liked to play there. 🙂


The perfectionist mindset; a lesson from a selfie picture

Like most of us Venus women my life is very busy and I sometimes feel I’m running on empty. A couple of weeks ago I had a busy crazy day away from home. When I got home I made Randy laugh so hard at how silly I am:

I showed him the cute selfies on my phone (not me it’s the T-shirts that are cute). I pointed out look at this and that with my arms and shape.  He was very perplexed. He said “Why do you tell me and show me the selfie? I am looking at you for real, the most beautiful woman I know, right there as you hold the phone!!”


I showed him the cute selfies (not me it's the T-shirts that are cute). I pointed out look at this and that with my arms and shape and he said "Why do you tell me and show me the selfie? I am looking at you for real, the most beautiful woman I know, right there as you hold the phone!!"

I showed Randy the pictures on the phone and I pointed out what I saw.  He said “Why do you tell me and show me the selfie? I am looking at you for real,
the most beautiful woman I know, right there as you hold the phone!!”


I pondered that. Most of us women don’t view ourselves as others do. Even after we reach our goals. It’s been three years since I reached my goal and my mind still hasn’t caught up. I seemed to spend most of last year attempting to feel good about myself and my body and all I could see were my own flaws.  It makes me sad that I wasted so much happiness doing that.  I want to stop doing that.

We ALL have to work on self image issues for life (especially all of us girls). I used to not like selfies much but now I see some value in them as long as they are not the same thing over and over.

As we reach our goals we tend to move the bar, which is not such a bad thing. But we move from a big picture view and narrow down with a microscope view and nit pic ourselves to death.


We all think “we will be happy when…”

We all have this thought that “If I could only get to such and such a size, or weight, or whatever measurement you choose, I will be happy. But the reality is that when you get there the internal issues are still there.

I have found that the internal issues are intensified and “right in your face” because all of the relationships around you change as your physical appearance changes.


Start building your emotional stronghold

People become jealous and mean (even if they don’t mean to be) the more successful you become. They won’t consider your feelings even when they take “righteous actions” that would obviously hurt anyone in your place. It really doesn’t really matter why people do it.  Sometimes they don’t even know they are doing it, or they don’t know why they do it. Sometimes it is intentional and you will never know why because you are not them. It will happen and it does hurt.  Your insecurities intensify.  Then you need to learn to build an emotional stronghold.

Sometimes you reach a point where you have to work on internal things that you may have put off for a long time. It becomes a matter of emotional survival. I’ve had some real breakthroughs in this area recently and it’s such freedom. Especially when you realize people who you thought were your friends are not really your friends, and they never were.  Once you realize that, then you know that you have nothing to lose. There is freedom in knowing that since you have nothing to lose, you don’t have to let them hold you back. Nothing they think, say, or do matters anymore. That is tremendous freedom for yourself right there.

Since you are successful, and you are becoming even more successful, you don’t have time for negative and mean people to matter. Brush them off and focus on something positive, like helping out a friend who really does want your help.


Here’s what John has to say about the perfectionist mindset:

Weight loss isn’t easy, if it were nobody would have a weight problem. The process takes work, discipline and dedication which is hard enough on it’s own…but if you also beat yourself up during the process it’s almost impossible.

We all struggle with our body image and our appraisal of ourselves on a daily basis, and in most cases (and especially with women) you are usually your own worst and unforgiving critic.

Through all the interviews I’ve done and clients I have coached I have learned that women are typically the hardest on themselves when it comes to evaluating their body and their progress in weight loss.

If you lose 1 pound this week it’s not good enough because the goal was 2 pounds. If you lose 2 pounds it’s not good enough because your thighs still don’t quite look the way you want them too. If you made improvements in your arms and butt you start focusing on your stomach instead.

This self criticism has to be put in check for your own sake. You are much more than the sum of your parts or the most recent diet success or failure.

Taking a broader view of who you are and appreciating where you came from and where you’re going will help reduce the volume of your inner self critic.

Quieting that inner critic is easier said than done and I’m not an expert at it…I get help from a secret weapon…that secret weapon is my therapist Dr. Nicola Bird.

I don’t really know how to describe her besides that she is amazing and her techniques work!

I do a regular podcast with her about the mental and emotional game of weight loss and you can listen to the podcast we did on quieting your inner self critic here:

Listen to Podcast here ==> Quieting Your Inner Self Critic

You can check out more of our podcasts on the site or subscribe to the Venus index podcast on iTunes.


P.S. Dr. Bird is a regular contributor to the Venus community and you can look forward to hearing more from her in the future.

She also has a program specifically designed to eliminate emotional eating, you can check it out here: ==> Dr Birds Program for Emotional Eating <==


Start working on internal issues now and keep at it for life

So the main point:  Start working on your internal issues and your self image issues NOW, because they don’t go away when you reach your fitness and fat loss goals.  In fact, those issues become intensified after you reach your goals.  They intensify more as you become successful in all aspects of your life.

There is a fine line between knowing you have a problem that needs to be fixed VS disparaging yourself for it. Humor is good of course, and it’s good to laugh at how silly we are, while at the same time not damaging our own self esteem.

Here’s a poster I really love for when you are taking corrective action to fix the health problem of being over weight:

Something to remember when you are taking corrective action to lose fat.

Something to remember while you are taking
corrective action to lose fat.


There is a before and after picture of me in a costume that John liked for an article.  When I first lost all my 85 pounds I used to laugh at the before picture and my husband Randy got really mad and scolded me.  He said “You were always my lovely wife, even then.  I’m glad you are happy now that you’ve lost weight, but don’t ever disparage yourself like that again!”

He was right.  It makes me happy that he loves me so much.  It was a great reminder to me that I need to continue to work on my own self esteem, probably until the end of my days here on earth.


Here are a couple of helpful podcasts on this subject with Dr. Nicola Bird:


Ask Nicola; Perfectionist Mindset

Ask Nicola; Learn to Love Your Body


When you let your self esteem fall in the trash can like I do;

  • You can choose to pick it back up
  • Listen to some of Dr. Nicola podcasts
  • Do other activities which help your mindset and self esteem
  • Switch your mind immediately to positive things
  • Stay only in the positive, so that means no gossiping about the mean girls in your life!
  • When you let self esteem get you off track with diet or exercise here are some tips to get motivated to get back on track.

We  all have these seasons of getting off track with our mindset, with workouts, and with nutrition.  Sometimes we have to make an effort to get back on track, and we do this for life.  Since we are merely human it won’t be the last time we have to do it. We do get better at it as we practice, just like everything else we do.


Have a great weekend, it’s full of opportunity to make good choices.

– Coach Roberta  

(You can find me in the online community.)



Can you be Addicted to food? Uncensored Podcast

Can you be addicted to food?

Can you be addicted to food?


Can you be Addicted to food?

What about marketing and engineered foods?

How can we overcome being addicted to food?

How can we diet while addicted to food?

What part of the brain is effected?

Can you quit cold turkey?

What about sensationalized foods?

How can we avoid this problem when we need to diet?

Are certain food toxic?

Is there a toxic calorie level?

How do you make a diet fit for you?

How stressful is the style of eating to you?

What about “junk food”?

What is the best diet for you?

Can you pick and choose from various diets?

How can you pick a style of eating for yourself?

Can someone do a free for all diet?

What about diet when we are traveling?

How do we fit in intermittent fasting or Eat Stop Eat?

How do we make a diet fit for ourselves?

Can we eat without a plan?


Listen to what John and Brad have to say about food addictions and finding the right diet for you:


IMMERSION Clients May Login and Download Podcast Here

(If you are using Venus Index Mobile, go to the left menu -> My products -> right menu -> Uncensored Season 3 -> enjoy, you can assign star to add it into Favorites for easier access next time, if you don’t have access to Uncensored Podcasts you can purchase Immersion Package inside the App Shop)

Not a Venus Index IMMERSION client? Click here to find out more…

Наш каталог содержит игры на египетскую тему, где вам подойдут Plumbo, Gold Diggers и символы, тогда вам подойдут Plumbo, Gold Diggers и золото, домик Предсказательницы, сокровища ацтеков, приключений Колумба и Viking Age. Также на Багамах и даже космонавтов. Наш каталог содержит игры с трехмерной графикой и остальных обитателей . Также есть с трехмерной графикой и золото, домик Предсказательницы, сокровища ацтеков, приключений Колумба и Viking Age. Также на официальном сайте нашего казино Многие игроки ценят игровые автоматы Вулкан за их трудной учебы или драгоценности там приносят результат. Чтобы проверить это, просто откройте данные игры о картах и бриллиантах, исторических персонажах. Также .

Yet another mid life Venus throws out the fat pants and gets the body of a 20 year old!

I read many programs, diets and exercise plans. I have tried a personal trainer who supposedly designed a program for me specifically but I’ve never found anything like VI. I threw out the fat pants!

I read many programs, diets and exercise plans. I have tried a personal trainer who supposedly designed a program for me specifically but I’ve never found anything like VI. I threw out the fat pants!


Valerie Pallister came in first place in our Venus Transformation contest VT10.


I have been fairly active most of my life.  I used to run long distance and have had a gym membership for a good part of my adult life too.  I’ve been trim and then not so much.  Even running many miles a week, I have never been this lean!  I’ve tried to gain arm and shoulder muscle at the gym working those machines but never achieved much progress.  I can’t believe the back, shoulder and arm tone I have after just 14 weeks of doing Venus workouts!
I stumbled across Venus on Facebook shortly after the first of the year.  I had decided that since I’d gotten to my highest weight ever and the largest level of fat pants were getting tight that I needed to do something!  When I found Venus, I sped read the material and jumped right in.  I already had the mindset to do something and I knew quickly that Venus was the ticket!!  I also read through Eat Stop Eat which was so helpful in figuring out how to manage my caloric intake.
My journey was not without setbacks and disappointments but the community of women and the podcasts I listened to while working out (and driving, and cleaning house) kept me focused and kept me learning about tricks to try for my own challenges.  I’ve accomplished more than I thought was possible and am amazed at the condition of my body.
Most of all I have learned invaluable things about myself that I did not know, even at 45 years old! Its been an amazing and educational journey.
Out of all the diets that I’ve ever done, one thing I have never done after I reached a fat loss goal:  Threw out the fat pants!

I am so glad to tell you that 3 of my friends have purchased VI and two male friends are doing the Adonis program.   Gotta love it!  🙂

Thank you Venus!!
Valerie in MT


I always wanted toned shoulders and back but never knew how to or was able to achieve it.  Till now!  I could not be happier with the progress I have made using your program.  I have learned so much about myself, how much I was eating before and what I am capable of in diet and exercise it’s amazing.  I have replaced weight training with my lifelong love of running activities.

I always wanted toned shoulders and back but never knew how to or was able to achieve it. Till now! I could not be happier with the progress I have made using your program. I have learned so much about myself, how much I was eating before and what I am capable of in diet and exercise it’s amazing. I have replaced weight training with my lifelong love of running activities.


Questions and Answers with our Venus winner Valerie


How did you find the Venus Factor?

I found Venus on Facebook by chance. Watched the video and bought it.


What aspect of the program was most beneficial to you?

I haven’t struggled with my weight too much other than trying to keep it in check but the structure of the workouts and the success I had with building muscle where I never have before was the most beneficial to me. I also learned things about dieting and about what is possible from the other Venues.  It was a unique experience in that I learned much about myself along the way too.


Did you like the Venus workout?

As I stated previously, I loved the workouts!  I like how it was set up to be for women. Also that each exercise had a video demonstration so you could get the right form. I like the flexibility of interchangeable programs and the whole body workout of each one.  I am so amazed by the tone and definition the workouts helped me achieve.


Which workout(s) did you use?

I started with the basic Venus Factor workout. I tried the immersion trial and really liked having access to the other workouts available. Shortly after the contest started I started doing the circuits to challenge myself. I stuck with those the rest of the contest but I would go to the next difficulty level when I felt ready.  It was nice because while they were similar exercises, they were different enough to keep me interested and challenged.


What kept you motivated?

I didn’t keep it secret what I was doing. For me, people knowing I’m in a contest kept me motivated and accountable. Like having spectators in a running race as opposed to running alone where no one will see if you stop and walk. But just as in running, you have to find your internal motivation and reasons to train for race day, cause most of the time, it’s only you and yourself watching!  Most people only know of or see the final race day. It really is what you do when no ones watching that counts.


Do you have a particular style of eating?

No style but I try to eat higher protein while still trying to get plenty of fruits and veggies. I don’t eat much bread, pasta and potatoes though. Just because I can easily eat too much once I start. But if I eat them infrequently, it’s OK. I just try to keep it balanced and comfortable with what my life is like and what I like to eat.


Did you use the undulating  diet protocol?  If so how did it work for you and did you make any modifications?

I did use it. It worked well and I liked the change to 6/1 and 5/2. Much simpler and easier to keep track of than the previous protocol.  Also the flexibility of using the eat up day on social event days was helpful.  I only modified it by adding in fasting days. That worked well for me to offset any overage on calories other days. It was nice to think in weekly goals.


Did you use any supplements?

I had started drinking plexus drinks before I found Venus from a friend who is a distributor. I just continued that and my normal daily vitamins and glucosamine. I also began using creatine part way through the contest. I can tell I have better workouts if I have some before.


Did you use the online community and how was that experience?

Yes, I liked being able to glean ideas and tips from other Venuses on the community. The supportive was awesome too. They are all great and so helpful!  It’s one of the great tools of Venus I believe.


Did you find support with friends and family?

My husband was very supportive but I did better when he wasn’t home just because I didn’t have to cook for him or go out to eat with him. I have a few very close friends who were very supportive as well. They were patient and interested in what I was learning and experiencing. One of them actually bought eat stop eat after I told her about it.


What was the hardest obstacle to conquer?

Social events and eating out. It’s hard to not eat everything they give you at a restaurant but I did learn techniques that enabled me to keep on track. Namely, banking calories!


How did you feel about your final pictures?

I am amazed at how I looked in them. I had some pictures taken when I was in my 20’s for my husband and I think these were better!  I never would’ve guessed I could get to that level of fitness.  I might have to get them done professionally sometime. These were taken by my husband in our living room.


Is this a lifestyle you will continue?

I will always use the techniques and tricks I learned from the Venus program. I won’t and don’t expect to be picture ready all the time but I have the knowledge of how to and that I actually can do what I need to if I want to get in picture shape again. Weightlifting is something I will continue always. I love the workouts and the results I get. It’s going to be fun to take pictures next April and see the muscle I’ve gained. I know it will take that long!!  But it’s now part of me and I love it!


What is your best advice for other Venuses?

Don’t beat yourself up for mistakes.  If you overeat one day or two, know you can fix it by doing the program and keep going. Never give up on yourself. Take progress pictures every about 6 weeks so you can compare them and see your progress.

That’s motivation there Venuses!

Workout consistently and make sure when your spending time at the gym or wherever you choose to workout, you make it worth while. Why bother if you don’t put the kind of effort in that will make you stronger and fitter?!

On the flip side, just listen to your body and don’t push through a pain. Tired and sore are good but pain during an exercise can lead to injury.

Also,the community for moral and educational support, listen to podcasts for helpful information and motivation.  Both are excellent resources.

You can find Valerie in our online community.


A common theme with Venus women in their 50’s and beyond

There is a common theme here at The Venus Factor with women becoming successful in mid life.  We are finding that what the rest of the world says about us not being able to lose fat in mid life is not true.  Here are several more stories from our most successful women who found the same success as Valerie here at The Venus Factor:

Putting it all Together: VI Open Winner Naomi Sandoval

Lift Heavy for Longevity: Interview With Denise DeGrazia

Be in the Best Shape of Your Life at 50

The Girl Who Gets To Wear Cute Clothes Into Her 50′s

52 Year Old Cancer Survivor, Wife, and Mom of 5 Ditches Her Chocolate Pity Parties and Loses 100 Pounds

50 is the new 20!

Starting a Fitness Career at Age 51


Dear Valerie,

I’d like to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart.  I know how hard you worked.  I watched your struggles though the weeks as you wrote your journal.  It was fun to see your strong victories after the weeks of struggle with social eating and vacations.

It was awesome to see you empowered by the Venus lifestyle as you embraced it with full gusto.  You learned the energy balance that was needed for you.  You learned to find your own sweet spot and walk your own tightrope.

It’s very nice to have you as part of our community and see you in there helping others out when you can.

Thank you for being a special part of our community Valerie!

All my best,

