Your Transformation Into Venus Is Going to Be Both Physical and Mental

Today we have an interview with Olya who placed 3rd in the Level 1 of our Open Category in the latest Venus Index Contest.

Check out her pictures:

Look at magazines for some inspiration and start practicing various poses.

Olya has been in our community for a while, but it took her a while to find her way and fully acquire the Venus Index lifestyle. But eventually she got it and today is one of the younger Venuses in our community.

It doesn’t matter how old you are, you can get in shape.

And quite frankly if you want to be in killer shape in your 50s, it’s necessary to handle your diet and start training young.

Let’s look into what approach you should take if you are in your 20s.

Yo-Yo Solution, how to fight the conventional “Lost 20, Gained 40 afterwards.”

Olya never had troubles losing fat earlier.

She would just stop eating dinner and did her own version of Eat Stop Eat without knowing it.

But then at a dancing audition they told her to lose even more fat.

And since fasting isn’t hard and rather it’s the coming out of the fast, this desire to lose even more fat opened a Pandoras box for her.

And this is how she would deal with it: She would come out of a fast and eat everything that was around – not a good idea, totally detrimental to the benefits of fasting.

Then she did all sorts of stuff like master cleanse or low carb diet.

Then she tried a raw food diet, got addicted to nuts and nut butter. Then did paleo.

She felt out of control.

She gained a lot. She lost about 20 pounds, but gained about 40. This totally messed her up.

How to Transform yourself

You have to learn how to deal with your emotional stuff first, even before doing any caloric restrictions.

Olya started working with Dr. Bird, who is the go to psychotherapist for the Venus Index.

Losing fat is mostly psychological rather than physiological issue. Everyone can learn how many calories they need to lose fat and quite frankly we all know that it’s just about eating less.

The real underlying issue is in finding how to do that. How to make yourself eat less, how to cut foods, what meals you have to have, how to avoid eating out of boredom, emotional stress and such.

That’s the real challenge.

Also, if in the past you tried dieting, but did all the conventional diets that tell you to eat only certain food categories and avoid others, because they are “bad” for you, then you have developed lots of bad habits and mindsets and you need to handle those as well.

What’s also important to realize that it’s not gonna happen overnight.

You can be happy, healthy and have a balanced life, but it will take a while. It will also take a lot of hard work and rewiring and destroying bad habits you developed in the past without even knowing about them.

What can help is surrounding yourself with positive people who will help you achieve your goals. Choose wisely, most people are not supportive.

In order to transform you have to psychologically put attention into this area of your life. However, you have to see your attention and focus as a fuel tank. There is only so much of it each day until it runs out.

Start believing in yourself. Self-sabotage and fear of success are the biggest enemies of transformation.

In order to maximize the results, be smart with the timing.

It Took Olya a year to finally find the right time to do the transformation.

Just like with the attention, certain times might not be the best. Make sure it’s possible for you to do this.

This time Olay was developing success routines and she was pre-planning lots of things.

She would pack things the night before in order to set her day up for success.

She also learned to view her workouts as a gift not a punishment.

This helped her stick to the workouts and not miss them.

Do all this and you will start seeing results and tangible progress.

Just be careful with the information and people you allow to get close to you and affect you.

There is too much negative bs out there.

Learn to manage yourself and manage stress.

Every time Olya was at work she was in a good mood and if she would be frustrated in any situation she would just walk away.

Today Olya is more in control of her life, her body, she feels good about herself and how she looks, enjoys the process and has a healthy attitude.

She experienced a lot of growth and development inside and out.

Remember that the transformation is both physical and psychological.

More tips from Olya:

  • Your body is the manifestation of your inner self
  • Start believing in yourself and give yourself the gift of support
  • Things go wrong all the time, stop punishing yourself for it
  • Despite your childhood genetics or what happened in the past you are in control of your life and your body today, stop looking for excuses and just do it
  • Don’t calculate calories for the day, but rather for the week
  • If you eat a bit more on one day, then you can just subtract the calories from your budget for the next day, this can help you stay on track and not worry about it
  • Exercise is a great stress reliever
  • Cardio can help you boost your calorie budget
  • Get the workouts done in morning or afternoon so you are free for the evening to go out with your friends if that is important to you
  • Take a step back and look at yourself if there is something you have been putting off and DO THAT
  • Don’t compare yourself to other people
  • You might need a few contests to get this handled
  • Taking photographs is awesome, appreciate the preparation for the shoot
  • Practice posing, look at magazines, check what angles look the best

Links form Olya’s interview:

Read Olya’s experience with Venus Index in her own words:

What a journey this has been! It dates back to when I discovered Venus Index program in December 2010! It’s been a year and a half and somehow the last two competitions just didn’t happen for me. But here I am at the end of VT4 and though I always think I could have pushed harder and better, I am proud of where I am right now and today. In fact, just seeing the progression and noticing seemingly idiotic things like fitting into old jeans and not having to pose only from a certain angle in photos, is worth every effort and every setback that I have…

Click here to continue reading

Listen to the interview here:

Starting a Fitness Career at Age 51

Today we have an interview with Roberta Saum who won the Level 2 of our Open Category in the latest Venus Index Contest.

Check out her pictures:

No need to comment, these pictures speak for themselves.

Roberta is extremely happy with the way she looks and she has every right to be, just look at the photos.

And she is 51, most girls who are in their 20’s or even 30’s would kill for that body!

Roberta ran marathons, lifted weights, did martial arts, and remained physically active for about 23 years. She was always overweight and always felt frustration about being overweight too.

Today she is a walking inspiration to everyone, her family, her friends and everyone in the gym.

She is proof that just because you have been out of shape for decades and you are not in your 30’s anymore, it doesn’t mean you have to give up on your physique goals.

Don’t ever be ashamed of your age. All of our Venus’s are older than you would expect and they are proud of that!

Presentation Is Everything

In the first contest Roberta knew nothing about posing and presentation.

She did well though.

However, if you really want to show everyone the hard work you have done, then you need to learn to pose, you need to learn how to present yourself.

The best looking model can look totally average if they’re not posing correctly.

The lights, posing, tan, angle, and some flexing is what makes all the difference, in one word – presentation.

Look up models, go through the magazines, model their poses and photos. Study how they look at the camera, facial expressions, muscle flexing and notice how the lights are set up, the angles of the shot, make up etc.

And practice…practice makes perfect.

This time, Roberta wanted the pictures for herself, not just for the contest. And she wanted to show her body better.

She reached her goals.

And like she said if you want to hit your goals bad enough you will reach them too.

Top quality picture, ready to be featured in a fitness magazine. Who says you can’t have this too?!

How to Shift from Losing Fat into Maintaining Leanness

This is the whole point of the Reverse Taper Diet that Roberta followed.

Throughout the contests we have noticed that there are basically three ways of eating you can have:

  1. Eating too much, results in gaining fat
  2. Eating less than you burn, results in losing fat
  3. Eating at your energy expenditure, results in maintenance of your current body fat level

And we have noticed two other things:

  1. The fat loss slows down as you get to lower body fat levels
  2. It’s important to learn how to transition from eating for fat loss to eating for maintenance and find your sweet spot.

This is the issue with the traditional taper diets. You start with low calorie intake and end with even lower…a recipe for disaster. If you eat too low while being lean, you risk binging, overeating and rebounding, thus the name yo-yo dieting.

The better way of doing this is by starting with low calorie intake and slowly increasing it as you get closer to your goal.

The danger is that it’s boring and it takes some time until you see the results. But you can be sure the results will last.

At the beginning the fat literally melts away off of your body. Thanks to a lot of water retention you can be losing multiple pounds every week. However, once you get lean, then the frustration starts. You work and diet hard, but you step on a scale and nothing changes.

Like Roberta advises, the only thing you can do is to keep going and ditch the scale and only focus on the mirror and the pictures.

More tips from Roberta:

  • Day to day there is nothing exciting about fat loss
  • There is no magic pill
  • A pound or two of muscle is enough to make it look different in the mirror
  • You have to enjoy your food and your workouts in order to stick to your diet and routine in the long term
  • If you have to drag yourself to the gym, find a way to like the training
  • Don’t wait, waiting forty years for a good looking body is not necessary, why not have it this year?
  • Put the scale away
  • It’s never too late
  • The posing is hard, it will take you hours till you learn some basic ones
  • It’s worth it
  • Lots of people give up, the process is not crazy or not exciting as they expect
  • Surround yourself with people who will support you
  • Let other models use Photoshop, be the one who actually looks exactly like on the pictures
  • Help other people improve their physique

Links form Roberta’s interview:

Read Roberta’s experience with Venus Index in her own words:

This year has been an amazing year for me so for.  I started it off going on a Caribbean Christmas vacation that my husband promised me three years ago as incentive and a celebration if I reached my goal weight.   This year I learned how to maintain and I learned how to bring my weight back down after a three and a half week vacation.  I learned how to put away the scale and the tape measure and simply trust the process.  I used the…

Click here to continue reading

Listen to the interview here:

Being Active and Purposeful Training for Looks Are Totally Different

Today we have an interview with Lita. She placed 6th in the Open Category Level 1 in the latest Venus Index Contest.

Check out her pictures:


Be creative with your after photos! They represent your personality and achievements…and you will have them forever.

Lita was always pretty active. She did mountain biking, rock climbing, swimming and even tried running marathons.

But as she approached 160 pounds she realized that she wasn’t in the shape she wanted.

She was interested in fitness and wanted it to be a part of her life, so she started looking around the Internet for some advice on how to get in shape. She ran into some bodybuilding website and fitness pros.

And she really wanted to look like them, so she downloaded some bodybuilding split workouts and started following them.

Contest & the Permission to Be Light

Last year things changed, because Lita found one of the Venuses – Stephanie and thanks to her the Venus Index.

She bought the program, got into the community and just followed the protocols immediately.

And she got results!

That’s what happens when you set a goal, take it seriously and you are ready to take action.

When you listen to the interview, you will notice that Lita is one of those women that doesn’t ask a bunch of questions before trying something new and isn’t arguing whether it will work for her or not before she’s even attempted it.

And that’s probably the easiest road to success. We’ve even had people downloading the workouts and following the plans without reading the manual. They learned it all by experience.

Not that we recommend skipping the manuals, but the best thing you can do is to try the system and judge by results. And that’s exactly what Lita did.

After a couple of months, she got in great shape, started getting comments on her fit physique and found some wonderful women in the Venus Community.

And when she saw the possibility to compete in one of the Venus Index Contests, she jumped right in.

Most people are afraid of putting themselves out there, however Lita and her “Get it in, get done and get OUT!” attitude translated into seeing the contest as a no brainer.

For the contest Lita ate very low in calories, she even admits that she was unwilling to eat up to 1600 that the Reverse Taper calculator suggested because she didn’t feel it was right for her. Lita is an independent woman who obviously likes to think for herself. For the training she followed the Venus Index Workout Phase 1 and then progressed to phase 2.

In the interview she talks about giving yourself “Permission To Be Light”.

This is mostly a problem that guys run into, especially thanks to our social conditioning that leads them to believe they have to be big to earn respect, however even women seem to find the idea of being too light mentally challenging.

The truth is that there is no perfect weight for all women. The weight will differ based on height and genetics. Only you can determine what your best, healthiest, and happiest weight is once you arrive there and see a figure you like and feel good about.

And as you are losing fat, don’t be afraid to be light. You’ll never know for sure until you get there.

You have to realize that what you see on the scale is just a number that tells nothing about your body without considering muscle mass, proportion, Venus Index, conditioning, and most importantly how you feel.

That scale number is only relevant when you combine it with your height and most importantly a picture pinned next to it. It simply doesn’t say whether you look good or whether you are healthy. So, don’t take it as an indicator of either of those.

When you reach your Venus Index metrics, or as close to them as you’d like to get you may not weigh at all what you expected. This could mean you will be heavier than you expected, but it could also mean you’re lighter than you expected. There is no one ideal bodyweight for you, there is only a range. And within that range you will have to discover what fits best for you.

Expect Some Blow Back &  A Lot of Attention

Lita talks with a lot of men and has to entertain them during the day for her job so her body is something that always comes up. The attention she is getting has definitely escalated since she started training with the Venus Index. It’s both positive and negative. The negative side is really just learning how to deal with this new challenge.

You will have to be more careful with the clothes you wear, expect guys making comments on your looks, people asking about your fitness approach and getting some blow back from other women. This is something every Venus experiences.

You need to mentally prepare yourself for this and even though it doesn’t make sense to you why other people would tell you to stop getting in shape, it will happen as you get leaner. People will disapprove of what you are doing.

The key is to understand why and what you are doing and realize that people are insecure about how they look and this is just their way of trying to pull you back to make themselves feel better.

Getting in shape will improve your life, but it will also bring some new challenges you never had before. Take this social friction as a sign that what you are doing is really showing through!

What’s the Deal with Taking Good Pictures?

Get a fitness photographer, while all good photographers will know how to take the pictures with lighting and everything, those who understand fitness and have experience in this industry will know how to make you look leaner and sharper with more definition. Which is what you want, you want to show your body at its best angle, so you might as well take advantage of this. The only negative side is that fitness photographers may charge more for this expertise.

So, what you might want to do instead is to give specific directions to the photographer and tell them exactly what your goal is for the photoshoot. It’s crucial to show your definition, so you need to tell them exactly what you’re looking for. Any decent photographer (even with no fitness photography experience) should be able to bring your muscle definition out.
CMH_AFTER_fun pose 2_final

And most importantly have fun during the contest and photoshoot itself!

Another thing you need to do is learn how to pose and flex your muscles. The women that always look stunning in photos have spent hours practicing this (even those who are not models!).

Do multiple shots. Expect that you will choose about 5 photos from 500.

When models do a professional photoshoot they will take hundreds even thousands of photos and choose just 2 or 3 for the magazine, from which they choose one for the cover.

Lita’s take home message for women like her:

  • Your best self is the real you
  • Be proud of your body and your achievements
  • Aim for the athlete or model look you want not what other people are telling you
  • Don’t get caught up with the mainstream fitness myths
  • Women are afraid of developing an eating disorder, so they’d rather stay average than lose the weight. Don’t be like everyone else, get in shape!
  • Everyone thinks about food, the real question is how much stress does it bring to your life?
  • Fat debt – Not taking care of your body is just like ignoring your bank account (it will catch up with you!)
  • Thinking about food choices and making good changes in your lifestyle and body is equally important as managing your bank account
  • Ignoring problems won’t make them go away
  • You have to get away from scale and function from body shape and body composition
  • If you are lean and already have some experience working out, then the month to month changes are not going to be massive, it’s about refining and improving a little bit here and there
  • A good looking body is usually a healthy body
  • Ignore the average charts and recommendations, aim for the top and find your true numbers
  • Being under 130 pounds is not a bad or unhealthy thing for taller girls if it’s where you just end up with the look and feel that you like…remember that weight number is irrelevant without all other metrics added to tell the whole story
  • Test your health markers if you are unsure or want proof that the weight you end up at is indeed ‘healthy’ for you
  • More information about your body is always a good thing

Links form Lita’s interview:

Read Lita’s experience with Venus Index in her own words:

I arrived at the VI Community just before the start of the VT4 contest period with a recent weight loss of 30lbs and measurements very near to the VI metrics. It was thrilling to discover a set of quantifiable measurements I could further train my body to. At the time, I didn’t really know where I should or wanted to go “next” with my physique and fitness goals. Finding the VI metrics gave me a new measure of refinement to work towards so I became…

Continue reading here

Listen to the interview here:

Are You Afraid of Going to the Gym?

Today we have an interview with Alicia Spilde who placed 2nd in the Open Division Level 1 in the latest Venus Index Contest.

Check out her pictures:

Be creative with your "Calendar model" pictures.

Alicia started lifting weights very young as she started working out in high school.

However, at college she didn’t want to keep going to the gym, mainly because there weren’t any girls that would go with her. Although was confident in the weight room, but she was intimidated by going there alone, she thought of it as a guys environment.

So, she became the “cardio queen” (her words).

As years went by, like almost every woman she was looking for some new diets and programs. And last year she was looking for something different, which lead her to finding Pilon’s Eat Stop Eat.

Eat Stop Eat was completely new to her.

No kidding, most people are used to eating every three hours, because the fitness media has done a great job of scaring us into believing if we don’t we’ll end up in starvation mode. So, it’s not hard to imagine what happens when you start talking about fasting.

However, like she told us, it’s stupid to eat breakfast if you are not hungry.

If you are forcing yourself to eat breakfast, you are not doing yourself any favors. Quite the opposite. Most people would benefit hugelyl from skipping breakfast.

Here are a few benefits of NOT eating the so called “most important meal of the day” and fasting instead:

  • You will have more energy and focus
  • You will get more things done
  • You will see why you eat (hint: it’s not because you are hungry)
  • You will be able to handle your cravings better and learn to control yourself more
  • You will enjoy the food more when you do eat
  • You will be free from the “what will I eat after this task is done” thinking
  • You will probably consume way less calories during the day

It’s really okay not to eat breakfast or even launch, you will make it through the day, you won’t die, seriously.

Try fasting a few times.

To be honest this desire to eat has very little to do with hunger, it’s all in your head.

Just don’t talk about it with other people. Alicia suggests (and many other Venuses too) to keep your diet approach to yourself, because other people are full of BS they learned from reading magazines or watching TV and they will try to tell you (in their uneducated opinion) how wrong and unhealthy what you’re doing is. Be covert with your diet, it’s nobody else’s business.

Then Brad Pilon mentioned Venus Index in one of his newsletters and Alicia purchased it right away.

Are You One of Those Girls that Never Finish Anything?

This wasn’t the first time Alicia tried the VI contest. However, the first time she tried the Venus Index she had so much going on in her personal life that she just quit after two weeks.

If you are one of those girls that never finish anything, you really need to dig deeper into your reason why and find the core motivator behind your actions and develop the drive that keeps you pushing forward in life.

However, Alicia’s case was a bit different.

For her it was really just a matter of timing.

And she proved this to us the second time she tried the contest.

Maybe this is your case too. If your life is just too stressful now, career or personal wise then maybe wait a month and start after things are settled. Jsut make sure it’s not one of those things you say you will do later and never do it.

You should never make excuses!

Really commit to doing it and schedule the start for next month if you’re certain you can’t do it right now.

Once Alicia delivered her baby, her life wasn’t as chaotic and she ultimately got bored of just talking about fitness, Venus Index and competing and decided it’s finally the time to take action.

And this seems almost universal.

We have seen this with the guys over at Adonis Index several time too.

They will buy the program, but for some reason they are not ready or not willing to make the commitment and sometimes it takes them as long as 10 months to finally do it.

Alicia realized that she ran out of excuses and wasn’t walking the talk.

And since at that time the Venus Index Transformation Contest Number 4 was just announced she decided to get on board and do it.

Here is a photo of the happy Venus mom and child.

What Approach Should You Take for the Contest?

Alicia started with the VI workout phase 1, continued with the phase 2 and really enjoyed it.

What was interesting though was her diet. She didn’t have a long way to go and lost about 6 pounds, which is the difference between good and exceptional, but still it isn’t that much if you spread it over several months.

However, her diet was very strict during the contest. And she told us that she wouldn’t go so extreme again and doesn’t recommend it either. Mainly due to the fact that she couldn’t sleep and had very little energy…if it wasn’t for her supportive husband she would have probably given up.

She recorded all of her calories and stayed well under 1000 calories. She kept it tight the whole time, measuring all her foods in grams, so there was very little room for error.

She was losing almost a pound a week, but for a cost of not sleeping. And we see it all the time, all or nothing approach usually results in very little energy, especially towards the end of the contest.

(If this is your case, you might want to consider doing the Reverse Taper instead of the traditional ineffective and tiring forward taper)

Like Alicia said, she might have acheived better results if she didn’t restrict herself so much.


Don’t over do it with your diet.

You can always restrict the calories more. The bigger the deficit, the bigger the fat loss, however the key is to make it sustainable and not too strict so you can avoid any rebounds and stay lean after the dieting is over.

Alicia’s take home message for women like her:

  • Use the Venus Index forum, the girls are just plain amazing
  • Don’t restrict yourself too much
  • Find someone who is supportive and shares your goals, that makes all the difference
  • Keep pushing and going, the dieting is not forever, it will end at some point and you can go back to maintenance and enjoy your new body, it’s worth it and you will “value” the food you eat more
  • When you get closer to your VI the effort is not exactly easier per se, it’s just different
  • Do the transformation contest, you will learn a lot about yourself, your body and how you think
  • Don’t expect to solve all of your life’s issues just by getting in better shape
  • Your physical transformation will happen quicker than the mental and emotional part of it
  • Your abs will probably show up just one or two weeks before the photoshoot if you want to get that lean
  • Once you improve some area of your life, new challenges will arise, expect and accept it
  • Don’t stress yourself out if your progress isn’t happening at the pace you want
  • Changing how you look takes time, you have to undo all those “bad years”
  • Learn to enjoy the process
  • Be covert with your nutrition
  • Hire a professional photographer, don’t ask your friends or family members to take the photos (listen to the interview to find out why)

Links form Alicia’s interview:

Eat Stop Eat – Lifestyle based on taking breaks from food

Venus Index Workout Phase 1 and Phase 2 – Venus Index workouts focused on building your ideal hourglass shape

Venus Index Community – Forum full of amazing women, sharing all their fitness and lifestyle tips and tricks

Read Alicia’s experience with Venus Index in her own words:

VT4 has been a life-changing experience for me.  For one, I actually FINISHED something.  I have started countless 12-week programs and have never finished one.  I entered VT3, but quit 2 weeks in.  For some reason, November 30, 2011 I decided to quit with the excuses and just GET IT DONE.  So I was very excited for VT4 to start.  I was well into my routine of workouts/diet when VT4 started, so I just did the work and got results.  My weight did not change a lot, nor did inches because I didn’t have that far to go, but my body changed.  I have muscle tone and shape that I have never had before.  I weigh…

Click here to continue reading

Listen to the interview here:

50 is the new 20!

Today we have an interview with Rhonda Inabnit who won the Open Level 1 Division in our last Venus Index Contest.

Check out her pictures:


Most young girls would kill for a body like this. What about you, would you want to look like this one day?

Keeping It in the Family

Rhonda was introduced to the Venus Index by her son, who trains with the Adonis Index systems.

Her son Jeremy placed second in the Adonis Index transformation contest and Rhonda won the open level 1 on the Venus side, this is a pretty amazing family! We’ve had couples place in the contests, but this is the first time we’ve had a mother/son do it!

It’s starting to become a family things.

Like Rhonda said, it’s a great feeling to be the winner and it feels great to be in such a shape at 52 years old.

Rhonda built her muscle foundation in her teenage years because her father would have her do lots of strength endurance. And this is an important note, when you’re young and experiencing juvenile muscle growth and you train regularly, you will build an extra layer of muscle that can’t be built later. This juvenile muscle growth potential stops around the age of 25 and then you are left with only exercise induced muscle growth.

You Have to Make Yourself a Priority If You Want to Be a Better Person

When Rhonda was 28, she had four kids and really didn’t devote much time to herself, she took care only of her kids. She didn’t gain any unreasonable weight after the pregnancy, but wasn’t fit and it never occurred to her to try to get back in shape at that point. She didn’t think of her physical fitness until years later.

After a few years she got back to training and it became a part of her daily routine again. She started training 4-6 times a week.

She didn’t have any program to follow though, she’d just pick some weights and lifted. This was probably a healthier approach than reading fitness magazines and scanning online forums, but still without a sound structure you can only get so far.

On the other hand she had a lot of support from her husband, who is a bit of a fitness fanatic, so he would teach her some things to do. However her training lacked proper structure until her son told her about Adonis Index and Eat Stop Eat.

Shortly after following the Eat Stop Eat lifestyle she got interested in improving her training routine as well and started working out with the Venus Index systems.

Rhonda also got hooked on the idea of doing a fitness contest. She started the contest together with her son who was very supportive during that period and also a big inspiration for her. Like she said, it’s a great feeling to raise a son and then have him teach you how to improve your life.

What Rhonda really liked about the Venus Index workouts was that everything was planned out for her. So, she could just grab the workouts and hit the gym.

At no point did she think that she was too old for this.

If you think you are too old stop right now and realize age is just a number, it doesn’t matter and IS NOT an obstacle. Many of our winners are over 40, and Rhonda is over 50 and she looks fabulous! I’ll say it again…age is just a number.

Rhonda told us that for the first time in her life she is not embarrassed to admit her age.

You should never be embarrassed about getting old, because everyone will…it’s called being HUMAN!

So, it’s really more of an insecurity about yourself and lacking self-esteem than the age itself. And once Rhonda got in better shape, the idea of her age didn’t really matter anymore.

Many of the best conditioned Venuses are older…wiser, and just cool women who have their s#!t together 🙂

Take home message from Rhonda:

  • Get some structure into your workouts
  • Get into the Venus Index contest, the deadline will keep you on track
  • Have fun and look forward to the feedback you will get from other people once you get in shape
  • Help other people get in shape too
  • Be consistent, keep going until you get to your goal
  • Don’t beat yourself up over bad days, just start over and get back on track
  • It’s important to take care of yourself first, if you don’t your own life handled first you are in no position to take care of others (even in a plane you are told to put the oxygen mask on yourself first then on your baby)
  • You need to get some time for yourself, it’s not self centered  and it will be beneficial to everyone else around you
  • If you come first in your life, you will be happier, your mood will improve, and you will learn to prioritize your physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental health…this is your only body and mind, and your only life…so take care of it because nobody else is going to take care of it for you!

Links’s from Rhonda’s interview:

Read Rhonda’s experience with Venus Index in her own words:

Hi, I’m Rhonda, a 52 year-old wife and mother of four. I have always been interested in health and fitness. I grew up working on the family farm and learned early to work hard physically. I enjoyed playing sports through high school; I was always doing something physically challenging. As a young mother, my twenties and thirties were devoted to raising my four boys and, although they kept me moving all the time, I didn’t devote a lot of time to my own fitness. In my late thirties, I began going to the gym and incorporating resistance training along with cardio. As I became more consistent with weight training in my forties, I realized that my hard work was paying off and I had developed a leaner, more fit body. I love the way I feel after a good workout, knowing that I’ve done something good for myself both physically and mentally. What became challenging for me was always having the motivation to…

Click here to continue reading

Listen to Rhonda’s interview here:

It’s Transformation Time: VT5 Starts TODAY!

Ladies, lovelies, VENUSES!

It’s time for the 5th Venus Index Transformation contest…Can you believe it!?

We’re already at #5!

We’ve got a new contest registration application that can be found when you log into

the Venus Index Community

Watch this video for a guided tour on how to enter the contest:



You can go to this link for more information about the new categories:

>>>>>>>>>VT5 Contest Information<<<<<<<<<<<

You can submit your ‘before’ pictures any time this week using the entry form.

Each week you are in the contest you can upload pictures, measurements and notes.


Calendar model pictures can be submitted ANY TIME over the next 20 weeks. The only

stipulation for Calendar Model pictures is a mandatory newspaper shot to prove the

date of the pictures. This doesn’t have to be the same date you submit the pictures,

but it’s gotta be consistent with the day of the actual photoshoot. In other words, bring

a newspaper to the photoshoot!

Make sure you watch the video tutorial

Good luck to all and lets make this the best one yet!



VT5 Announced


The 5th Venus Index transformation contest is upon us and it’s time to lay out the ground rules.

This time around the categories have changed.

Category # 1 — 12 Week Transformation —

Start Date: May 21st

End Date: Aug 12th

Contest entry submissions will now be through an interactive web form that will be live in your membership cockpit as of May 21st. You can submit your ‘before’ picture and numbers anytime during the first week.

The contest tracking form will provide you with a way to track your measurements and uplooad pictures every week during the contest if you choose. You must at least upload pictuures and stats during the first week and week 12.

The data in the webform is stored in a secure folder and nobody else can see it other than sitte administrators (Brad Howard, myself)

The mandatory poses will be laid out in the web form along with sample poses. You may nottice some previous contest winners featured in teh sample poses.

Prize money is as follows:

1st Place – $500

2nd Place – $350

3rd Place – $250

4th-10th – $200

Category #2 — 20 Week Transformation —

Start Date: May 21st

End Date: Oct 7th

Entry submissions are through the same web form as indicated in the 12 week contest, everyything is the same except for the duration of the contest. “Before” information must bee entered the week of May 21st and final data must be entered by Oct 7th.


Prize money is as follows:

1st Place – $500

2nd Place – $350

3rd Place – $250

4th-10th – $200

Contestants intending to do the 20 week transformation may also enter a set of ‘after’ pictures the 12 week point and could potentiall place in both the 12 week and 20 week contest.

Category #3 — Calendar Model —

The ‘calendar model’ category replaces the former ‘open’ contests. The Calendar Model contest starts the same day as the transformation contest and we will be accepting final pictures and stats at both the end date of the 12 week contest and the 20 week contest. Before and after photos are still required however there is no judging on total change.

This category is a non monetary competition and has no placing. It’s for women who are close to VI and want incentive to push a little more. If you are simply intersted in maintaing your condition this is also the category for you. We will select 12 girls over the year to be the models for the first ever Venus Index Pin Up Calendar, and of course an interview. This will be produced in both digital and hard copy form. This is your chance to be a pin up calendar model!

I’ve already had people asking if they can get their birth month on the calendar! I love that kind of thinking! So lets have it, lets see 12 women make this first Venus Index calendar a home run!

One major key to this category is taking pictures that are high enough quality to put on the calendar. You don’t have to book a pro photoshoot, you can definitely take good pictures at home but you should follow many of our previous winners lead on how to take a good pic at home. Of course a professional photoshoot is a no brainer and will display you the best. It’s your choice.

All contestants in both transformation categories can be selected to be on the Calendar as well if their final look qualifies.


All categories require a contest essay to be submitted at the end of the competition.

Good luck


Original Venus Says: You Can Look Amazing and Still Have Your Cookies

Today we have an interview with Kris West who placed 2nd in the Open Level 2 Division in the latest Venus Index Contest.

Check out her pictures:

Would you like to build a body like this?

I bet that you think Kris had to follow a very strict diet and work out every single day for two hours to prepare for a photoshoot like this in just a couple of weeks or months.

Well, if you’d think that, you would be wrong…

The Magic of Maintenance Point – The Minimalist/Maximalist Approach

After placing in one of the previous Venus Index Contests last year, Kris wanted to just maintain her physique. This contest for her was all about finding a way to put the least time and effort into the training and diet to stay looking good. She wanted to spend as little time as possible in the gym to keep her look and ate the maximum amount of calories she could eat without gaining fat.

Do you think this worked?

Well, judge by results not words:

Kris always wanted to look like Rachel McLish, well take a look at how well she stands compared to her role model.

How’s the Maintenance in Reality?

Kris trains during her launch breaks and her workouts are usually about an hour long, because she needs to get back to work. Her fitness is made around her work schedule and kids. Not the other way around as some magazines or “experts” would have you do.

This time Kris didn’t want to have more than 3 workouts a week. And being with Venus Index from the beginning and having lots of experience in fitness, she could play with different programs and “lego block” them into various ways (not something we’d recommend for beginners) and since the Venus Index workouts are designed this way, you can cycle them however you want. She combined the main Venus Index workout with one of the workouts from Adonis Index and cycled them week by week.

Since Kris didn’t do any cardio and wasn’t obsessing over her training she had more time for herself and even if something came up on the day of her workout, she would just go to the gym the next day.

She didn’t strive for some strict workout structure in her weekly schedule and just went whenever she wanted. And as long as you are consistent, you can keep it flexible, the key ISN’T to make your fitness your life, the key is to look good WHILE having a life.

And it’s really not that important when you go to the gym anyway. If you have four workouts a week and you do them four days in a row, that’s fine, but remember that leaving some rest days in between will help you to be stronger in your next workout thus get better results out of it.

For diet, Kris changed her approach a bit. She was always a one meal type of person. This time, she didn’t do any fasts and tried eating more meals a day. Not because she was afraid of Starvation Mode or some other fitness media myth, but rather because she wanted to test out some new things.

She started doing several mini meals during the day to keep more energy and out of cravings. While this may sound as a surprise from a Venus, the truth is that there is a big difference in how you should eat if have 50 pounds to lose vs maintaining visible abs all year round.

We are starting to find more and more evidence that not only does weight loss slow down and gets harder towards the end, but it also seems that once you get really lean (visible abs for women and single digit body fat for man) you need to eat more often and just can’t do 24 hour fasts anymore.

When you get very lean your body has very little fat in its storage and your appetite will be higher as a result and your body may will want to naturally store more fat. So, to stay lean and avoid binging it seems like a good idea to eat more often and not creating large calorie deficits on a daily basis.

Take Home Message from Kris:
  • Keep it simple, the simpler you keep it the less stressful it becomes
  • Have some low calorie options in your house for snacks
  • Start weight loss with counting calories with the goal to eventually learn to just “eye ball” the portions, nobody wants to count calories their whole life
  • Don’t think about your diet, stay busy
  • Don’t eat just because it’s “dinner time”, eat when you are hungry
  • 7-10 o clock is good too, eat when you are hungry
  • Account for water fluctuation in your weight loss
  • Get into the Venus Index contest
  • Don’t limit your food choices, you can have your cookies every day if you are smart about where the rest of your calories come from
  • Good-food-bad-food mindset will have destructive effects on your weight loss and “relationship with food”
  • Get into the Venus Index community and be active, that’s one of the most important things you can do
  • A small protein+carb post workout meal can satisfy you and keep you out of cravings
  • Get creative with the way you eat
  • Google recipes with protein powder
“It’s all about obtaining/keeping “the look” with the least effort and not stressing over the scale numbers.”
– Kris West

Links from Kris’ interview:

Read Kris’ experience with Venus Index in her own words:

After the last Open I pretty much decided I didn’t want to be in a deficit all the time.  With that being said and after listening to the Vince podcast I kind of had an AHA moment.  Physique competitors seemed to be the best at changing their look within the shortest amount of time.  What was their “secret”?  They also always speak of eating “mini meals” throughout the day.  I had tried this concept years ago when first trying to build muscle but could never really conform to the thought of eating every 3-4 hours so never really gave it an honest effort.

Maybe there was something to it…

Click here to read the rest

Listen to the interview here:

After 40 Years of Unsuccessful Dieting There is Still Hope

Today we have an interview with Terry Clauss who placed 3rd in the Transformation category in the latest Venus Index Contest.

Check out her pictures:

Venus Index Transformation Contest VT4 3rd Place Winner - Terry Claus

12 weeks is not much, but will help you get going in the right direction. And every bit counts, it will slow towards the end, but you will get there.

There is a good chance that Terry’s story will resemble to yours, because it’s just so common.

Issues with weight and eating often times start at an early age, we just don’t realize it.

When Terry was 13, her mother was worried that she was getting fat. She took Terry to a doctor who prescribed her diet pills (At the age of 13? WTF!?).

She would not eat and then binge afterwards. The weight loss and weight gain never ending cycle began.

Terry tried EVERY diet there is. From Atkins, to South Beach to Naturally Thin, Diet Solution, Weight Watchers, you name it, she did it.

She had little bits of success, but the issue with all of those diets was that they were all too restrictive. It wasn’t about eating less, it was all about cutting out entire food groups. This may be the conventional approach, but it’s just a ticking time bomb.

You will always make up for whatever you have removed from your diet.

For Terry it was starting to be pretty depressing to be constantly losing and gaining pounds of fat. Today Terry is 53 years old and has 40 years of unsuccessful attempts of dieting behind her. At first she was skeptical because she wasted so much money, time and effort on other programs in the past.

Could you imagine trying to lose weight for year after year for 40 years in a row? Without any significant or long-term success, how would you feel, would you think that it’s even possible to lose weight anymore?

At this stage most women think that it’s their hormones and they just can’t lose any weight no matter what they do.

Well, Terry decided to give Eat Stop Eat and Venus Index a chance.

At first she tried ESE and got some results with that, so she trusted Brad Pilon. When he sent an email about the results from the third Venus Index contest and she saw that the girls all looked like normal people and just after 12 weeks they got in great shape, she jumped right in.

She improved her physique and she is finally on her way to building a body she can be proud of and keep all year round.

What really drove her to do this was that her son was going to have a baby and like she said: “I didn’t want to be a chunky grandma.”, so she decided to get in better shape.

It’s never too late and even if you’ve been trying to lose weight and get in shape for the past 40 years without any results, you still have a chance to do so, you just need the right approach.

Terry is proof of that.

Don’t Be Afraid of a New Approach, You Have Nothing to Lose

When we are trying something new, we feel anxiety and excitement at the same time. Usually, we are excited about it, but once it’s time to take action we realize that it’s new and doesn’t feel very comfortable. On one hand it’s exciting, but on the other, we would rather go back to our previous habits.

Well, the biggest growth happens outside your comfort zone and if you want to get different and new results, you need different and new approaches. Doing uncomfortable things at first will expend your comfort zone.

It’s really up to you whether you will shape your future or just accept whatever comes your way.

Terry sat down and compared the pro’s and con’s.

She asked herself: “What is the worst thing that can happen?” and “What is the best thing that can happen?

She also admitted that without having to send the before pictures at the beginning, she wouldn’t be so committed and would have probably dropped out during the first few weeks.

The Venus Index contest works as accountability and will help you stick to your plan, it will keep you motivated, because you want to send pictures that shows at least some kind of difference.

And after the contest?

Well, first this get’s you moving and then gives you momentum to continue and take it further.

Take Home Message:

  • Focus on the Venus Index workouts, they work if you follow them as written
  • Work out when you have the most energy, but make sure you go to the gym, don’t make excuses
  • If you are not losing weight after weeks of dieting, your weight loss plan is not working, change it
  • Some people don’t want to hear the truth about diet, it’s not sexy, what about you?
  • Find what works for you and stick to it
  • Don’t look for excuses, life does get in the way, but you have to deal with it in order to succeed
  • Do it covertly, you don’t need to tell anybody
  • People will start to ask you what you are doing, that’s when you can tell them about it if you choose to
  • Enter the contest, don’t be afraid it, it’s a good motivator
  • Venus Index is for normal people that have a job and a family
  • If you take a break, don’t make it too long

Programs Terry Used:

  1. Anything Goes Diet – Diet that allowed Terry to eat anything she wanted, without any meal plans to follow or list of “forbidden foods”
  2. Eat Stop Eat – Terry did the Eat Stop Eat fasts twice a week
  3. Reverse Taper Diet  – Diet protocol that Terry used along with AGD and ESE to avoid overeating after the contest was over
  4. Venus Index Circuits – Venus Index workout plan Terry followed that helped her optimize her Venus Index ratio and get her closer to her idea body shape
  5. Venus Index Community – Forum full of amazing women, sharing all their fitness and lifestyle tips and tricks

Read Terry’s experience with Venus Index in her own words

My journey through VT4 has been a wonderful one. I started the workout and have followed as best I could with some modifications when needed because of previous injuries and bad weak knees. In the beginning I was doing the 3 workouts per week and trying to do some cardio 3 other days. I eventually skipped the cardio and have just been doing the VI workouts because I was getting so tired from the cardio I was doing that I was losing my motivation to do anything…

Click here to read the rest of the story

Listen to the interview here:

After Pregnancy, Wins Transformation Contest

Today we bring you an interview with Shannon C who won the latest Venus Index Transformation Contest.

Check out her pictures:


In just 12 weeks you can transform yourself and look like the girls on the magazine covers, the question is will you stop making excuses and finally do it?

A few years back Shannon hated her body and every single picture of herself. Being over 30 and not satisfied with the way she looked and felt about her body, she decided to get back in shape. She started doing roller blading and slowly got into weight training.

This helped her, but not in a way that she could stand in front of a mirror and say “wow”, it just wasn’t anything exceptional. It was one of the previous Venus Index winners Naomi who introduced her to the Venus Index approach. She would listen to the podcasts and hang around for a long time before trying the workouts.

It’s important to say that when she decided to start training with the Venus Index Shannon was pregnant, which many people would be against. Pregnancy itself is a challenge and most women would not want to train and watch their diet on top of it. However, Shannon herself told us that her first pregnancy was a disaster. During her first one she gained a lot of weight, and like she said, she just used it as an excuse to eat whatever she wanted, anytime she wanted without setting any limitations at all. As a result she gained a lot and felt terrible, having all sorts of weird health issues.

She admitted that it was completely ridiculous.

But this time, it was different. She didn’t allow herself to gain so much, felt great the whole way through and even her doctor told her to keep doing what she was doing, because it obviously improved her well-being.

Disclaimer: If you want to train or follow the Venus Index approach while being pregnant, consult your physician first, this is for information purposes only.

This time, for the second pregnancy Shannon followed the Venus Index workout, she would just do fewer sets than in the plan and was slowly lowering the intensity of the workouts towards the end of her pregnancy.

And you can’t really argue with this because like she and her physician both said, this time the pregnancy was healthier and felt way more comfortable. And her doctor was monitoring her the whole time.

And while she ate a bit more then she would normally, she still managed to stay at a reasonable weight.

She walked a lot and lifted weights and even received comments on how beautiful a pregnant woman she was. Pretty drastic difference compared to her first time, when she felt (in her own words) ‘like a whale’.

Obviously guys can’t imagine what it means being pregnant, but she told us that despite the challenges of being pregnant, it still should not be used as a licence to not move around (walking, weight lifting) and eat too much, that’s just plain unhealthy and it will be tougher for your to get in shape afterwards.

This time Shannon had more of a plan. She would even use Facebook and follow other pregnant athletes to keep motivated and inspired. Another technique she used was visualizing her post-pregnancy time.

She reveals more of her approach in the interview.

Shannon’s Challenges, Well…Apart from Being Pregnant

Obviously pregnancy is not the easiest and most fun time in the life, but Shannon still decided that she will stay at a reasonable weight and keep fit and it worked, she did gain less weight and was fit and felt “pretty good”.

And once she started nursing, she decided that she will enter the Venus Index competition. Which is exactly what she did and not only that, but she won the whole thing too!

Here are a few of her challenges that Shannon talks about in the interview:

  • Waking up in the middle of night to take care of the baby
  • Making sure that she was walking a lot during the day
  • Nursing and staying in a caloric deficit
  • Not seeing results on a daily basis
  • The weight loss was slowing down towards the end of the contest
  • Having to feed the baby in the middle of the workouts
  • Not being able to set a fixed schedule
  • Having to readjust her expectations
  • Having to take care of her 7 year old daughter too
  • Working around all the variables like job, kids, weight loss, sleep, workouts

And those are just a few of Shannon’s challenges.

No transformation we ever had was without mistakes, errors, challenges and struggles, however Shannon proved that no matter what is happening in your life right now, you can still get in great shape, even though there are other priorities and pressing matters to take care of. And quite frankly doing so will only help you with those challenges.

Like many other Venus Index contestants Shannon used stickers for her calendar to see how many neutral, bad and good days she had. That helped her a lot despite her challenges. It’s about simplicity and it’s pointless to record everything, this simple method will help you keep on track. You can easily see how many workouts you had, when you stayed in a caloric deficit, when you did cardio, and when you overate and didn’t train. And at the end, it all comes down to whether you had more positive days than negative ones.

Remember that nothing is ever perfect.

“They say President Wilson has blundered. Perhaps he has, but I notice he usually blunders forward.”

Thomas Edison

As long as you are moving forward, you are doing great. Don’t beat yourself up, just because it’s slower than you want. Even falling is a movement, as long as it’s forward, you are doing good.

Take home advice from Shannon’s interview:

  • It’s helpful to look at your first before pictures to keep yourself motivated
  • Don’t beat yourself up for having bad or neutral days, that’s normal, nothing is ever perfect
  • Don’t deprive yourself of the foods you like, you can even have a Mocha and cheesecake every day if you want, just make sure you cut the calories on the other stuff and stay in the deficit
  • Some people like suffering and they feel that you absolutely have to make fat loss difficult, but that’s BS, fat loss is simple, it’s just about calories in and out
  • If after pregnancy, a nursing mother of two with a regular job can do this, anyone can
  • It’s possible to travel and maintain your level of fitness
  • Venus Index approach still requires effort, but it isn’t restrictive, it’s rather about directing your effort intelligently
  • The body you will build at the end is worth every drop of your effort
  • Don’t talk about your fitness approach with other girls outside the VI Community, they will not understand or believe you and will try to convince you that what you are doing is wrong
  • Get in the Venus Index Community to be around same minded girls, it’s important to have social support and this is the easiest way to get it
  • Don’t turn your lifestyle constrains into excuses, that’s easy and anyone can do that, be different and figure out a way around them
  • Being in shape will translate into being a better mother, wife and friend
  • It’s okay to let your daughters try the Venus Index workouts and learn healthy exercise habits at an early age

Programs Shannon Used:

  • Reverse Taper Diet – Most fitness diets fail, because they get tougher as you are getting towards the end. Why not reverse it and make dieting easier?
  • Anything Goes Diet (Aka AGD) – The first ever designed diet that’s not giving you a list of forbidden foods and meal plans, eat whatever and whenever you want
  • VI Phase 1 and VI Phase 2– Venus Index workouts focused on building your ideal hourglass shape
  • Venus Index Community – You will not find a more friendlier and supportive women’s community in this industry

Read Shannon’s experience with Venus Index in her own words:

These 12 weeks have been a continuation of a 6 month transformation that I began September 27, 2011, when my son Hunter was born.  I weighed about 185 lbs just before his birth, which was 45 lbs over what I weighed in early 2011 when I found out I was pregnant.  Despite the weight gain, I had a very healthy pregnancy.  I continued to work out with weights right up to the weekend before he was born, I walked, I swam, I barely bought any maternity clothes, I even wore a bikini all summer!  The blood pressure and swelling issues I experienced during my first pregnancy 7 years ago did not resurface…

Click here to read the rest of the story

Listen to the interview here:
