VT4: 4th Venus Index Contest Announced

The 4th Venus Index Transformation and Open Contests begin next week Monday Jan 16th 2012. Here is everything you need to know to enter.

Top 6 in transformation and Top 6 in Open level 1 get prize money. You must be a Venus Index customer to participate.

There is also an Open Level 2 competition that is available for all those who have placed in a previous Open competition and a special invite to our latest transformation winner Kelly Hancock as well.

Prize Money

Prize money for both Transformation and Open Level 1 are as follows:

1st Place – $500
2nd Place – $350
3rd Place – $250
4th-6th Place – $200

Open Level 2

1st Place – $500
2nd Place – $350
3rd Place – $250

Entering Before Pictures

Submissions of “Before” Photos will be accepted starting Monday Jan 16th. We will be accepting submissions for 5 days until Friday Jan 20th.

Mandatory before photo poses are the front, back, and side relaxed (arms at side) pose.

Mandatory newspaper picture within this photoshoot is required. For the newspaper picture we need to see you in the same position in each of the front, side and back shots and we need to see your body and your face with the paper. Once you’ve done the shots with the paper please redo them immediately without the paper, same outfit, same position, same location, same photoshoot.

There is now a mandatory Contest data chart that you can download
at this link –> ***VT4 Contest Data Chart***

Fill this chart out with your name, age, height, and the “before” column for weight, waist, hip, and shoulder measurement. The chart has some built in functions to calculate your ideal VI numbers and how far you have to go to get golden.

Filling this chart out before and after the contest is mandatory.

Before pictures must be submitted in a zip file labeled in the format of the following example:


Each picture must be labelled with your first and last name and the associated pose ie:


Picture size:

Please re-size larger picture files down to a size that has a height of approx 500 pixels.

Failure to label, or re-size the pictures correctly or zip the file will result in potential disqualification from the contest (these files can easily become lost if they’re not labeled and sent in correctly)

***Send ‘before’ pictures and data chart to me at johnbarban (at) gmail (dot) com***

Before and After pictures are mandatory for all contestants even if you think you’ll be in the open level 1 category (the open category is essentially for those people who are ‘close’ to their ideal proportions whereas the transformation category is for all people no matter how far they have to go to get to their idea proportions)…if you make a big change but still have a ways to go to get to Golden you will likely be placed in the Transformation category…if you only have 10lbs or a few inches to go to get to golden then you will be placed in the open division.

The bottom line is not to worry about what category you think you might end up in. If you work hard, follow the program and put in a serious effort you’ll likely place in one of the two categories.

All contestants who place in the open division will qualify for the level 2 competition to be held in April 2013.

**Open level 2 competitors do not have to submit before pictures**


A special note about taking ‘after’ photos. We are now looking at featuring some of our contestants on our book covers in the coming year. If you want to be in the running to be a Venus Index cover model we will be giving instructions on taking your best after photos. This doesn’t and will never require you to hire a photographer. We will be giving you instructions for taking great after pics with a regular digital camera and some simple lighting and a back drop you can put together at your house.

All contestants (both transformation and open category) will be in the running to become a Venus Index cover model. This is just a little bit more incentive to do your very best and take some kick ass ‘after’ pictures to show of your new VI body!

If you want to hire a photographer that is your choice, but we do not require it and will never ask anyone to do so. Past winners have done a fantastic job taking pictures on their own. I suggest you listen to all the contest interviews and learn what you can about taking after pictures.

Previous winners have set the bar high, now it’s time for someone to step up and blow us all away. Who is it going to be?!



Contest Rules and Regulations:

This is the section with the boring legal stuff, you don’t have to read it all but it must be included in this post.

All entries become the property of the Contest Sponsor and will not be returned.

Contest Sponsor, its advertising and promotion agencies assume no responsibility for lost, stolen, delayed, damaged, illegible, incomplete, postage-due, garbled or misdirected entries or entries that have been submitted through illicit means, or do not conform to or satisfy the Contest Rules or for any problems or technical malfunction of any telephone network or lines, computer on-line systems, servers, access providers, computer equipment, software, failure of any entry to be received or traffic congestion on the internet or at any website, or any combination thereof including any injury or damage to an entrant’s or any other person’s computer related to or resulting from playing or downloading any material in the contest.

The Contest Sponsor reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to modify, cancel or suspend this Contest should an external circumstances arise which are beyond the reasonable control of the Contest Sponsor. The Contest Sponsor is not responsible for any errors or omissions in printing or advertising this Contest.

The Contest Sponsor collects your personal information for the purposes of registration, program evaluation and to keep you informed about contest. The Contest Sponsor may, if consent was given during registration, also contact you from time to time with information about other ways you can lose weight.

The Contest Sponsor will not share any personal data about entrants with any
other party. The personal data collected for this Contest will not be used for any other purposes unless entrants provide explicit permission as indicated on the entry form. For more information about our privacy practices or to obtain a copy of our Privacy Policy, visit Privacy Policy

By entering this Contest, entrants agree to release and hold harmless the Contest Sponsor and their respective employees, officers, directors, agents, representatives, successors, assigns, advertising and promotional agencies from any liability for any loss or damage of any kind to the entrant or any other person in connection with this Contest or participation in any Contest related activities, including but not limited the taking of a urine test or, if declared a winner, the use or misuse of a prize or any portion of a prize including personal injury, death or property damage.

This Contest will run in accordance with these Contest Rules, subject to amendment by the Contest Sponsor. Contest Sponsor reserves the right to cancel, amend, modify or terminate this Contest or the Rules at any time in its sole discretion and without notice.

Entrants must comply with these rules, and will be deemed to have received and understood the rules if they participate in the Contest.


From Food Schizophrenia to Placing In Venus Index Contest

Today’s interview is with Elisa Miller, who place fifth in our third Venus Index Transformation Contest.

Check out her pictures:

Venus Index - Elisa Miller

Elisa at 42 years old, probably at the best shape of her life. Ironically with doing less complex and complicated things.

Venus Index - Elisa Miller

When you take pictures, make sure you wear high heals. That simple tweak makes a big difference.

Venus Index - Elisa Miller

Don't be afraid of dreaming. Anybody can be in shape. You just need to do some work and put what you learn into practice.

Elisa has a history of gaining and losing weight, orthorexia, food schizophrenia and now placing in a online transformation contest. Let’s take a look how she managed to get from unhealthy eating to surprising her husband with a body transformation and placing in the Venus Index contest.

Elisa’s History

Elisa is 5’6”, 42 years old, she is a mother and a wife. Not exactly a description of someone you would expect to place in a fitness contest. This is one of many examples that anybody can do it and no matter what lifestyle or responsibilities you have, you can look good. It’s time to put all of your excuses behind and focus on improving yourself.

Let’s take a look at Elisa’s diet history, which is rather unusual.

When she turned 30 a lot of things had changed in her life. Her child was born and her father got sick. She had to take care of them both. This wasn’t an easy task. Having her father now at home and having a baby constantly seeking attention required lot of effort and energy. There wasn’t much time she would get for herself.

At the end of day she was often times resentful and depressed. And as a result she ended up using food to escape from her reality and help her calm down. When everybody went to sleep, it was “her night time”. She took some ice-cream and some cookies and watched TV.

Nobody would see, nobody would know and she would have her few hours alone at peace.

As months went by this resulted in a decent weight gain. She knew that it was wrong and that she shouldn’t be doing it, but she didn’t care. She was caring for everyone else accept her. It was almost her way of getting back.

You might be surprised that she is actually the one that her friends and family see as the “healthy food” expert.

Her mother was a healthy food fanatic, always teaching her to eat only organic and raw food, no chocolate, no chips or any tasty burgers (boo).

And then there was her father who was going behind her mothers back and taking her for ice-cream and chocolate (yay!).

This resulted in developing almost a schizophrenia about food. During the day she was eating only “healthy foods” and if she prepared something that wasn’t on this list she would spit it out. Then at night she would eat all the ice-cream and sweats in the house.

This is a very unhealthy perception of food to always see food as either good or bad.

This lead to several things like weight gain, feeling guilty, social inflexibility with food among others. After this approach she tried several diets including the paleo approach, during those years her weight was constantly going up and down.

What Finally Worked

Elisa was sick of the old approach and decided to try something different. Which probably wasn’t easy considering the way she was raised. But she decided to take it in her hands and take a step out of her comfort zone.

Important factor for her was recognizing that what she was doing was causing her more harm than good and simply wasn’t working.

When she got her hands on the Venus Index Workout and the diet protocols (AGD  & ESE) she found out that this approach was much better and made so much sense. At the beginning she was afraid of having to be even more strict than she was so far. Also she wasn’t sure if she could do this. However, it was a huge relief since to her surprise this new approach was more flexible and enjoyable than the things she was doing her whole life.

Sometimes the simpler things work better than the complex and difficult ones.

She immediately jumped on board and completely changed her lifestyle and her view of food.

No more paleo, no more good food – bad food paradigm. Only calories in vs. calories out and an intense workout on top of that for a more feminine and sexy body shape.

She admitted that what was she was doing before was pretty much a waste of time and it’s a pity that  it took her so many years until she discovered the truth.

She was eating everything like any other person, the only difference was that she felt guilty after eating those “unhealthy foods”. She only showed other people when she ate so called ‘good foods’.

However, she made her decision to end this. She didn’t want to live the way she lived before, under the shadow of her parents and by their rules.

She unsubscribed from all the “paleo lifestyle” experts and “healthy food” nutritionists and decided to do what makes sense and is most logical.

Once she was ready to leave the nonsense behind and  started incorporating all the advice from the Venus Index protocols everything just took off from there.

And she never looked back.

When her husband got home, after several months of being away, he was astounded to see her transformation. Elisa’s goal was to hit the 140 mark when he got back. Not only that but she super-passed it by 13 pounds, her final weight was 127 pounds.

Spectacular result for somebody who didn’t believe it was possible to go from 180lbs to her pre-baby weight, or even further.

Now she is proud of herself and happy with the way she looks.

Take home message from Elisa

  • Stop with the whole obsession with the scale. Focus on your shape and proportions.
  • There is no bad or good food. It’s all about calories in and out. Food itself is just an form of  energy covered by taste, you don’t need to feel guilty
  • It’s possible to dream, you just need to take the required action to make your dreams a reality
  • Don’t beat yourself up just because you did something wrong or not according to plan, simply get back on track and adjust your plan
  • Take baby steps, everyday do a little to get closer to your goal – one day at a time
  • Everybody should enter the contest, it’s extremely motivating and it is so much fun
  • Find a nutrition plan or a way to eat that suits you the best and that you can sustain for a longer period of time.
  • Don’t restrict your calories too much, because that will result in overeating afterwards
  • There are two ways of dieting for the contest, you either lower your calories at the end or lower them at the beginning and slightly turn to maintenance towards the end of your transformation. The second option (aka Reverse Taper Diet) seems to work better for most people since at the end you have little fat stored on your body that will get burned so it makes sense to eat slightly below maintenance to have less deficit compared to having big deficit, which is not sustainable for a long time and often leads to post-contest rebound
  • Discover your limits and back off if you feel like your approach is too difficult
  • Be clear on what you are doing, use training for building more muscles and shaping your body and use diet to lose fat and lean out
  • Don’t blame others for your weight gain, it’s your responsibility, you need to accept it and handle it, because nobody else will
  • Don’t use food as a medicine for depression

Programs Elisa used for the transformation:

Anything Goes Diet – “Diet without rules”, forget about carb cycling, macro-nutrients or unhealthy foods. Eat what you like and lose weight.

Eat Stop Eat – Lifestyle protocol that will help you achieve your fitness goals despite the social eating events you have to attend.

Venus Index Workout – Workout focused on building a toned and natural feminine body shape.

Venus Community – What if there was a forum where all the cool girls hung out and were exchanging tips and support on how to get in shape and what works for them to build a healthy, good looking body?

Listen to the interview here:


How to Learn from Past Failure: Intervew with Kelly Hancock

It’s time for the next interview, today with Kelly Hancock who won the third Venus Index Transformation Contest.

Check out her amazing transformation for yourself:



Kelly has undergone an unbelievable transformation.


She did a great job.

Simply Amazing!

Kelly said that she feels proud of her body and is very happy with the results and she has a damn good reason to be. A lot of things change when you get in shape, not only that other people will act differently toward you, but your own behavior will change as well. For example what people find out after a big transformation (both guys and girls) is that you become a calm and confident person. Things you are not capable of controlling will stop affecting you and the things that are in your control, well you suddenly realize that you can change them, so there is no reason to get upset because of those either.

Kelly’s Journey

Kelly while at school was an active person, she played lots of sports and didn’t really worry about her look. Well, as lifestyle changed after school, her weight changed as well. She wasn’t playing any sports and with her job stress became a big challenge.

Based on this it probably comes as a no surprise that she gained some weight.

In 2008 she started doing cardio on the elliptical for an hour every night and eating salad for dinner. She had no idea how to get in shape, but this seemed like a logical approach.

She lost about 20 pounds while doing this. Well, because she had no idea how to lose weight and how to keep it off, due to her lifestyle circumstances she gained it all back.

This cycle of losing and then regaining continued for a while and was causing her a lot of frustration.

She also joined gym and started reading bodybuilding forums, because she was interested in having a toned and defined body and the gym seemed to be the answer.

Ultimately she found the Adonis Index that had some great information, but the workouts were focused on guys. Luckily there was a program with the same approach for women, enter the Venus Index.

This was what she was looking for all those years.

Losing and gaining showed her that she has no control over her body, so she needed to try a different approach and the information provided at Venus Index was logical, based on science and made sense to her.

In November 2010 Kelly bought the program and started doing the workout.

She was also very active in the Venus Community and learned some great tips there. For example she found out that fat loss is all about calories and that based on the Eat Stop Eat approach many of girls were fasting on a weekly basis.

She incorporated that in her lifestyle as well.

She wanted to try a little experiment and fasted six days in a row.  It wasn’t scary like you might think, she realized that her body could function without food for multiple days, in fact the only side effect was that she  just got bored. No kidding, it’s not exactly a fun thing to do.

This was good enough proof for her that it works.

She wanted to take it to the next level and fast until she got to 130 pounds and ripped.

Well, she did exactly what she set out to do. The only issue was that after 12 days of being without food, she ended up blowing it completely. Kelly started massively overeating and beating herself up over that, which lead to overeating again. This wasn’t a good experience and she felt ashamed of those months.

Today when Kelly is going through her old diary, the feelings come back and like she said, she felt like a failure and was disappointed by what she did.

She was intentionally stuffing herself with food, not working out and all this justifying by her studying and making excuses about not having time for the workouts.

Ever did something you knew is not right for you, but you did it anyway and just rationalized the behavior afterwards?

Like she said, not a very positive chapter of her life. She felt like she let herself, her friends and the girls in the community down.

Obviously she had to do something to get out of this less than positive space.

She decided to turn this upside down and start over again.

She moved to a different city, changed her job to a more flexible one with less stress. She regained control over her food and her workouts and got back on track with the Venus Index.

This resulted in feeling control over her life again, having freedom in her choices, not being a slave to her work schedule and finally being able to take care of her body again.

After listening to several podcasts and talking to her friends in the Venus Index community she knew that  she could do it.

Kelly’s Approach for the Contest

After four weeks Kelly was able to stop counting calories, because she already got to level of being able to ‘eyeball it’.

You can do the same. Most of us eat pretty similar meals every week, so it takes as little as four weeks to know the calorie content in those meals and once you do you can just focus on the portion and “eye ball” it. This is the big difference between the calorie counting and calorie guessing approaches.

Calorie guessing is more freeing and simpler than weighing every meal and tracking down the exact calorie content of that food. Plus if you over guess the content you are consciously leaving some room for error. So even if you make a mistake, it will be accounted for.

There were days when Kelly would eat half a pizza and have some beers, but there were also days when she would have just a few apples and a salad. If you balance it and stick to calorie restriction you can lose fat on almost any diet you choose. In other words you can lose fat while eating your favorite foods.

Sounds nice doesn’t it? There are some modifications you will have to make, for example if your favorite meal is pizza then you will have to restrict yourself a lot, because a whole pizza is pretty high in calories. So, it makes sense to stick to low calorie choices like vegetables, fruits, chicken and other foods that can fill you up and then from time to time you can have your pizza or whatever your favorite denser calorie choices are.

You can chose whatever you want to eat, the rule is to limit the amount. Do that and you will lose fat.

After Kelly got her calorie intake in check she moved to the next thing and that was her workouts.

She started going to the gym right after work, did one hour of weights, following the Venus Index workout protocols (for those more interested it was specifically the circuits and the shoulder specialization) and then she did two hours of low intensity cardio.

This was enough to get into contest shape, and most importantly to stay there instead of gaining it all back like she did before. The maintenance point is important as well. It’s not as hard as getting in shape, but it still requires some effort and figuring out on your part.

However, this was all just the “mechanical” stuff, in order for this to work and really win the contest and stay in a great shape even afterwards she needed to figure out how to stay sharp as well. There is a quote that sums this up perfectly:

Success in any area is foremost 80% psychology and only 20 % mechanics.

Tony Robbins

For Kelly it was her internal reflection that made it possible. She began with the question: “What pressure have I put on myself that is unnecessary?” From this point she started shutting down things that were robbing her of energy and not helping her achieve her goals in any way. She started putting herself first and taking care of her life first.

This is something that you may have a hard time grasping.

Would you be comfortable saying this: “I put myself first, I am the priority in my life”?

Give yourself a sincere answer.

You absolutely need to get to a state of mind where you can say “Yes!”.


It’s simple and don’t worry it doesn’t mean you should be arrogant or selfish, quite the opposite.

Here is a great analogy and if you’ve ever traveled by plane you already heard it. When you sit down and prepare for the flight you are filled in on the basics of what to do if something goes wrong. In that case you are supposed to put a gas mask on yourself FIRST, even if you have a child sitting next to you, you are supposed to put it on yourself FIRST.

Does this mean that the airlines don’t want you to save your kid? Of course not. But if you start putting the mask on your kid and you faint, then you can’t help them anymore.

Are you starting to see where this is going?

If you ever want to help other people achieve their goals, help them get over their challenges and get that great feeling of knowing that you are contributing to this society in some way then you have to take care of yourself first. This is true in all of the areas of your life – relationships, finance and both health and look.

So to get back to Kelly’s challenge, when she put herself first and stopped doing what other people wanted her to do she suddenly gained control over her actions, could achieve what she wanted and that lead to many other great things. When she got to where she is now, other people started to seek out her advice.

The moral of the story is to make yourself a priority and then you will be able to take care of others as well.

If you want to look like Kelly, here is a summary of the things she thinks are important to someone in the position she was in:

  • Cut everything out of your life that is putting unnecessary pressure on you
  • Stop doing what other people want you to do and make yourself the priority
  • Don’t get affected by the things you can’t control and handle the things you can control – that is the path to happiness
  • Intelligent hard effort pays off
  • Figure out when you can go to the gym on regular basis and start going there
  • Walking on a tredmill in front of TV may help you avoid stuffing yourself with unnecessary food in the evening at home in front of the tv…if you’re going to watch tv anyway, might as well workout at the same time
  • It’s okay to have few bad days, just stay on track
  • Eat less and only when you are hungry
  • Find yourself a support group
  • If you assume you are alone you create your own isolation – remember that you’re not alone
  • Don’t be scared to ask for help

Words & phrases mentioned in the interview:

Adonis Index – Workouts for men

Venus Index Workouts – Workouts designed to maximize your genetic potential to look your best both in bikini and clothes

Venus Index Community – You will never find a more supportive, accepting, forgiving, outgoing, and RESULTS based community like you’ll find with the Venus Index Community.

Eat Stop Eat – Lifestyle and diet protocol by Brad Pilon focusing on fat loss

Listen to the interview here: View Profile: jwilliams – The Official Hugo Community – Online Slots

How to Win Two Fitness Contests

Today you get a chance to listen to Alisha’s interview. She managed to win for the second time! In the first contest she won the transformation category and in the last one she won the open, so you could say she did it all.

Here are her latest pictures, check this out:

Venus Index

Most people don't realize that they are just couple of months from a cover model body.

For the first contest it was very goal specific, Alisha wanted to lose fat and get more fit. However, this time she had to show a completely different look in order to take first place. She had to build more muscle and focus on building a specific shape.

What the real challenge for her though was figuring out her “sweet spot” where she could maintain a great looking body and her peace if mind.

She worked really hard, and was completely tired afterwards.

For the first contest she was afraid of looking too skinny. And while she was excited by how much bodyfat she lost other people were telling her that she was too skinny.

Alisha will admit, she probably took it too far, because even people that she met for the first time were asking her if she is okay, because her face seems skinny.

But it is really hard to do all in just twelve weeks. It’s one thing to lose fat, but building muscle is completely different, that takes more time, especially for women.

This is why it takes several contests to get close to your ideal proportions. For this second one Alisha achieved what you could call a body re-composition. Her upper body and face is definitely not skinny anymore, her body is symmetrical and her measurements are near perfect.

What Alisha Did Differently This Time

Right after the first contest Alisha was decided not to compete again.

But she felt a bit left out and started thinking about it.

What really changed her mind was seeing the results from the second contest and the fact that a lot of girls that placed in this one mentioned her being a big inspiration for them. For her that was the coolest thing that could have happened.

She made up her mind and decide to compete again.

This time was a little different. Not only did she have to come up with a new plan, because she needed to show up with different pictures, but this time around she didn’t really need to lose much fat. She stopped punishing herself for eating a bit more on certain days and made her weekends maintenance days.

Here are her pictures from the previous contest:

Venus Index Contest Transformation

These are the pictures from Alisha's first contest. As you can see, for this contest her main focus was on building muscle rather than losing fat.

The difference was that she knew where she started and how many inches and pounds she had to lose to get back to her contest shape. The only thing she needed to do was mark the calendar and get going.

Her goal was to win, she wouldn’t even submit her pictures if she looked the same.

There were 12 weeks of hard work in the gym ahead of her.

Weekends were the maintenance days and week days were the “dieting days”. Four weeks out she changed the plan and went low carb for the entire week while keeping low calories. This kept away her hunger, however after this trial she realized that she isn’t able to lift that much in the gym anymore. She had to adjust to a point where she would get enough carbs in her meals and have energy for her workouts.

These are the things you need to figure out yourself and it will probably take you several contests before you do. Alisha now understands her body well, but it took her months of hard work and winning two contests to gain these insights.

There are different ways. If you want to try let’s say three different approaches and determine which works for you best, it will take three contests until you do determine the best method. Your body is your own experiment. Or as once Madonna put it:

I am my own experiment. I am my own work of art.


Once you know what works for you the best, you will have a template you can use over and over again.

There Is a Difference between Photoshoot Shape & Everyday Shape

What most people don’t realize is that you look different in reality than you do on camera or in pictures. This is why you need to go more extreme for the photoshoot to show the world how you actually look. This may be hard to grasp, but if you have ever taken some good pictures you know this already. There is just so much going on at a photoshoot such as lighting, how far are you from the camera, tanning, posing heel height, background etc.

Extreme techniques like water depletion and carb loading are a way of helping you look your best for the photos. This is only sustainable for several hours though.

Obviously this is only visible if you drop the fat on your muscles, but once you do you will be surprised how water, food and training can make you  look sharper or bloated. And you need to learn what makes you look better to take the photos in your best state.

Once you do the contest you will have a new set of challenges in front of you. The biggest might be figuring out how to stay where you are and not go back to your pre-contest body.

In other words you need to find your maintenance point. Good analogy would be a swinging pendulum. If you were used to overeating your pendulum is swinging mostly to the left, if you started eating less for the contest it’s going to be swinging to the right. But if you go too far to the right, the pendulum will get too high and while it will stop there for a fraction of a second it will quickly fall to the left, which you might see as some kind of overeating after the contest that a lot of fitness models undergo. This is the proverbial yo-yo dieting.

The idea is to go through several contests and get in the best shape possible, reshape your body and focus on building a lifestyle that allows you maintaining this new body with as little effort as possible or in other words you need to figure out what you have to do to minimize the swing of your body pendulum.

Please understand that bodyweight is a range, it will keep changing based on your daily actions, the idea is not to have it stable (which is impossible), but not go too far up or down…reduce the swing of pendulum.

Take Home Message

  •  The big thing is not to be so hard on yourself, be more realistic with your goals, realize what the range of those goals will be based on lifestyle, understand you will have fluctuations and expect it, if it’s not working change your pattern
  • Commit to doing the contest
  • Bodyweight is not stable, you have a range based on what you eat and drink
  • Sometimes you may not notice that you are progressing and the stagnation is really just in your mind
  • Expect people to disagree with your approach
  • Gaining muscle takes time and one contest is not enough for full body re-composition
  • Go through as many contests as possible, you will always learn something new about your body and improve your shape
  • Don’t punish yourself over slipping away from time to time, you are allowed to take a step back as long as you keep taking two steps forward…you don’t have to be perfect, just consistently improve over time
  • If you are tall, then an inch on your waist won’t be that noticeable and my actually be within your maintenance range
  • Don’t compare yourself to others
  • Track everything
  • Never give up…ever

Words & phases mentioned in the interview:

Listen to the interview here:

VT3 Contest Winners Announced

The third Venus Index contest ended on Nov 23rd, this concludes the contests for 2011. As the holiday season is upon us dieting and training is not typically #1 on the agenda.

The contest season starts up again on Jan 16, 2012 with VT4 and the first ever Venus Index level 2 contest. Anybody who has placed in our previous open contests is eligible for the level 2 contest. You may also qualify for the level 2 if you placed in transformation and came very close or hit you VI numbers.

As always, you must use the Venus Index Workout (click here to save 50% until Friday!) or any of the next phases of VI Systems.

A list of qualified level 2 contenders will be announced in the first week of January along with the specifics of the level 2 competition.

Now on to the VT3 Winners. we’ll start with the Transformation Category


Venus Index Transformation Contest VT3 1st Place Winner: Kelly Hancock

Kelly Hancock 1st Place

Venus Index 1st Place Kelly Side shot


VT3 First Place Transformation Kelly


 Venus Index Transformation Contest VT3 2nd Place Winner: Lara Campbell

Lara Campbell Venus Index 2nd Place

Venus Index 2nd Place Lara

Lara Campbell 2nd Place Venus Index Transformation


 Venus Index Transformation Contest VT3 3rd Place Winner: Kassandra Bragg

Venus Index 3rd Place “Kass”

Kassandra Bragg 3rd Place Venus Index

Kassandra 3rd Place Venus Index Transformation


Venus Index Transformation Contest VT3 4th Place Winner: Brooke Kramer


Brooke Kramer VT3 4th Place

Venus Index 4th Place

Venus Index Transformation 4th Place Brooke Kramer


Venus Index Transformation Contest VT3 5th Place Winner: Elisa Miller

Elisa Miller Venus Index 5th Place

Venus Index 5th Place

Venus Index Transformation 5th Place Elisa Miller


Venus Index Transformation Contest VT3 6th Place Winner: Michelle Acorn

Michelle Acorn Venus Index 6th Place

6th Place Venus Index

Venus Index Transformation 6th Place Michelle Acorn


VT3 Venus Index Open Contest Category:


 Venus Index Open Contest VT3 1st Place Winner: Alisha McGuinn

Alisha McGuinn Venus Index Open 1st Place Winner

Alisha McGuinn Venus Index Winner


Venus Index Open Contest VT3 2nd Place Winner: Roberta Saum


Roberta Saum Venus Index Open 2nd Place

Roberta Saum Venus Index Open 2nd Place


Venus Index Open Contest VT3 3rd Place Winner: Carrie Gleason

Venus Index Open 3rd Place

Carrie Gleason Venus Index Open 3rd Place


Venus Index Open Contest VT3 4th Place Winner: Kimberley Alamandy

Kimberley Alamandy Venus Index Open 4th Place

Kimberley Alamandy Venus Index Open 4th Place


Venus Index Open Contest VT3 5th Place Winner: Katia Rice

Katia Rice Venus Index Open 5th Place

Katia Rice Venus Index Open 5th Place


Venus Index Open Contest VT3 6th Place Winner: Gillian Chase


Gillian Chase Venus Index Open 6th Place

Gillian Chase Venus Index Open 6th Place


Congratulations to all the winners. These contests are getting harder and harder to judge as everyone is making such great progress and getting into great shape.

I also want to say congratulations to all that entered. Making it to the end of a transformation is a big deal and regardless if you placed in the contest or not, you all should be proud of the changes you’ve made.

Don’t forget that interviews with the winners will start up soon, so you’ll be able to discover the lifestyle tips, tricks, and tweaks that each person used to get in fabulous shape.

The next contest starts on January 16, 2012. I’ll have updates with more information in the weeks to come.


p.s. Not a VI client? No problem, just go here and get access for 50% off until Friday at midnight EST.

VT3 After Pictures Coaching Call

The third Venus Index transformation and open contests are in the final stretch and it’s time to get ready to take your final pictures.

I suggest going through and listening to some interviews of previous winners to get a good idea of how to take a good picture at home.

You can listen to a previous post explaining picture taking here:

How To Take After Pictures

Here is an example of some simple competition poses:

Marli On Stage

Spend some time going through fitness magazines and pick out your top 10 favorite images/poses and try to recreate them with your final pictures.

Learn how to prepare for the best photo’s ever:

Preparing For Your Contest Photo Shoot – Part 1: Posing Practice

Preparing For Your Contest Photo Shoot – Part 2: Photography And Lighting

Preparing For Your Contest Photo Shoot – Part 3: The Final Week


Venus Transformation Contest instructions


For some additional coaching from John take a listen:


How Heather Went from Disordered Eating to Flexible Social Life and Venus Body

Heather placed third in the Venus Index Transformation Contest.

She lost pounds of fat and toned her body and now she is very closed to her ideal proportions.

Check out her picture:


Heather did a great job losing weight and build a tone, slim body.


Heather's front photos. She transformed her body completely and placed third in the Venus Index contest.

Due to various experience and some personal tragedies in her life, Heather ended up overeating at the age of 14.

Before the Venus Index Contest she tried everything. Therapy, all sorts of diets and fat loss programs.

One expert told her that the flavored and processed food is the devil, so she stopped eating everything that was highly processed or flavored.

After that she heard that sugar is not that bad, but eggs can cause a heart attack and are the root of obesity. So, she stopped eating eggs completely.

All of this often times conflicting advice lead her to trying different diets like Atkins and she ultimately ended up being a vegetarian. After being a vegetarian for a while she decided to be a vegan in order to be “really healthy“.

This new eating style was causing a lot of trouble to her relationships especially to her marriage. Her husband was really struggling with her diet preferences, even though he never said anything it was obvious that he had idea how to help her.

Heather wasn’t eating with him and their families on holidays like a normal person, she always had her special meals. She wouldn’t eat with the family, because it just wasn’t part of the rules she acquired.

Now when she looks back it just wasn’t fair to him, but at that time it seemed like the only option for her.

The reason for doing all those crazy things was the fact that she just couldn’t stand her weight anymore and wanted to make a change.

The thing is, you can’t put foods on a ‘never have it again’ list, because when you label some food as bad you will tend to binge on it even more.

The truth is that you can eat pretty much anything you like, the important piece of advice many experts don’t know and don’t tell is that the key is the volume. The secret is in controlling the amount not limiting the choices.

There is really no reason to make it complicated and make a devil of saturated fat or processed food.

If you had no education in biology or chemistry and never been influenced by marketing and advertising, what would be your answer to “What is the best way to lose fat?”

What do you think a kid would say?

…just eat less.

This is the only way to lose fat, create a deficit, so your body will have to use stored bodyfat. Yes, you can create a bigger deficit with cardio and some other physical activities, but the foundation is in the diet, because you can’t out train a bad diet.

However, in the current conventional fitness community, the approach is quite different. It’s not only different, but it’s a complete scam made only to increase sales and not help people, no surprise being in shape seems like a fairytale.

One day carbs are labeled as bad for you, the next day fat is the evil.

And when you try to go on such a diet for a longer period of time that’s when things get ugly and you get really frustrated by not seeing any results.

The longer it’s drilled in your head, the bigger the threat of eating that cake and burger is. And ultimately you will end up overeating big time.

For Heather it was happening over and over again.

And she just couldn’t live like that.

She would follow some crazy dietary advice and then after a while crack and overeat massively. This is the pitfall of labeling some food as bad, once you tell someone it’s forbidden, the desire to have it is even bigger.

Plus it’s forbidden for no good reason, because no food is actually bad for you.

It’s like seduction, if there is an attractive man and he is just not returning calls, always takes days before replying to a message and generally just seems not interested at all, you will feel even more desire to have him. It’s a pretty basic law of nature.

This is exactly the same.

We want things we can’t have and that are forbidden.

It Took Her Years to Find the Truth and Learn the Lesson

Heather went through years of failure until she realized what the truth was and learned her lesson.

She’d gone through extremes, tried all sorts of things. Eliminating sugar, fat, processed food, eggs and the list just goes on.

Later on she realized that the devil is always in the dose and not in the food itself like all the “fitness experts” keep saying.

After listening to several of them you would even believe that chocolate or a burger can kill you. In reality there is nothing wrong with a burger or sweet chocolate. What can screw up your weight and health is having those foods every day and over eating on them.

Obviously there is nothing wrong with the occasional chocolate bar, cake or fries with a burger, as long as you account for those meals in your weekly calorie budget you are fine.

This is why the “concept of dosing” is so amazing. There is no more flexible and more enjoyable diet than this one. You can be someone who can eat whatever she wants. The benefit of not overeating is also the fact that when you don’t overdo it, you don’t feel stuffed and enjoy it, it’s positive reinforcement. You can actually feel great after eating, not full and guilty, what a change, huh?

Controlling calories only and not the meal choices gives you the ability to go out, have a meal wherever and whenever you want, not be a pill, enjoy the company of others in a restaurant and not worry about saturated fat and processed foods.

Obviously if you have spent the last 15 years overeating then it’s not going to be pretty at the beginning, it will require some effort, strong motivation and serious work on your will power and dedication. It is pretty similar to strength training. You need to make a habit of it and balance the past 15 years of doing it (eating) the wrong way. It’s like doing reps and sets in the gym. The more you do, the easier it becomes and the better the results will be. After a while it will all become natural to you.

Of course you will always have to watch how much food you eat and stay in a healthy caloric range, but it will be pretty natural and most of the time not even a conscious decision. Something to look forward, don’t you think?

Take home message from Heather:

  • Make a diet based on your preferences, remember that you need to enjoy your food
  • Never identify yourself with your food choices – Atkins girl, low calorie girl, vegan girl etc.
  • Accept that the amount of calories your body needs is very low (RMR + daily activities, for average woman it’s around 1400 calories!)
  • We want magic, but reality is different, you can’t eat 5000 calories divided into chicken wings, pasta and ice cream
  • You need to find a way how to make it enjoyable and transforming at the same time
  • You can and will enjoy food when eating less of it, it is a completely different experience
  • If you don’t want to do cardio, you don’t have to, you can just add some low intensity walk, cardio will increase your appetite, so it might be even better to cut it or completely eliminate it from your schedule – Find your sweat spot with cardio and diet
  • Keep it simple – Diet for fat loss and training for muscle growth and body shaping
  • If you want to do something for relaxing your body and mind and stay away from injuries you can try yoga, such an activity won’t take a lot of physical energy from your workouts
  • In this society overeating can get out of control very quickly,  we just tend to overeat a little at a time, but consistently, be aware of the amount you eat and then you will stay immune to all the advertising


Quote to remeber:

“It’s easier to eat less of the food you like rather than the food you don’t like and cut out what you like completely.”

John Barban


Words & phases mentioned in the podcasts:


Listen to the interview here:

How to Overcome 4 Biggest Barriers that Are Preventing You from Getting in Shape

Suzanne placed 5th in our Venus Index Contest in the Open category. She did a great job and transformed her body, just check out her photos:

Venus Index Open Contest Front picture

Suzanne's front picture.


Venus Index Open Contest Back picture

Suzanne's back picture.

If you decide to improve your body, you need to expect and accept that there are going to be challenges along the way.

What sets successful people apart from the average, unsuccessful ones is the fact that they are willing to do whatever it takes to overcome any challenge they encounter along the way towards their desired goal.

If you can accept that road to success is not easy, the next step is to expect it to be hard and challenging. Once you expect it, you can prepare yourself to get over the roadblocks that will appear along the way.

Like many other contestants Suzanne had her own personal challenges or how she calls it her “barriers” she had to get over.

Barrier #1 Not Being Patient

Suzanne admitted that the biggest challenge for her when it comes to getting in shape was being patient enough or if you believe that patience is a learnable skill then we could even say her biggest challenge was learning to have patience.

And this is not true just in the fitness and health area of your life. If you want to take things to the next level and improve almost any area of your life, it will take a lot of patience to keep going till you succeed. Just take entrepreneurship as an example, even though this has nothing to do with building a better looking body, it’s a great analogy. When you are building a company from scratch, it takes time, sometimes you end up bankrupt or like Steve Jobs fired from your own company and you have to start again and work your way back up.

It’s exactly the same with your body. If you are not happy with the way you look, you don’t even remember being confident in your own skin or feeling feminine, then you need to accept that the change will take time and require some effort on your part. Sometimes it will even seem like there is no point in working on yourself. This is not meant to be discouraging, not at all, but you need to know what may happen in order to expect it and not be surprised when a challenge will appear.

One of the biggest mistakes you might have made in the past is having distorted expectations. For example Suzanne thought that you can make a transformation very quickly. You probably might believe something similar and this is really not your fault considering all the quick fat loss (or get rich quick) scams you are facing all day long from TV or the internet.

You probably expect results almost instantly, in a couple of weeks. Well, while you can lose several pounds of fat in just a few weeks, you can’t gain pounds of pure muscle in just a few weeks, that’s not gonna happen.

Losing fat is not comfortable, but is still a pretty simple and quick process. Some people can lose yup to 8 pounds of fat a month, sometimes even more. However, you can’t gain 8 pounds of muscle in just one month. Even guys have a hard time gaining muscle mass and they have 10 times more muscle building hormone than you! Yes, while you are more sensitive to testosterone, your body still produces very little of this hormone compared to guys.

If you have ever seen claims like gain 30 pounds of muscle, it is either BS or it’s possible only for male teenagers who have never been exposed to weight training before and still have juvenile muscle growth on their side.

It’s more realistic to expect just a few pounds of muscle gain over several months. As a woman you don’t even need to gain a lot of muscle mass to truly change the look and shape of your body. A few pounds is going to transform your body shape immensely. Even one pound of muscle is an incredible difference.

Barrier #2 Being Fixated on Weight & on the Scale

The fixation on the scale and to your weight is pretty common for both guys and girls.

Tracking your progress by weighing yourself can be tricky, because you never know if what you have gained is muscle or fat. Therefore pictures will do a much better job for you as far as progress tracking goes. It’s better to compare your pictures than numbers from scale.

Setting weight goals is also a pretty inaccurate thing to do, you should aim for shape not weight. Weight can lie and will tell you nothing about how you look. For example after you transform yourself, you might weigh exactly the same, but pictures will be completely different. How could that happen? Well, you can lose 5 pounds of fat and gain 5 pounds of muscle.

Another thing is that what you eat and drink during the day can be as much as 5 or 6 pounds, it depends on how tall you are, but overall the daily fluctuation of your weight can be significant.

Conclusion? Use measurements and pictures and focus on body shape instead.

Barrier #3 Thinking that You Need More Calories than Your Body Burns

How much calories your body needs and how much calories fitness experts tell you it needs are usually two completely different numbers. And if you want to lose fat, it will be even less than you think.

Finding about this was a pretty hard lesson for Suzanne.

Calculate how much food you eat and how much food your body needs (RMR + physical activity). Then calculate the difference. If the difference is positive, you are eating more than you should, thus gaining fat. If there is zero difference, you are eating around your maintenance. If the difference is negative then you are losing fat (this is a state where you want to be if you want to lose weight).

One of the best things you can do is to start intermittent fasting on a regular basis. You can use the Eat Stop Eat protocol like Suzanne did or some other, no matter which protocol you choose, if you incorporate any kind of intermittent fasting into your lifestyle you should see rapid changes.

Fasting will also help you understand things like why you eat and how many calories you actually need. It will help you control your appetite and see food in a completely different way.

Intermittent fasting is very liberating and when Suzanne tried fasting she realized that you don’t have to eat that much, you don’t have to snack, you don’t have to eat 6 times a day, you can throw away food and that you don’t have to eat just because someone gives you food. You don’t even have to eat breakfast.

You read so much about metabolism slow down, starvation mode and the like, but once you dig deeper you will find out that there is very little substantial evidence. And when you try fasting you will experience the positive change for yourself.

Barrier #4 Not Lifting Heavy Enough

If your goal is a fit, healthy looking, feminine body and you want to undergo some body re-composition, you need to lift heavy. There is no way around it. Muscle mass is important and for your best look you need both to lose fat and gain muscle.

This is one of the biggest challenges for women.

If you think you will look like a male bodybuilder, forget it. Those guys not only have 10 times more testosterone, but have amazing genetics and most importantly are on an incredible amount of drugs. Something similar applies for most of the female bodybuilders and fitness competitors as well.

There is a saying that what is natural is attractive. As long as you follow this saying you are going to look good and be healthy at the same time.

If you pick heavy weight instead of those 2 pounds dumbbells, you will end up with a toned and feminine physique that no guy will be able to keep his eyes off (and probably his hands as well).

Cardio is great for overall health, proper blood circulation and creating bigger caloric deficit, but it’s not going to shape your body.

You need to get a strength training workout program. You can use the Venus Index Workout that Suzanne used or try a different one, but it has to be professionally designed and you need to follow it with heavy weights.

Take home message from Suzanne for you:

  • Photos will tell you how you’re doing along the way
  • Find a supportive community that will help you keep going when you most need it (ex.: Venus Index forum)
  • Be honest with yourself and learn more about your body
  • Believe in what you are doing, even though it may seem strange at first, if you stick to it, results will come
  • Have monthly expectations for fat loss and yearly expectations for muscle growth
  • Logging calorie intake might help you to control your weight and how much food you eat
  • It’s best to not have the food you tend to overeat on in your house
  • Get over the disbelief about fasting, open your mind to different ways
  • Acquire a flexible approach to nutrition
  • Start lifting heavy, it’s a must if you want a feminine, fit body. Heavy weight lifting equals lean and defined figure
  • Expect and accept the fact that the road to success is not easy
  • Realize that you can achieve more than you think
  • You can keep progressing as long as you remain consistent with your workouts, consistency is key
  • Don’t compare yourself to other people because you have your own look, you can and should only compare yourself to yourself
  • Pick a body shape target that is really close to how you do look and model it
  • It’s hard to be objective about yourself, but taking pictures can help you do that
  • You have to keep going even if it’s difficult, you will be challenged along the way, but you should see these challenges as lessons that will make you stronger
  • You CAN do it, but will you?


Listen to the interview here:

Cardio Won’t Tone Your Body, You Need to Lift Heavy

Leora placed 4th in the Venus Index Transformation Contest. Just take a look at how has she transformed herself in just 12 weeks.

Leora - Venus Index Transformation

Leora's back shot.

Leora - Venus Index Transformation

Leora's front shot. Red background seems to work for her.

Leora’s goal was to lose 15 pounds of fat and gain another 15 pounds of muscles. She basically wanted a body re-composition. She did lose 15 pounds of fat, but on the other hand, she wasn’t able to gain the same weight of muscle mass. And this shouldn’t come as a surprise, you can’t expect to gain 15 pounds of muscle in just 12 weeks, hell even guys usually can’t gain that much muscle mass in such a short period of time. And guys have a lot higher level of testosterone than you do.

And not only that it’s impossible for you to gain so much muscle (especially in such a short time frame), but there is also no need to do that. Do you know how much 15 pounds really is? Next time you are in a shop take a pound of steak to see how much just a single pound really is.

This is exactly what Leora found out. She thought that just because her husband is and always been masculine, it’s easy and quick to gain muscle.

She just had no idea how big of a muscle gain is actually realistic for her.

5 Pound Dumbbells Won’t Get You Ripped

Usually there is not a lot of women lifting weights, most of them are on a treadmill or doing some other type of cardio. And if they do lift, it’s with pathetically light weights.

Light weights won’t help you or will change your body shape only very little.

You don’t have to worry about gaining lot of muscles and looking like a male bodybuilder. That is really impossible.

Yes, there are few women that have taken bodybuilding little bit too far, but you have to understand that they are on an insane amount of drugs to achieve and maintain such a look. You can’t lift weights and expect to grow muscles like men do.

Your natural level of testosterone won’t allow you to build lot of muscles and those few pounds you will build will only make you look more fit, attractive and feminine.

If you want to build a naturally attractive and toned body, lifting heavy is key.

Most girls make the mistake of just losing fat and thinking that it’s going to be enough, they are scared to death of going to the gym. However, if you just keep loosing fat you will become anorectic and not fit. You need to build some muscle too.

Just put your faith in weight lifting and start believing that what is build naturally must be attractive and you will be rewarded with a great body. Just take some models from Victoria’s Secret as examples, they are fit and they all work out and lift heavy!

At first Leora was lifting 5 pound dumbbells and while she was really trying to get most of her training sessions, the intensity just wasn’t there to stimulate any significant muscle growth. It wasn’t until the second month of training with Venus Index Workouts and also the second month of the contest that she finally realized that she needs to and actually can go significantly heavier on her lifts.

You may be very surprised how strong you actually are when you pick some proper weights. This is what she said: “I Didn’t know I’m that strong, you need to push it to its limits and challenge your body”.

Workouts were challenging on their own, but there was one more thing that was pretty tough for her.

One of the biggest challenges for her was admitting that she needs to lose weight. You would say that 135 pounds is already low enough, even her doctor told her that she needs to gain weight if she wants a prescription for birth control pills. However, judging your weight without considering LBM and your height is really pointless. Weight itself tells you nothing, it doesn’t say if you need to gain muscle, lose some pounds from your abdominal area or your hips. This is why it’s better to rather rely on body measurements and photos instead of your weight scale.

Being concerned about weight can also lead to some disbelief and skepticism about weight loss. People are afraid to weight too light (this is even worse for guys, it’s like they are scared of losing their manhood if they get under 170 lbs).

There is no reason to be concerned, all that matters are your proportions and overall shape. Does it look attractive and healthy? Then it’s okay to be that light.

Fat Loss Happened Kind of on It’s Own

Apart from the other contestants, for Leora dieting was the easy part. She is used to eat around her expenditure level and throwing few fasting days wasn’t really that difficult after a while. Even though she walks all day long, because of her job, she managed eat low enough to lose 15 pounds of fat. All while still enjoying food like ice cream and pizza.

She ate slightly more on the work days and then created bigger deficit in the rest of the week.

You may be wondering how she could lose so much while eating like a regular person, well this is the beauty of fasting with Eat Stop Eat. You can eat like you normally do (assuming you are not overeating) and just throw in few fasts and you will end up losing pounds of fat.

Fasting 2 days a week accounts for about one pound of fat a week. In 12 weeks you have 12 pounds. If you add some activity like her 20 000 steps of walking during the day like Leora did, you will easily get to 15 pounds of fat loss in 12 week.

Leora really transformed her body.

Today she is excited that it is moving in a right direction, its what she wants.

The best part is that anyone can do it.

Take away advice for girls that are in a similar situation as Leora was before the contest:

  • Be patient, building muscle takes some time
  • It’s important to stay busy and keep yourself occupied during the fast
  • You have to challenge yourself every time you are in the gym
  • If you feel pain, work around it – Stop training, don’t risk an injury
  • You need to force your muscles to grow, not expect them to appear all of sudden
  • Get into a supportive community – Chances are whatever your problem is, somebody else already solved it long before you have even encountered it
  • If you are really getting results then stick with whatever you are doing – Both diet and workouts
  • If you want to look better, you need to build some muscle
  • Stop looking at your weight scale and with the whole weight obsession, weight itself says nothing about how you look
  • Fat loss is the easy part if get the flow right, even if it’s struggle for you, it’s still pretty quick compared to muscle building

Plus at the end she tells how she had to call her husband to set up the camera for the after photoshoot and literally ran for food afterwards.

Listen to the interview here:

Venus in 12 Weeks: Interview with Molly Piercy

Molly placed 4th place in the Venus Index Transformation Contest. She did a great job and in just 12 weeks completely transforming her body.

Molly Venus Index Transformation Front

Molly's front and side pictures.

Molly Venus Index Transformation Back

Molly's back shot.


In college, she played lot’s of sports and as a teenager gaining weight didn’t seem like a threat and staying lean wasn’t really a problem.

After she left school and started working, her lifestyle changed, more stress in her life, more food options and hormonal change caused her to gain weight. It was a slow process, so it wasn’t noticeable at first, but after a while she started to notice.

When you are young and playing sports all the time, getting and staying fit doesn’t seem like a big challenge. However, when you get older and life starts to get in the way, things start to change.

The vast majority of people stop working out or playing sports after they get out of school. Usually work is more important than health or being fit and suddenly it overtakes your whole life without you noticing.

It may be harder to get in shape and stay in shape when you’re in your 30’s compared to when you’re  a teenager, but it is definitely possible and just requires some effort on your part.

She  went to fitness conferences, started learning about hormones and their impact on weight loss and weight gain.

Nothing really seemed to work and if you have been in the fitness community for a while you know why, there is just so much misinformation that it’s almost impossible to get in shape without quitting your job to do so. However, this is just a bad perception that is rooted in the current fitness marketing.

Long story short Molly tried pretty much every diet and approach to weight loss.

After a while she found Brad Pilon and read his Eat Stop Eat book about intermittent fasting. After she read it, she was confused a little bit, so she actually called Brad and asked him about the specifics of his approach.

This was enough for her to start fasting.

She gave intermittent fasting a try and started fasting for 24 hours once a week for the next month. She found herself having difficulties going through the fasting (which is not unusual) as it takes several weeks to get used to.

Eventually she stopped fasting, it just didn’t feel like a good fit for her and she had a hard time keeping up with her workouts. Like she said in the interview, she just wasn’t ready for such a huge change, which was mostly mental.

As days past by she started wondering how some of her girlfriends manage to stay really lean year after year and the hormonal changes that she blamed for her problems seem to not affect them at all.

Deep down she probably knew what the answer is, but just didn’t realize it at that time. When she asked them, how do they do it. The answer was pretty simple: “I just don’t eat throughout the day.”

This was it. A few days after she started fasting again and this time she really stuck to it. Now she was ready and wanted to fast. And as she found out each fast was easier and easier until it became something she didn’t even have to think about.

You get stronger each time you fast and after a while fasting will start to feel natural. If you keep yourself busy during the day then you won’t even notice that you haven’t eaten yet and because most people experience an increase in alertness and productivity during a fast it’s kind of a win-win approach.

Aren’t You Starving Yourself?

The only problem she had to face was fasting around her close friends. When she went out to the beach with her girlfriends it didn’t take long for them to find out what she was doing.

They immediately started asking question and wanted to know whether what she was doing and how she could go the whole day without eating.

This is something you have to account for. Like Molly said, in a group of friends, when somebody doesn’t eat they will know it.

For Molly it was hard to fast around friends, because she was faced with just so many questions – why are you doing this? what about your metabolism? etc.

At the end Molly showed her pictures to her friends and they were really impressed. Now people are asking HER what she does and what should they do to get in shape and stay fit.

In the interview she also mentions the benefit of interactions she had on the Venus Index Community and how that helped her stay on track, get the right answers and keep motivated throughout the contest. The community provides the option to talk to the like minded people, who are not going to judge you and are on the same page as you, and have same goals as you.

The Last Weeks before the End of the Contest

The last weeks required a lot of mental effort to stay strong and finish strong. At the beginning it was fun, but it slowly evolved into a “I need to get serious about this” approach.

At the beginning she would weigh herself every week and was obsessed with numbers. And losing and gaining pounds of weight back and forth was discouraging, so she put the scale away for the remainder of the contest and decided to just weight herself at the end.

Weight loss just isn’t linear, so focusing on how many pounds you lose or gain on week to week basis might be discouraging and drive you insane.

Sometimes it not helpful to monitor your weight this frequently.

Molly also tried tracking her workouts in a calendar, but that didn’t work for her either. Everybody is different and you should find a way that suits you the best.

For Molly tracking her body weight, workouts and calorie intake didn’t work, but what did work was preparing for and planning the weak ahead. If there was a  big party during the upcoming week, she would try to fast before and after the party and even lower her calorie intake before she would actually go out that day.

Her diet consisted mostly of raw and organic low calorie choices that helped her watch her calorie intake without having to actually keep a meticulous count of her daily caloric intake.

If she was at the airport she would have fruit instead some chocolate bar. Another thing that she found helpful was protein supplements. She discovered that if she took a protein shake it would help her control her appetite and maintain a lower calorie intake. The key is to find things that work for your specific situation.

And for the last few weeks she even added 24 minutes of cardio after each Venus workout.

Despite her problems with her knees and all the social events she had to attend during the contest and all the traveling she did because of her work, she still managed to make a big change in her body. The photos speak for themselves.

Here is a summary of what Molly recommends to all women that find themselves in same place as she did before the contest:

  • In order to be successful, you need to do everything – follow a good workout, have a good diet plan that is sustainable for a long period of time and most of all you need to be mentally strong
  • If the scale sets you off emotionally, then don’t weigh yourself
  • If tracking your calories doesn’t work then don’t record, just watch
  • Eating very little processed food might help you watch your calorie intake
  • Drink only water, no caloric drinks
  • Limit your alcohol intake
  • There is no excuse for not being in shape, so start today and go Venus
  • You have to create a regime that is sustainable
  • Find what works for you and stick to it
  • You need to have an effective workout program that you enjoy
  • There are many opportunities to give up, but if you stick to it the payoff is going to be huge


Listen to the interview here:
