Accepting Venus as her new Identity: Interview with Stephanie S

Getting in shape, losing weight, building and shaping your muscles is a process not a destination. It requires effort, determination, and consistency. You’ve got to trust yourself and trust the process. When you try to push yourself too hard is when you can crash and turn yourself off of the whole process.

Stephanie S Venus Index Open 3rd Place

Stephanie made a great change

Stephanie looks fabulous

Weight loss specifically isn’t a linear process, it comes in stages, and the process has it’s ups and downs. You’ve got to learn to ride through the downs and make it to the next up. The downs never last and you’ve got to trust that they’ll only happen for a short while.

Accepting where you are is the start to making a change, BUT it doesn’t mean you have to be comfortable with where you are. In fact, being ‘comfortable’ with a body that you’re simply unhappy with is going to cause a tension that will never go away until you finally decide to make a change. This brings up a new challenge in your life, and that is the identity crisis of becoming a Venus (in my opinion this is an identity crisis worth going through and worth looking forward to!)

Once you get into great shape there is another challenge you may not have anticipated…it’s called the imposter phenomenon. Once you hit (or come close) to your Venus Index numbers you may have to learn to accept that this is your new body.

You have to learn to detach yourself from your old identity and immerse yourself into your new identity as a Venus. This is all part of the process of changing your body and making it permanent.

In todays podcast Stephanie and I talk about all of this and much more as she explains what it was like to go through her transformation, becoming a Venus and learning to accept that this is her new identity.


P.S. The audio has a bit of feedback from time to time, I edited out as many as I could find but a few slipped through, my apologies.

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Venus Index Coaching Call

It’s been approximately 4 weeks into the 3rd Venus Index transformation contest and it’s a perfect time to do an inventory of what has been working and what needs some work.

If weight loss is your issue you have to remind yourself that the process is not linear. Some weeks are going to go really smooth and others are going to be a lot bumpier. Muscle building is the same thing, some weeks just feel like a lot more progress is happening than others.

It's time to find your exercise groove just like meatwad did with his 'powerwalking'

This is sometimes tough to deal with as your  daily and weekly effort seems to feel linear and consistent even though your results are not. The key at this point is recognizing that the path has it’s ups and downs and to be consistent over the long term. Twelve weeks is going to go by in a flash. Finding a groove is important and sticking with the parts that are working is going to keep you moving forward.

Give yourself some room for change, but don’t try to change everything at once. Review your list of what is working and what needs changing, pick the one or two most important things that need to change and make a plan. Give it about 1-2 weeks to see if what you’re changing is working then move on. If something doesn’t work, discard it and try something else.

Remember that this process is not perfect or smooth, it’s a controlled stumble forward.

In todays coaching call we’ll cover what to do at the quarter contest point and how to set up your inventory list, and how to think your way through the next 4 weeks of the contest.



Being a Venus = Making It What You Do: Interview with Felicity

If you thought you were just ‘big boned’ or a big person and doomed to be ‘big’ think again. This is exactly how Felicity thought of herself and never thought she could slim down, or lose weight and get the body she wanted.

Instead of focusing and believing she could change the shape of her body she focused on building strength and power. At least this way she was making progress.

First Place Venus Index Transformation Felicity

Venus Index 1st Place Felicity

Felicity lost over 34lbs and 6 inches off her waist!

Being a nurse Felicity explains that they are notorious for back injuries so part of her training focus was to build her core strength, which eventually just bulked up and made her midsection thick. This might have built some strength, but it also gave her a thick blocky waist.

Turing to the advice of a sports nutritionist she followed the instructions she was given to a tee. She felt good, and got ‘firmer’ but didn’t lose any weight. This is because her ‘nutritionist’ recommended far too many calories for her to eat. This obviously lead to frustration as she followed the instructions but didn’t get the results.

Once she started with the Venus Index system she started to get the results she was after and actually experienced a relief to finally be putting the effort into something that is actually working.

Following the wrong instructions to a tee, are just going to get you frustrated and feeling like a failure faster.

Having dedication, effort, drive and desire is not enough, you also have to be following the right plan. Once Felicity started on Venus she took it and ran. The results speak for themselves as she won our second transformation contest.

Felicity shares the keys she found that helped her make such a great transformation.


Dropping the Baby Weight, Every Little Bit Counts: Interview with Kasandra Bragg

In todays podcast I talk to Kassandra Bragg about what it’s like to get back into shape after pregnancy. Most health professionals will shy away from any sort of diet advice for women who are pregnant or nursing because they don’t want to be liable for any adverse reaction that might happen to the child.

Kassandra Bragg Venus Index Transformation 6th Place

Kass lost 20lbs

Kass is proof that you can get your body back after pregnancy

Essentially you’re left at the mercy of whatever pregnancy does to your body and nobody seems to support you in getting
back into shape. It can leave you feeling guilty about wanting to have your pre-pregnancy body back…it’s almost as if you’re left to choose between your body and your baby.

But this is a false dichotomy. You can definitely get your body back after pregnancy and you don’t have to wait until
you’re done nursing. And that’s exactly what Kassandra did. She built muscle, dropped fat, lost almost 20lbs and reshaped her body.

Some of the keys to making it work:

1. Remembering that every little bit counts.

Skipping one workout makes a difference or eating one extra cookie that is not on your plan will add up. Every time you break your plan you open the door to doing it again and again. It’s an excuse and a slippery slope to skipping another workout, having 2 extra cookies and then the floodgates are open.

2. Building momentum.

Stringing together a streak of multiple forward days is the key to making big progress in a short amount of time. Once you get on a roll you can see serious progress. Sure it takes daily effort but it’s the only way to make the change happen.

3. Cutting off the bad days before they turn into bad weeks.

Nobody is perfect and we all have backwards days and days where we feel like nothing is working. Accept that you had a bad day, understand that it’s just one day and get back on track the following day. Not allowing one bad day to turn into a bad week is a major factor in making a positive change.

Kass proves that you can have the body you want if you’re willing to do the work even after pregnancy weight gain.



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VT3: 3rd Venus Index Transformation & Open Contest

The 3rd Venus Index Transformation and Open Contest is upon us. Here is everything you need to know to enter.

Top 6 in transformation and Top 6 in Open get prize money. You must be a Venus Index customer to participate.

Prize Money

Prize money for both Transformation and Open are as follows:

1st Place – $500
2nd Place – $350
3rd Place – $250
4th-6th Place – $200

Entering Before Pictures

Submissions of “Before” Photos will be accepted starting wed
Aug 31st. We will be accepting submissions for 7 days until
wed Sept 7th.

Mandatory before photo poses are the front, back, and side relaxed (arms at side) pose.

Mandatory newspaper picture within this photoshoot is required. For the newspaper picture we need to see you in the same position in each of the front, side and back shots. I need to see your body and your face with the paper. Once you’ve done the shots with the paper please redo them immediately without the paper, same outfit, same position, same location, same photoshoot.

There is now a mandatory Contest data chart that you can download
at this link –> ***VT3 Contest Data Chart***

Fill this chart out with your name, age, height, and you starting weight, waist, hip, and shoulder measurement. The chart has some built in functions to calculate your ideal VI numbers and how far you have to go to get golden.

Filling this chart out before and after the contest is mandatory.

You can watch this video on how to fill out the chart.
***Filling Out VT3 Contest Chart Video***

Before pictures must be submitted in a zip file labeled in the format of the following example:


Each picture must be labelled with your first and last name and the associated pose ie:


Picture size:

Please re-size larger picture files down to a size that has a height of approx 500 pixels.

Failure to label, or re-size the pictures correctly or zip the file will result in potential disqualification from the contest (these files can easily become lost if they’re not labeled and sent in correctly)

Before and After pictures are mandatory for all contestants even if you think you’ll be in the open category (the open category is essentially for those people who are ‘close’ to their ideal proportions whereas the transformation category is for all people no matter how far they have to go to get to their idea proportions)…if you make a big change but still have a ways to go to get to Golden you will likely be placed in the Transformation category…if you only have 10lbs or a few inches to go to get to golden then you will be placed in the open division.

The bottom line is not to worry about what category you think you might end up in. If you work hard, follow the program and put in a serious effort you’ll likely place in one of the two categories.

All contestants who place in the open division will qualify for the level 2 competition to be held in April 2012.


A special note about taking ‘after’ photos. We are now looking at featuring some of our contestants on our book covers in the coming year. If you want to be in the running to be a Venus Index cover model we will be giving instructions on taking your best after photos. This doesn’t and will never require you to hire a photographer. We will be giving you instructions for taking great after pics with a regular digital camera and some simple lighting and a back drop you can put together at your house.

All contestants (both transformation and open category) will be in the running to become a Venus Index cover model. This is just a little bit more incentive to do your very best and take some kick ass ‘after’ pictures to show of your new VI body!

If you want to hire a photographer that is your choice, but we do not require it and will never ask anyone to do so. Past winners have done a fantastic job taking pictures on their own. I suggest you listen to all the contest interviews and learn what you can about taking after pictures.

Previous winners have set the bar high, now it’s time for someone to step up and blow us all away. Who is it going to be?!



Contest Rules and Regulations:

This is the section with the boring legal stuff, you don’t have to read it all but it must be included in this post.

All entries become the property of the Contest Sponsor and will not be returned.

Contest Sponsor, its advertising and promotion agencies assume no responsibility for lost, stolen, delayed, damaged, illegible, incomplete, postage-due, garbled or misdirected entries or entries that have been submitted through illicit means, or do not conform to or satisfy the Contest Rules or for any problems or technical malfunction of any telephone network or lines, computer on-line systems, servers, access providers, computer equipment, software, failure of any entry to be received or traffic congestion on the internet or at any website, or any combination thereof including any injury or damage to an entrant’s or any other person’s computer related to or resulting from playing or downloading any material in the contest.

The Contest Sponsor reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to modify, cancel or suspend this Contest should an external circumstances arise which are beyond the reasonable control of the Contest Sponsor. The Contest Sponsor is not responsible for any errors or omissions in printing or advertising this Contest.

The Contest Sponsor collects your personal information for the purposes of registration, program evaluation and to keep you informed about contest. The Contest Sponsor may, if consent was given during registration, also contact you from time to time with information about other ways you can lose weight.

The Contest Sponsor will not share any personal data about entrants with any
other party. The personal data collected for this Contest will not be used for any other purposes unless entrants provide explicit permission as indicated on the entry form. For more information about our privacy practices or to obtain a copy of our Privacy Policy, visit Privacy Policy

By entering this Contest, entrants agree to release and hold harmless the Contest Sponsor and their respective employees, officers, directors, agents, representatives, successors, assigns, advertising and promotional agencies from any liability for any loss or damage of any kind to the entrant or any other person in connection with this Contest or participation in any Contest related activities, including but not limited the taking of a urine test or, if declared a winner, the use or misuse of a prize or any portion of a prize including personal injury, death or property damage.

This Contest will run in accordance with these Contest Rules, subject to amendment by the Contest Sponsor. Contest Sponsor reserves the right to cancel, amend, modify or terminate this Contest or the Rules at any time in its sole discretion and without notice.

Entrants must comply with these rules, and will be deemed to have received and understood the rules if they participate in the Contest.



Venus Index Contest Winners Announced

The second Venus Index contest is in the books and today it’s time to announce the winners. This contest was even harder to judge than the last contest. I really do agonize over this process as everyone did so well.

I want to say congratulations to everyone who followed through and completed the contest. It really is a special thing to get through the 12 weeks, stick to the commitment and see it through to the end. Many people will never, in their whole life, get through a 12 week transformation. Think about that for a moment, just 12 weeks of your entire life and it still is very difficult for people to stick to it.

So to repeat, give yourself a pat on the back if you made through the 12 weeks, this accomplishment already puts you in rare territory and you deserve a celebration.

Also, if you’re not familiar with the Venus Index or our philosophies, just go here and check out this video for more information.

Now, on to the matter at hand, here are the winners of the second Venus Index Transformation contest.

Venus Index Transformation Contest 1st Place: Felicity M

Felicity M Venus Index Transformation Winner

Felicity M VT2 Winner

What a difference 12 weeks makes!


Venus Index Transformation Contest 2nd Place: Kimberley A

Venus Index Transformation 2nd Place Kimberley A


VT2 Second Place Kimberley

Venus Index Transformation 2nd Place Kimberley. Fantastic!


Venus Index Transformation Contest 3rd Place: Heather Baker

Venus Index Transformation 3rd Place Heather B

Venus Index Transformation 3rd Place Heather B

A Venus at 48. Looks more like 28 to me!


Venus Index Transformation Contest 4th Place: Molly P

Venus Index Transformation 4th Place Molly P

Venus Index 4th Place Molly P

Molly P Venus Index 4th Place


Venus Index Transformation Contest 5th Place: Leora H

Venus Index Transformation Contest 5th Place Leora H

Venus Index 5th Place Leora H

Leora H Venus Index 5th Place


Venus Index Transformation Contest 6th Place: Kassandra B

Venus Index Transformation 6th Place Kassandra B

Venus Index 6th Place Kassandra B

Kassandra B truly becoming a Venus


Congrats to all who placed and to all who finished the contest. You are all amazing women!

Now on to the second portion of the contest. The “open” category is where we placed those competitors who have a great final shape regardless of how far they had to come to get there. Some made changes comparable to the transformation competitors. Others were maintaining a venus figure, while others still were making the change and pushing through those ‘last 10lbs’ to get to their VI body…so here they are.

Venus Index Open Contest 1st Place: Katherine J

Venus Index open 1st Place Katherine J

Venus Index 1st Place Katherine

Katherine looks fantastic!



Venus Index Open Contest 3rd Place: Stephanie S

Venus Index Open 3rd Place Stephanie S

Venus Index 3rd Place Stephanie S

Stephaine Venus Index Open


Venus Index Open Contest 4th Place: Denise D

Venus Index Open 4th Place Denise D

Venus Index 4th Place Denise

At 58 years young Denise is proof you can be a Venus at any age


Venus Index Open Contest 5th Place: Suzanne M

Venus Idnex Open Contest 5th Place Suzanne M


Venus Index 5th Place Suze M

Venus Index Open Suze M


Venus Index Open Contest 6th Place: Caroline S

Venus Index Open 6th Place Caroline S

Venus Index 6th Place Caroline S

Caroline S Venus Index Open


A final congratulations to all who competed. If you see your picture on this post, expect to be getting an email from me to schedule an interview!


p.s. If you want to get your hands on the systems that helped these ladies made their fabulous transformations, just go here to see if the Venus Index Systems are for you!

Getting into “Stage” Contest Shape, Tracking Results is Key: Interview with Don Gauvreau

Prepping for a bodybuilding or fitness show is an inexact science. There are different ways to do it and different schools of thought on what is the best approach. Over the next few weeks I will be interviewing some of the best in the business at getting people into contest shape.

Today I interview Don Gauvreau. He’s has extensive experience formulating and developing sports supplements and has recently started his own brand of supplements. You can check them out here: Pharma Freak

Donny G definitely knows what it takes to get into contest shape.

Besides his own competitions, Don has coached many top level bodybuilders and fitness/figure competitors through their pre-contest diet/training to prepare for a show.

In this interview Don will give his advice and insights on the process of getting in shape for a show. We’ll talk about training intensity, volume, cardio, and how to make adjustments along the way.

We’ll also discuss the effect of changing diet along the way and what seems to work and what doesn’t.

At the end of the day there is no rules about what to do beyond what is working vs what isn’t working. This is the hardest thing for most people to grasp as we all want the final answer on what to do. The real answer is everyone’s body is slightly different and what works best for you may not work best for someone else.

With that said there are likely going to be some general guidelines for where to start, but after that, it’s all about recording and tracking your progress.

Tracking progress will allow you to make an objective determination of what worked and what didn’t. This is the single most important thing to solving the muscle building and fat loss riddle of your own body.


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An Every Day Venus

You’ll never know what you’re capable of or what the results will be until you take the step to do “it”, whatever “it” may be.

Changing your body requires the mindset and the confidence to take action but it also takes support. And the Venus Index community provided that support for Kimberley and it’s a good thing because she finished 2nd in our first open contest.

Kimberley Dransfield Venus Index Open 2nd Place

An 'every day' venus!

Kimberley is a rocket scientist by training and approached her body transformation as a business. She took an analytical and methodical approach to changing her body and tracking those changes. Kimberley explains how she used the knowledge from the Venus Index program and podcasts as leverage for her efforts to get the look she wanted.

First off you’ve got to do a market analysis of what information is out there and choosing what information you want to use. The next step is tracking your progress to know if you’re moving in the right direction. And the final step is reporting into the ‘boss’ (in this case the boss is the Venus Index community).

This is a unique view of changing your body and it makes perfect sense for those of your who are economic or business minded.

At the end of this interview Kimberley actually interviews me!



Getting in Shape is Worth it!

The process of getting in shape is a journey more than a destination. Understanding this is the first step to putting a sensible approach in place to getting the body and lifestyle you want.

Leann Helle 6th Place Venus Index Transformation

Lean Dropped 12lbs

Leann made big improvements in her overall shape

The process requires effort, consistency, patience, and the right tools. It also requires setting realistic goals that can keep you motivated and moving forward as you reach them.

We all can easily slip into a pattern of wanting too much to change too soon, such is human nature. We want it all, and we want it now. The fitness media largely does us a disservice by promising such things. And when these too good to be true results don’t materialize you can end up feeling worse about yourself and searching for the next best workout or diet program. This is how the information overload problem starts…it is rooted in unrealistic expectations.

Setting a realistic goal and in a realistic time frame is a way to stay on track, feel good about yourself along the way and keep your stress levels low.

Once you accept all of this, and start on your path you’ll likely even surprise yourself at the progress you can really make.

In todays podcast I talk with Leann Helle 6th place finisher in the first Venus Index contest.

We talk about getting rid of the information overload of the diet and fitness industry. Getting the right tools for getting in shape, and finally we talk about setting realistic goals and embracing the journey of getting in shape…because in the end it really is worth it.



Getting in Shape is Simple…but not Easy.

Getting in shape shouldn’t have to be a second job, but many fitness marketers would have you believe so. Hours of daily meal preparation, complicated food combining, supplement dosing and mixing, and hours in the gym. It certainly sounds like a full time job. But who has this kind of time? Karen Check doesn’t and she got in great shape taking the simple straight forward approach with the Venus Index.

Venus Index Contest Karen Check

Venus Index Transformation 4th Place Karen Check

Venus Index Karen Check 4th Place

Karen lost 24lbs

Venus Index Karen Check

Great Transformation

In fact she said that this is the simplest program and approach she has ever followed and over the past 10 years after trying multiple other programs, VI is the only one that finally worked.

Perhaps simplicity is the key.

Working out and dieting doesn’t have to consume your life if you don’t want it to. Yes it takes work and effort, but it shouldn’t take up more than a few hours per week.

The key is keeping a level head, a functioning social life and giving your diet and workout it’s fair space in your life, but no more than is necessary.

Fitting the diet and the work out around your life is the only sustainable way to expect to get in shape and then maintain that shape.

In todays podcast Karen and I talk about her past experiences and why this time things were different. She talks about simplifying the process and how many people including herself went down the road of super complicated and cumbersome diet routines that ended up being monumental effort with little pay off.

Once she embraced a simpler approach Karen finally got the results you see here today.


