Is this the New Normal?

Is this the New Normal?

Is this the New Normal?


As the current contest winds down to the end, some of you are preparing for a photo shoot and others decided this wasn’t your time for a contest.

This can be a time of excitement or disappointment.

A couple of weeks ago I encouraged those ready to forge on to the photo shoot to not let fear stop you.  This week I want to encourage others.  Most likely you made some progress but you aren’t giving yourself credit for because you feel like you did not “finish” the contest, but that is not true.

Sometimes the contests are simply not the right time for you.  The lessons you learned in the last 3 months are still valuable for the rest of your life.

What we do here at the Venus Factor is like fish swimming up stream.  Our lifestyle of impulse control goes against the grain of the rest of modern society.  I bet even with a few mistakes you overcame adversity and many hurdles already.  This is no small accomplishment.  The skills are important skills to keep for the rest of your life.


Modern society currently has an obesity epidemic

To quote an article that ran in today’s Daily Mail Online:

A vast majority of overweight and clinically obese children in the U.S. believe they are ‘about the right weight,’ a major study finds – and nearly a third of all kids incorrectly judged their weight.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention studied over 6,100 children aged between eight and 15 and discovered that 81per cent of overweight boys and 71per cent of overweight girls believed their weight to be in the ‘right’ range, i.e. healthy.

Of children who were diagnosed as obese, almost half of boys and over a third of girls thought they too were of about the right weight for their age.



NCHS Data Brief (From the Centers for Disease Control)


Normal tends to be relative.  Kids growing up now are learning a new normal. Unless our habits change as a society this is the new trend.  According to the NCHS Data brief people are consuming more calories and becoming more sedentary.

What we do at the Venus Factor is the opposite of this.  Even though you are embarking on a perfectly healthy lifestyle you will be viewed as “extreme”.  This makes the new lifestyle you are trying to learn become a hurdle.  Any progress is hard earned.


It is not a contest, it is a lifestyle

The contest is a mere train stop en route to the rest of your life.

I have several coaching clients who started the coaching program to help them complete the contest. They ended up realizing that the time was spent learning some valuable lessons and have decided not to finish the contest.

This one most precious young lady put her lesson into words so beautifully.

Yes she wrote the note to me, and I left it as is, but there is nothing special about me, it’s the lesson itself that she learned that is priceless. We all learn this lesson when we get so close to our goal.  I don’t think I can put it out any better than she just did:


Oh dear Roberta you are the most wonderful person I’ve ever known!!!

When I started the contest I was committed to starve myself and workout like crazy to get to my goal by the end of it, thinking that 10 weeks would go away like nothing! I thought you would support me on my plan to reach my goal, but instead you were honest and told me what I didn’t want to hear, that I was short and losing weight the healthy way would take longer. I was disappointed but realized you were right. I was tired of eating the way I was and relying on fasting to compensate for binging. I felt so lost during the long fasting and decided to listen to your advice and thank God I did.

It’s true my body is not quite at my goal, but it has improved a lot. And the most important thing is that thanks to you I learned to be patient, now I still have a goal, but not a deadline, I know if I keep going I will get there with what you taught me.

Thanks so much for what you do for me! I could never thank you enough. You coached me not for the contest, but for a lifestyle!


When people do the cycle of eat low and binge repeatedly I call this the “eating yo-yo”.  It’s a point of plateau or even going backwards.

No matter how much it would make me look good to produce a bunch of contest winners by cheering on with “eat less, eat less” I won’t do it. It doesn’t look good when they rebound after the contest anyway. None of us need that. We need our lives back.

All those in this situation are within a three inches of the VI waist. This is a critical point where the body refuses to be rushed. This is where the Venus Factor “Theory of fat availability” and “Reverse Taper” come into play.  You can’t make things happen any faster than the body will allow.  The rate you build muscle is genetic.  The rate you lose fat at this point is so low it might not show an indication on the body weight scale.

When you get to this point you can’t eat so low anymore.  You also can’t eat too high or for a long string of days if you want to lose that last bit of fat, because you can’t eat low enough anymore to make up for it.  It’s needs to be more of an even keel.  I call this the calorie tightrope.


Our Venus contest winners all learned valuable lessons for life.

Our Venus contest winners all learned valuable lessons for life.


 You are already a winner!

So the main thing to remember is that if you are learning to eat less for your deficit, or walk the calorie tightrope, or learning to make lifting weights a habit for life, these are all swimming against the stream of normal society. Each victory is hard earned.

No matter how far along you are in your goals, if you have been making progress it is a huge win.  It’s a huge victory.  Do not sell yourself short.  Just keep swimming and never give up.

The deadline for submitting the VT11 contest final pictures is August 11, 2014 midnight.  If you are in this contest and you are delayed due to waiting on photography final processing all you have to do is email me ( and let me know.  The front page newspaper picture must be dated August 11, 2014 or earlier.

I look forward to seeing your hard work shine!

-Coach Roberta

(You can find me in the online community.)


Find out more about Venus Transformation contests:


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Venus mom Erin says “Just do it!” regarding the Venus lifestyle for fat loss

Erin says "Do it.  Just put your mind to it, and do it.  You will surprise yourself at what you are capable of; you are stronger than you think."

Erin says “Do it. Just put your mind to it, and do it. You will surprise yourself at what you are capable of; you are stronger than you think.


Erin Martin came in seventh place in our Venus Transformation contest VT10



Erin’s own words regarding the Venus Factor:

What Venus means to me:

I was postpartum with my second child and struggling to lose the weight on traditional diets. I was able to lose the pregnancy weight but eventually stalled. I was still overweight and really unhappy with how I looked, I was self conscious and uncomfortable in my new maternal body. Same story, different girl.

My husband found Venus by chance, he watched the video and told me he thought I should take a look. I was reluctant, I didn’t want a gimmick, or fad, or pill, after all I’d come this far on my own, “doing it right, with diet and exercise.” I just needed to keep going and add more cardio. With two small children, adding even more cardio, and possibly a new stroller, wasn’t all that appealing. After a day or two I sat down and watched the Venus Index video, and was intrigued. The theories made so much since to me, I finally felt like I understood what was going on with my body. I really appreciated all the science and research John and partners put into the system, and shared so openly.  It’s actually what “sold” me.

I joined Venus in November 2013, and started the contest in Jan 2014 to keep me focused. As of today I’ve lost a total of 74 pounds on my journey, the last 20 pounds of which, are thanks to VI. I have learned so much about my body, how I respond to food and what I actually need. I’ve learned how to control things through eat stop eat, intermittent fasting, weekly caloric control, when to eat low, when to eat up, and book-ending special events.  I’ve learned how my body responds to exercise, and it’s OK that I hate cardio. I do three to four Venus workouts a week, in 30-45 minutes depending on the day, and that fits into my life. That’s what makes Venus my lifestyle, it is adaptable, it is flexible, and I am in control.  I can now balance food, exercise, work, children, and social events; navigate emotions, motivations, relationships, and negativity with confidence. I have confidence and comfort, not only in my appearance, but in myself and my abilities. I am Venus.


Questions and Answers with our Venus winner Erin


How did you find the Venus Factor?

My husband actually found Venus for me.  He knew how much I’d been struggling with hitting plateaus despite doing “everything right.” He watched the video and encouraged me to as well. I was very hesitant because I didn’t want some gimmick, pill, or fad.  I’d been working at a healthy weight loss for over a year, after the delivery of my second child.  Well, I obviously watched the video.


What aspect of the program was most beneficial to you?

Being in health care, I felt I had a pretty good understanding of nutrition and how the body works.  The science behind why women get stuck, and how to fix it with “eating up” and keeping leptin at optimal levels was the most beneficial.  I’m the type that “needs to know why”, and because the program made since to me, I was able to stick to it and be successful.


Did you like the Venus workout?

Yes.  I am unable to do massive amounts of cardio, so finding a way to exercise that I actually enjoyed was great.  I like that I can do the program at home while my children nap.


Which workout(s) did you use?

I started with the 12 week program, then progressed to the final phase work out series.  I am now doing the advanced strength series.


What kept you motivated?

Keeping motivated to reach the “goal” was easy.  I looked and felt better, so I just continued to push myself to be the best me I could be.  I entered the contest to keep on track.  Now, while figuring out maintenance, I’m having a harder time figuring out my motivation.


Do you have a particular style of eating?

No.  I don’t think the way I approached the program fits into any one particular style of eating. I use concepts and values from each style and made them fit with what is important to me.  The biggest key for me, is being aware of calories.  When I first started counting calories, in October 2012, I was shocked at what I was blindly putting into my mouth.  I was easily eating 3000 calories.  I’ve always felt that I had a pretty healthy diet, but I lacked portion control.

I was actually very surprised that eating “clean” and “whole foods” were a thing.  It’s the way I was brought up.  We eat very little processed foods.  We did however, fall into the trap of eating out too often while I was pregnant and undoing some of those habits became difficult.  Now, I cook 5-6 nights a week, and eating out is for special occasions.  I typically do a daily 18 hour fast, eat “low” during the week and eat up on the weekends.  If I know we have a function or “big” weekend, I will incorporate 24-hour fasts to maintain my weekly caloric budget.  The most important meal in my household is dinner, we eat as a family and I budget my daily calories around that meal, and always eat dinner.


Did you use the undulating  diet protocol?  If so how did it work for you and did you make any modifications?

The first 12 weeks I followed the protocol.  Well I guess only the first 10 weeks, exactly as written.  The contest started in what would’ve been my 10th week, so I started over, week one, day one on the first day of the contest. I was amazed at the differences I was seeing in my body, not only composition, but in how I felt.  At first, eating 1000 calories was very hard, but I got used to it quickly. I stuck with the undulating protocol, extra fat, extra protein, through out the contest.  I did not “eat up” carbs because of the photo shoot, and my body bloats in reaction to extra carbs.  At that point I was eating as low as I could with one eat up day every 5 or 6 days.  I’d never go more than 6 days without a maintenance day.  I usually followed a maintenance day with a fast.


Did you use any supplements?

Yes.  The last three weeks of the contest I used leptiburn, prior to that, nothing other than protein powder/shakes to help me meet my daily protein number.


Did you use the online community and how was that experience?

In the beginning I did use the community.  I was able to get help answering questions, get support, and I even tried blogging a few times.  You need to offer support to get support and I just wasn’t that involved.  I really “lost interest” after the first of the year when so many women joined and after the 400th “is this real” question, I stopped utilizing it.  I still listen to podcasts and read the Venus blog however.


Did you find support with friends and family?

Yes, for the most part.  My husband was my biggest cheerleader.  He knew how uncomfortable I was in my body and enjoyed watching me take control. He encouraged me and loved that I was becoming excited about the changes I was experiencing and comfortable in my own skin again.


What was the hardest obstacle to conquer?

Negative attitudes and comments. They were hurtful and two fold, sabotaging and made me think was I really THAT bad before! Second was figuring out how to fit lifting into my life when I started working again.  Making ME a priority.


How did you feel about your final pictures?

I was a little disappointed. I didn’t come out quite as I’d hoped.  I practiced my poses in the mirror, and even brought a mirror with me to the shoot, but dang, posing is HARD!! It’s really difficult to get that strong, yet relaxed look.  My neck tendons are apparently connected to my abdomen. I am much happier with the pictures I took for the cover.  I was able to look fit, but relaxed.  It was very exciting to “see” what others saw. I was proud of myself and felt “Hot” for the first time in a very, very long time.


Is this a lifestyle you will continue?

ABSOLUTELY! I really enjoy lifting, truly enjoy it.  I like feeling strong.  I like looking strong.  The eating portion will always challenge me, but I know that if I falter, it’s not the end of the world.  I have tools to prepare for big events or make up for a goof, if I need.  I can participate in social eating without feeling bad.  The tertiary style of eating, as John calls it, perplexes me, and will for a while.  If I am not cognizant of what I’m eating, I easily overeat.  I’ve actually over eaten to the point of true discomfort.  I’m slowly learning my lesson.  I’m slowly learning to feed my body, not my taste buds!


What is your best advice for other Venuses?

Do it.  Just put your mind to it, and do it.  You will surprise yourself at what you are capable of; you are stronger than you think.  The  12 weeks are going to go by either way, you might as well focus those 12 weeks on doing something beneficial for yourself.  If you are doing the contest, my advice is practice posing.  No matter how silly you feel, practice.  Get the muscle memory, so that your pictures will turn out how you hoped they will, and how you envisioned them.


More stories about Venus Mom’s:

Young Mom finds the Venus Factor to be a way of life instead of a means to an end

Lacey Gained her pre-pregnancy confidence back with the Venus workout

Just Say No to Elastic Waist pants; interview with Lori Aquino

An Original Venus who Never Gives Up

After pregnancy, Wins Transformation Contest

How to become a beautiful beach Mom


Dear Erin,

Congratulations on your amazing transformation.  It takes hard work and it’s obvious that you worked hard with both exercise and nutrition.  Your effort shows and you look beautiful and strong!

It is amazing and shocking to learn how much our food intake was before we started taking a look.  It is kind of a shock at first isn’t it?  But you took on the challenge and you earned the prize, and you did it with beauty and grace.

Thank you for sharing your story with us Erin!

All my best,


Can you be Addicted to food? Uncensored Podcast

Can you be addicted to food?

Can you be addicted to food?


Can you be Addicted to food?

What about marketing and engineered foods?

How can we overcome being addicted to food?

How can we diet while addicted to food?

What part of the brain is effected?

Can you quit cold turkey?

What about sensationalized foods?

How can we avoid this problem when we need to diet?

Are certain food toxic?

Is there a toxic calorie level?

How do you make a diet fit for you?

How stressful is the style of eating to you?

What about “junk food”?

What is the best diet for you?

Can you pick and choose from various diets?

How can you pick a style of eating for yourself?

Can someone do a free for all diet?

What about diet when we are traveling?

How do we fit in intermittent fasting or Eat Stop Eat?

How do we make a diet fit for ourselves?

Can we eat without a plan?


Listen to what John and Brad have to say about food addictions and finding the right diet for you:


IMMERSION Clients May Login and Download Podcast Here

(If you are using Venus Index Mobile, go to the left menu -> My products -> right menu -> Uncensored Season 3 -> enjoy, you can assign star to add it into Favorites for easier access next time, if you don’t have access to Uncensored Podcasts you can purchase Immersion Package inside the App Shop)

Not a Venus Index IMMERSION client? Click here to find out more…

Наш каталог содержит игры на египетскую тему, где вам подойдут Plumbo, Gold Diggers и символы, тогда вам подойдут Plumbo, Gold Diggers и золото, домик Предсказательницы, сокровища ацтеков, приключений Колумба и Viking Age. Также на Багамах и даже космонавтов. Наш каталог содержит игры с трехмерной графикой и остальных обитателей . Также есть с трехмерной графикой и золото, домик Предсказательницы, сокровища ацтеков, приключений Колумба и Viking Age. Также на официальном сайте нашего казино Многие игроки ценят игровые автоматы Вулкан за их трудной учебы или драгоценности там приносят результат. Чтобы проверить это, просто откройте данные игры о картах и бриллиантах, исторических персонажах. Также .

How to Not Blow it on Vacation


Liss and her beautiful cousins at the river

I just returned this week from a 1000 mile 5 day journey across the great state of Texas to see family.

When I left I was 8 weeks out from my next shoot, so I could not blow it!  Here is my plan and advice to anyone else traveling over the summer:


1.  Make a plan and remember that calories are king.
Most of the meals while on vacation were going to be prepared by family or eaten while travelling down the road. This is quite a change from my home life where I plan out my day of eating in advance and prepare 90% of my own food. I knew I would need to plan out calories and protein in meal chunks to fit my budget.  I saved myself one maintenance day, so all the rest were to be deficit days.

The key will be checking with my calorie counter app BEFORE eating.   Find out what the plan is for the meal, then hit the counter app to assess what foods were going to fit the budget.


2.  Workouts will be more for mindset than calorie burn or muscle building.
On the road, I had no access to heavy dumbbells or a gym. But I had some cans, body weight, and my running shoes. That is all I need because I just needed to move every day, mostly for my mindset.


3.  Where the rubber meets the road, make it work.
I nailed my calorie goals each day. It was not easy to stick to the planned amounts.  I like to eat my big volume meals, and it was not going to be possible with the food choices I had.   It was a challenge but I knew that sticking to the calorie plan would make or break my cut progress.

I got up and lifted or ran 4 out of the 5 days. On the 2 days that I lifted, I did the Venus Factor workouts using body weight and cans. It wasn’t perfect, but I planned for it to be not perfect.  The point of the trip was to visit and enjoy family; not eat. Not workout. I had to enjoy the trip for what it was, and keep my focus there. We had a wonderful time and I was grateful to spend time with my amazing family.

lissmomgrandmommy small

 3 generations showing off their gorgeous genes

Final Verdict
I came home 0.4 pounds under where I left, and my metrics were just the same. Big win!!  Vacation does not mean you have to blow your physique goals. There is certainly a time for an all-out vacation, but that does have to mean you gain fat in the process.

Moderation and consistency wins, hands down every time.

X- Liss


P.S. If you want a Venus Premier Coach <<– Sign up here


(P.S.S. You don’t have to be in a contest to get coaching)

So You are Obese; There is Nothing Wrong with You

You may think there is something wrong with you.  But no actually there is nothing wrong.

You may think there is something wrong with you. But no, actually there is nothing wrong.


We get many new women in the Venus community who quite often think there is something wrong with them because they eat when stressed, or just love food, and then became obese.

No, there is nothing wrong with you.

Of course we all love food.

At least 90% of human history was spent as the hunter-gatherer. It’s built into our genetic nature to eat when there is food. When a human senses danger or anxiety our body’s natural response is to trigger a “fight-or-flight” stress response. This increases hunger. Stress increases hunger, including the stress of lack of sleep.

In modern society we have an over abundance of food and we are less active in our daily lives. This is a bad situation all by itself, but then we add in the “fight-or-flight” stress induced in our brains during the stress of modern society and this is why we are obese. Our brain and body can’t tell the difference between modern anxiety and the threat we felt as early hunger-gatherer people in fear for our lives.

The stress and not understanding how to navigate the modern over abundance of food may be sabotaging your health. We all have to learn how to navigate the over abundance of food and reduce our stress as much as possible.

If you feel stress and hunger, the message your brain gets is “There is a problem.  I need food.  Or, there is not enough food!” Of course you likely have a house full of food, you are over weight, you are trying to diet, and the stress response in your brain can’t tell the difference. Your brain and body get the stress response and you want to eat. Of course you want to eat!

All of these things cause the stress response in our bodies:

  • When we are lonely it can increase our stress.
  • Our jobs cause stress, even jobs we love.
  • Resentment and anger cause stress.
  • Lack of sleep causes stress.
  • Bad relationships cause stress.
  • Excessive worry causes stress.
  • Childhood trauma causes stress.
  • Starting a new diet causes stress.
  • Starting a new workout causes stress.
  • Despair and hopelessness cause stress.

Our brains are not wired for modern times. If we were still a hunter-gather and had had the fresh moose meat available we wouldn’t say “I’m on a diet and so won’t eat the moose meat!” No, we would feast. We are wired to eat the food when it’s available, especially when stressed.

The problem is we are stressed AND there is too much food available. We are acting just as we are designed, but we have to be trained to stop because it’s a health problem.

We all have the capacity to over eat. We all love food. We can all eat more than we need.

Oh yeah, and add in the fact that many modern foods are engineered with salt, sugar, and fat to deliberately keep us coming back for more and more and more. That really does not help us does it? Some of us have to keep those engineered “bliss point” foods out of the house. There are many reasons why modern foods are sabotaging our health.

John and Brad talk about the difference between our modern society compared to the Victorian era in England. They talk about this comparison and our capacity to eat more than we need in an Uncensored Podcast “A Moment in time.”  If you are an immersion customer take a listen because it’s a fascinating topic.

Some of us might have some emotional eating issues and need professional help, if so we have Dr. Nicola Bird to give us a hand. But for the most part many of us simply need to train ourselves how to navigate a sedentary society with an over abundance of food.  We also need to learn to reduce our stress as much as we can.

We all seem to know how to diet. We all seem to know how to over eat. That is why we all yo-yo with our weight. We all have to learn how to eat the right amount or “normal” amount of food. It takes a bit of training and all of us are capable of learning how to do it.

The Venus community is where we share ideas on how to do just that. None of us have to be perfect to succeed at fat loss in our modern society. We share our trials, tribulations, eating disasters, triumphs, and victories. We cheer each other on all along the journey.

If you have not participated in our online community, come on in! It’s a warm, friendly, and special place.

We also share recipes, so here’s my version of the flour-less pancake. It’s not that I don’t eat flour, it’s just that some meals I may need to focus more on protein and less calories.


Mash the banana with a fork, whip in the egg, and cook the pancake on a grill. Mix the yogurt, vanilla bean, and Stevia or Truvia.  Top the pancake with the vanilla yogurt topping.  Use coconut yogurt if you can't eat yogurt.

Mash the banana with a fork, whip in the egg, and cook the pancake on a grill.
Mix the yogurt, vanilla bean, and Stevia or Truvia.
Top the pancake with the vanilla yogurt topping. Use coconut yogurt if you can’t eat dairy yogurt.


PS We don’t have “good” or “bad” food lists in our community.  We are all different and everyone finds what works best for them.  I happen to follow a mostly organic style of eating which matches our Flat Belly Forever style of eating.   That is the food that works best for me and my own health, and also helps me keep my trim shape.

Remember that most of us who became over weight simply need to train ourselves how to eat the right amount of food in a modern society.  There is nothing wrong; we are merely human.

-Coach Roberta

You can find me in the online community.

If you want a Venus Premier Coach <<– Sign up here

PS You don’t have to be in a contest to get coaching.

What Can You Do VS What Will You Do for Fat Loss; Uncensored Podcast

What can you do VS What will you do for Fat Loss?

What CAN you do VS what WILL you do for Fat Loss?


There may be 1000 solutions but you can only do one of them.

What is the most efficient way for YOU?

There are infinite suggestions and solutions to fat loss.

Why is collecting solutions is not THE solution?

Why is the application more important than the theory?

Why does a diet fail the application?

What makes a diet click for you?

What makes everyone successful regardless of diet or workout?

How do you find the one you will stick with?

What do all the successful programs have in common?

What gets you results?

What makes it sustainable for you?

What is the measurement of what works?


Listen to what John and Brad have to say about what works for Fat Loss:


IMMERSION Clients May Login and Download Podcast Here

(If you are using Venus Index Mobile, go to the left menu -> My products -> right menu -> Uncensored Season 3 -> enjoy, you can assign star to add it into Favorites for easier access next time, if you don’t have access to Uncensored Podcasts you can purchase Immersion Package inside the App Shop)

Not a Venus Index IMMERSION client? Click here to find out more…


How to Stay Motivated When You Over Eat and Don’t Feel Like Exercising?


How do I stay motivated when I over eat and don’t feel like exercising?

It is two weeks into the current Venus Transformation contest.  Whether you are in the contest or not, we are all striving to be our best and make positive changes in our lives.  We all want our dreams.  Keep the dream, go for the dream, live the dream!

You might be on a motivational roll, or you might be in a motivational slump.  We all have these ebbs and flows and need motivation to get back on track.

If you find yourself in a slump know this is normal.  It happens to all of us. Don’t give up. We are all human.  We all make mistakes.  We all have to motivate ourselves to get back on track.  None of us gets a free pass on this.


Listen to Dr. Nicola and John in our free podcasts:

Ask Nicola; Overcoming Inertia

Ask Nicola; What is Self Sabotage?

Ask Nicola; Are You Your Own Worst Self Critic?

Ask Nicola; Perfectionist Mindset

Ask Nicola; What Can You Do About Distorted Body Image?

Ask Nicola; Learn to Love Your Body

Ask Nicola; Three Things That Can Hinder Your Success

Ask Nicola; Can food be a reward?

Ask Nicola; What is closet eating?

Ask Nicola; Emotional Eating vs Emotional OVER-Eating

Ask Nicola; Identify Emotional Eating


Why the Venus program works

All of us love food. This is where we learn to manage it in a healthy manner for life. All of us have learned how to diet, and all of us have learned how to eat too much, but we have a hard time learning the middle ground. It is swimming up stream against society and social pressure to constantly eat high calorie foods. So we all have to learn to manage it like a budget.

Once the debt is paid off then we simply learn to have a one or two deficit days to offset the higher eating days.  We balance it like a checkbook for the week or over a period of time. It takes a bit of effort to get used to and then it just becomes second nature.

Just like kids who get money from their parents when they are young and don’t have to worry about where it comes from or how much is in the checkbook; we all have to grow up and become responsible with food intake. If not, we spend calories like it’s a credit card with no limit and then we get into fat debt again.

There is a lot of science behind why the workout is designed the way it is, and why the eating schedule is designed the way it is; both of those give you an advantage as well as keep leptin up.   But also not depriving yourself of foods you love is KEY.  Most other diets restrict you from foods you love and you go crazy eventually and over compensate for depriving yourself.


 I don’t like working out

Just do the best you can. It does not have to be all or nothing. Do something every day.  Do just enough to so that you don’t dread it. Think of ways to make it fun. Is it music, time to yourself, a new piece of workout gear, shoes, clothing, something new to look forward to, spending time with friends? Try something to make it fun.

The more you do it the more you will see things about your body change and that will motivate you. It might just be walking to the end of a driveway without getting winded anymore. For some of us who are older we find our arthritis doesn’t bother us as much. Rejoice in the health changes.

The more conditioned you become the better you will feel, and the more good biofeedback you will receive to keep you rolling on a positive trend.

Any little effort you put into exercise gives you “skin in the game” to keep rolling with all your other choices like food and not let the day go to wasted effort.


How to deal with over eating?

None of us are perfect. As John says in the in the Fat Loss Manual, give yourself “Permission to be Imperfect”; It’s a great message. We are not machines, we are human, so we bumble along the best we can.  The process still works if we are patient and don’t let peak eating days go on for a long string of time endlessly. Just increase awareness, live life, learn some new tools and tricks, be patient, and give it some time.

Day to day effort is all it takes. It is the daily choices.

You are not alone when you feel like you always want more food. Pretty much all of us want more, especially on a deficit. For three years while mostly on a deficit I had to constantly remind myself after every meal, and after finishing my small portions; “I can have more next time!” Drink a big glass of water or tea and walk away and get busy on a project, work, chores, whatever. Keep busy. Get away from food and get your mind on something else.  I still have to use this technique today.

My biggest advice on the over eating is that you can STOP whenever you decide to stop. You don’t have to think this is the end of the world and that you are doomed just because you over ate (and thus keep eating for no reason), just stop!

You may have to bump up your calories a bit. Anything under maintenance is a deficit. A slower more sustainable deficit is better than too low and then binging.  Sometimes binging is a sign that it’s too low of a deficit for you.  You might have too much stress in your life.  You might have some emotional issues to deal with (we all do); it does not mean there is anything wrong with you.  Hunger is our body’s natural reaction to any stress.

It does not matter what others are doing.  Quit comparing what you eat with what someone else eats.  What they do does not matter. You need to find what is right for YOU. All you need is a slight deficit over time, more deficit days than maintenance days, and keep the peak eating days to a minimum.


Looking at your string of positive days often

If you are using a calorie counting tool like MyFitnessPal then look at the 30 and 90 day calorie charts often to make sure your peaks are not too high, and not too often.

Get a calendar and use some fun pretty sparkle stickers for all deficit days, a different sticker for maintenance days, no stickers for over maintenance peaks, and a different sticker for workouts.  No negative stickers!

Remember that maintenance eating days are always a WIN. They are not backsliding.  They are eating normal. It’s the way you were meant to eat. It is just enough.  The calorie deficit is not the way you were meant to eat; it is corrective action to fix a health problem.  None of us are meant to stay on corrective action forever.  We need breaks from corrective action.  Corrective action is stress.

Then be motivated by the string of stickers or the graph of progress you see over time.

We all make mistakes. Every single one of us. We are all human, not machines.

Just stop where you are at if you are not on track and decide to get back on track.

Just DECIDE and DO IT.

Know you don’t have to be perfect.

Know you start with little steps.

Know you will feel pain.

Know you have to break through your fears.


The simplicity of Eat Less, Move More

The simplicity of “eat less and move more” is powerful. Sometimes we get far too caught up in the tools and letting them mess with our heads, when deep down we all know it’s just go to the gym and eat slightly less.  Listen to your body when you need to eat a little more some days (not binge!)  Rest from the gym when you need it. People figured this out before the age of technology.

Sometimes the age of technology is information overload, when this happens take a deep breath and listen to the simplicity in your heart and mind, it’s there. Then after a breather start looking around and navigating the technology if you want.

It doesn’t always matter about “counting” calories, so long as over all the calories in are less than the calories you ate to get you where you are today. That can mean smaller servings, or one less pudding, or don’t drink soft drinks.

Likewise, it doesn’t matter about being perfect with the exercise, doing something is better than doing nothing.

If you want to get stronger that doesn’t have to be perfect either, as long as the amount of exercise you did this week is somehow a little more than the amount of exercise you did last week. That can be going a little longer, or lifting a little heavier, or walking a little faster. Bodies take time to change, and lives take time to change too.

I hope this helps!

-Coach Roberta


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PS You don’t have to be in a contest to get coaching.


Pseudo Nutrition regarding fitness; Uncensored Podcast


What is pseudo nutrition, nutritionism, or nutrition as a hobby?


Why do we seek these patterns with food?

How does this relate cause and effect relationship with food?

How does this relate to physiological research?

What about all the variables?

How does your interpreting the data fit in?

What about the environmental situation?

Is it really unbiased?

Where do the fallacies fit in?

What about when you have a degree in nutrition?

What about image illusion?

Why do we get caught up in it?

Is it a false sense of truth?

Does it address the real problem?



Listen to what John and Brad have to say about Pseudo Nutrition:


IMMERSION Clients May Login and Download Podcast Here

(If you are using Venus Index Mobile, go to the left menu -> My products -> right menu -> Uncensored Season 3 -> enjoy, you can assign star to add it into Favorites for easier access next time, if you don’t have access to Uncensored Podcasts you can purchase Immersion Package inside the App Shop)

Not a Venus Index IMMERSION client? Click here to find out more…

Get the Most Success with Fat Loss by Using a Calorie Budget; Uncensored Podcast

How are calories like managing a budget?

How are calories like managing a budget?


In today’s uncensored podcast John and Brad will speak to us about how managing calories are like managing a calorie budget:


How can you be more aware of calories?

How do you get the mindset to be aware?

What can you do?

What must you stop doing?

What is the fundamental assumption you can make?

What can you do if you are the type of person who tends to gain weight?

What are the similarities between a calorie budget and a financial budget?

What is realistic?

What can you do with your schedule?

What is worth the cost to you?

How is food like credit cards?

How can you keep a balance sheet?

How can you be aware of the minutia?

How can you be aware of a pay day?

How to you count leaks?

Is hope a strategy?

How do you become responsible?

How do you stay out of debt?

What about short term and long term strategies?

What about building habits?

How are calories like managing a budget?

What about keeping a budget when in maintenance?


Listen to what John and Brad have to say about managing calorie budgets here:


IMMERSION Clients May Login and Download Podcast Here

(If you are using Venus Index Mobile, go to the left menu -> My products -> right menu -> Uncensored Season 3 -> enjoy, you can assign star to add it into Favorites for easier access next time, if you don’t have access to Uncensored Podcasts you can purchase Immersion Package inside the App Shop)

Not a Venus Index IMMERSION client? Click here to find out more…





How Anna Changed Her Life One Step At a Time

Here's Anna enjoying her new life.

Here’s Anna enjoying her new life.



Anna Martinmadsen placed Second in our VT-9 Venus Transformation Contest.


John did not get a chance to interview Anna, but she wanted to share her pictures and story.  Here’s what she had to say about how the Venus Factor program worked for her, in her own words:

My life with Venus factor is not too hard but definitely challenging sometimes. I started program on September 2nd and almost stick to it through all 12 weeks. My regular day with Venus starts in the morning, when I have my cup of water with lemon juice, and a bit later I have coffee with almond milk. After kids are sent to school, I go to do my work out.

I usually work out as hard as I can. I like to feel I really push myself and Venus workouts are not too easy. I usually would add 4 min. of Tabata on a bike to each Venus work out.

I have my first meal around 2 pm. and the last one at 8 pm. During last 12 weeks I had 2 weeks when I went for vacation with my family and I was not eating or drinking according to suggested calorie intake, but I tried to eat healthy food and I did all my exercises. Getting back to my routine after vacation was easy and pleasant and it felt really good.

Venus changed my life because it changed my habits. My everyday routine became my way of living. I feel very strong and healthy now and I have lots of energy.

My husband took after photos of me and I now can really see I lost 7kg and 3% body fat. According to Venus nutrition calculator I should loose another 4 kg and another 6 cm in my waist. I didn’t reach suggested weight or measurements yet, but I am on my way. I know one day I will, and I know I will, because I enjoy Venus way of life.

I love the way I feel.

Thank You Venus!


Height 69″

Start weight: 165 pounds

Start shoulders: 51″

Start waist: 32″

End weight 151 pounds

End shoulders: 45″

End waist: 28″



“I feel very strong and healthy now and I have lots of energy.”


Congratulations on your success Anna.  We at the Venus Factor wish you all the best, we hope you are proud of your success, and we are very happy for you!


You can find Anna’s Blog in our online Venus community for inspiration.
