Lift Heavy for Longevity: Interview With Denise DeGrazia

The diet and fitness industry/media has grown exponentially since the internet has become a regular part of our daily lives. You have almost limitless information outlets to consume and confuse yourself with. Unfortunately most of them are providing less information and more entertainment.

With the increase in information channels there is a disproportionate increase in incorrect and basically useless information. In many cases it’s not only useless but detrimental.

Denise Venus Index Open

Denise 4th Place Venus Index

Denise DeGrazia Venus Index Open 4th Place

It is sometimes hard to know what is true and what is false at first glance. One of the only ways to truly understand is through experience and trial and error.

In todays interview Denise DeGrazia will take us to school through her experiences with fitness and lifting weights over the course of the last 3 decades. She relates stories of what it’s been like going through many fitness fads, and learning what really works for women and how to build and maintain a strong muscular lean body well into her 50’s.

Wisdom from Experience

Over the years Denise has seen diet and fitness fads come and go, and experimented with many different forms of exercise and dieting. She has the authority of many years of experience on her side and relates it to all of us in this podcast. She has a unique perspective going all the way back to what diet and fitness meant to women of her mothers generation, and then her own generation, and now to the generations below her. The story transcends decades but the final answers for getting lean, strong and muscular will always remain the same. Lift heavy and often, and keep an eye on your calories.

When you start strength training it will help build, shape and strengthen your muscle and body for your best shape. Over time the long term benefit becomes that of longevity, quality of life and the ability to live an independent and fulfilling life well into advanced age.



How Much Protein for Weight Loss

Losing weight requires a caloric deficit. You can choose to create that deficit with a combination of caloric restriction below your daily energy requirement as well as raising your daily calorie burn with a combination of cardio and weight training.

Will this help you burn fat?

These are the basics and they don’t change, and it doesn’t really need to get any more complex than this.

However you will find many claims from the diet and fitness media that suggest it is much more complex than this, and one of the most persistent claims is about protein and it’s benefits for weight loss.

Eating a high protein diet is claimed to be a benefit for weight loss for any one of the following reasons (and probably a combination of them):

1. Increased thermic effect of protein foods

2. Higher degree of satiety per gram

3. A change in fat burning and fat storing hormones to favor fat burning

4. Nutrient repartitioning (ie: more of the calories from protein will go to muscle instead of fat)

These claims sound pretty good and some of them do have scientific evidence that suggest there might be some fire under the smoke.

For example, the thermic effect of protein can be measured and has been shown to be higher than protein or carbs. This means that if you eat the same number of calories from protein instead of carbs, it will cause your body to burn a few more calories digesting and assimilating it. This effect is small, and might only make a noticeable difference for bodybuilders and fitness competitors who are dieting down to single digit bodyfat levels.

Another claim we often see relating to protein is the effect on satiety. Many studies and anecdotal reports suggest that protein itself will satisfy hunger better than the same amount of carbohydrate. This could help you stick to a diet and keep you from overeating at other points throughout the day.

It’s also known that dietary protein will increase amino acid pools, increase nitrogen balance, and contribute to intramuscular amino acids. This is all part of the ‘nutrient partitioning’ story. Essentially the protein you eat is much more likely to end up contributing to amino acids in muscle and repairing tissues all around your body before it will ever contribute to fat.

It would appear that there are many benefits of increasing your protein content when trying to diet down and keep your lean muscle mass up.

In the “How Much Protein for Weight Loss” UNCENSORED audio program released today, we’ll review some recent research that looked at the effect of high or low protein on weight loss. We’ll discuss the merits and limitations of this research shed whatever light we can on the results and what they mean to you in your efforts to build muscle and burn fat at the same time.


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How Do Muscles Grow?

Working out with weights causes muscles to adapt and grow, this is nothing new. The pattern of muscle growth however is not as obvious as we might have thought.

Most people think you train a muscle and the entire muscle simply gets bigger in a uniform and evenly spread out way…but this is a false assumption.

New research is showing that muscles do not grow in a uniform pattern, in fact research is showing certain areas or ‘chunks’ of the muscle grow to a greater degree than other ‘chunks’.

This non-uniform growth is due to many factors that come into play when we start working out with weights. These factors include:

The Anatomy of a Muscle

1. Volume of training

2. Intensity of training

3. Frequency of training

4. Velocity of reps performed

5. Muscle pennation angle

6. Muscle fiber length

7. Distribution of muscle fiber types within a given muscle group

8. Type of exercise performed

9. Previous training experience

And this is just the short list.

In the UNCENSORED audio program named “Non Uniform Muscle Adaptation – How Do Muscles REALLY Grow?”, released today, we review the latest research on muscle adaptations to strength training and determine how much or how little of a muscle we can really activate while working out and what is necessary for maximum muscle growth.

We also look into the research that the same muscle does not grow at the same rate from top to bottom and we may indeed be able to change the ‘shape’ of a given muscle group if we know how to active the entire muscle.


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Can You Lose Weight and Keep it Off? (New Research on Weight Maintanence)

Well all know someone who has lost weight and put it back on…and then some. We hear phrases that 99% of people fail on a diet and put the weight back on. This however isn’t a scientific claim as much as it is an assumption.

Weight loss isn’t a straight line but rather a series of peaks and valleys. People can ‘go on a diet’ to get rid of a chunk of weight and then try to maintain that new lower weight.

When you look at it from this standpoint there are 3 ways to eat.

Are we all doomed to always put weight back on after dieting?

1) The way you can eat that causes you to gain weight

2) The way you can eat that causes you to lose weight

3) The way you can eat that keeps your weight stable

These must be viewed as 3 distinctly separate phases and treated differently. Most weight loss programs and studies focus on getting people out of the first phase and into the second phase, which is pretty easy. The only real action needed to cause weight loss is a reduction in calories eaten until body weight starts to fall.

The real trick is figuring out how phase 3 works and keeping the weight off. And this is where many diet interventions fail. Most people can fight their way through a 10-12 week hard diet, but it’s the months and years following the hard diet that are trickier to navigate.

Once the hard diet part is over, you’re not relying on a strict deadline or an ‘iron will’ to get through the next month, but instead you’re looking at a whole new way of eating from here on out. What happens after the hard diet is rarely studied, but a recent research paper did just that.

In a study published Oct 2011, researchers put people on a hard low calorie diet for 10 weeks then followed up with their subjects a full year later to see how much weight they kept off and test multiple hormones and other markers of health.

This same paper has been reviewed by various fitness commentators who seem to have selectively chosen to spin the information from this study in a negative light vs a positive light. This one sided approach to reporting the science seems to be rooted in an academic and political will to try and prove that obesity is a disease and out of our control to deal with.

In today’s podcast, we review this research paper and show you what the results really say and how the fitness media and even the researchers themselves distort their reporting in order to put a doomsday spin on the findings.

This is a important lesson in diet and fitness science reporting and how information can be twisted and used to tell a very different story from what the facts say.


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Diet Records: The Obvious Flaw Of Diet Studies

The diet and fitness industry makes claims on the effects of workouts, diets, supplements and the combination of the three. The better commentators even quote published research, and the best of them actually read the full research papers and make an honest effort to give an accurate account of what they’ve read.

This however is not enough when it comes to interpreting diet information, and specifically when reading research about human dietary habits.

Would you really admit to having this for lunch?

The problem is that people are notoriously bad at admitting what they eat when they’re being studied. In most cases people will under report the total amount of food they’ve eaten. This phenomenon is so systemic in diet research it’s hard to make any conclusions from diet study results because you can never be sure that people really did eat what they say they ate.

This has been a problem since the entire field of studying diet and nutrition started, and we still do not have a solution for it. In the past before modern metabolic measurement techniques were developed researchers had no choice but to simply assume people were telling the truth about what they were eating.

In recent years new and cost effective techniques have been developed that can accurately measure how many calories the human system burns on a daily basis, and therefore we can measure how many calories you can eat without gaining excess fat mass, or losing body mass.

Once these measurements were adopted by nutrition researchers the truth came out, and it’s not pretty. We now have proof that diet records are a highly flawed measurement technique and that in some cases up to 80% of the people in a diet study will lie about the amount of food they eat and under report it.

We also know that people will over report eating foods that a perceived as ‘good foods’ and under report eating foods that are perceived as being ‘bad foods’.

This stems from the growing marketing and dogma about good and bad foods, and the idea that there is the ‘right’ way to eat.

When people are in a nutrition or diet study they do not want to appear as eating ‘bad’ foods or eating too much, so they do not report everything they eat and systemically make their diets seem ‘better’ or ‘healthier’ than they really are.

This deception is rooted in shame, guilt and embarrassment that people are trained to feel when not eating what the fitness industry has labeled the ‘right way to eat’. And this is the failing of diet and fitness marketing on a whole.

It has created a society of people who are ashamed and guilty about their food choices and unsatisfied with their bodies. It truly has done more harm than good. And now even in a scientific experiment most people cannot bring themselves to admit what they really eat or how much they really eat.

The direction things are going is ominous and it’s likely only going to get worse. The more diet and nutrition marketing and fear mongering we are exposed to about good and bad foods, and good and bad ways to eat will only further this embarrassment and guilt in people trying to lose weight or be healthy. This leads to even more dishonest diet recording and even less understanding of what is really going on with the modern diet.

It wouldn’t be a stretch to say that modern nutrition science actually has no idea how people eat, what they eat, and most importantly how much they eat.

The next time you read a book, website, or article that is quoting nutrition research about a particular diet you should view it with a very skeptical eye. It’s most likely reporting on highly inaccurate diet records that tell us almost nothing about what those people truly ate.

The bottom line is people will not tell the truth about what they eat.

In todays podcast we dig into the diet record research and show you how flawed this research is. Considering diet records are the foundation of most diet research it’s not a stretch to assume that most conclusions in diet and nutrition research are highly flawed and likely incorrect. We can’t know what effect a particular way of eating has if people will never tell us what they’re eating.


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VT3 After Pictures Coaching Call

The third Venus Index transformation and open contests are in the final stretch and it’s time to get ready to take your final pictures.

I suggest going through and listening to some interviews of previous winners to get a good idea of how to take a good picture at home.

You can listen to a previous post explaining picture taking here:

How To Take After Pictures

Here is an example of some simple competition poses:

Marli On Stage

Spend some time going through fitness magazines and pick out your top 10 favorite images/poses and try to recreate them with your final pictures.

Learn how to prepare for the best photo’s ever:

Preparing For Your Contest Photo Shoot – Part 1: Posing Practice

Preparing For Your Contest Photo Shoot – Part 2: Photography And Lighting

Preparing For Your Contest Photo Shoot – Part 3: The Final Week


Venus Transformation Contest instructions


For some additional coaching from John take a listen:


How Heather Went from Disordered Eating to Flexible Social Life and Venus Body

Heather placed third in the Venus Index Transformation Contest.

She lost pounds of fat and toned her body and now she is very closed to her ideal proportions.

Check out her picture:


Heather did a great job losing weight and build a tone, slim body.


Heather's front photos. She transformed her body completely and placed third in the Venus Index contest.

Due to various experience and some personal tragedies in her life, Heather ended up overeating at the age of 14.

Before the Venus Index Contest she tried everything. Therapy, all sorts of diets and fat loss programs.

One expert told her that the flavored and processed food is the devil, so she stopped eating everything that was highly processed or flavored.

After that she heard that sugar is not that bad, but eggs can cause a heart attack and are the root of obesity. So, she stopped eating eggs completely.

All of this often times conflicting advice lead her to trying different diets like Atkins and she ultimately ended up being a vegetarian. After being a vegetarian for a while she decided to be a vegan in order to be “really healthy“.

This new eating style was causing a lot of trouble to her relationships especially to her marriage. Her husband was really struggling with her diet preferences, even though he never said anything it was obvious that he had idea how to help her.

Heather wasn’t eating with him and their families on holidays like a normal person, she always had her special meals. She wouldn’t eat with the family, because it just wasn’t part of the rules she acquired.

Now when she looks back it just wasn’t fair to him, but at that time it seemed like the only option for her.

The reason for doing all those crazy things was the fact that she just couldn’t stand her weight anymore and wanted to make a change.

The thing is, you can’t put foods on a ‘never have it again’ list, because when you label some food as bad you will tend to binge on it even more.

The truth is that you can eat pretty much anything you like, the important piece of advice many experts don’t know and don’t tell is that the key is the volume. The secret is in controlling the amount not limiting the choices.

There is really no reason to make it complicated and make a devil of saturated fat or processed food.

If you had no education in biology or chemistry and never been influenced by marketing and advertising, what would be your answer to “What is the best way to lose fat?”

What do you think a kid would say?

…just eat less.

This is the only way to lose fat, create a deficit, so your body will have to use stored bodyfat. Yes, you can create a bigger deficit with cardio and some other physical activities, but the foundation is in the diet, because you can’t out train a bad diet.

However, in the current conventional fitness community, the approach is quite different. It’s not only different, but it’s a complete scam made only to increase sales and not help people, no surprise being in shape seems like a fairytale.

One day carbs are labeled as bad for you, the next day fat is the evil.

And when you try to go on such a diet for a longer period of time that’s when things get ugly and you get really frustrated by not seeing any results.

The longer it’s drilled in your head, the bigger the threat of eating that cake and burger is. And ultimately you will end up overeating big time.

For Heather it was happening over and over again.

And she just couldn’t live like that.

She would follow some crazy dietary advice and then after a while crack and overeat massively. This is the pitfall of labeling some food as bad, once you tell someone it’s forbidden, the desire to have it is even bigger.

Plus it’s forbidden for no good reason, because no food is actually bad for you.

It’s like seduction, if there is an attractive man and he is just not returning calls, always takes days before replying to a message and generally just seems not interested at all, you will feel even more desire to have him. It’s a pretty basic law of nature.

This is exactly the same.

We want things we can’t have and that are forbidden.

It Took Her Years to Find the Truth and Learn the Lesson

Heather went through years of failure until she realized what the truth was and learned her lesson.

She’d gone through extremes, tried all sorts of things. Eliminating sugar, fat, processed food, eggs and the list just goes on.

Later on she realized that the devil is always in the dose and not in the food itself like all the “fitness experts” keep saying.

After listening to several of them you would even believe that chocolate or a burger can kill you. In reality there is nothing wrong with a burger or sweet chocolate. What can screw up your weight and health is having those foods every day and over eating on them.

Obviously there is nothing wrong with the occasional chocolate bar, cake or fries with a burger, as long as you account for those meals in your weekly calorie budget you are fine.

This is why the “concept of dosing” is so amazing. There is no more flexible and more enjoyable diet than this one. You can be someone who can eat whatever she wants. The benefit of not overeating is also the fact that when you don’t overdo it, you don’t feel stuffed and enjoy it, it’s positive reinforcement. You can actually feel great after eating, not full and guilty, what a change, huh?

Controlling calories only and not the meal choices gives you the ability to go out, have a meal wherever and whenever you want, not be a pill, enjoy the company of others in a restaurant and not worry about saturated fat and processed foods.

Obviously if you have spent the last 15 years overeating then it’s not going to be pretty at the beginning, it will require some effort, strong motivation and serious work on your will power and dedication. It is pretty similar to strength training. You need to make a habit of it and balance the past 15 years of doing it (eating) the wrong way. It’s like doing reps and sets in the gym. The more you do, the easier it becomes and the better the results will be. After a while it will all become natural to you.

Of course you will always have to watch how much food you eat and stay in a healthy caloric range, but it will be pretty natural and most of the time not even a conscious decision. Something to look forward, don’t you think?

Take home message from Heather:

  • Make a diet based on your preferences, remember that you need to enjoy your food
  • Never identify yourself with your food choices – Atkins girl, low calorie girl, vegan girl etc.
  • Accept that the amount of calories your body needs is very low (RMR + daily activities, for average woman it’s around 1400 calories!)
  • We want magic, but reality is different, you can’t eat 5000 calories divided into chicken wings, pasta and ice cream
  • You need to find a way how to make it enjoyable and transforming at the same time
  • You can and will enjoy food when eating less of it, it is a completely different experience
  • If you don’t want to do cardio, you don’t have to, you can just add some low intensity walk, cardio will increase your appetite, so it might be even better to cut it or completely eliminate it from your schedule – Find your sweat spot with cardio and diet
  • Keep it simple – Diet for fat loss and training for muscle growth and body shaping
  • If you want to do something for relaxing your body and mind and stay away from injuries you can try yoga, such an activity won’t take a lot of physical energy from your workouts
  • In this society overeating can get out of control very quickly,  we just tend to overeat a little at a time, but consistently, be aware of the amount you eat and then you will stay immune to all the advertising


Quote to remeber:

“It’s easier to eat less of the food you like rather than the food you don’t like and cut out what you like completely.”

John Barban


Words & phases mentioned in the podcasts:


Listen to the interview here:

Breakfast: The Most Important Meal of the Day

When it comes to both fat loss and muscle building, the common fitness lore is that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

In order to make a statement about ‘breakfast’, we first have to define what ‘breakfast’ means. This sounds simpler than it really is.

For example, is breakfast simply the first meal of your day no matter how long you’ve been awake? Or is it only breakfast if you eat it within a certain number of minutes and hours after waking up?

Is this what breakfast is supposed to look like?

Is breakfast defined by the specific foods you eat? Does breakfast have to be bacon and eggs, or cereal? Or can it be beef stew, or a bowl of pasta, or a vegetable stir fry, or an ice cream cone?

Before we start talking about the virtues and benefits of breakfast, we have to know what the word ‘breakfast’ means. And this is precisely what we are going to do in today’s podcast.

We look at the research on the phenomenon known as breakfast and break it down for you so that you can see the difference between the results and the opinion of the researchers. We’ll get to the bottom of the information on breakfast and determine what breakfast even is, and if there is a way to use this meal to your advantage with your fat loss and muscle building goals.


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How to Overcome 4 Biggest Barriers that Are Preventing You from Getting in Shape

Suzanne placed 5th in our Venus Index Contest in the Open category. She did a great job and transformed her body, just check out her photos:

Venus Index Open Contest Front picture

Suzanne's front picture.


Venus Index Open Contest Back picture

Suzanne's back picture.

If you decide to improve your body, you need to expect and accept that there are going to be challenges along the way.

What sets successful people apart from the average, unsuccessful ones is the fact that they are willing to do whatever it takes to overcome any challenge they encounter along the way towards their desired goal.

If you can accept that road to success is not easy, the next step is to expect it to be hard and challenging. Once you expect it, you can prepare yourself to get over the roadblocks that will appear along the way.

Like many other contestants Suzanne had her own personal challenges or how she calls it her “barriers” she had to get over.

Barrier #1 Not Being Patient

Suzanne admitted that the biggest challenge for her when it comes to getting in shape was being patient enough or if you believe that patience is a learnable skill then we could even say her biggest challenge was learning to have patience.

And this is not true just in the fitness and health area of your life. If you want to take things to the next level and improve almost any area of your life, it will take a lot of patience to keep going till you succeed. Just take entrepreneurship as an example, even though this has nothing to do with building a better looking body, it’s a great analogy. When you are building a company from scratch, it takes time, sometimes you end up bankrupt or like Steve Jobs fired from your own company and you have to start again and work your way back up.

It’s exactly the same with your body. If you are not happy with the way you look, you don’t even remember being confident in your own skin or feeling feminine, then you need to accept that the change will take time and require some effort on your part. Sometimes it will even seem like there is no point in working on yourself. This is not meant to be discouraging, not at all, but you need to know what may happen in order to expect it and not be surprised when a challenge will appear.

One of the biggest mistakes you might have made in the past is having distorted expectations. For example Suzanne thought that you can make a transformation very quickly. You probably might believe something similar and this is really not your fault considering all the quick fat loss (or get rich quick) scams you are facing all day long from TV or the internet.

You probably expect results almost instantly, in a couple of weeks. Well, while you can lose several pounds of fat in just a few weeks, you can’t gain pounds of pure muscle in just a few weeks, that’s not gonna happen.

Losing fat is not comfortable, but is still a pretty simple and quick process. Some people can lose yup to 8 pounds of fat a month, sometimes even more. However, you can’t gain 8 pounds of muscle in just one month. Even guys have a hard time gaining muscle mass and they have 10 times more muscle building hormone than you! Yes, while you are more sensitive to testosterone, your body still produces very little of this hormone compared to guys.

If you have ever seen claims like gain 30 pounds of muscle, it is either BS or it’s possible only for male teenagers who have never been exposed to weight training before and still have juvenile muscle growth on their side.

It’s more realistic to expect just a few pounds of muscle gain over several months. As a woman you don’t even need to gain a lot of muscle mass to truly change the look and shape of your body. A few pounds is going to transform your body shape immensely. Even one pound of muscle is an incredible difference.

Barrier #2 Being Fixated on Weight & on the Scale

The fixation on the scale and to your weight is pretty common for both guys and girls.

Tracking your progress by weighing yourself can be tricky, because you never know if what you have gained is muscle or fat. Therefore pictures will do a much better job for you as far as progress tracking goes. It’s better to compare your pictures than numbers from scale.

Setting weight goals is also a pretty inaccurate thing to do, you should aim for shape not weight. Weight can lie and will tell you nothing about how you look. For example after you transform yourself, you might weigh exactly the same, but pictures will be completely different. How could that happen? Well, you can lose 5 pounds of fat and gain 5 pounds of muscle.

Another thing is that what you eat and drink during the day can be as much as 5 or 6 pounds, it depends on how tall you are, but overall the daily fluctuation of your weight can be significant.

Conclusion? Use measurements and pictures and focus on body shape instead.

Barrier #3 Thinking that You Need More Calories than Your Body Burns

How much calories your body needs and how much calories fitness experts tell you it needs are usually two completely different numbers. And if you want to lose fat, it will be even less than you think.

Finding about this was a pretty hard lesson for Suzanne.

Calculate how much food you eat and how much food your body needs (RMR + physical activity). Then calculate the difference. If the difference is positive, you are eating more than you should, thus gaining fat. If there is zero difference, you are eating around your maintenance. If the difference is negative then you are losing fat (this is a state where you want to be if you want to lose weight).

One of the best things you can do is to start intermittent fasting on a regular basis. You can use the Eat Stop Eat protocol like Suzanne did or some other, no matter which protocol you choose, if you incorporate any kind of intermittent fasting into your lifestyle you should see rapid changes.

Fasting will also help you understand things like why you eat and how many calories you actually need. It will help you control your appetite and see food in a completely different way.

Intermittent fasting is very liberating and when Suzanne tried fasting she realized that you don’t have to eat that much, you don’t have to snack, you don’t have to eat 6 times a day, you can throw away food and that you don’t have to eat just because someone gives you food. You don’t even have to eat breakfast.

You read so much about metabolism slow down, starvation mode and the like, but once you dig deeper you will find out that there is very little substantial evidence. And when you try fasting you will experience the positive change for yourself.

Barrier #4 Not Lifting Heavy Enough

If your goal is a fit, healthy looking, feminine body and you want to undergo some body re-composition, you need to lift heavy. There is no way around it. Muscle mass is important and for your best look you need both to lose fat and gain muscle.

This is one of the biggest challenges for women.

If you think you will look like a male bodybuilder, forget it. Those guys not only have 10 times more testosterone, but have amazing genetics and most importantly are on an incredible amount of drugs. Something similar applies for most of the female bodybuilders and fitness competitors as well.

There is a saying that what is natural is attractive. As long as you follow this saying you are going to look good and be healthy at the same time.

If you pick heavy weight instead of those 2 pounds dumbbells, you will end up with a toned and feminine physique that no guy will be able to keep his eyes off (and probably his hands as well).

Cardio is great for overall health, proper blood circulation and creating bigger caloric deficit, but it’s not going to shape your body.

You need to get a strength training workout program. You can use the Venus Index Workout that Suzanne used or try a different one, but it has to be professionally designed and you need to follow it with heavy weights.

Take home message from Suzanne for you:

  • Photos will tell you how you’re doing along the way
  • Find a supportive community that will help you keep going when you most need it (ex.: Venus Index forum)
  • Be honest with yourself and learn more about your body
  • Believe in what you are doing, even though it may seem strange at first, if you stick to it, results will come
  • Have monthly expectations for fat loss and yearly expectations for muscle growth
  • Logging calorie intake might help you to control your weight and how much food you eat
  • It’s best to not have the food you tend to overeat on in your house
  • Get over the disbelief about fasting, open your mind to different ways
  • Acquire a flexible approach to nutrition
  • Start lifting heavy, it’s a must if you want a feminine, fit body. Heavy weight lifting equals lean and defined figure
  • Expect and accept the fact that the road to success is not easy
  • Realize that you can achieve more than you think
  • You can keep progressing as long as you remain consistent with your workouts, consistency is key
  • Don’t compare yourself to other people because you have your own look, you can and should only compare yourself to yourself
  • Pick a body shape target that is really close to how you do look and model it
  • It’s hard to be objective about yourself, but taking pictures can help you do that
  • You have to keep going even if it’s difficult, you will be challenged along the way, but you should see these challenges as lessons that will make you stronger
  • You CAN do it, but will you?


Listen to the interview here:

Dietary Protein: What you Need to Know

Protein is the one macronutrient that has the most praise from a health and fitness standpoint. It is marketed to help build muscle AND burn fat. If you browse any fitness magazine or related websites, you will find dozens of claims on how to most effectively ‘dose’ protein. Protein is no longer regarded as simply a macronutrient component of various foods, but rather it’s considered like a drug…

… that needs to be dosed at specific levels and specific times of day.

If you search the fitness media you will find claims about any and all of the following topics related to protein:

Do you see food or specific doses of protein?

– specific times of day to take it

– a specific grams per pound of bodyweight to ‘dose’ for muscle building

– specific doses of protein for pre post and during a workout

– specific proteins to eat during the day vs at night

– specific proteins to eat pre and post workout

– specific proteins for fat loss vs muscle gain

– specific proteins for your gender

And there are likely more that I have missed. The point is that the issue of protein has become needlessly complicated. The specificity of dietary protein is largely overstated by the diet and fitness industry in an effort to sell elaborate and high priced protein supplement products.

This isn’t to say that protein isn’t important for maximizing your muscle building and fat loss efforts because it definitely is. The real issue is separating the useful information from the nonsense.

In today’s podcast, we’ll discuss the in’s and out’s of dietary protein and what you really need to know about it.


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