Should you take BCAA’s? – Facts about Branched Chain Amino Acids

Branched Chain Amino acids (BCAA’s) are a popular supplement in the bodybuilding industry, specifically they’re marketed for building muscle, preserving lean muscle during dieting, and even increasing fat loss while dieting.  But do any of these claims hold up to scientific scrutiny?

BCAA's - Should you take these suckers or not?

When you take a closer look at the research you’ll find out that the experiments on branch chain amino acids are done with a very specific timing and protocol with specific end point measurements. Fitness marketers then tell you to recreate the experimental settings in your daily routine in an effort to mimic the results of the study.

But what are the results anyway? Most people just want to build muscle and drop bodyfat and look good…and I can tell you that neither muscle building nor fat loss are ever measured in these studies. In almost all cases the research looks at surrogate end points such as protein synthetic rate which is then extrapolated to mean ‘muscle building’.

In today’s uncensored podcast, we’ll discuss the research on BCAA’s what the methods and results mean and if you should even take them.We look at the effect popular fitness media has on our choices in supplements and how the success of one supplement can mold our opinion of other supplements.

Things to consider are your personal fitness goals, your current state of health (are you lean, overweight, obese, diabetic etc), the amount of time you have to spend working out and the amount of money you have to spend on supplements.

The intersection of your training experience, your goals, what you expect from BCAA’s and your budget will determine if you should take them or not.


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Orthorexia and Food Cults

***As requested by many of you in the forums and over email, here is the Orthorexia and Food Cults podcast that was previous posted on the Adonis Index site earlier this year***

Orthorexia is a term coined by a physician Dr. Steven Bratman. It’s defined as an unhealthy obsession with health food…ironic to say the least.

Some people end up worshiping at the alter of a new food cult without even realizing it

Many people can fall victim to some degree of orthorexia as they search for the one ‘right’ way to eat, but each of these diets is nothing more than an unscientific fad that is more marketing and fear mongering than it is science.

Diet fads come and go and each one has it’s villian food and it’s hero’s all the way from it’s champion founder to the champion foods.

Low carb diets, blood type diets, raw foodies, macrobiotic, paleo and so on, each one will profess the merits of eating specific foods while removing many other foods from your diet for good. But is there really any proof that these diets can help you live healthier or longer or improve performance or the way you feel…or do anything at all?

In most cases these diets quickly become like a cult with all of the ugly consequences like becoming socially isolated from other people who are not part of the cult, the development of an elitist attitude about the given way of eating above any other form of eating and a general smugness of it’s followers as they assume they have become ‘enlightened’ to the one and only way to eat.

The reality is there is little if any scientific evidence to support any of these restrictive styles of eating. They are usually focused on minor and insignificant points about mixing and matching their ‘correct’ foods and miss the point of getting total calories under control and developing consistent exercise habits.

In todays uncensored podcast we’ll discuss orthorexia and food cults and how many of the diets that people read about and follow start to take over other parts of their lives.

We’ll also discuss how the champions of many of these cults don’t even follow their own recommendations.


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The Venus Effect: The Spotlight Will be on YOU

So you want to get in shape, and not just average shape, but your best possible shape, your ideal VI numbers even. Well what does that really mean? Is it just some will power to diet and some determination in the gym (and possibly some energy drinks or caffeine infusion to power you through those workouts?)

Becoming a Venus brings new attention.

It’s actually much more than this. In fact, you may discover that the dieting and the workout will turn out to be the easiest part of the entire journey.

The self discovery, identity crisis, learning to be a Venus, and learning how to deal with people around you is what will likely prove to be the bigger challenge and the bigger steps towards your growth and ultimate transformation.

Your body is the first thing people judge you on before you ever have a chance to utter a word or explain who you think you really are on the inside.

The minute someone lays eyes on you they will have made a subconscious judgment about you. Fair or not, this is the world we live in and this is how human nature works, and this is why the Venus Effect is something you need to be aware of.

In todays podcast Brad Howard and I will discuss the Venus Effect and the attention “U” shaped curve that many women will go through as they transform into their Venus body.

On the one hand you can get a negative style of attention from being visibly overweight, or out of shape to a degree where you are not ‘average’ and do not fade into the crowd.

The next level of attention (or better stated lack thereof) is when your body is simply average looking. At this stage you’re safely anonymous. You won’t get negative or positive attention, you’ll just blend into the crowd. This is a safe and comfortable place to be.

The third level of attention is when you approach your Venus body. This is when the spotlight is once again turned directly on you. In this position you may be looked to as a leader, and you may feel a sense of being an imposter in your own skin.

Some people will support you that you never expected, and some people will turn their back on you that you never expected. You may have to shed some skin, you may need to re-evaluate some of your relationships.

Your body and your identity are inextricably tied to each other. You cannot change one without having to change the other. And once you make this fundamental realization you will be well on your way to understanding what the Venus Effect.



Getting In Contest shape: Interview With Erik Ledin Part 2

This is the second part of an interview series I did with Erik Ledin. Originally it was never meant to be a two part interview, but Erik has so much to say that we just kept going…(I’m sure we could talk for 100 hours on this topic). So this is the second part of our lengthy conversation.

Part 2 of our interview with Erik Ledin

Today we talk about supplements, and what might be useful.

Expecting perfection will only set you up for disappointment. Setting realistic goals with realistic expectations is important to being in a positive mindset.

You also have to realize that the leaner and sharper you get the harder and harder the path becomes. The process might be the same, however you will discover that going from 25% bodyfat to 15% bodyfat feels much easier than going from 15% bodyfat to 8% bodyfat.The actual number of pounds lost might actually be less, but the effort increases exponentially.

We’ll also discuss metabolic efficiency and the law of diminishing returns from doing more and more cardiovascular training. It might seem that more cardio simply equals more fat loss, but this isn’t always the case.

You also must be wary of the so called perfect time to train or eat. If you’ve heard that cardio on the morning on an empty stomach is the best time to train, but you simply cannot get to the gym in the morning, or just flat out hate working out in the morning, then you simply won’t do it. This can lead to feelings of self doubt and failure, and a mindset that it’s just too hard to get in shape or that “it’s just not for you”.

The reality is that compliance and consistency is what will win the race. That means the workout and diet must fit into your life and not the other way around.

These are all factors you must consider when you decide to change your body.

The process is actually rather simple but not necessarily easy. It requires effort and consistency, but if you stick to it you can take your body as far as you want.


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Learning to Maintain a Change: Interview With Erik Ledin Part 1

Getting in shape is a lifestyle not a destination. It’s an ever evolving process that changes throughout life as you change.

Learning that your body and you fitness and your shape is a not just a moment in time, a contest, a one day goal, but rather it’s a lifestyle.

Erik is one of the best in the business at getting people in contest shape.

Sure you may compete in a contest, one of our contests, or getting in shape for an event or a photoshoot, but you must understand it’s just a stop along the way of the bigger journey of your life.

Date specific motivation can help push you to a new level of body composition and fitness can help kick start your journey, but it cannot be your only way to motivate yourself.

Adopting a lifestyle of training and fitness is with an eye on your diet as it relates to your body composition is truly a lifestyle change and a way to live for your entire life and not just a 12 week run at an event.

Today’s podcast is a part 1 of a two part series I did with a friend and diet/fitness coach Erik Ledin.

Erik has over 11 years of experience coaching people into the best shape of their lives from pro bodybuilders and fitness competitors to every day gym rats and stay at home mom’s who just want to finally get in shape.

We’ll dig into the psychology of diet, training, and the common post contest malaise that hits many competitors. We also talk about what it takes to finally adopt the true lifestyle of taking care of your body and staying in shape…the elusive state of ‘maintenance’.

Listen up cuz this is an awesome interview.


P.S. The audio file today ends rather abruptly, it’s not an error, it’s just my less than adequate editing skills!

P.S. You can learn more about Erik at his website: Lean Bodies Consulting

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How to Get Into Starvation Mode

Starvation Mode. We’ve heard about it and now we’re going to give you a step by step guide on how to get into it.

Popular fitness media would have you believe that starvation mode is something you can fall victim to within a few hours after eating a meal.

This poster from the Minnesota Experiment shows you what starvation mode looks like

Common recommendations include eating every 3 hours, making sure you eat enough protein, eating a mixed macro nutrient ratio, paying attention to post workout nutrition etc.

These recommendations might be applicable to people who are experiencing true starvation mode… so how do you get there?

First of all starvation mode isn’t defined by the timing between meals, or the protein content of your meals, or even the amount of calories you eat.

Starvation mode as defined by the time when your body stops being able to metabolize fat for energy and turns to lean body mass – and happens at a
specific and measurable body fat mass.

For the vast majority of normal healthy people, there is no danger of ever being in true starvation mode.

Competitive bodybuilders and highly trained military personnel are likely the only people who can and will approach body fat levels low enough to experience true starvation mode.

Men and women each have a scientifically determined critical bodyfat mass, and an interesting area of research seems to indicate that as we approach these critical body fat mass levels we also start to experience true starvation mode.

In today’s podcast, we’ll discuss what these critical body fat levels are, and what it takes to get this low.


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Set a Goal and Take it Seriously: Interview with Lauren Jacobsen

In order to make a real with your body or your life you  first have to set a goal. The next step it to actually take your goal seriously. You’ve only got yourself to be accountable to and you’ve got to come up with your own reasons to take action.

Once you’ve got these two items in place you can achieve more than you ever thought possible.

Lauren's competition condition is extreme.

Going through the process of changing your body will also change your mind. You’ll learn about yourself, your limits, your strengths, your weaknesses, and how strong you really can be.

In a sense, taking your body to the next level will show you that you can also take your life to the next level…but you’ll never know what you’re capable of until you try.

In todays podcast I interview Lauren Jacobsen. She is a top amateur figure competitor and she shares her insights into the world of figure competitions and what it’s like to transform both her body and her mind.

We talk about her on and off season dieting and contest training and how her approach has changed over the years. Lauren explains that her overall capacity to handle more work and a diet that keeps her lean year round has changed from being a temporary “contest prep diet” into a lifestyle. If you stick to it long enough it eventually becomes a part of who you are.

Lauren definitely works hard and gets into world class shape, but you’ll find that she’s still grounded in who she is and knows that you’ve got to have your own reasons for getting in shape.

It doesn’t matter if you’re competing for your pro card, getting ready for a wedding/special occasion, or just trying to get

A softer look in her modeling shots.

into your best shape over the next 2-3 months. The rules of the game are the same. Set a goal, take it seriously, surround yourself with people who will support you and there’s no telling how far you can get.

It’s the challenge that forces you to grow and learn.

You can catch up with Lauren on her facebook fanpage here:

Laurens Facebook Fan Page


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Getting into “Stage” Contest Shape, Tracking Results is Key: Interview with Don Gauvreau

Prepping for a bodybuilding or fitness show is an inexact science. There are different ways to do it and different schools of thought on what is the best approach. Over the next few weeks I will be interviewing some of the best in the business at getting people into contest shape.

Today I interview Don Gauvreau. He’s has extensive experience formulating and developing sports supplements and has recently started his own brand of supplements. You can check them out here: Pharma Freak

Donny G definitely knows what it takes to get into contest shape.

Besides his own competitions, Don has coached many top level bodybuilders and fitness/figure competitors through their pre-contest diet/training to prepare for a show.

In this interview Don will give his advice and insights on the process of getting in shape for a show. We’ll talk about training intensity, volume, cardio, and how to make adjustments along the way.

We’ll also discuss the effect of changing diet along the way and what seems to work and what doesn’t.

At the end of the day there is no rules about what to do beyond what is working vs what isn’t working. This is the hardest thing for most people to grasp as we all want the final answer on what to do. The real answer is everyone’s body is slightly different and what works best for you may not work best for someone else.

With that said there are likely going to be some general guidelines for where to start, but after that, it’s all about recording and tracking your progress.

Tracking progress will allow you to make an objective determination of what worked and what didn’t. This is the single most important thing to solving the muscle building and fat loss riddle of your own body.


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Steroids. Who is Using them? More people than you think!

Testosterone. Growth Hormone. Insulin. Insulin Like Growth Factor. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG). Thyroid Hormone, Gamma Hydroxybutyric Acid (GHB). Clenbuterol. Aldactone, Lasix (diuretics).

This is just a short list of the drugs that characterize the bodybuilding and fitness industry, as well as professional athletes and celebrities.

More people are on these drugs than you think

People at the very top of their professions use drugs just like the people who are at the entry level looking to get their foot in the door. From MVP baseball players like Alex Rodriguez, to 5 time olympic gold medalist Marion Jones, to iconic Hollywood celebrities like Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone, all have admitted using some sort of drug. (makes you wonder if anyone at the top can do it without some ‘help’)

Without a doubt more people use them than you think. It becomes obvious on top level bodybuilders – but it’s not so obvious when a pro athlete uses something for recovery, or when a celebrity uses something to redefine their look for an upcoming role.

The legal status of these drugs does not deter any of theses people from using them for their obvious performance enhancing and physique enhancing benefits.

They simply do what it takes to achieve the level of condition/performance that their given industry requires. It’s not a moral decision, it’s not a decision about integrity. It’s about staying competitive in their chosen fields.

In today’s podcast, I talk to our industry insider about the world of performance and physique enhancing drugs. We’ll get the lay of the land as it is today and discuss just how pervasive drug use is in each of these industries.


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Fitness and Diet Research – How They Are Misinterpreted

“New study says…” Whenever you see these words my first thought would be to ask, what does all of the other research say?

Some diet and fitness claims simply don't fit with reality

In health and fitness one research paper will never be the final answer about weight loss, or muscle building, or why a particular food is ‘more healthy’ than another.

Each study is designed to answer one specific question in a specific group of people. In  most cases the exact thing being measured and the group of people it’s being measured in is likely not representative of most people.

The problem arises because of a fundamental gap between what type of research academics are doing, and the claims they are willing to make vs the claims the media and bloggers are willing to make on the same information.

Academic papers are written for the most part for other academics to read, they’re not typically written to generate claims for people to then act on for weight loss, or muscle gaining, or general health.

In todays podcast we’re going to explain why this gap exists and how some of the most commonly held beliefs in the diet and fitness industry come from a misinterpretation of research by the media.


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