When is a Calorie finally “In” You?

The amount of food energy you need to consume in a day can be scientifically determined if you have access to a metabolic lab. Most of us will never actually be in such a lab, and therefore we are left taking our best guess at how many calories we really need to eat in any given day.

Food energy isn't technically "in" you until it absorbs into your blood

The first place to start is with an estimate of your Basal Metabolic Rate based on known equations for your height. These equations are also estimates based on averages. Some people will be above the average and some will be below the average. In both cases it’s perfectly normal as we’re all slightly different than one another.

The calorie balance that will dictate if you gain or lose weight will also change over time throughout your life. This change will depend on your life stage, your training status and your relative health.

In today’s podcast we’ll talk about the calorie equation and how it is constantly changing depending on what state you are in. Managing bodyweight will always be about calories in vs out, but it’s worth defining what calories ‘in’ even means, and where all the possible ‘outs’ are.



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Weight Training and the “Afterburn” Effect

Weight training and cardio training are primarily used for two different purposes. We do weight training to build muscle and strength and shape our bodies. We do cardio training for the overall cardiovascular health benefits as well as for the extra calorie burn.


It’s become common knowledge that cardio only really increases the calories burned during the exercise session itself. There is a belief that weight training can increase your calorie burn throughout the day from the increased metabolic activity of added muscle. This second effect is greatly overstated as each pound of added muscle only requires approximately 5 calories per day.

There is however a third form of so called metabolic elevation that gets mentioned in the fitness media and that is the Excess Post Exercise Oxygen Consumption (EPOC) after high intensity workouts. This is commonly referred to as the ‘afterburn’ effect and there is even research to suggest such an effect happens up to 48 hours post workout.

But before you go out and start doing maximum lift workouts the specifics of the research that shows this result must be examined. Upon closer look you’ll find out that much of the claims you hear about in the fitness industry aren’t exactly what they appear to be.

In today’s podcast, we’ll discuss where the EPOC and elevated metabolism claims come from and discuss if they’re applicable to you or not. We’ll also explain how easy it is for the fitness media to misinterpret research and send people on a wild goose chase of the ‘best’ workout, when in reality it doesn’t really exist.


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Asymmetrical Bodyfat…is this Possible?

Multiple factors control the shape of your body including the amount of muscle and fat you have, as well as the symmetry of both your skeletal structure and your muscle structure. Your bodyfat will store in a specific pattern based on you genetics. This is what dictates if you store fat in the ‘apple’ pattern or ‘pear’ pattern etc.

These shapes are due to fat, not muscle, that means you can change them.

Once you start burning that fat off, your skeletal and muscle symmetry will become the predominant feature that shapes your body. This is also when you might notice if you have any asymmetries (from left to right).

As you lower your bodyfat percentage, it may appear that you are actually losing fat asymmetrically (ie: losing more fat on either the left or right side of your body). This apparent visual asymmetry of fat distribution is caused by an asymmetry of either your bone structure or your muscle structure (and in many cases both).

In today’s UNCENSORED podcast, we’ll discuss body fat distribution patterns and the illusion of asymmetrical body fat.


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Are You Addicted to Food?

Why do we eat the type and amount of food we do? What determines our food choices and when we choose to stop eating? There are a number of factors that play a role and now research is looking into the concept of food addiction.

Rats can become addicted to cookies...can we?

There is a growing body of research that indicates people could be addicted to food in the classical definition of addiction.

Researchers are showing that rats can become addicted to food and display all the symptoms of irritability, withdrawal and the ability to massively overeat when food is present. This research is giving us the framework to study if some people are also addicted to food.

Being addicted to food presents a unique problem as we must continue to eat. You can’t just go off of food cold turkey and never eat again.

So how do you overcome an addiction to a something that you need to consume on a daily basis to survive?

The first step is to find out if you truly have a food addiction or just tend to overeating at social occasions or when you’re bored. The reason some people overeat is never clear and the potential for true addiction is another factor in a long list of potential problem we need to tackle.


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A Reexamination of “What is Healthy?”

The lines between weight loss, muscle building, fitness and health can get blurry. Having a clear understanding of each aspect and how it relates to your life is the first step to getting what you want out of your body.

Will You be "Healthy" if you eat these foods?

Weight loss and muscle building are a bit more straight forward than the others.

Fitness becomes trickier to define because its dependent on the kind of fitness and the level you want to achieve. Is the goal to be an olympic level endurance athlete, or a recreational level strength athlete?

Defining health is the most difficult of all, and this is the topic of todays uncensored podcast.

When you think of the word ‘health’ you probably have both a body image and a lifestyle idea that includes exercise and diet that matches your minds image of what ‘health’ means.

Health however is not a universal definition that can be applied to all people. In fact, it is a personal definition that can only ever be applied by one person to themselves.

In todays podcast we discuss what the variables are that can go into your definition of health and how each person has to decide for themselves what they want from their body and their life.


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Pokeri kädet

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