Environmental Influences; Uncensored Podcast with John and Brad


Naomi is one of the first Venus Transformation Contest winners.  She learned to deal with the environmental influences during and after her transformation.  Today she still maintains the golden lifestyle.

Naomi is one of the first Venus Transformation Contest winners. She learned to deal with the environmental influences during and after her transformation. Today, several years later, she still maintains the golden lifestyle.

Your location and context are important to your success

People around you have a lot of influence in what you do.

Where you are is very important.

Who you are with is very important.

Are you at the gym?

Are you with people who encourage or discourage positive workout behavior?

Interaction with others to fit in with the group will affect your decisions.

Persecution regarding food is not about you. They are projecting their issues and insecurities on you.  The very fact that you are thinking about what you eat and consume is threatening to some people.

Don’t let your best friends issue with her mother dictate to you what to eat.

Negative comments are always really people making comments about themselves and their issues, not YOU.  The guy or gal on Facebook who says “Too much muscle!” or “Too skinny!” or whatever, it is really not about you.

You will get a lot of negative comments during your corrective action phase

“The correction” or corrective phase is what most will be commenting on.  This is the phase that requires serious effort – and is only necessary for the weight loss.  The extreme corrective action is not forever.

 It is not sustainable or you would go down to zero percent body fat.  At some point it must stop, because it’s corrective action.

Maintaining is less extreme than the “correction”.   When you maintain you only need very short temporary corrective action for minor fat gains and reigning in eating habits back to a maintenance level.

Online writing is biased

Everyone has their issues.  It comes through in their writing. There is bias.  There are very few experts.  They explain to you their perspective as if everyone was like them. 

So it’s not just friends, family, and people around you, it’s also the fitness writers online.  Even the researchers; they have a hope or bias that the outcome or answer will turn a certain way. They are trying to convince you that their issues are your issues.

Your life will change as you gain success


 All of your relationships will change as you gain success and reach your goals.  People will need to adjust to the new transformed person you have become.  Some people are able to adjust, and some are not.  You will have to make decisions and evaluate all of your relationships.

You will be affected by jealousy and others who want your success.  This is what happens with any success.  The more success you have, the more your relationships all around you will change.

So the bottom line is that who you spend time with in your life as well as online will all affect your success.  They will also affect how well you keep your success.


To hear more about what John and Brad have to say about environmental influences listen to today’s uncensored podcast click on the link below.

IMMERSION Clients May Login and Download Podcast Here

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Another Venus and Adonis Power Couple; Lourdes and James

Today we are honored to listen to Lourdes Cota who placed thrid in the Eighth Venus Index Transformation Contest.

Lourdes got the fitness level she always wanted at age 47.

Lourdes got the fitness level she always wanted at age 47.


Lourdes before and after the contest.

Lourdes before and after the contest.


Changing your body composition at age 47 is no trivial task, especially for a female.

Changing your body composition at age 47 is no trivial task, especially for a female.


Lourdes health issues motivated her to get fit.  And she did a phenomenal job!

Lourdes health issues motivated her to get fit. And she did a phenomenal job!


Read what Lourdes wrote about her experience with the Venus Factor:


A little about me, I am a 47 year old, single mother, with two wonderful kids. I work a full time job as a Quality control engineer and try to take life one day at a time. I started working out 4 years ago, but had a scary incident occur when I passed out during one of my workouts.

Opening my eyes and having strangers standing around me, with no understanding as to what had just happened was extremely frightening. Upon visiting my doctor, I was told that I had Bradycardia, or in layman’s terms, a slow heartbeat.

To combat the Bradycardia, I had to have surgery where a doctor surgically implanted a pacemaker under my skin, on the left side of my chest, just below the collarbone.

As you can imagine, having to have a pacemaker implanted in your body, connected to your heart, makes you think about life, your future, your health, your children and my list of concerns went on and on. Not to mention, the visible scar is a constant reminder. All of this was very overwhelming and I became very cautious in everything I did.

Armed with a basic understanding of the fundamentals of wellness and their value in living a long life, I always ate high quality nutritious foods, as such I was relatively thin. But, also knowing my cardiovascular system needed attention, especially now, I tried to push my fears aside and began exercising again.

To be honest, some days, just getting in to the car was a challenge, as I was fearful that I would have a repeat of the day I passed out.

For many years I went to the gym, only going through the motions, lifting the same (way too light) amount of weight, doing the same (non-challenging) exercises, the same (boring) cardio, all in the same order, day in and day out. UGH!!!!!

Upon meeting my boyfriend James Tonda, (who introduced me to the Venus Index) he observed my angst about the many things I listed previously.

After learning of my condition, he explained to me that Bradycardia is not considered dangerous and that quite often athletes have Bradycardia just from working out as hard as they do. He explained that the heart, much like the rest of our body can adapt to exercise stress and a fit persons heart doesn’t have to work as hard as say someone who is out of shape or not as fit, thus creating a lower pulse.

To say I felt like a huge weight was lifted off of me is an understatement. Finally, I was seeing a beacon of light that all of my panic was unwarranted and I could safely start living my life again!

Upon getting back to the gym, after the many years of redundant, non-challenging workouts, I expressed my frustration that my body just doesn’t seem to respond to exercise, even though I went to the gym regularly.

Well, interestingly enough, I was given the same example by James about the body’s ability to adapt to stress and since I had performed the same exercise regimen over and over with no increase or change in intensity, my body had adapted and as such, my body would not change unless my intensity did.

Enter Venus Index!!! James had been using the Adonis Index workouts and highly recommended I try out the women’s version, named Venus Index aka VI. The variety in the workouts and the level of intensity was incredible.

For the first time, I started noticing changes in my body that I liked very much. I even learned to appreciate the soreness that followed a grueling workout. (I included a picture of James and myself in my pictures)

Having the very user friendly and detailed Venus workout program, was like having a GPS to get from one destination to another, without having to worry about getting lost or taking unnecessary detours. I found myself feeling very empowered when going to the gym, versus the feeling of intimidation that I used to experience. Now I can confidently walk in to the free weight section of the gym and feel like I belong there!

I followed the VI workout exactly as it is presented. Not knowing a lot about nutrition, I leaned on James for his experience, but have paid close attention and understand much more than I ever have.

To make it easier as a couple, we both followed the same nutrition regimen with the only variation being our caloric intake. We both utilized the “Anything Goes Diet” by John Barban and fasting via “Eat Stop Eat” by Brad Pilon.

For example:

1. Monday thru Thursday, I followed the 16/8 fasting model, only eating 8 hours out of each day.

2. From Thursday at 7:00 PM to Friday at 7:00 PM I fasted for 24 hrs. eating dinner after working out Friday evening.

3. Saturday was Cheat Day, normally averaging 3000 calories, but a few of those days exceeded 4000 calories. Let me tell you that I am addicted to Gluten free Chicken Pesto Pizza followed by a slice of carrot cake? What an amazing feeling knowing that I can eat those weekly, with confidence that I will not get fat.

4. Sunday morning after breakfast at 7:00 AM, I fasted again for 24 hrs., starting the process all over Monday morning.

Supplementation wise: I use Muscle Milk “naturals” protein powder as a meal replacement when I’m at work, as my job does not always afford me the luxury of stopping to eat, BioTRUST “LeptiBurn” & “Pro-X10” and a generic Creatine – 5 grams two times/day. James used a pre-workout supplement (Extreme Rush) from Blue Star Nutraceuticals that he loved, but I did not because of my pacemaker and not knowing the effect it might have.

I purchased the Venus Index workout just as the 8th Venus Transformation contest aka VT8 was getting ready to start. Since James was entering the Adonis contest, I decided to take the plunge and go for it too!

What a blast this experience has been. From the amazing workouts, to learning about fasting, practicing posing and actually seeing muscles, shopping for and buying a Fitness posing suit, to actually posing for a professional photographer for my final pictures.

The Venus Lifestyle has given me the knowledge and confidence that I am now looking to compete in either the “physique” or “bikini” class at one of the local bodybuilding shows.

I am forever grateful and appreciative of everyone involved in the creation of the Venus & Adonis Index Lifestyles.

Lourdes “Candy” Cota


Lourdes and James; The Venus and Adonis power couple!

Lourdes and James; The Venus and Adonis power couple!


Lourdes interview with John is short and sweet, and it’s kind of nice to hear the voice of the winners in our community.  Please “like” it when you’re done:

Fourteen Years in the Gym and It Was Finally Venus That Gave Jessica the Shape She Always Wanted

Today we are honored to listen to Jessica Young Carbonel who placed sixth in the Eighth Venus Index Transformation Contest.

She is the happiest and most comfortable with herself than she has ever been.

She is the happiest and most comfortable with herself than she has ever been.


When she saw her before pictures she knew she was going to have to work at this.  She is very happy with the results.

When she saw her before pictures she knew she was going to have to work at this. She is very happy with the results.


Jessica found Venus changed her body and she felt the difference in the exercises.

Jessica found Venus changed her body and she felt the difference in the exercises.


Read what Jessica wrote about her experience with the Venus Factor:

My name is Jessica Young Carbonel. I am 27 years old and have worked/ been in a gym since I was 13 years old. For  the first time in 14 years that I’ve been able to say with confidence that I am happy with my lifestyle. Not just my  weight, my sizes, the way I feel but my entire life. My workouts have helped me and made a total difference in my  physique. Family have referenced my husband and I as “Models” and my jaw dropped!

I have adapted and stuck with the Adonis Workout program since January of 2013. I started with my husband who would  not stop playing podcasts and reading books called “Eat Stop Eat. ” Once I started I only stopped once when I  pinched a nerve from lack of stretching… (my fault I TOTALLY know better!)

My family has commented the most on my physique. For the first time I am buying sizes 0-4 when I have consistently  bought 8-12 ALL MY LIFE. I feel fantastic and am so motivated to keep up my work outs and my new lifestyle. I did  not utilize much of the forum/ community this time around but my husband and I are already planning on participating  in the next contest! Thank you for the introduction and the commitment for this new relationship. I am a devoted and  loyal follower!


The Venus Systems gave Jessica a complete lifestyle change, and she loves it.

The Venus Systems gave Jessica a complete lifestyle change, and she loves it.


Listen to Jessica’s interview here, and please “like” it when you’re done:

Kerry Takes Venus Workouts and the Community on the Road for Success

Today we are honored to listen to Kerry Zeilinger who placed fourth in the Eighth Venus Index Transformation Contest.


I don't think Kerry realized that her true shape was an incredibly beautiful hour glass shape.

I don’t think Kerry realized that her true shape was an incredibly beautiful hour glass shape.


"I knew I was gaining weight but I didn't realize it was up to that level."

“I knew I was gaining weight but I didn’t realize it was up to that level.”
For most of us the 12 week contest is only a small window or one stop at a train station while en route to the rest of our life in our total transformation.


"I knew I had to either get a different career, or I had to find a way to take my fitness process on the road with me."

“I knew I had to either get a different career, or I had to find a way to take my fitness process on the road with me.”


Kerry got exactly to her Venus Ideal metrics at the end of the 12 week contest.

Kerry got down to her Venus Ideal metrics at the end of the 12 week contest.


Since Kerry was alone on the road with her job she relied on the Venus Community to be her family and support.

Since Kerry was alone on the road with her job she relied on the Venus Community to be her family and support.


Read what Kerry wrote about her experience with the Venus Factor:

In 2006, I took a position as a traveling consultant.  For the first year I was in the position, I  ate my meals like I was on a permanent vacation.  I gained 40 pounds in 1 year.  I was miserable at  that weight and knew I had to change how I travel.  I was still traveling so it was my attitude and  perception that had to change.

I made progress by the time I came to Venus but I was not doing the amount of strength training that  I needed to really scorch and sculpt my body.  My progress was extremely slow over the course of  years.  I was happy the weight was coming off but unhappy with the shape of my body.  I would always  say ‘Well I travel for a living’.  This is just once more excuse to add to the millions we hear every  day.

I decided that I was tired of making travel my excuse to getting to my desired body.  I really wasn’t  sure I would be able to speed up the process but I was going to give it my all.  Now that I have been  through the transformation, I realize traveling has advantages and disadvantages.

I love the Circuits and I think they actually fit my workout personality.  This meant I would stick  with strength training longer than I ever have.  I combined the Circuits with High Interval Intensity Training and Steady State cardio.  I  really think this was MY answer.  Part of it was having the deadline.  But, I also think my  perceptions have changed quite a bit since learning of Venus Index, Eat Stop Eat, and Anything Goes Diet.  The support on the  community is spectacular.  I don’t post as often as I like but I always know there will be support  and truly honest opinions when I need the truth.


Kerry's slick new shape now matches her slick car.  I am partial to this particular car myself.

Now Kerry’s slick fun new shape matches her slick fun car. I am partial to this particular model car myself.


Listen to Kerry’s interview here, and please “like” it when you’re done:

There Is Always A Workaround to Achieve Fitness; Says Daphne, Mother of Ten

Today we are honored to listen to Daphne Dyson who placed ninth in the 8th Venus Index Transformation Contest.

Daphne overcame a myriad of health issues and years of pregnancy to achieve her goals.  She said there is always a workaround; there is always something you can do.

Daphne overcame a myriad of health issues and years of pregnancy to achieve her goals. She said there is always a workaround; there is always something you can do.


Eight pounds and four inches in twelve weeks is darn good progress for a female with all the adversity Daphne faced and hurdled.  This is more the reality that most women face with weight loss.

Eight pounds and four inches in twelve weeks is darn good progress for a female with all the adversity Daphne faced and hurdled.
This is more the reality that most women face with weight loss.


I love Venus for the straightforward, scientifically-supported simplicity; do hard work in the gym this way, cut calories as is best for your body and lifestyle, and results will come.

“I love Venus for the straightforward, scientifically-supported simplicity; do hard work in the gym this way, cut calories as is best for your body and lifestyle, and results will come.”


Read what Daphne wrote about her experience with the Venus Factor:

The Venus lifestyle: diet to lose fat, workout to gain beauty and strength. Simple, uncluttered, fits into my life, I don’t have to fit my life in around my diet.

I no longer quietly dread that future moment when I give up trying to lose weight anymore, because I cannot keep up with the recommended 3 mini-meals + 3 snacks. With a large family I just do not  have that much time to plan out all those meals and snacks; when I tried to do so, inevitably I ended up overeating. Now, if I want to eat well with my family, I can. Then I quietly reduce my calories at other times, to keep within my weekly calorie budget. This is so different from the conventional way of looking at dieting as a daily thing!

With Venus Factor, there is an end to dieting, and soon I will be able to afford to eat more calories with pleasure and freedom. I am on this journey toward weight loss and strength and it is doable, and I now know deep down that maintaining will be doable too, once I reach my goals.

Aspiring to achieve my personal golden proportions gives me a concrete, measurable goal to work toward; the scale is no longer the only way to see if I am going to be more or less attractive while working so hard in the gym! Do I expect to achieve those numbers perfectly, especially the waist measurement? Well, no, I have had 10 kids after all!

I love Venus for the straightforward, scientifically-supported simplicity; do hard work in the gym this way, cut calories as is best for your body and lifestyle, and results will come.

Finding ESE and Venus Index have been life-changing for me.  Entering a transformation contest is something I’ve only thought about for a long time, that I did not have my diet under control was THE factor that held me back, and having the Golden Ration metrics gave me a wonderful look/goal to strive for.

I give you all my heart-felt gratitude for putting all your experience and  science-based information into a program that is straight-forward, and doable for the rest of my  life!  I hope Venus/Adonis continue to prosper, so that others can change their own lives, as my  family and I have!


Daphne Dyson

Daphne with her family when she was pregnant with number nine.

Daphne with her family when she was pregnant with number nine.  After this pregnancy Daphne reached her peak weight gain at 153 pounds which was devastating to an athlete like her.  It took approximately one year for her to get down to 138 pounds.  Daphne said Eat Stop Eat and the tools provided by the Venus system are helping sustain her progress.


Listen to Daphne’s interview here, and please “like” it when you’re done:

Just Say No to Elastic Waist Pants; Interview with Lori Aquino

Today we are honored to listen to Lori Aquino who placed fifth in the 8th Venus Index Transformation Contest.


Lori contemplated buying elastic waist pants and said "No Way!  This has got to stop now"

Lori contemplated buying elastic waist pants and said “No Way! This has got to stop now”


Lori's 12 week contest metrics.

Lori’s 12 week contest metrics.


The Venus concept of working out for shape and a weight range instead of a specific weight appealed to Lori.

The Venus concept of working out for shape and a weight range instead of a specific weight appealed to Lori.


Read what Lori wrote about her experience with the Venus Factor:

What do you say about a program that every day, several times a day, has forced others to take notice of you? And boy, have people noticed. Wow! How do I handle all their ‘noticing’?

I have a co-worker who, no matter what results I get, will completely do another program to prove that weight loss can happen on her terms. She has often attempted to sabotage me with food.

And another who was in shape and one time and knows what she needs to do…complains about it but will never do it.

These two sat one on each side of me during this whole contest. That was a challenge in itself! I called them the snack queens. They eat out of boredom and it was hard to remind myself that I was shooting for a bigger goal; ME and MY health.

However, I did have two other co-workers who noticed and joined the program. (I check in on them often and they love it too!) As well as several members who told me how wonderful I looked and that I should be proud. If only they could do it? Of course, I told them that they could and all about Venus.

The ‘noticing’ has ranged from praise to concern to others attempting to sabotage me. Wow!

However, my favorite notice has been from my teenage daughters. My middle daughter saw my legs one day and was like, “Mom, you are wearing shorts and you have better looking legs than I do!”  God bless her!


Lori said " I had to remind myself that I was shooting for a bigger goal. ME and MY health."

” I had to remind myself that I was shooting for a bigger goal;  ME and MY health.”


Listen to Lori’s interview here, and please “like” it when you’re done:

52 Year Old Cancer Survivor, Wife, and Mom of 5 Ditches Her Chocolate Pity Parties and Loses 100 Pounds

Today we are honored to listen to Julie Johansen who placed first in the 8th Venus Index Transformation Contest.


Julie has amazing dedication.  After years of stress and traumatizing health issues she decided enough was enough and lost 100 pounds; 39 of that in the 12 week contest.

Julie has amazing dedication. After years of stress and traumatizing health issues she decided enough was enough and lost 100 pounds; 39 of that in the 12 week contest.


Julie's 12 week contest metrics.

Julie’s 12 week contest metrics.


Julie took ownership of her weight, ditched the chocolate pity parties, and took action to gain her health and her body back.

Julie took ownership of her weight, ditched the chocolate pity parties, and took action to gain her health and her body back.


Read what Julie wrote about her experience with the Venus Factor:

Though not heavy as a youth, upon reaching adulthood my weight started creeping up to where I found myself as much as 100 pounds overweight. Twice I successfully lost large amounts of weight, but, unknowingly, my calories were still too high. So it involved increasingly more and more hours of my day spent in exercising in order to continue to see any pounds coming off. I felt guilty and narcissistic for spending so much time on myself instead of my family and work, and would eventually give up, putting the weight back on and more.

Finding Venus solved this problem for me. It was a huge eye opener to learn that calorie control is the real key to fat loss and the workouts are to give me the hourglass shape that I had previously assumed were only for the genetically blessed. Since I got the habit of working out down pat early on, I focused more attention on strictly keeping to the weekly calorie budget. While I’m still a work in progress, I love that the exercises target the areas that make women look good!

For mental motivation I turned to the online community for encouragement and answers to questions. I learned that perfection is not possible for me and that when I feel that I have “blown it,” then I simply STOP, do damage control and tell myself that I am not a failure, just a “delayed success” and promptly get right back on track, with fewer and fewer setbacks as time goes on.

With consistent effort, my progress is assured now that I’m experiencing how to effectively manage my three big “M’s”: my mouth, my muscles and my mind. I feel so appreciative that Venus has given me the truth and the tools to make these changes permanent!


With the Venus system Julie learned she could enjoy her life and her family while still achieving her fitness goals.

With the Venus system Julie learned she could enjoy her life and her family while still achieving her fitness goals.


Listen to Julie’s interview here, and please “like” it when you’re done:

Targets, Goals, and Missions

Here’s the next episode of the UNCENSORED Podcasts Season 3.


When you are reaching your goal you may have a role model.  Once you get to your goal you become your own role model.  It's your new target proximity.

When you are reaching your goal you may have a role model. Once you get to your goal you become your own role model. It helps you learn your new range or proximity to the target.

Today’s Topic:  Targets, Goals, and Missions

Maintenance is hard.  At some point you arrive at a point of diminishing returns.

You have arrived at your goal.  You reach a point where you look in the mirror and say “That’s my body and that’s me, and that’s pretty good.”

Before you got to your goal you may have had a picture of someone else, a role model or a fitness model.

But once you have arrived there, you have photographic evidence.  You have pictures.  Without that you don’t really know.  It gives you your reference.

You can’t have goals, targets, and missions for maintenance without having gotten “there” first.

You don’t you want to compare yourself to others, but it’s okay to have a model to help get you to your goal.

Once you get to your goal, your new model is you.  It is your proximity to the target.  You have a range you like to stay in.

There will be times when you are not as tight, muscular, or sharp, and you can reel yourself in.  You are just getting back to YOU.

Your measurements help; it is your target.  It helps keeps you on track.

You got the body you want, then to keep it you want to do the least amount of work to keep within range.

Once you decide on your target, goals, and missions you need to set up your “inner circle” support group.  You need to include people who are going to help you stay on track and exclude those who hinder you.

Set a goal date to help keep your team or inner circle on your side.  It can be an special event, a vacation, another photo shoot, whatever you want to keep you motivated.


IMMERSION Clients May Login and Download Podcast Here

Not a Venus Index IMMERSION client? Click here to find out more…



VT8 12-Week Transformation Winners Announced

The VT8 results are in and the transformations and final pictures are simply amazing!

One thing I love about the focus for women in the Venus program is “The focus is proportions and shape (rather than weight loss at all costs or building muscle like a guy)” – John Barban.

Congratulations to everyone who entered and finished!  This took hard work on the part of everyone and it shows.

Here are the winners:

First Place – Julie J

Julie lost 33 more pounds after entering the Venus contest.

Julie lost 33 more pounds after entering the Venus contest.

Even in mid life and with many health obstacles Julie found a way to succeed. She said the Venus program was a real eye opener for her.

Even in mid life and with many health obstacles Julie found a way to succeed. She said the Venus program was a real eye opener for her.

Second Place – Carlie A

Carlie lost a couple of inches in her waist and gained muscle in her shoulders; This got her to her VI ideal. This is not an easy task.

Carlie lost inches in her waist and gained muscle in her shoulders;
This got her to her exact VI ideal metrics.

Changing your body composition like Carlie did is not an easy task.

Changing your body composition like Carlie did is not an easy task.

 Third Place – Lourdes C

Candy lost inches and gained muscle, again this is no easy task.

Lourdes lost inches and gained muscle.
Again, recomp is no easy task, especially at age 47.

Candy said "The variety in the workouts and the level of intensity was incredible. For the first time, I started noticing changes in my body that I liked very much."

The variety in the workouts and the level of intensity was incredible. For the first time, I started noticing changes in my body that I liked very much.”

Fourth Place – Kerry Z.

Kerry lost 9 pounds in 12 weeks and got down to her exact VI ideal metrics.

Kerry lost 9 pounds in 12 weeks and got down to her exact VI ideal metrics.

Kerry didn't let her traveling job be an excuse to not achieve her fitness goals. With Anything Goes Diet and Eat Stop Eat she make it work for her life.

Kerry didn’t let her traveling job be an excuse to not achieve her fitness goals. With Anything Goes Diet and Eat Stop Eat she makes it work for her life. No excuses!

Fifth Place – Lori A.

"My middle daughter saw my legs one day and was like, 'Mom, you are wearing shorts and you have better looking legs than I do!' "

“My middle daughter saw my legs one day and was like, ‘Mom, you are wearing shorts and you have better looking legs than I do!’ “

Lori lost 2 inches from her waist and 8 pounds in 12 weeks. Not bad for a hard working mom.

Lori lost 2 inches from her waist and 8 pounds. Pretty good results for a hard working mom in just 12 weeks.

Sixth Place – Jessica Y

Jessica lost 2 inches off her waist.

Jessica lost 5 pounds and 2 inches off her waist.

Jessica gained the muscle she wanted. She spent most of her life as a size 8-12 and now shes down to 0-4.

Jessica spent most of her life as a size 8-12 and now shes down to 0-4 and she’s gained the muscle she wanted.

Seventh Place – Aima K

Aima weighed 100 pounds before and after, but she cleanly lost fat and gained muscle - this is what we call "recomp" and it requires hard work and patience.

Aima weighed 100 pounds before and after, but she clearly lost fat and gained muscle – this is what we call “recomp” and it requires hard work and patience.

Aima didn't get much support because everyone said she was "skinny" already, but she knew what she wanted and she worked hard to get it.

Aima didn’t get much support because everyone said she was already “skinny”, but she knew what she wanted and she worked hard to get it.

Eighth Place – Lea A

Lea lost four pounds and got closer to her VI Ideal metrics.

Lea lost four pounds and got closer to her VI Ideal metrics.

Previously she at 6 meals a day and worked out hard with a personal trainer but it was the Venus program that finally got Lea results.

Previously she at 6 meals a day and worked out hard with a personal trainer but it was the Venus program that finally got Lea the results she wanted.

Ninth Place – Daphne D

At age 43 and a stay at home mom for a very large family Daphne still managed to lose 8 pounds and cut 2 inches from her waist.

At age 43 and a stay at home mom with 10 kids Daphne still managed to lose 8 pounds and cut 2 inches from her waist.

Daphne worked very hard in spite of all her life stress and you can see the muscle tone she gained here in just 12 weeks.

Daphne worked very hard in spite of all her life stress and you can see the muscle tone she gained here in just 12 weeks.

Tenth Place – Lorraine G

"Never have I EVER experienced the sheer amount of positive comments and reinforcement I've seen in the last month! People spontaneously talk to me about fitness."

“Never have I EVER experienced the sheer amount of positive comments and reinforcement I’ve seen in the last month! People spontaneously talk to me about fitness.”

Even at age 60 and a huge amount of life stress Lorraine managed to gain muscle, lose 7 pounds, and 2 inches off her waist in just 12 weeks.

Even at age 60 and a huge amount of life stress Lorraine managed to gain muscle, lose 7 pounds, and 2 inches off her waist in just 12 weeks.


Each one of these women worked very hard to achieve their success in just 12 weeks.  Many are in mid life and experience much of the stress we all face at that time; jobs, kids, elderly parents, hormone issues and yet they still found a way to make huge progress on their fitness goals.  One thing we emphasize in the Venus program is that we are making changes for life and that the contest is merely a 12 week snapshot, a moment in time, or an en route train stop on our life long journey for health and happiness (not fat loss at all costs).

If you are in the online community please congratulate each of these women for their accomplishments or feel free to comment below, and please feel free to hit the LIKE button!


VT9 will start September 1st and end November 24th


The final deadline for the VT8 Venus Transformation contest will be Sunday August 11, 2013 at midnight EDT

The last day for the 8th Venus Transformation contest will be Sunday August 11, 2013.  The final deadline for pictures, measurements, and essay’s will be midnight EDT Sunday night.

The final requirements will be:

  1.  Front pose
  2.  Side pose
  3.  Back pose
  4.  Newspaper pose – same as front pose but with current days newspaper front page clearly visible in your hand.
  5. Up to 15 cover model poses of your choice.  Each change of outfit AND change of scenery must have a new newspaper pose.  The newspaper pose must have the front page clearly visible. 
  6. A 250 word essay with your name and age.  Write about what the Venus lifestyle and workout means to you.
  7. Your weight, height, shoulder, waist, and hip measurements at the time of the photo shoot.

It is very important that for your front, side, and back poses your arms are down at your sides but not covering your waist and that they are full head to toe pictures.  Do not crop out your face or your feet.

Front, Side, and Back poses must be done with hands down at sides.  You can submit additional poses with the cover model pictures

Front, Side, and Back poses must be done with hands down at sides. You can submit additional poses with the cover model pictures.


IMPORTANT:  For your cover model pictures you can use a variety of different outfits and scenery (indoor or outdoor) but you must have a front newspaper pose with each new scene AND each new outfit.

There must be a newspaper pose with each change of clothes AND each change of scenery.

There must be a newspaper pose with each change of clothes AND each change of scenery.


Have some fun with scenery and posing

Here are a few examples of past contest cover model pictures.














There will be more information soon on how to use the Tracker tool to submit all of your pictures, metrics, and essay.

In the meantime you can get more ideas on planning your photo shoot:

Photo shoot prep part one

Photo shoot prep part two

Photo shoot prep part three

If you are a Venus customer and don’t already have it there is a seven day nutrition protocol for photo prep designed by John called “Slim in 7”  available in your Venus cockpit shopping cart.

Tips from previous Venus contest winners in their final week of preparation:

Most of all, have some fun!

We can’t wait to see the results of your hard work.

Remember, the contest is just an En Route train stop along the rest of your Venus journey.


