Young Mom Finds the Venus Factor to Be A Way of Life Instead Of a Means to an End

Today we are honored to listen to Dom who placed seventh in the 7th Venus Index Transformation Contest.

Dom found a system that works for her even while raising two young children under two years old.

Dom found a system that works for her even while raising two young children under two years old.


Check out her beautiful transformation pictures:

Dom before the 12 week contest

Dom before the 12 week contest


Dom's contest stats.

Dom’s contest stats.


Dom after the 12 week contest

Dom after the 12 week contest.


Read what Dom wrote about her experience with the Venus Factor:

Finally, this is something that works for me. As a work at home mom of 2 kids younger than 2, I was looking for something simple but real. Not just a quick fix, but a way of life that would fit into my life.

I found that in the Venus index. I like that there is science behind it, it is not just a fad or trend, I can approach it on my terms. And most of all, it works! Prior to joining the VI community I exercised exclusively OUT of the house. I thought I needed to GO someplace to be motivated by someone. VI has shown me that I can do this by myself, for myself. I can integrate this into my life right here at home and I can shape it to fit my needs. The principles of Eat Stop Eat really resonated with me and I love that the workouts are all laid out for you to follow.

Never having been a part of an online community prior to this I have been blown away by the amount of support on the forum. I am proud to call my Venus sisters my friends and I have been so grateful for their support 24/7 via the community and privately. Bottom line, this is the first program I have followed through with long term. I am learning to integrate it into my life slowly, and while I am not all the way to my VI metrics yet, I am working towards it at a pace that has me confident that this is a new way of life for me!

One of the things was how much I appreciate that this program is a way of life and that it has given me the tools–through both the programs (ESE and VI factor workouts) and the community, to control what I can control.

Between working, raising two little girls, taking care of my house and family, it is hard to carve out “me” time.  In the past this would snowball because I would be frustrated when I missed a workout and then eat more, and then I would be discouraged from eating more and not want to exercise.  Of course, then it would become this vicious cycle and before I knew it days would have past where I ate more than I wanted too, didn’t exercise, felt bad, blahblahblah.  It would all change next week, next month, next year, as soon as I got through whatever the next big hurdle was THEN I would start over.  I’m sure this is familiar to so many of us!

I have found this program so sustainable because it is just one day at a time, one step at a time.  If I eat too much today, I eat less tomorrow.  Better yet if I eat too much this morning, instead of blowing the whole day, I just eat less later on.

To take it one step beyond that, I can plan ahead and if I KNOW I want to eat too much tomorrow or next week, or later today because I have plans, I can plan ahead and eat less NOW in preparation.  Similarly, I work out when I can and if I can’t make time today I will make some tomorrow. By making this a way of life instead of a means to an end, I have let go a little and in doing that I have actually gained more control.


Dom kept on going even after the contest because this is her new way of life.

Dom kept on going even after the contest because this is her new way of life.


Listen to Dom’s interview here, and please “like” it when you’re done:

Yet Another Every-Day Venus; Meet Lita

Lita at the Waimea-Canyon-Trail

Lita at the Waimea-Canyon-Trail

There is a rapidly growing number of women maintaining the status of “Every-Day Venus”…

The number of Every-Day Venus women in our community is rapidly growing and it is exciting to watch.  Women are achieving their fitness goals and able to maintain the Venus Lifestyle for years.

Those of us who watch the activity in the Venus Forum have enjoyed Lita; her intelligence, wit, sense of humor, honesty, dedication to health and fitness, candor, and the fact that she is quite beautiful both inside and out.

Some of you might be interested in her stats:

Height: 5’5″

Baseline weight: Through the age of 23 I naturally maintained at 105 pounds.

Over the next 7 years, I steadily gained 55 pounds due to illness, medications and a change in lifestyle.

Between the ages of 30 and 36 years old, I dieted down to 120lbs, but I didn’t like the way my body looked and I didn’t know how to make it any better so I gave up and went back to my old habits. I repeated this cycle two or three times, staying between 120 and 150lbs but never liking what I saw in the mirror.


Lita’s Story

Lita was a previous winner in one of our Venus contests and we are lucky to have an interview with her and John.

A few of Lita's Venus Contest pictures.

A few of Lita’s Venus Contest pictures.


Here is some of Lita’s story in her own words:

At the age of 37 I decided to try weight loss through calorie restriction one more time; this time doing less cardio and more weight lifting and I began to get better results. Midway through this process,  I discovered John Barban’s Venus programs and philosophies and the amazing community full of like minded women who are on the same path as I was and who also understand the TRUTH about how few calories it is still “healthy” to eat. This reinforced what I was already coming to understand and embrace; that we just don’t “need” to eat as much food for “fuel” as the mass media and marketing would have us believe. Or, as they say on the Adonis side, you can’t just “muscle away your fat”. Eat less, train hard, and reveal the body of your dreams.

I learned that strength training is the key to creating a beautiful shape for the female body. I also learned that cardio is not the one and only secret to health and fitness for females.I learned what the puzzle pieces are and how to put them all together. It is really more simple than I thought it would be and there are only THREE!  DIET for weight loss, CARDIO for heart health (and a tiny bit of calorie burn) and STRENGTH TRAIN for beauty.

They are SEPARATE and we must do all three. Previously in life I had done these three things, but never learned how to balance and do them all at the same time for a specific and sustainable outcome. I have spent the last 3 years refining and perfecting my “Health Triad”. How much of each, how to practice them all and in what combinations, and how to make them habitual and ENJOYABLE.

Starting in April of 2011 I began to weight train, turned down my running miles and decreased my food consumption by 50%. I lost 30 pounds on my own over a 6 month period.

In October of 2011 I found Eat Stop Eat and the Venus program. I have used the principles of these programs to lose an additional ten pounds and KEEP it off for going on two years.

My average weight for the last 21 months has been 114 pounds and I have maintained within a 7 pound range during this time.

A typical day for me over the last two years looks like this:

Calories for me are anywhere from 800 a day to 1200 a day except for one day a week when I am a bit more relaxed and get in about 1400 to 1500.

My training consists of resistance training of my own design, Venus programs, Venus circuits, Adonis programs, or Brad Pilon’s Anabolic Again weight training program.  I workout 4-5 days a week depending on my moods or goals I also do medium or low intensity steady state cardio 4 to 5 days week for up to 45 minutes(usually brisk hill walking or running).

I also enjoy fun cardio like trail running or hiking with my husband.I try to get as many extra steps or movement as I can get in every day.

Outside of my formal fitness activities my life is sedentary. I am a calm person. I don’t fidget and I am not very emotionally emotive, so my non-exercise activity thermogenesis is very low. Therefore, I must do more than simply Venus workouts 3-4 times a week.

The support I can give and receive in the Venus community keeps me motivated and engaged in my process every day. The new research I’m exposed to through the Venus Immersion package has also been critical in keeping me educated and motivated to try new things and to stay the course. I think that staying mentally engaged and being creative with your willingness to keep learning and experimenting is a critical piece of maintenance success.

Maintaining a working knowledge of your body’s responses to different stimuli and keeping abreast of the latest research is the surest way to keep your interest level high, ensuring a lifelong active relationship with health and fitness.

I’m always saying in the community that fitness and beauty must become a lifelong “hobby”,  an “interest” that you research and practice actively all the time. When people treat it like a “one time” weight loss event, they just go back to their old ways. You must make friends with your body, learn about its needs on a deeper level and then seek to take care of it and nurture it like you would a child or a spouse.


Carla from left to right; 155 pounds, 128 pounds, 111 pounds, and 118 pounds.

Lita from left to right; 155 pounds, 128 pounds, 111 pounds, and 113 pounds.

When we get into weight training many of us find we struggle with gender differences

The neat thing about the Venus program is that it constantly evolves with new information and experiences learned.  The newly released Venus Factor incorporates even more gender differences in the fat loss program.  Venus has always been a program designed for the female shape “The focus is proportions and shape (rather than weight loss at all costs or building muscle like a guy)” – John Barban.

The soon to be released update of Brad Pilon’s Eat Stop Eat also contains a lot of new information which Brad has researched regarding gender differences with fasting and training.  Anyone who has purchased this e-book will get the new update.

Lita, like so many of us, struggles with the differences between men and women in the gym:

I went through this very painful period over the summer where my husband and I would finish our workout and he would strut around and flex his muscles. He would be all pumped up and begging for compliments. I would make detailed comments and try to make him feel good.

But I felt too silly to do the same thing and besides, I wouldn’t get the same kind of pump that he gets, if any at all. Besides, while I know he’s impressed with my accomplishments, he’d sooner see me in a slinky gown than see me strutting around in my sports bra doing a lat flare. The whole thing really made me feel deflated and angry and cheated.

It took me awhile, but I finally made peace with the idea that “God don’t make no junk!” Mother Nature protects us from looking weird. So all of MY training gives me my ideal Venus metrics and beautiful SHAPE. It DOESN’T make me look more like a man with bulging muscles and popping veins. And this is an amazing thing.

When I finally said all this to my husband, I told him that I’m sorry for trying to take away HIS moment in the sun by being bitter about what is simply natural, he replied, “Hey, when I workout, I really do get a big pump and it looks materially different from before I start the workout.  But with you, your “before” is BETTER than my “after” because you look beautiful and amazing at ALL times.”

And then it all made sense.

Carla loves to enjoy outdoor exercise with her husband.

Lita loves to enjoy outdoor exercise with her husband.

The value of the Venus online community

Our Venus community has had quite a long discussion on the topic of “The last 10 pounds”.  This is where we are entering fitness maintenance and body composition changes.

This is where many of us let our goals get hijacked, possibly looking at fitness model pictures, comparing ourselves to others, thinking we “should” be eating a certain amount of calories, or “should” have a certain look, or “should” be a certain weight or size, when really none of that matters.  We have achieved or exceeded our goal already, it’s time to enjoy our new life and our success!

Carla has learned to enjoy life as an Every-Day Venus.  She has a beautiful feminine hour-glass shape.

Lita has learned to enjoy life as an Every-Day Venus. She has a beautiful feminine hour-glass shape.

As women we tend to beat ourselves up all too often.  We have a hard time accepting ourselves the way we were meant to be, or appreciating the success we have achieved.  We have a hard time being happy sometimes.  We are a constant work in progress, both mentally and physically.

Lita’s thoughts on the “last 10 pounds”:


I think the last ten pounds really, in actuality, means….going that last mile to make the body the way we ultimately want it. That might mean further fat loss, it might mean muscle gain, it might mean both.

But rarely is the dissatisfaction we experience that causes us to whine about those “last few pounds” actually just an issue of simply losing a couple more. It’s always about recomp and refinement. That’s why it is such a mystery and why we have a 31 page thread to discuss it.


I hoping to visit Carla and enjoy the outdoors and some good quality Venus girl time.

I am hoping to visit Lita someday and enjoy the outdoors and some good quality Venus girl time.

Lita and I have developed a fun friendship through the community and we have so much in common.  Like her I really enjoy the outdoors, hiking, the gym, and enjoying good food!  It is my dream to get out to Lita’s area someday and visit with her;  go for hikes, enjoy some good food, and spend some good quality Venus girl time.  I have no doubt it will happen someday.

I hope the rest of you have enjoyed meeting Lita online as much as I have!



Ask Nicola; Are You Your Own Worst Self Critic?

When do you stop nit picking on yourself and just enjoy how far you have progressed?

Appreciate who you are now and just enjoy how far you have progressed!

Are you your own worst self critic?

You’re working hard to lose weight and be fit or maintain your fitness and weight loss. But boy, are you hard on yourself as you try to achieve or maintain your goals. If you eat more than your planned or gain a few pounds, you beat yourself up. You feel rotten about yourself. And the worse you feel about yourself, the more likely you are to overeat or fall off the bandwagon. Learn how you can be kinder to yourself to achieve or maintain your goals.

Dr. Nicola Bird

Nicola’s Online Program

Listen to John’s interview with Dr. Nicola Bird here, and please “like” it when you’re done:

Lacey Gained Her Pre-Pregnancy Confidence Back With The Venus Workout

Lacey gained back her self confidence.

Lacey gained back her self confidence.

Lacey Marshall came in fifth place in our Seventh Venus Transformation Contest.  She did an amazing job losing 26 pounds.  She lost 6 inches off her shoulders, 6 inches off her waist, and 4 inches off her hip circumference.  That is an amazing feat in just twelve weeks.  Not only did her body transform but so did her confidence and happiness.  Lacey feels like the confident, fun, and passionate person she once was before having kids; in fact she says this confident person is back with a vengeance!

With her new self confidence Lacey plans to keep on going with her progress.

This is the true Venus Mindset.

Does this sound like what you want again?  You can do this too, with the Venus Workout.  This program gives you the tools you need to get back what you once had, or even have what you have never dreamed of before.

We didn’t get a chance to interview Lacey but here is what she said in her own words:

During this twelve week transformation I feel as if I have been on a rollercoaster of emotions and thought processes.  At the beginning I felt very unsure that I would be able to complete or stick with the program for the whole twelve weeks.  After a couple weeks I definitely started to feel on the top of the world as if nothing could stop me or hold me down.  I loved the high and feeling of success and that change was occurring in so many aspects of my life.

As I entered in to the third cycle of the program I began to fall back into to the old thought patterns of low self-worth that I had before beginning the workouts.  Through much self-reflection of the past weeks I realized I wasn’t going back to what I was before.   This twelve weeks was only just the beginning of the new me.   These “after” photos were going to be my new before photos that in another 12, 20 weeks or a year from now I will look at these after photos and see how much further I have come.

I feel that this transformation has given me the much needed reunion with the person I used to be before I had my first baby.  I felt that the woman who was fun, confident, driven and passionate was back.   In fact not only was she back, but she was back with vengeance!

I am very excited to see and feel the changes and how this affects me, my family, and my friends.  I have had multiple people close to me come and thank me for giving them the motivation and the confidence that they too can have transformation for themselves.

For this I thank you Venus Index

Lacey Marshall

Lacey's before pictures

Lacey’s before pictures

Lacey's contest stats.

Lacey’s contest stats.

Lacey's after pictures.

Lacey’s after pictures.


Ask Nicola; Trusting Your New Self

After you transform your body, how do you learn to trust your new self?

After you transform your body, how do you learn to trust your new self?

How do you learn to trust your new self?

You’ve lost weight. You’re fitter. Perhaps you’ve even achieved your goals. But then you gain a couple pounds and it ruins everything for you. You doubt yourself. You fear regaining the weight. You don’t trust yourself to maintain. But if you gain 5 lbs, you just need to loose 5 lbs. It’s not that big of a deal. How do you learn to trust your new self and trust yourself to maintain the changes?

Dr. Nicola Bird

Nicola’s Online Program

Listen to John’s interview with Dr. Nicola Bird here, and please “like” it when you’re done:

Seeing Myself through Other People’s Eyes

I was not seeing what other people see (I probably still don’t)

I just got back from an amazing week away and I am reflecting on how some of us are our own worst judges of our own physique and level of fitness.  As females we are usually much too hard on ourselves.

I’m going to confess that for several months now I’ve been a bit hard on myself.  I’m constantly judging myself against the photo shoot I did in March of 2012.  I’ve at times felt like a fraud since I didn’t maintain sub 10% body fat and have let myself come up a bit (to what is probably a healthier level).

My husband Randy has been trying to help me and he hates seeing me squander away this time by not fully appreciating my achievements.  It is very frustrating to him to see me not fully happy.  In his opinion I look my best right now when I feel I’m at the higher end of my “range”.

When John came out to California earlier this year we talked about the judging of ourselves and feeling like a fraud.  I learned that this is quite a common feeling and that it’s not necessary that I ever to get down to that sub 10% body fat state ever again if I don’t wish to.  I don’t have to keep proving it.  I proved it.  I did it.  It’s done and there is nothing fraudulent about that.  I can decide to go lower than I am now if I want, or I can stay where I am, I can do whatever I choose.

At the time of my 2012 photo shoot I had several people tell me I was too skinny.  Sometimes this happens when people are scared or worried about seeing you transform from overweight to fit, other times it is jealously or other emotional issues within the other person, and other times it is really someone’s honest opinion.  Although that level of low body fat produced great pictures for me, in real life many people thought I was too skinny.

Randy thought so as did many of the deputies I work with, some of my neighbors, and many of my friends at the gym.  A few others thought it was fine, but overall most people thought I was too skinny.

I volunteer to work as a reserve deputy at our local Sheriff’s department.  This last week our department hosted a convention for all the Sheriff’s in our state.  As I packed to leave last Sunday I had Randy take a picture of me.  I didn’t like the picture.  I didn’t like how I looked.  I felt fat.  Since Randy thinks I look perfect right now he was sad to see me not appreciate it and as I was leaving he said “You look stunning.. do not squander this time by feeling fat.. that is ridiculous”.

I adjusted my own attitude

I spent the time driving up to the conference adjusting my own attitude.  I decided what I thought didn’t matter.  No one around me at the gym or out and about seems to see what I see.  In fact I continue to get compliments about my level of fitness and a lot of attention even though I feel fat.  It is a strange phenomenon that seems to happen to many females.  By the time I got to my room and saw the beautiful view I decided I was going to enjoy myself and not squander my time as Randy advised.

By the time I got to my room I decided I was not going to squander the opportunity I had before me

By the time I got to my room I decided I was not going to squander the opportunity I had before me

I think sometimes when you get to this level of fitness (close to the Venus Ideal) when you think you are just right you might be too skinny.  When everyone else around you (of those you can trust that are not jealous) see you as just right you probably are just right.  The Venus Ideal metrics don’t matter at this point.  Your scale weight doesn’t matter at this point.  The size clothes you think you should wear at this point don’t even matter.

If you really are “just right” then it’s time to keep the clothes that fit you, not fit yourself to the clothes you somehow think you should fit into.  If you are like me then you are not the best judge.

Women are supposed to have a little more body fat.  The body fat level does not matter.  It is different for each person.  The shape of how you look, how pleasing it is to the eye, and how healthy and strong you feel are what matters.

Being told that heads are turning is a clue

I got to the conference a day prior to going on security duty planning to hit the gym and relax a bit.  I did get a chance to do both but I got caught up in some necessary duties first as we were conference hosts and I ended up running around the conference in my gym clothes.

I did finally get to the gym for a Venus workout

I did finally get to the gym for a Venus workout

I didn’t learn until a few days later that as I was running around taking care of business heads were turning and people were asking “Who the heck is that girl?”.

Law enforcement is a tough place to get respect and it doesn’t come easily but I seemed to have finally earned it.

I earned the respect of the station commander

I had a day off in between my security shifts and had planned to spend the day at the pool and gym but the night before my day off I went out with our firearms range master team and they invited me to come out to the shooting range the next day instead.   The day at the range ended up being amazing.

I was tired when I got out there because I hadn’t slept well and I was wondering why the heck I wasn’t hanging out by the pool.  Then one of the range masters gave me an assignment.  We had a lot of shooters to get through the various competition stations and things needed to happen efficiently so my job was to go down range and set up metal targets after each competitor shot them down.

I decided to make this fun for myself as well as more efficient so I ran down range and back in between each shooter.  After I was warmed up I was itching to add pushups to the circuit but decided all the people watching might think I was a bit loony so I held off.  But I continued to run the entire time which ended up being about 4 hours or so (I had plenty of rest while competitors were shooting).

The Venus Index Workouts have given me functional strength and endurance, although I do add some HIIT running to my routine as well.

By the time the competitions were done just about everyone there noticed the short little lady wearing the black ballistics vest running up and down the range all day.  People asked how I felt and I said great and wished I could have added pushups.

The commander who was at the range is a pretty fit guy and wanted to know about workouts I recommend (of course I recommend Adonis for the guys).  Both my husband and I know the commander and that getting his respect is a big deal and is not easily earned.

As everyone at the range was in line for the catered lunch the commander asked me to show the crowd my biceps flex.  Then right in front of the crowd he said “You should be very proud of what you have achieved, especially for your age.  You should have gone ahead and added your pushups to your running down range and you would have put these fire guys to shame”.

The firemen in line (who had just seen me in action all day and the quick muscle flex) nodded with respect and said “That’s okay, we don’t need to see any more for her to prove it”.

I gained the hard earned respect of the commander.  This is us later at dinner.

I gained the hard earned respect of the commander. This is us later at dinner.

The range competition wasn’t the only event of the day but all the various guests and staff gathered at the hotel pub for debrief and apparently my getting noticed running up and down the range was part of the topic of discussion.  I was asleep during the “debrief” since I had the early morning security shift, which was probably just as well.

I found out while working the next day that I had earned the reputation as the “Energizer bunny”, and in reference to the my fitness transformation “You really took the bull by the horns didn’t you?”

More fun at the shooting range

We all got a chance to shoot the 50 caliber rifle

We all got a chance to shoot the 50 caliber rifle

After lunch we all got a chance to shoot the 50 caliber rifle and an MP5 fully automatic rifle.  We got some of it on video.  It was an amazing day.

I think it made my young patrol partner a believer

My security partner for this event is a young guy. He really wants to lose weight and get fit so we had a lot of time to talk about calories and workouts.  I wasn’t sure he was totally convinced about what works since like most other people he’s heard a lot of conflicting and confusing advise about diet and fitness.  It’s hard to believe it could be so simple and that he does not have to do endless cardio.

We spent several days together and he got to see my interactions with convention guests throughout, on and off duty and during meals. After awhile he kept noticing the attention I got and the heads turning constantly.  He said “That guy really likes you.  I mean he REALLY likes you!”, “I think that guy was hitting on you”.  “Don’t you ever get tired of this?”

I told him if he really wants to gain respect when he walks into the briefing room, get fit; become an Adonis.  Anyone who sets their mind to it can do it.  Anyone.  It will change your life.

I told him that if I could gain this much respect in law enforcement as a small 5’1″ female than imagine what he could do as a 6′ male.

The security detail with the state Governor.

Last night we had a visit from the state Governor.  My partner and I had the opportunity to work with some of the state troopers on the security detail for the Governor.  It was fun and fascinating to be in on it and work with them.

We had a visit from the state Governor

We had a visit from the state Governor last night.  That is our sharp looking honor guard in the background.

My partner and I got a chance to talk to many of the state troopers.  Once this shift was over our work for the convention details were complete and we could finally relax a little.  I changed out of the uniform into a summer dress and once again my young partner was shocked by the number of heads turning as we walked around, especially all the young state troopers who worked with me all evening and watched me transform out of my uniform.

We walked into the pub and it literally took me 20 minutes to get to our group because we kept getting stopped by the guests; “Hey I met you at the gym today, I’m the one who helped you with the treadmill”, “Are you a fitness model?”, “Are you the deputy who was working tonight?”, “What cross fit gym to you go to?” (WHY do they think this?), “I can tell you are a cop, look at those arms”… on and on.

I think my young patrol partner is getting a clue now how being fit can change your life, really and truly.

The growing community of Venus transformations

The moral of this story wasn’t for me to talk about all the compliments and head turning (although I’m proud to tell it) but to bring up the phenomenon of self perception that happens even after you have reached your fitness goal and stayed there awhile.

It took the contrast of my recent self perception with the reactions I got at this conference to make it really sink in for me.  I have a feeling this is something most of us girls struggle with and will continue to always somewhat struggle with.  I can’t say I understand why this happens to us, but it does.

I’ll be writing more about others but I’d like to picture a few of our amazing Venus women who have transformed and maintained for awhile now.  They’ve likely struggled with many of these issues and are a part of our amazing online community.

There are many willing to help and although this is a smaller segment of our community it continues to grow and and we all continue to prove that the Venus lifestyle may not always be easy, but it is sustainable.











There are many more but these are just a few who have struggled and proved it can be done.  These girls enjoy life to it’s fullest and still maintain an amazing physique;  living the Venus lifestyle every day.  We all have our struggles, but somehow we manage to keep what we set out to do.

It’s so good to be home.






Ask Nicola; How do you deal with social pressure after you achieve fitness?

Once you achieve your fitness goals some people have negative reactions.  You must decide what you want for yourself and fight to keep it.

Once you achieve your fitness goals some people have negative reactions. You must decide what you want for yourself and fight to keep it.

How do you deal with social pressure after you achieve fitness?

We are social creatures. Although losing weight and getting fit are personal choices, it does impact us socially because it changes our appearance. The world will respond to our transformation in a variety of ways–some positive and some negative. When people around you are not being supportive or even critical of your transformation, you need to break free from their their negativity and own your own power.

We’ll discuss the reasons why people can have such varied and negative responses to your transformation and how to become immune to it.


Dr. Nicola Bird

Nicola’s Online Program

Listen to John’s interview with Dr. Nicola Bird here, and please “like” it when you’re done:

Ask Nicola; What is Self Sabotage?

We all step out of the gate strong. What happens when you encounter all the emotional challenges of life?

We all step out of the gate strong. What happens when you encounter all the emotional challenges of life?

Do you have a self-sabotage point?

When it comes to dieting and fitness, you likely find that it is easy to get out the gate but then you lose momentum and drive fizzles. Before you know it, despite the best intentions, self-sabotage kicks in. You have difficulty sustaining your goals. Willpower only gets you so far. You need to deal with the real reasons that you are sabotaging to sustain change and keep momentum alive.

In todays podcat we will dive into what the underlying reasons are for self sabotage and why it seems to happen at the same time over and over again.


Dr. Nicola Bird

Nicola’s Online Program

Listen to John’s interview with Dr. Nicola Bird here, and please “like” it when you’re done: casino jeu en ligne

Endless Cardio Does Not Change Your Shape; Interview with Jenny Weaks

Today we are honored to listen to Jenny Weaks who placed second in the 7th Venus Index Transformation Contest.

Check out her beautiful transformation from the 12 Week Contest:

Jenny learned that the key to getting a good shape was the right amount of food and a good weight training program designed for women.

Jenny learned that the key to getting a good shape was the right amount of food and a good weight training program designed for women.

Read what Jenny wrote about her experience with Venus Index:

I was in week 8 of Phase 1 when the contest started. I got to week 11 and decided to jump on to Phase 2 because there was so much buzz on the forums about it. The 1st six weeks I did very minimal cardio, mainly just walking when I felt like it. Aside from continuing to focus on fat loss, I decided (based on midway progress pictures), that I needed to focus more on my arms and glutes. I was losing a lot of weight quickly and my arms looked pretty skinny compared to my legs. My butt was getting flat too, so I decided to do some specializations for arms and butt at that point and I continued them through to the end. The nutrition side of Venus is what really drove my success. I did a minimum of two 36-48 hour fasts per week. RTD called for 800 calories a day for me, so I found it much easier to just not eat a few days a week than to eat so low in calories. That deficit was hard at times, and I had some setbacks along the way, but I learned quickly that any higher calorie days were more bloat than fat. A fasting day would bring me right back down. I lost 15 pounds during VT7 and got down to 21% bodyfat (tested by DEXA scan). I didn’t quite make all my VI measurements, so that is my next goal.

Jenny's metrics for the 12 week contest

Jenny’s metrics for the 12 week contest

Jenny's pictures before the 12 week contest.

Jenny’s pictures before the 12 week contest.

More of Jenny after the 12 week contest

More of Jenny after the 12 week contest

Jenny before and after her transformation.

Jenny before and after her transformation.


Listen to Jenny’s interview here, and please “like” it when you’re done:

The Aztec Venus Story; Fit And Fabulous At Age 44

Today we are honored to listen to Barbara Highland who placed first in the 7th Venus Index Transformation Contest.

Check out her beautiful transformation from the 12 Week Contest:

Barbara is fit and fabulous at age 44!

Barbara is fit and fabulous at age 44!


Read what Barbara wrote about her experience with Venus Index:

The Aztec Venus Story…..

I always believed that people who claimed to love the gym were crazy or compulsive liars. Who in his right mind could love being sweating instead of sleeping???

Three years ago I was in the middle of my worst nightmare, after two years of fertility treatments and three miscarriages, my newborn baby just passed away, doctors told me I was unable to carry another pregnancy and was 70 pounds overweight. When you have a baby and you are overweight you don’t care, because every time you see the baby you know it was worth every single pound of fat. But I had no baby, I was grieving, devastated, hopeless, bitter and horribly FAT…I could even see my cellulite with my clothes on!!!

Another year of unsuccessful fertility treatments to get a surrogate mother pregnant didn’t let me loose much of that weight, probably just around 20 pounds. After my last egg retrieval I decided that I was done with treatments and that this was my last one no matter what. I lost 40 pounds very fast and at the same time my surrogate mother got pregnant with one of those eggs, so I was thrilled. I was having a baby and was skinny again….flabby skinny, butt less skinny, but skinny again…..and with a baby on the way!!!!

I started exercising, just cardio and still hating the gym, but this managed to keep my weight off so I thought it was worth the effort. I looked pretty well dressed but I had no tone, no muscles and no butt, so I decided the easy remedy, butt plastic surgery!!!! I started looking for the different options (implants, fat transfer, threads), until  my sweet and loving husband told me that there was no way he was paying for a fake butt and told me that I had two choices, exercising to build it up or paying for it. I had no money, so I had no other choice to stick to the first option and started doing leg press and all the damned glute machines available at my gym, beside my regular (boring to death) cardio routine.

After several months and very mild results on my flat butt, one day I received an email that changed my life. It was John Barban’s with the pictures of the last Venus Index contest. When I saw the pictures I felt jealous of the blonde in the second place and said “I want that body for myself!!!” But I heard the nasty little voice inside me saying “You are too old for that!!!” 

Browsing the pictures of the past contests I saw Roberta and said to myself… “She is very hot and older than me, I have good genes, a lot of discipline and if she could do it, I can do it too.”  I bought the program, went to Christmas vacation and decided to start in January (diets and programs always start on some Monday of January). Roberta became my role model, I even placed her picture on my fridge, with another one of Linda Hamilton’s arms in Terminator 2.

After following the program to the T, here I am now, three months after, 44 years old with the same waist I had in college, with a ten month old baby, fit and strong as ever and with the toned body I always dreamed of (without exercising, of course). I look better than most of the girls I see at he gym that are less than half my age. Thank you John…thank you Roberta….and thank you hubby for not  paying for my fake butt!!!!

Now I belong to the crazy group of people that can’t have a day without hitting the gym. Rest days are a nightmare!!!

Before and after metric data for Barbara

Before and after metric data for Barbara


Barbara's before pictures at the start of the 12 week contest.

Barbara’s before pictures at the start of the 12 week contest.

Barbara when she was 50 pounds heavier.

Barbara when she was 50 pounds heavier.


Barbara has become addicted to the gym which can be a Venus side effect.

Barbara has become addicted to the gym which can be a Venus side effect.

Listen to Barbara’s interview here, and please “like” it when you’re done:
