Getting in Shape is Simple…but not Easy.

Getting in shape shouldn’t have to be a second job, but many fitness marketers would have you believe so. Hours of daily meal preparation, complicated food combining, supplement dosing and mixing, and hours in the gym. It certainly sounds like a full time job. But who has this kind of time? Karen Check doesn’t and she got in great shape taking the simple straight forward approach with the Venus Index.

Venus Index Contest Karen Check

Venus Index Transformation 4th Place Karen Check

Venus Index Karen Check 4th Place

Karen lost 24lbs

Venus Index Karen Check

Great Transformation

In fact she said that this is the simplest program and approach she has ever followed and over the past 10 years after trying multiple other programs, VI is the only one that finally worked.

Perhaps simplicity is the key.

Working out and dieting doesn’t have to consume your life if you don’t want it to. Yes it takes work and effort, but it shouldn’t take up more than a few hours per week.

The key is keeping a level head, a functioning social life and giving your diet and workout it’s fair space in your life, but no more than is necessary.

Fitting the diet and the work out around your life is the only sustainable way to expect to get in shape and then maintain that shape.

In todays podcast Karen and I talk about her past experiences and why this time things were different. She talks about simplifying the process and how many people including herself went down the road of super complicated and cumbersome diet routines that ended up being monumental effort with little pay off.

Once she embraced a simpler approach Karen finally got the results you see here today.



Social Support: Gotta Give it to Get it

Accountability and support are two of the biggest factors in making a change in your body, but they’re rarely talked about. Diet and fitness marketers will talk about macronutrient ratios, meal timing, special kinds of interval training etc. But none of this matters if you don’t have a way to hold yourself accountable to your plan and social support to get you through the rough times.


Maro 3rd Place Venus Index Transformation Contest


Great Transformation


Maro took 5.5 inches off her waist and dropped 19lbs

Social support and accountability is a two way street. Providing support and accountability for others is also a great way to get support in return and some accountability in return. You don’t have to do it alone if you don’t want to, and the community at Venus Index is a way to find other people to get in shape with.

Sharing each others successes and failures is a major key to feeling like you’re not alone along the way. Getting support from your network and providing support to your network is going to start an upward spiral of confidence that builds on itself.

Simplifying your diet, and workout routine will put you in control of your body. The process isn’t always easy, but the results are worth the effort.



Putting it all Together: VI Open Winner Naomi Sandoval

Putting effort into diet and exercise is supposed to be a rewarding experience as you see improvements in your strength, body composition, and overall health and well being. It can be a source of gratification, confidence, and self esteem.

NaomiSandoval Venus Index Open Winner

Naomi Sandoval Venus Index Open Winner

On the other hand, when your results don’t add up to your effort it can become a source of frustration and disappointment.

Getting your results to match your effort is the key to finally getting into the shape you’ve always imagined for your body, and that is exactly what Naomi did winning the first ever Venus Index open competition.


Venus Index Open Winner Naomi Sandoval

Naomi has wonder proportions

Naomi shares her experiences throughout the past 20 years with diet and exercise and talks about what she has done in the past and how she arrived in the phenomenal shape you see her in today after the Venus Index competition.

Naomi is 46 years young and has a figure that most women 20 years younger than her would envy. She is a beautiful example of lean feminine muscle and the Venus Index.



Takin’ it to the House: VI Contest Winner Alisha McGinn

The first ever Venus Index Transformation contest was a huge success and Alisha McGinn took it to the house, her transformation was amazing.

Venus Index Transformation Winner Alisha

Dramatic change


Venus Index Transformation 1st Place

Venus Index Transformation 1st Place Alisha McGinn

Venus Index Contest Winner Alisha Back

Alisha has great definition in her back

In todays podcast I talk with Alisha and how she made one of the best transformations I’ve ever seen. She shares her story about how she used to be a fitness info junkie and how she made the decision to enter the contest.

We talk about her experience through the contest, what she did for diet and how she followed the program.

We also talk about motivation and support and how everyone has to find what works for them.

Finally Alisha shares how she researched and learned to take great photographs with  just a few cheap lights and items you can find around your house.

This transformation is what the Venus Index is all about, Alisha joined the contest with the mentality to win, and win is exactly what she did. She did everything right and the results speak for themselves.



Venus Index Contest #2: “VT2” Announced

The official start date of the next Venus Index Transformation contest is Wed May 11th 2011.

As with the previous contests we’re always trying to make them a bit better each time so we’ve made a few changes to the structure and format.

Who can enter:

Anyone who is a current Venus Index customer can enter this contest except for those who placed in the top three in our previous open contest. Placing in the top 3 in our previous open contest qualifies you for our annual level 2 competition that will be held in April 2012. There will be more details about the level 2 competition in the months to come.

Similar to the last contest there are going to be cash prizes for the top 1-6 in the transformation which is judged on total change combined with best final look, total change in the VI numbers, how much you changed overall and how close your are to your ideal VI.

The new twist is that you automatically qualify for the open contest as well, so this gives everyone double the chance to win. There will be prizes for the top 1-6 in the open category as well. The top 3 qualify for the level 2 competition in April 2012.

If you think you already look pretty good and want to enter the contest, but you’re not sure you’ve got a big enough ‘transformation’ to make, go ahead and submit your before and after pictures anyway. The judging panel will automatically bump you up to the ‘open’ contest if you’re final look is good but your total transformation isn’t as big as other people who have farther to go. This is the easiest way for us to award as many prizes as possible to everyone who wants to enter.

There are cash prizes for places 1-6 in transformation and 1-6 in open (we’ve eliminated the age categories for the open category)

Entry into the transformation contest automatically enters you into the open as well.

Prize money for both categories of transformation and open are as follows:

1st Place – $500

2nd Place – $350

3rd Place – $250

4th Place – $200

5th Place – $200

6th Place – $200

Submitting Before Pictures:

“Before” pictures must be submitted by all contestants at the beginning of the contest to me at my email address johnbarban at gmail (dot) com

“Before” pictures required: standard front, back and side shots, standing relaxed with hands at your side, and at least one extra picture in the grouping with the current days newspaper (while you’re in the same position and wearing the same suit as in your before pics). Find a spot in your house with a clear background or hang a plain sheet up behind you so you’re standing in front of a plain background.

Some form of two piece outfit is required for the before pictures so we can accurately assess your change. This can be a bikini, or shorts and a tank top/sports bra workout top etc. The better we can see the change you’ve made the better you’ll do in the competition.

Make sure the cover of the newspaper is visible and also include a close up pic of the news paper as well.

Name each before picture file according to the pose with your name and the word ‘before’ ex: name_before_side

The earliest you can submit a before pictures is on May 11th, every day you wait after this day is one more day of transformation that you are losing compared to others who have submitting on May 11th. I’ll be accepting before pictures until the following wednesday May 18th (however I strongly advise you take them and send them on May 11th). So even if you take them on May 11th you have until May 18th to send them in to me.

You must also submit a document with your before statistics including:

Age, Height, Waist measurement, Shoulder measurement, Hip measurements (as outlined in the Venus Index manuals).

Send all materials in a zip file.

All contestants must submit before pictures and statistics as stated above no matter if you feel you’ll end up in the open category or in the transformation category. The judges will decide which category you will end up in.

Your pictures will remain on my personal drive and will not be used or viewed by anyone for any purpose. If you choose not to complete the contest or have to bow out for any reason your pictures will never be used, viewed or posted for any reason whatsoever.

The rest of this post is the legal mumbo jumbo about privacy and the legal right to photo’s etc. This is the same stuff as the previous contest.


Contest Policy and Privacy Statement

All entries become the property of the Contest Sponsor and will not be returned.

Contest Sponsor, its advertising and promotion agencies assume no responsibility for lost, stolen, delayed, damaged, illegible, incomplete, postage-due, garbled or misdirected entries or entries that have been submitted through illicit means, or do not conform to or satisfy the Contest Rules or for any problems or technical malfunction of any telephone network or lines, computer on-line systems, servers, access providers, computer equipment, software, failure of any entry to be received or traffic congestion on the internet or at any website, or any combination thereof including any injury or damage to an entrant’s or any other person’s computer related to or resulting from playing or downloading any material in the contest.

The Contest Sponsor reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to modify, cancel or suspend this Contest should an external circumstances arise which are beyond the reasonable control of the Contest Sponsor. The Contest Sponsor is not responsible for any errors or omissions in printing or advertising this Contest.

The Contest Sponsor collects your personal information for the purposes of registration, program evaluation and to keep you informed about contest. The Contest Sponsor may, if consent was given during registration, also contact you from time to time with information about other ways you can lose weight.

The Contest Sponsor will not share any personal data about entrants with any
other party. The personal data collected for this Contest will not be used for any other purposes unless entrants provide explicit permission as indicated on the entry form. For more information about our privacy practices or to obtain a copy of our Privacy Policy, visit: Privacy Policy

By entering this Contest, entrants agree to release and hold harmless the Contest Sponsor and their respective employees, officers, directors, agents, representatives, successors, assigns, advertising and promotional agencies from any liability for any loss or damage of any kind to the entrant or any other person in connection with this Contest or participation in any Contest related activities, including but not limited the taking of a urine test or, if declared a winner, the use or misuse of a prize or any portion of a prize including personal injury, death or property damage.

This Contest will run in accordance with these Contest Rules, subject to amendment by the Contest Sponsor. Contest Sponsor reserves the right to cancel, amend, modify or terminate this Contest or the Rules at any time in its sole discretion and without notice.

Entrants must comply with these rules, and will be deemed to have received and understood the rules if they participate in the Contest.



Sweet Caroline! Interview With VI 2nd Place Finisher

In todays podcast we talk to the 2nd place finisher in our first ever Venus Index transformation contest Caroline.

Caroline 2nd Place Venus Index Transformation

Caroline 2nd Place Venus Index Transformation

Before VI

Caroline S (full name requested not to be disclosed for professional reasons) got in great shape and transformed her figure into what being a Venus is all about.

She shares with us how she kept track of her positive days and how you have to view a transformation as an experiment that requires fine tuning,  observation, and adjustments along the way. The first time you try it you’ll find some things that work for you and some things not so much, so you keep the good stuff and discard what didn’t work and move on.

One of the big keys to making a change is committing to yourself and finally recognizing that you’re ready for it. In many cases women can talk themselves into the belief that they are ‘stuck’ with a body they are unhappy with and their inner voice is telling them that they’ll never change. They might even try and fail and start to create a self fulfilling prophecy that they really can’t change.

But this isn’t the case. Everyone can make a change, but it only happens when you’re finally ready mentally and emotionally.

Caroline shares her experiences throughout her transformation and how looking back she realizes that this time she wants ready to make the change, and wow did she ever!



Venus Index Contest #1 Winners Announced!

Today we’re announcing the winners of the first ever Venus Index Transformation contest and Open Contest.

(click here for the system they used to get there)

Congratulations to all that entered, you all did a great job. So lets get to it!

Venus Index Transformation Contest Results

1st Place: Alisha M

Alisha McGinn Venus Index Transformation Winner

Alisha M Venus Index Transformation Winner

Alisha McGinn First Venus Index Transformation Before

Alisha Before


2nd Place: Caroline S.

Caroline 2nd Place

Caroline Before


3rd Place: Maro K

Venus Index Transformation Maro K

Venus Index Transformation 3rd Place Maro K

Venus Index Transformation 3rd Place Before Maro

Maro Before


4th Place: Karen C

Venus Index Transformation Contest 4th Place Karen Check

Venus Index Transformation Contest 4th Place Karen C

Venus Index Contest Before Karen

Karen Before


5th Place: Laura



6th Place: Leann H

Venus Index Transformation Leann

Venus Index Transformation 6th Place Leann H

Venus Index Transformation Before Leann

Leann Before


Venus Index Open Contest

1st Place: Naomi S

Venus Index Open Contest Winner Naomi Sandoval

Venus Index Open Contest Winner Naomi S

Venus Index Contest Winner Naomi Sandoval

More of Naomi


2nd Place: Kimberley D

Venus Index Open 2nd Place Kimberley Dransfield

Venus Index Open 2nd Place Kimberley D

Venus Index Contest Open 2nd Place Kimberley

More of Kimberley


3rd Place: Kris W

Venus Index Open 3rd Place Kris

Venus Index Open 3rd Place Kris W

Venus Index Open Contest 3rd Place Kris

More of Kris


Everyone did an amazing job and I hope that everyone will be available for interviews!

This was a huge success, you all showed up and kicked some serious butt!

Congratulations and I’ll be contacting each of you personally in the next few days.

We did a short podcast about the contest selections as well.


PS- If you want to be one of winners in the next transformation contest, the first step is getting the workout –> VENUS INDEX WORKOUT


First Venus Index Contest is Over…now what?

Now that the first Venus Index contest is done what is next?


What does your future hold?

For some people it’s a midway point in a longer transformation and a time to recover and gear up for the next contest,

For some it’s time to learn to maintain their new Venus body.

For others it’s the start of a new challenge being an agent of change and teaching others the ways of the Venus!

For me it’s going to be a week of stress trying to place the winners (you all do so well!)

But for everyone it’s a new beginning with a new future with new possibilities.

I’m still in vegas so I gotta keep this one short and sweet (I’m currently getting a series of txt messages telling me to get out of my room and down to the pool)



Venus Index Contest: 10 days to go!

There is only 10 days left until the end of the first Venus Index contest. At this point you should have a pretty good idea of what is working, what can derail you, and how much effort and system stress you can handle.

Working Out Venus index

With only 10 days left stick with what’s been working, and don’t overdo it.

Your goal should be to have 10 positive days in a row, not neutral, and not negative, just 10 positive days. This is also the time when you might really need to lean on others of social support and perhaps pass on social events that might derail your progress…after all, it’s only 10 days, there can’t possibly be anything that important in the next 10 days that you MUST attend that will not come up another time (besides your wedding perhaps)

If you’re going to add any extra exercise be careful not to overdo it. I suggest only adding low intensity cardio as it will not present too much stress to your system and may actually have a calming effect.

These last 10 days are going to be stressful enough as it is, so there is no reason to try and make it even more stressful by adding in more weight training workouts or high intensity cardio sessions if you don’t have to.

With that said, you know your body better than anyone, if you have a few low stress days and you feel like doing two workouts, go ahead, just pay close attention to your overall stress and energy levels and stay within your means.

We’ll also discuss a bit more about picture taking and even some more info on posing and how to coast into the final few days.


P.S. For those of you who want to experiment with bodybuilding style poses check out this video tutorial done by our good friend Eric Daye. –> Click Here to Watch Posing Tutorial Video

Learn how to prepare for the best photo’s ever:

Preparing For Your Contest Photo Shoot – Part 1: Posing Practice

Preparing For Your Contest Photo Shoot – Part 2: Photography And Lighting

Preparing For Your Contest Photo Shoot – Part 3: The Final Week



Taking your “After” Photos

It’s getting close to the end of the contest and it’s time to consider your final pictures. There are a few things that go into taking your pics and we’ll cover them in todays podcast including lighting, clothing, nutrition, and posing.


The simplest answer for lighting is to find the spot in your house where you seem to look your best, you probably already know the one or two rooms that have lighting that hits you just right.

If you want to get a bit more creative with the lighting you can use side lighting from a window or even set up a light a few feet infront of you (hitting your body roughly a 45 degree angle compared to the camera)…you’ll likely find a sweet spot with lighting where you show up your best (this is usually standing relatively close to the light, maybe 2-3 feet away)

You can use any lamps from around the house to experiment with the look and shadow it gives off…also you can use a mirror to assess what it looks like, afterall, whatever the mirror shows is also what the camera will show.

In the end you just want to create an environment that gives you the best looking shape and curves, so spend an hour or two with it until you’ve got the look that you like best.


Bikini and heels is the outfit of choice for figure models, and of course Venus models! Some people have been asking (Alisha) if they can wear a new bikini for the after pictures, and the answer is of course yes. In some cases you’ll have no choice because of the changes that have happened to your body so it’s a great success if you actually need to get a new one!


There has been a discussion about carb loading and water depletion etc. Keep in mind that these are advanced techniques used by pro bodybuilders who are also using powerful pharmaceuticals to help with their final look…in many cases the water depletion and carb loading strategies won’t have much of an effect for natural figure models like you.

What you can do is as follows:

Water load for 24 hours, that means drink lots and lots of water, like an annoying amount…anytime you think of it drink water…about 12 hours into your water load start a 24 hour fast…12 hours into your 24 hour fast cut the water completely so your last 12 hours of fasting are a complete fast, no water or food. Then take a round of pictures after the fast is done.

Once you’ve taken this first round of pics eat a normal meal, then monitor your look and take another round of pics within 12 hours (likely this will be the next morning sorta deal)

There is no real necessity to ‘carb’ load per se, you can just eat a normal mixed meal of various foods including carbs, protein and fats.

Venus Index

Offset feet and a slight twist makes a big difference in your overall look


We will not be judging you on a specific round of poses, but the better you present yourself the easier it is to pick the winner. First off you will need to do the standard front, back and side relaxed poses (the same as the ‘before’ pics). From there you can add in various poses that are subtle changes from the standard poses but make a big difference on the overall aesthetic of the photo. Fitness models rarely stand facing the camera directly, the goal is to get multiple angles with multiple poses. One leg slightly forward, with a slight twist at the wait goes a long way for creating a great illusion for the camera so I suggest you practice this. You can also do other poses like this with varying hand positions.

One key factor is to keep your arm away from your waist so we can see the curve from your  waist to your hip. Try a few poses, take lots of pics and send in the best ones (send in your best 10-20 pics…but go ahead and take 100’s to choose from).

Long hair should be moved out of the way of your back on your back shots (throw your hair over your shoulder to the front of your body so it’s not covering your back on the back poses)

I’ve including a few examples of poses from a photoshoot I did with Becky (one of the venus models in the main manual exercise gallery).

Becky has lots of muscle and we just went through a few relaxed poses that really show off her curves. Nothing crazy, just a slight step forward, hand on hip, and a bit of a twist at the waist. Study these and take some for yourself.

Finally you can go through any serious of poses you like to further show off what you got (if you feel so inclined).

This should be a fun day for you so get your spouse, or close friends, family whoever to help out.

Try to schedule 3 days to take pics and try some of the nutrition techniques to see if they change your look.

Make sure you include a pic of the current days newspaper each time you do your pics (this can be a separate pic that you send in just for me to validate the date)

You also may want to try a round of pics after a workout…you probably already have a good idea of what your best look is so if that happens to be post workout then go for it.



