VI Contest: Three Weeks to go!

We’re into the home stretch for the first ever Venus Index transformation and open contests, and it’s gut check time.

Three weeks is still plenty of time to make significant changes from wherever you are right now so don’t take your foot off the gas.

Venus Index Contest

It's Gut Check Time!

At this stage your focus should be overall system stress management. This means balancing your work, family and social life with your dieting and workout life. For these last few weeks the balance might shift a bit towards your diet and workout and you’ll need whatever support you can get for that.

The VI community is obviously going to support you, but at this stage you also need the support of your family and friends.

It’s only 3 more weeks so it shouldn’t be a big deal to ask some people to really be on your side for this final run at it.

In today’s podcast we’ll talk about system stress management and getting through to the end of the contest. We also discuss posing, and the concept of overreaching during your workouts and why the VI workouts are different from the AI workouts.



Total Package: Working Out for Shape

The look and shape of your body as a total package is what the Venus Index is all about. It’s about creating an illusion starting at your shoulders and working all the way down to your legs.

Venus Index Legs

Developing each part of your body in a specific way adds to the overall illusion, and it’s important to view your progress and a whole and not individual parts.

There are hundreds of muscles in your body and they all function as groups.  The look and shape of your body can be manipulated by selectively working on different muscles groups with different volume and different intensity.

Having lower bodyfat levels will allow you to see your muscle shape in it’s true form and give you an objective look at where you are right now and assess what you need to focus on to improve your overall shape.

Working a specific group of muscles can change the overall shape of a particular area of your body. For example your legs have three major compartments:

1) Hamstrings

2) Quads

3) Adductors

The way you choose to train your legs will allow you to selectively develop certain areas more or less than others. The effect and look that your legs will have on your overall shape is still dependent on how they fit with the rest of your muscle structure. The effect and illusion of your upper leg is influenced by your calves and your butt as well, and finally by the overall development of your upper body.

The key unsurprisingly is balance. The human eye can spot when things are out of balance from front to back, side to side, and top to bottom. Developing your body in balance using the specific metrics of the Venus Index should always be your  primary goal.

In todays podcast we talk about developing each muscle group with the sole purpose of enhancing your overall shape.

The bottom line is that working out influences your shape, so you better know what each workout is really doing and if you’re getting closer or father away from your best shape.



Getting into Contest Shape: Interview with Tori Barker

We’re about 5 weeks from the the end of the first Venus Index transformation contest. It’s been an interesting ride for many of the people who are doing this for the first time and to help you stay focused I’ve recruited the help of a friend who has recently competed in her first three figure competitions, Tori Barker.

Venus Index Interview Tori Barker

Tori is in Awesome Shape!

Set Your Goal and Stick To It

Setting a goal and sticking to it is the only way to make it happen. People around you will only take you as seriously as you take yourself and it’s very easy to fall off the wagon if you lose commitment to your goal.

If you blow off your workouts or give up on your diet you’re only letting yourself down, not anybody else.

Choosing to change your body is 100% for you. You can’t let anybody else get in the way of achieving this goal. You’re not competing against anyone else, your not doing this for anyone else, and when you reach your goal it is all about you.

In the end this has been and always will be about you and your ability to do something for yourself.

It doesn’t matter where you’re starting from, what matters is that you stick to the plan and see it through to it’s completion.

In todays podcast Tori will talk about what it took to get into the shape for her contests and how you have to keep your mind focused on your goal to get there.

She also explains how she got into weight training in the first place and what drove her to competing.

Finally we will also discuss the myth of weight training causing women to become ‘bulky’.



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Hot State Management – Getting Through Tough Times

We are getting into the thick of the transformation contest run, there is about 50 days to go and now is the time to remind yourself what your goals are and why you want to achieve them.

But with that said I want to make it clear that being in the contest isn’t about beating anyone else, it’s about doing the best you can do.

The point is to make a change that you want for yourself…it’s not about anyone else.

The contest is here to help give you some structure, some support, a defined deadline, and some people to work towards that deadline with.

Winning isn’t really about finishing in the money and claiming first prize, winning is proving to yourself that you can make it through to the end and see a real change in your body.

Your big win might be getting past your sabotage points and into new uncharted territory. Or maybe it’s just sticking to something for 12 weeks no matter what your measurements turn out to be.

The point is to build momentum and confidence that you can indeed change your body if you put your mind to it and prove to yourself that you can do it if you want to.

Winning or placing in the money in our contest is just the icing on the cake, but it shouldn’t be the only reason you’re making this change.

In today’s podcast we talk about “hot state management” and how controlling and getting through your hot states is going to be a major factor (and likely the biggest factor) to your success.

“Hot States” are moments or situations when you know you will likely not have enough control or ‘will power’ to stop from eating something or drinking something that isn’t inline with your goals. Some forward thinking and short term planning can help manage these states so you’re not at the mercy of your cravings and impulses.

Just remember that the real work happens when nobody is looking.



Getting Over Your Sabotage Point


Venus Index Sabotage Point

You’ll do it to yourself more than anyone else will do it to you. For some reason many of us have built in barriers that prevent us from reaching our goals. It could be something we learned as a child, or a social construct that keeps us from going outside of our comfort zone.

Whatever the reason we all seem to have a point that feels comfortable and then beyond that point is uncharted territory.

Moving past that comfort point and into that unknown is the sabotage point. In the case of your Venus Index transformation it’s a matter of taking your body to a level that you might not have believed is possible or to a level that you have never been before.

Some people might think there is something that is actually physically wrong with their body, but I assure you your body is working just fine.

The sabotage point is almost entirely a psychosocial phenomenon where social feedback and even the progress you see in the mirror and on the scale start to change.

Venus Index Reports Getting Over Your Sabotage Point

It can be tempting to just stop at your sabotage point because it feels ‘good enough’…but this is the time to rally more support and momentum to push past it and don’t stop until you’ve gone as far as you truly can go.

There is nothing stopping you from getting the body you want…except you. In today’s podcast we’ll talk about some of the reasons the sabotage point comes up and how to get past it once and for all.



Download Transcript: Getting Over your Sabotage Point


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Venus Index Transformation Week 2

The second week of the Venus Index transformation contest is almost in the books and it’s time for a few reminders for staying consistent and on track with your goals.

Venus Index Contest

It's time to find your rhythm

First is to remember that each day and each week builds on the next. Some people experience big changes in the first two weeks and other may not. At this point your focus should be building momentum and a routine.

The contest isn’t won or lost in two weeks, but this is the time to find your rhythm that you can carry through to the final week.

Twelve weeks isn’t a long time and it’ll be over faster than you think.

Most people allow their bodies to get ‘out of shape’ over the course of years, but they almost always get back in shape within just a few months. Think about it for a second…have you ever seen someone take 5 years to get ‘in shape’? Not likely…but it’s totally normal to see someone get progressively out of shape over the span of 5 years.

This is due to a lack of direction and a lack of a goal, we get caught up with life, and then we look back and say ‘how the hell did this happen?!’

Setting a goal like getting an ideal VI (or as close as you can), and putting a date next to that goal (like the contest) is the only real way to make a change.

As long as each week is in a positive direction you’ll see a dramatic change by the end of the twelve weeks. And that is the thing to keep in mind.

Having more positive days than negative or neutral days make the week an overall success, and that is your goal.


The Speed Of Change

The first ever Venus Index transformation contest has started and there is some words of wisdom we can learn from past winners of the Adonis Index transformation contests. Yes I know they’re men and you’re women, but the fundamental principles of successfully completing a transformation are the same so listen up.

Venus Index Transformation

It's time to make a commitment to yourself.

1) Don’t try to to do too much – If 3-4 workouts per week is good that doesn’t mean 7-8 are better. You will have to find an amount of work that you can handle without breaking down and going into over training. We have had guys do this in the past and set themselves back weeks. Don’t do this. Start with either the Venus Index main program or the Circuit program and work up form there if you feel like you can do more. But only if it feels good and you can handle it. Don’t bite off more than you can chew.

2) Stick to the system – All of the guys that won the Adonis Index contests stuck to the system and only made minor additions and adjustments. If you want our help then you gotta stick to the system so we know exactly what you’re dong and where we can help you. If you start adding workouts and ideas from other systems we can’t help you tweak that because those other things aren’t designed to get you to your ideal VI.

3) Trust the numbers – As you move along you will have some ups and downs, but as long as you’re following your system you should always be progressing forward over time. Your body weight, strength and measurements will fluctuate within each day. Dont’ focus on day to day fluctuations but rather week to week progress.

Finally, twelve weeks is not a very long time in the grand scheme of things. This is a commitment to yourself for twelve weeks, that’s all. This isn’t for the rest of your life. The change you can make in this short of time frame will likely be beyond what you expect as long as you stick to it. And that is where the Venus Index Community comes in.

You’re going to need support along the way and the best place to find it is in our community.

Find your rhythm and stick with it for the next 3 months, it’ll go by much faster than you think…and we hope to see you in vegas!



Venus Index Contest Rules and Regulations

You must be a Venus Index customer to be eligible to compete in the contests.

About previous contests

Contest Rules And Regulations

The contest judges will evaluate final entries based on the following factors; weight loss, muscle gain, Venus metrics, and presentation. The judges need to see these changes in the pictures so it’s important that both before and after pictures are in focus and taken at appropriate angles and with good lighting.  Take the time to to use a camera with a timer or have someone with a steady hand take the pictures.

Clothing for contest pictures: a bathing suit/bikini, or something that shows off your waist, shoulders and hips (some sort of workout shorts will also do)…just remember we’re trying to judge overall change, if you hide your body in this picture it might work against you if you make it difficult for us to judge how much you change.

There are 4 required pictures at the start AND at the contest end.

1) Front – Facing camera with arms at your side

2) Side – 90 degrees to the camera with your arms at your side

3) Back – Facing away from the camera, with your arms at your side

The pictures need to be full body head to toe. It is very important that for your front, side, and back poses your arms are down at your sides but not covering your waist and that they are full body head to toe pictures.  Do not crop out your face or your feet.

4) Newspaper picture –   This should be a current issue of the national newspaper in order to validate the day you took the picture. You need to take a picture in this same group of pictures with the current day’s newspaper in your hand and the front page visible.

Here is a perfect example of a contest entry;  Full head to toe, hands at sides, and newspaper picture.

Here is a perfect example of a contest entry; Full head to toe, hands at sides, and newspaper picture.


Take the following measurements per page 175 in the Venus Factor Fat Loss Manual:

  • Shoulders
  • Waist
  • Hips
  • Weight
  • Height

At the end of the contest all of the above requirements are needed as well as an essay

End of contest Essay – 250 Word Essay on “My experience with the Venus Factor system”.

Cover model pictures  – In addition to the front, back, and side pictures please submit additional cover pictures.  These will be used in judging the “presentation” of your transformation.

Transformation contest prizes

The Transformation Contest place has prizes for placements:

  • First place: $500
  • Second place: $350
  • Third place: $250
  • Fourth place through tenth place: $200

Cover and Calendar girl category

With each contest there is a Cover and Calendar girl category for previous contest winners or any Venus customer who is close to their Venus Ideal shape and wants a chance to be in our calendar or on one of our covers.  Submit a picture at the beginning of the contest before the deadline so that we know who is in the running.  There are no prizes for this category.  The “before” pictures will not be used for judging or shared with anyone; they are merely for entering the contest.

Be creative and have fun with this category.  Pictures do not have to be bikini model or fitness model pictures – but they can be if you want!  These may be used on workout covers.

You can model a favorite dress or outfit, jeans and T-shirt, sports or hobbie clothing, creative fashion modeling, whatever your style; just have some fun showing off your new beautiful Venus shape.


Additional rules and regulations

All entries become the property of the Contest Sponsor and will not be returned.

Contest Sponsor, its advertising and promotion agencies assume no responsibility for lost, stolen, delayed, damaged, illegible, incomplete, postage-due, garbled or misdirected entries or entries that have been submitted through illicit means, or do not conform to or satisfy the Contest Rules or for any problems or technical malfunction of any telephone network or lines, computer on-line systems, servers, access providers, computer equipment, software, failure of any entry to be received or traffic congestion on the internet or at any website, or any combination thereof including any injury or damage to an entrant’s or any other person’s computer related to or resulting from playing or downloading any material in the contest.

The Contest Sponsor reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to modify, cancel or suspend this Contest should an external circumstances arise which are beyond the reasonable control of the Contest Sponsor. The Contest Sponsor is not responsible for any errors or omissions in printing or advertising this Contest.

The Contest Sponsor collects your personal information for the purposes of registration, program evaluation and to keep you informed about contest. The Contest Sponsor may, if consent was given during registration, also contact you from time to time with information about other ways you can lose weight.

The Contest Sponsor will not share any personal data about entrants with any other party. The personal data collected for this Contest will not be used for any other purposes unless entrants provide explicit permission as indicated on the entry form.  Please also see our privacy policy.

By entering this Contest, entrants agree to release and hold harmless the Contest Sponsor and their respective employees, officers, directors, agents, representatives, successors, assigns, advertising and promotional agencies from any liability for any loss or damage of any kind to the entrant or any other person in connection with this Contest or participation in any Contest related activities, including but not limited the taking of a urine test or, if declared a winner, the use or misuse of a prize or any portion of a prize including personal injury, death or property damage.

This Contest will run in accordance with these Contest Rules, subject to amendment by the Contest Sponsor. Contest Sponsor reserves the right to cancel, amend, modify or terminate this Contest or the Rules at any time in its sole discretion and without notice.

Entrants must comply with these rules, and will be deemed to have received and understood the rules if they participate in the Contest.

Venus Index Transformation Contest

You must be a Venus Index customer to be eligible to compete in the contests.

About previous contests

Contest Rules And Regulations

The contest judges will evaluate final entries based on the following factors; weight loss, muscle gain, Venus metrics, and presentation. The judges need to see these changes in the pictures so it’s important that both before and after pictures are in focus and taken at appropriate angles and with good lighting.  Take the time to to use a camera with a timer or have someone with a steady hand take the pictures.

Clothing for contest pictures: a bathing suit/bikini, or something that shows off your waist, shoulders and hips (some sort of workout shorts will also do)…just remember we’re trying to judge overall change, if you hide your body in this picture it might work against you if you make it difficult for us to judge how much you change.

There are 4 required pictures at the start AND at the contest end.

1) Front – Facing camera with arms at your side

2) Side – 90 degrees to the camera with your arms at your side

3) Back – Facing away from the camera, with your arms at your side

The pictures need to be full body head to toe. It is very important that for your front, side, and back poses your arms are down at your sides but not covering your waist and that they are full body head to toe pictures.  Do not crop out your face or your feet.

4) Newspaper picture –   This should be a current issue of the national newspaper in order to validate the day you took the picture. You need to take a picture in this same group of pictures with the current day’s newspaper in your hand and the front page visible.

Here is a perfect example of a contest entry;  Full head to toe, hands at sides, and newspaper picture.
Here is a perfect example of a contest entry; Full head to toe, hands at sides, and newspaper picture.


Take the following measurements per page 175 in the Venus Factor Fat Loss Manual:

  • Shoulders
  • Waist
  • Hips
  • Weight
  • Height

At the end of the contest all of the above requirements are needed as well as an essay

End of contest Essay – 250 Word Essay on “My experience with the Venus Factor system”.

Cover model pictures  – In addition to the front, back, and side pictures please submit additional cover pictures.  These will be used in judging the “presentation” of your transformation.

Transformation contest prizes

The Transformation Contest place has prizes for placements:

  • First place: $500
  • Second place: $350
  • Third place: $250
  • Fourth place through tenth place: $200

Cover and Calendar girl category

With each contest there is a Cover and Calendar girl category for previous contest winners or any Venus customer who is close to their Venus Ideal shape and wants a chance to be in our calendar or on one of our covers.  Submit a picture at the beginning of the contest before the deadline so that we know who is in the running.  There are no prizes for this category.  The “before” pictures will not be used for judging or shared with anyone; they are merely for entering the contest.

Be creative and have fun with this category.  Pictures do not have to be bikini model or fitness model pictures – but they can be if you want!  These may be used on workout covers.

You can model a favorite dress or outfit, jeans and T-shirt, sports or hobbie clothing, creative fashion modeling, whatever your style; just have some fun showing off your new beautiful Venus shape.


Additional rules and regulations

All entries become the property of the Contest Sponsor and will not be returned.

Contest Sponsor, its advertising and promotion agencies assume no responsibility for lost, stolen, delayed, damaged, illegible, incomplete, postage-due, garbled or misdirected entries or entries that have been submitted through illicit means, or do not conform to or satisfy the Contest Rules or for any problems or technical malfunction of any telephone network or lines, computer on-line systems, servers, access providers, computer equipment, software, failure of any entry to be received or traffic congestion on the internet or at any website, or any combination thereof including any injury or damage to an entrant’s or any other person’s computer related to or resulting from playing or downloading any material in the contest.

The Contest Sponsor reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to modify, cancel or suspend this Contest should an external circumstances arise which are beyond the reasonable control of the Contest Sponsor. The Contest Sponsor is not responsible for any errors or omissions in printing or advertising this Contest.

The Contest Sponsor collects your personal information for the purposes of registration, program evaluation and to keep you informed about contest. The Contest Sponsor may, if consent was given during registration, also contact you from time to time with information about other ways you can lose weight.

The Contest Sponsor will not share any personal data about entrants with any other party. The personal data collected for this Contest will not be used for any other purposes unless entrants provide explicit permission as indicated on the entry form.  Please also see our privacy policy.

By entering this Contest, entrants agree to release and hold harmless the Contest Sponsor and their respective employees, officers, directors, agents, representatives, successors, assigns, advertising and promotional agencies from any liability for any loss or damage of any kind to the entrant or any other person in connection with this Contest or participation in any Contest related activities, including but not limited the taking of a urine test or, if declared a winner, the use or misuse of a prize or any portion of a prize including personal injury, death or property damage.

This Contest will run in accordance with these Contest Rules, subject to amendment by the Contest Sponsor. Contest Sponsor reserves the right to cancel, amend, modify or terminate this Contest or the Rules at any time in its sole discretion and without notice.

Entrants must comply with these rules, and will be deemed to have received and understood the rules if they participate in the Contest.

Becoming a Venus PART 2: Interview with Ali Scott

Venus Index Ali

Ali at her Ideal VI

In last weeks interview with Alison Scott we talked about the workouts, the mindset of focusing on proportions and shape and setting the target of the Venus Index Ratio instead of body weight.

In today’s podcast we’ll talk about diet, the Body Centric approach to eating and specifically what Ali did to get into her current shape.

We’ll discuss the social eating patterns and thought processes that she went through developing her own personal body-centric eating patterns that helped her shed between 15-20 pounds of excess weight to reveal her true Venus figure.

At any given moment in our modern western societies food is available, and lots of it. Even if we’re not intending to eat somehow food seems to finds it’s way into our mouth if we’re not consciously avoiding it. If this sounds like an issue you have dealt with in the past (or are currently dealing with) then today’s podcast should help you out.

Ali shares all kinds of tricks and tips that helped her navigate the daily minefield of the North American 24/7 food culture and get into the best shape of her life.

She’ll also share more insights and mindsets that helped her navigate her social circles and daily routine to keep her on track.

As you might have already guessed, getting to your ideal Venus Index requires more than just a workout, and more than just a diet…it’s the combination of the right workout with an eating pattern that fits your lifestyle.

There is no right or wrong way to eat, there is just the way that fits for you that gets you to your goals. Your life has it’s own unique set of challenges and it would be foolish for me or anyone else to tell you  exactly how to eat, when to eat, what to eat, what not to eat etc.

Venus Index Interview Alison Scott Part 2

Following inflexible diet “rules” will just lead to failure. Instead general dieting “principles” that are flexible to your lifestyle are the real path to weight loss and body transforming success.

With that said, there are many useful tips and trick in today’s podcast that I think you will find useful. Not ALL of them will apply to you, but I guarantee SOME of them will.



Download the transcript here:

Becoming a Venus PART 2: Interview with Ali Scott

