Becoming a Venus: Interview with Alison Scott

Having a fitness or athletic goal is great, if your goal is truly a fitness or athletic based measurement. But what happens when those goals disappear and your days of being a competitive athlete are over? Do you just stop working out?…hardly…but the identity has to change…and the Venus Index is the perfect goal to shoot for once you don’t have to be ‘bigger stronger and faster’.

In todays podcast I interview Alison Scott (some of you may already know her from the forums and as one of the Venus Index ‘models’).

Venus Index Transformation Ali Scott BeforeVenus Index Transformation Ali Scott After

Ali talks about her struggles with body image, feeling feminine and changing her exercise and diet goals from an athletic performance base to an body shape base ala the Venus Index.

Ali explains how the new goal of achieving her ideal Venus Index gave her a new found confidence in her body and feeling feminine and ‘sexy’.

Venus Index interview Ali Scott

Working out changed from being a tool for athletic performance into a tool for shaping her body and to some degree her own self perception, her confidence and what it means to be feminine and attractive.

Finally having a definite target to shoot for (other than an arbitrary body weight goal) was the key to Ali’s transformation into something she thought she could never be.



Download the transcript here:

Becoming a Venus: Interview with Alison Scott


Mindtricks & Tips for Transforming Your Body

In today’s podcast we interview one of the contest winners from a past Adonis Index transformation Jason Haynes.

Jason made a dramatic change over the course of two contests and his transformation has influenced and motivated many others to commit to making a real change in their body.

Jason will share some of the insights he gained from losing almost 60lbs to fundamentally change the look and shape of his body.

Venus Index Reports How to Transform Your Body

Jason knows what it takes to make a big time change!

He’ll also give you some tips and advice on what to expect when you decide to take the next step with your body and how others will react towards you. And make no mistake about it. The same hurdles, and barriers exist for men and women so the information Jason is sharing is seriously valuable.

This is a social and psychological exploration of what it’s like to make a big time change in your body and how to deal with other people and yourself once you’ve got to where you want to go.

This is also a bit of mental preparation for those of you who are going to be entering the first ever Venus Index Transformation Contest!

So listen up this is a good one!

If you want to read the transcript you can download it here:

Mindtricks & Tips for Transforming Your Body: An interview with Jason Haynes

