With only 17 days left in the Venus Transformation contest VT15 it’s time to set your mind for the final stretch.
Make the Venus Transformation YOURS, not ours.
It is your life that will transform.
And it will effect everyone around you.
Right about now you are probably feel tired, ready to throw in the towel.
The fears and doubts creep in.
Let me tell you; YOU ARE GOOD ENOUGH.
Everyone has the fears. And everyone has the will to survive the final stretch if they reach for it.
You can too!
It is not the outcome of the contest that will change your life. YOU change your life. So OWN it and make the outcome YOUR OWN, no matter what.
Back in VT4 my focus was on my photo shoot. I decided I wanted to do the photo shoot for ME and go all out with making it what I wanted – not what Venus wanted.
I planned to do as many pictures as I liked in my own style and throw in a few of what Venus called “mandatory poses”. I threw my pictures in the Venus hat and let it be whatever it was, but then I would have all my pictures and they were MINE.
It worked. And guess what? It was my own pictures that launched my career as a fitness model, not the contest. The contest win is totally fun, but it is a bright flash in the big scheme of your life.
I have seen many Venus ladies transform their lives without even entering the contest.
So MAKE IT YOUR OWN, no matter what!
Here I am 5 years later, still participating on contests in other arena’s. It doesn’t matter what they are, the same thing applies. My life and where it is going matters more than any contest. Always.

I guess it’s okay to not be photo shoot ready every day after all right? No makeup, no tan, geek glasses, messy frizzy hair, in a dress that fit but was too long, no special light, and just a cell phone camera selfie. I’m certainly not ready to step up on a fitness competitor stage, but I do believe with a bit of clean up I can walk the red carpet in December for the magazine in this gown!
I feel like Terminator Chick in this gown that is like liquid metal! I was waiting for my Venus Friend Kerry who was downstairs in the store finding me some matching shoes.
This picture was taken last Sunday, and Kerry’s jaw literally dropped when I walked out of the dressing room in the dress. It was the first dress I tried on and it’s a good thing it fit because nothing else looked right.
I’m pretty excited and proud to be going to walk the red carpet at the Ritz Carlton in San Francisco with my friend Kerry and her son G’Angelo in December when he makes his spokes model debut for the Fitness Chic Luxury magazine company I’m affiliated with. I’ve been working with G’Angelo regarding workouts and diet and he has come a long way and I’m very proud of him.
See no matter what is going on, or what you are competing for, it’s great to have something that is a FOR SURE sign that you’ve made some meaningful accomplishments. That is what your contest photo shoot is all about.
I’m in a contest right now too, the prize is something I would wish for in December, something I’ve worked hard to try and get, and I may not get it.
If I don’t I’ll feel left out and not good enough. But those are untrue fears and doubts speaking. We all have those fears and doubts as we move forward. I think they are there for life. We just learn to deal with them better. And we progress to new levels and new fears. But the process seems to be pretty much the same.
So no matter what happens with other things you and I are working towards, we may not get those things just YET.
For me, for now, I have THIS (looking forward to the red carpet walk in the gown) and a few other things to keep me motivated and keep me happy.
And best of all, I have beautiful ladies in my life like you. Some who I help, and some who help me.
And that’s how it goes.
Yes, you can live the Venus life and define what your own photo shoot ready means. It is whatever level you find you are comfortable in your own skin. It’s not what Venus or someone else defines for you.
Your pictures can be a gown too, anything that shows the transformation of your shape.
Now, let’s KILL that homeward stretch!
Never Settle
Never Give Up
Live Your Dream
-Coach Roberta
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