Orthorexia; The unhealthy obsession with health food Uncensored Podcast

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Don't let food be your virtue.  Eat healthy because you want to, but don't let it define you as a good or bad person.

Don’t let food be your virtue.
Eat healthy because you want to, but don’t let it define you as a good or bad person.


An unhealthy obsession with food

Do you convince yourself that there is something wrong with all food?

Some people are afraid to eat, and they want out of the mindset.

Can it come from the fitness industry?

What is restrained eating?

What is calorie restricting?

What is disinhibited eating?

What is a cheat day?

What is a binge?

What is a “Virtue Proposition”?

What is the problem with a “Virtue Proposition”?

What can you do to avoid the orthorexic pitfalls?


Listen to what John and Brad have to say about an unhealthy obsession with food:


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About Roberta Saum

Roberta is a 56 year young Elite Trainer at 1st Phorm. She achieved her fitness dream at age 50 here at The Venus Factor. She is a Fitness Consultant/Motivator for Hopelessly Romantic Media Productions, Venus Factor Coach, Product Developer, Brand Ambassador, Contest Administrator, Author, Editor in Chief for the Venus Factor, and 1st Phorm Ambassador.

More about Coach Roberta

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