What do you say when you look in the mirror?
When most of us started the Venus program we thought “NO WAY”!
I never wore a bikini ever in my adult life. Even when I started Venus I was not convinced it would happen. Having spent most of my adult life size 12-14 I would have been happy to get to a size 8-9 again. But Venus surprised me. Venus taught me that I could exceed my wildest dream ever! It got me down to a size 3-4 AND got me into a bikini, at age 50 I might add. I’m still there at age 54.
Don’t sell yourself short. You too are capable. No matter what you look like in the mirror now, tell yourself “I CAN do this!”
Here’s what John Barban said in a recent email:
The tipping point… the time when you look in the mirror and can say “I can do this”.
Or the moment where you fall victim to an excuse, avoid taking action on what you really want… settle back to old habits… and struggle again for the rest of the year.
Right now, another Transformation contest has begun. And many of your Venus sisters are committed to making a real transformation in their fat loss goals.
Whether you are doing a contest or not… there is one EDGE you can gain in 2015 to ensure you possess the hot sexy body you’ve dreamed of.
That edge is: getting coached by one of my hand-picked expert coaches. Many of the coaches have been through inspiring transformations themselves. They understand what it TRULY takes transform your mind and body, to possess the sexy hot body you want.
Now hiring a personal Venus Coach is not cheap by any means.
It will most likely be the most intense 12 weeks of your life. You will be held accountable for your actions and your goals. Now you may be thinking you won’t have time for that.
Did you know that the majority of your Venus sisters who wisely get coaching are usually the ones who work INSANE hours… or have a hectic home life with kids?
With coaching you get the strategic shortcuts, and incredible motivation… and they are personally dialed right into your hectic life.
The women who get coaching, some are flat out beginners… brand new to Venus… others are more advanced… and they finally want to reveal the body they desire.
The main thing is… they stopped sitting around… and fully committed to an exclusive one-on-one experience to get their bodies looking better than the ever dreamed possible.
If you want to look in the mirror tomorrow morning… and smile because you KNOW 2015 is the year your body comes out looking amazing then go here now:
Transform Your Body in 2015 With A Venus Coach<<<
Here’s how you enter the Venus Contest.
Those who have the most success participate in the private online community of women only. This is where they meet new friends and find support. They learn from others things they never would have thought of.
This is how we learn SUCCESS and how to live the life of a Venus.
See you on the inside!
-Coach Roberta
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