Dropping the Baby Weight, Every Little Bit Counts: Interview with Kasandra Bragg

In todays podcast I talk to Kassandra Bragg about what it’s like to get back into shape after pregnancy. Most health professionals will shy away from any sort of diet advice for women who are pregnant or nursing because they don’t want to be liable for any adverse reaction that might happen to the child.

Kassandra Bragg Venus Index Transformation 6th Place

Kass lost 20lbs

Kass is proof that you can get your body back after pregnancy

Essentially you’re left at the mercy of whatever pregnancy does to your body and nobody seems to support you in getting
back into shape. It can leave you feeling guilty about wanting to have your pre-pregnancy body back…it’s almost as if you’re left to choose between your body and your baby.

But this is a false dichotomy. You can definitely get your body back after pregnancy and you don’t have to wait until
you’re done nursing. And that’s exactly what Kassandra did. She built muscle, dropped fat, lost almost 20lbs and reshaped her body.

Some of the keys to making it work:

1. Remembering that every little bit counts.

Skipping one workout makes a difference or eating one extra cookie that is not on your plan will add up. Every time you break your plan you open the door to doing it again and again. It’s an excuse and a slippery slope to skipping another workout, having 2 extra cookies and then the floodgates are open.

2. Building momentum.

Stringing together a streak of multiple forward days is the key to making big progress in a short amount of time. Once you get on a roll you can see serious progress. Sure it takes daily effort but it’s the only way to make the change happen.

3. Cutting off the bad days before they turn into bad weeks.

Nobody is perfect and we all have backwards days and days where we feel like nothing is working. Accept that you had a bad day, understand that it’s just one day and get back on track the following day. Not allowing one bad day to turn into a bad week is a major factor in making a positive change.

Kass proves that you can have the body you want if you’re willing to do the work even after pregnancy weight gain.



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