Today is the start of VT18 of the Venus Transformation Contests

Wow, time is sure flying by.  It doesn’t seem that long ago that I entered VT3 back in the day.  And the days just keep rolling by.  So the time to do this is NOW.

There is always life in the way, so the more we do this the more the healthy lifestyle becomes just a part of who we are.

Here’s the duration of the contest:

VT18:   Start August 22 – End November 21

The link to join is RIGHT HERE.


What is the Venus Transformation Contest and who can join?

Any Venus customer with a login to the downloads area can join.  If you don’t place in a contest you can enter as many times as you want.  There is no fee.

But there are amazing prizes.  The best prize of all is the empowerment and health in your own life.  The ability to enjoy life more, gain confidence, and improve every aspect of your life.  Many have improved marriages and improved confidence in their jobs, hobbies, and activities in their communities and families.

There are the other prizes too:

The Transformation Contest place has prizes for placements:

  • First place: $500
  • Second place: $350
  • Third place: $250
  • Fourth place through tenth place: $200

Or each winner can choose the Immersion Membership instead of the cash prize.

Watch the short video to learn more about how it works and when to enter your pictures during the window of time:

To find out about previous contests go HERE, and please read the RULES and REGULATIONS.

I can’t wait to see what the rest of the year bring to all the amazing Venus ladies.



If you are a previous contest winner, or have already “transformed” and want to share professional pictures and your story you can join the contest as a “cover or calendar girl”, simply email me for details.

OR, if you have made a transformation and have a story and before and after pictures to share and are willing to do a podcast interview with us like Heidi did in VT17, you can still have a chance of placing, simply email me and let’s get this party started!

Never Settle!

Never Give Up.

Live Your Dream.

-Coach Roberta

PS Anyone who wants coaching is welcome to sign up for Premium One-On-One-Coaching and pick the coach of their choice.

Venus Veteran Kimberly Shares Her Secrets to Maintenance Success

Kimberly has been using Venus systems for over 5 years and placed in Venus’ very first open contest.

Kimberly placed in the VT1 Open Category back in 2011

Since 2010, she has continually improved her physique despite health challenges and global relocations. Kimberly knows what it takes to maintain and improve your physique!

Kimberly, Liss, Jenny, and Lou Ann in Vegas

Kimberly, Liss, Jenny, and Lou Ann in Vegas

So when I thought about interviewing veterans about maintenance, this sweet friend came straight to mind. I have seen her in person and even worked out together; we got to meet in 2014 in Vegas at a Venus meet up. Kimberly looks every part Venus.


Liss, Jenny, Roly, Carla, and Kimberly after workout at the Cosmopolitan

Here is what Kimberly has to say-

During the VT1 competition back in Jan to April 2011, I set a goal for myself.  An “Every Day Venus”.  I wanted a body shape and appearance that I could have everyday.  A body that was not dependent on heavy dieting, posing or lighting tricks.  I wanted to learn a way to maintain a look that is athletic and lean….all the time.  There is no doubt Venus has taught me that.

Kimberly August 2011 After Venus Contest

Kimberly in August 2011 After Venus Contest

I have maintained at Venus for over 5 years now.  Every Day.  At first it took some work and focus as I built new habits and ‘normals’ for myself.  I was also a little scared about losing this new body that looked good and was strong and healthy.  It took a while to realize that I didn’t have to be perfect and worry about things, I just needed to be consistent and gently correct the process when I got feedback from my waistband or body that I was slipping a little.

Kimberly 2012 Maintenance Venus Index

Kimberly in 2012 at Maintenance

My key learnings have been:

  • Aim for consistency not perfection. Don’t stress the small things; a big day of eating or a missed workout doesn’t matter.  Intervening early when the pendulum swings out makes it easier to stay on track
  • Find a pattern to keep calories within your target zone as a lifestyle. For me it is easy to skip breakfast and eat normally the rest of the day.  Look for low calorie substitutions you can use for every day eating
  • Lift heavy. You won’t look like a man and even if something does get a little more than you would like, it is easily reversed by changing exercises
  • Even if you have health issues, don’t give up. A strong and healthy body makes such a difference in managing symptoms and may even enable you to fix some of the root causes


Over the past few years I have continued to improve my metrics (refer to table).  I am actually a little ‘extreme’ in my unders and overs.  Each one of us is unique but we all have the potential to create our best body with this program.  It is important to recognize that we all have our own look, and that you cannot ‘shop’ about for the best body parts from others.  Celebrate what you have.

Kimberly 2014 Maintenance Venus Index

Kimberly in 2014 at Maintenance

In my original VT1 essays, I wrote “This is a competition and someone will win.  Whatever happens, I have already won – I know my dream body, I know how to get it and I know how to maintain it.”


Five years on…..and I am still winning!!!!

Kimberly in 2015 at Maintenance using Venus Index

Kimberly in 2015 at Maintenance using Venus Index

Kimberly’s Metrics Using Venus

Height 5’3.5″ Venus  May 2011 (VT1)         Current
Weight 122 lb 105 lb 110 lb
Shoulder 39.1 39.1 42
Waist 24.3 23.5 23
Hips 34.4 33.0 36.5
Bicep   9.4 10.5
Chest   33.3 34.5
Upper thigh   17.6 17.6

Kimberly’s transformation story
Kimberly’s VT1 interview with John Barban – An Everyday Venus

Kimberly in the Venus Community

Watch Kimberly’s interview with Liss below:

Listen to Kimberly’s interview with Liss below:




How Keturah Overcame Fibromyalgia and Hypothyroidism to Lose over 100 Pounds

Keturah Before and After Side

Keturah has been using Venus systems for over 5 years!  Her transformation stretches out further than a 12 week period though, she has lost over ONE HUNDRED pounds!


Keturah Through Weight Loss to Maintenance


Keturah through the weight loss over the years

(Left) Keturah at her heaviest before finding Venus in 2011

(Middle) Keturah in the middle of her transformation at about 190 lbs in November of 2011

(Right) in the middle of her transformation at about 180 lbs in February of 2012

Here is what Keturah had to say in her own words:


Maintenance: Choosing life.
Maintenance is something you don’t hear much about. The fitness world is full of shiny before and after photos with big shiny smiles to match. What no one seems to talk about is the daily practice of life. 
There are some things that set apart maintenance from deficit. Let’s focus on what comprises this brave new world. 

I recently reread some of my old blog posts. It was such a wise voice, and it was speaking to me now. (The value of listening to ourselves is great!) First, let me level with you: I am no different than anyone else. Fear creeps in. Old thought patterns start repeating. Fear of rebound weight gain. Fear of not being able to do it. Fear of looking too thin. Fear of people being negative. Fear of not maintaining it for life. Fear of disordered eating. Fear of putting my value in my looks, and not in who I AM INSIDE.

I think the last argument “Fear of putting my value in my looks, and not in who I AM INSIDE” is especially real. It’s a fear that many women deal with in our current culture. I’ve come to realize that while weight, size, shape, and body shape are not my source of identity, being overweight and unhappy with my body can be a road block to feeling good about myself. My insecurity about my body, the shame and guilt I have felt in being overweight: it was real. Learning that I could change that was empowering. But also learning that my body doesn’t define me is a mindset that has taken longer to sink in and takes daily practice.
Value where you are at NOW. Comparison is the thief of joy. We all know that popular quote. Sometimes the comparison isn’t with other people, it’s with ourselves. We can lose a lot of joy comparing ourselves to the past or even to perhaps unrealistic goals and standards. Maybe right now it tough and you don’t particularly feel joy. That’s okay. I am learning to ask myself questions. Why am I feeling this way? I keep asking why. Doing this helps me get to the root of lingering insecurities or issues. I also find out that what scares me is usually not as huge as I’ve made it in my head.

We think this journey of self introspection disappears when we enter maintenance mode. It doesn’t. If anything, it began a new season of asking questions, dealing with some old triggers, and learning to trust ourselves in new ways during new seasons and situations. Which is why we also need to work on habits. 

Fear can hold us hostage and make us freak out! But the truth is, it’s about choices, not fears. I choose to be healthy. I choose to eat supportive foods that will help my Hashimoto’s autoimmune disease and fibromyalgia. I choose to lift weights so I’m strong, lean, slender, and pain-free. I choose to walk to have head space, time to think, reflect, and enjoy the outdoors. I choose to stretch to be flexible, limber, and feel good. I choose to be at peace with my body and take steps that will enable me to continue being Venus for life.

Maintenance is not automatic. It is about daily choices, habits and goals. This isn’t glamorous. Habits are choices we make and continue making everyday. I can choose to say “no” to fear and listen to the truth. I can choose not to let my circumstances and past, worries about the future, and other things define me, but to take a step forward and embrace the present, choose joy, and keep stepping forward up the mountain.

I liken maintenance to keeping the house neat, or perhaps tending the garden after the plants have started growing. If you let the little things go–laundry and dishes pile up, floors need swept, garbage overflowing, weeds growing wild–pretty soon the place is a disaster needing a complete cleaning and overhaul. Some daily tidying and daily weeding would have kept those things from happening. Some days we let things go. It’s about attending to the dishes before the pile gets too big. Or put it this way: it’s paying of the credit card bill at the end of the month instead of letting it stack up for a couple of years until it becomes a mountain of debt!
The habits you begin and consistently choose and practice will be habits that keep you going, even if they change in form. My daily habits are movement (for me that’s resistance training, flexibility, and walking); including protein and either fruit or vegetables at most meals; good rest; hobbies I love (makeup, knitting, and reading are just a few!) and relaxing with my husband on the weekends. I am learning to balance my meals and intake. If we go out on a brewery tour I will enjoy a burger and beer. The next meal or day, I have my coffee  but enjoy water, fruit, salad, and some light protein for the rest of the meals. There is no punishment, no reproach. No starvation, no forcing of food. I just listen to myself. 
Maintenance is the season I have really learned to enjoy living life and how to be flexible. Shortly after reaching my Venus metrics a couple years ago, I was still in “get competition lean” mode. It took a couple months for me to realize I wasn’t really getting anywhere with all my hard work and was frustrated. Mostly, it was mental. I decided to do something crazy. I stopped trying so dang hard to reach smaller metrics, body goals, and all the other stuff I deemed necessary to joy. Instead, I let go. I began listening to my body, doing what felt both right and good, and relaxing about the rest. It was, and still is, the very best thing for me. I learned another lesson in trusting myself. There is absolutely nothing wrong with getting competition lean. But it’s a season, and for many it isn’t a season that can be stretched out for indefinite periods of time. Sometimes we have to count the cost. The cost at the time wasn’t best for me. 
There is also adaptive components to maintenance. I am learning to change up my routine or my workout when I feel unmotivated about workouts. There are also life changes that require workouts changes. My husband and I recently relocated 2300 miles, from mountain life to ocean life. While I had spent the last couple years lifting heavy weights at the gym, I was suddenly faced with a new challenge. There was no gym and our new home didn’t have space for heavy weights. At first, I was frustrated. What was I going to do now? I quickly realized my new life change meant a change in my training. This wasn’t an easy change at first. The first few weeks of no gym I had a lot of anxiety! Heavy weightlifting had become a security blanket and it was time to put it away for a while. Without access to the barbell rack, I’ve had a chance to work on some old gymnastic training, flexibility, and explore other workouts–areas I neglected for years, and that I really missed doing. 
Final thoughts. 
Honestly, maintenance is about learning to live from out truest, healthiest selves. The main focus of fat loss phase is so you can make changes in your body and, most importantly and what gets left out by a lot of people, live life with new lifelong habits, and keeping Venus tools for when you do let the house go and need to whip it back into shape. You learn to listen to yourself, learn what works best for you, what is sustainable, what is joyful. You learn balance. 
Maintenance is choosing to be Venus for LIFE.


Keturah Before and After Front

Ketty’s Metrics Using Venus

(Note Keturah had lost about 100 lbs before even finding Venus in 2011 on her own! WOW!)

Weight Height Waist Shoulders Hips
June 2011 217 lb 71 in ~35.5 in ~46 in ~50 in
April 2016 175 lb 71 in 27.5 in 43 in 42 in
Deltas -42 lb 0 in -8 in -3 in -8 in




Keturah Happily Ever After Maintaining

Keturah Happily Ever After Maintaining at her Wedding in Summer 2015


Watch Keturah’s interview with Liss below:

Listen to Keturah’s interview with Liss below, or download it for later:

How Lisa from Mississippi learned to NEVER GIVE UP on fat loss


Lisa wanted to give up.  She didn’t think it could ever be achieved.

She was doing the Venus process and seemed so slow that she didn’t see it happening until she took a picture one day.


Here’s what she said one day inside the forum:

The busyness of life crept in, didn’t feel I had much of anything blog worthy to share.
So my hubby has been working out with me for the past almost 5 months.

He keeps saying wow you look so great I can really see a difference.

It isn’t that I didn’t believe him but all I see when I look in the mirror is the cellulite and loose skin, and the list goes on.

So last night I tried on a dress I wore 2 yrs ago and it felt and looked like a tent on me.

Earlier yesterday I ran across my old measurements on here, and was completely shocked at how many inches I had lost. I hadn’t realized!
So this morning after hitting the gym I had my daughter take my pic and I found an old before pic and was blown away.

I actually love my after.

Lisa After

I can look at the pic for probably the fist time in my life and say I actually like my picture. If you haven’t taken a before pic make sure you do it ASAP, even if you have already started.

You don’t have to post just save it.

No matter how many times you fall don’t give up.

If you have been derailed don’t be embarrassed nobody is perfect just get up and start over.










Lisa has a pretty fun story to tell and all the food in Mississippi!! Wow, and she did it anyway!

You can find Lisa active as an Ambassador inside the exclusive Venus Forum.










Listen to her podcast now or save it for later.

How mom’s can plan for family sport weekends.

Sherman Family

What we did for Easter


Even though my kids are 15 and 18, they still love hunting for candy filled eggs in the backyard. This year we had to have our hunt in the afternoon because we had just returned from a 4 day trip to Arizona to look at colleges. I had bought a couple bags of jelly beans in the grocery store Sat in AZ so I’d be ready to roll Sunday! The kids are super competitive and ran as fast as they could around my tiny yard to see who could get the most eggs! Funny and true.


How I planned for a crazy month of travel…

I traveled every weekend in March- mostly for soccer and the last weekend for college tours. This is a normal part of my life. Both my kids did(my son just stopped) competitive soccer which means lots of travel. This last month was all by car for soccer and by plane for the college stuff.

When I drive, I plan to take all my goodies to set myself up for success. This means my vitamix, baking cocoa, protein powder, powdered peanut butter, rice cakes, jerkey and apples. I also pack bars, dried fruit and rice chips/cereal for my girl. This way we will never be hangry and have the comfort of home in a hotel room.

I know it’s hard to travel- you never know where or when you’ll eat, what restaurant you will go to but you can control some of it. As a Venus girl, the hotel all you can eat breakfast buffet does not even appeal to me. And I’ve become such a coffee snob, I even bring my own coffee and French press!

Let’s face it- there are some non negotiables. I will not settle for hotel coffee. It gives me a  headache. There’s always hot water, so I just use my French press.  I’m not much of a breakfast person anymore thanks to Venus but do love my morning coffee.

One of my favorite drinks is protein powder blended with coffee after a workout. Great way to get your protein in and enjoy a delicious latte/mocha without all the added sugar you’d get at a coffee shop. If I can bring my vitamix, it’s great. If not, there are protein powders that stir into coffee that still taste pretty darn good. But Venus sisters, I’m telling you, if you’ve never tried this- you have got to do it! Blender, protein powder, hot coffee- blend for 20 seconds or so. It will be frothy and delicious.

Planning Workouts on the Road

I also try to plan my workouts when I know my kid’s schedule. With my daughter’s soccer team, we always drop the girls off an hour before the game for warm ups. That’s a perfect time to move. I was recently in Las Vegas for soccer and there was a huge walking path around the soccer complex. As well as a park. So I was able to get in 2 park workouts using a bench and some swings tabata style as well as get lots of steps in for the day.

What can you do with a bench you ask? Step ups, push ups, tricep dips, squats, Bulgarian split squats, planks bringing your knees to your elbows….. with the swings you can put your feet on the swing and do knee tucks or a pike, a modified pull up, a moving plank, a Bulgarian split squat, and the list goes on and on.

I know most moms stand around and talk. To be honest, after driving for 9 hours one way and knowing I had to drive 9 hours home, I wanted to move as much as possible. Even walking felt good. There was another mom on the team who was heading out for a run as we(my husband is a good sport and likes my crazy workouts) were starting our park workout. We were talking afterwards at the game. She commented that she heard a mom say, this season has just been so busy, she had gained 15 lbs. The gal I know took the words out of my mouth and said-just what I was thinking- hey, we’ve got an hour before every game- use it and move! The choice is  yours.

This past weekend in Arizona, we stayed at a friend’s house. It was gorgeous weather and perfect for an outdoor workout. One day my husband and I found one bench and a super small hill- we ran mini sprints and did tabata for 25 minutes or so. The tabata timer is awesome and gives you a quick (but painful) workout anywhere. The following day, my daughter and I got to workout together. One of us ran down the road and back while the other did a strength move. I was just happy to be outside and moving and anytime I can workout with my girl, I am happy!

I’m certainly not perfect by any means. I overeat at times as well as enjoy the occasional adult beverage. But, I always feel best when my body is moving. Traveling is tough. It’s tiring and can lead to bad choices- I know this first hand. Being exhausted never leads to good food decisions. All we can do is our best.

Travel is just a part of life. Some trips go smoothly, some are just hard. Planning what you can is a huge help. As well as planning your workouts. There’s not always time, but when there is- make yourself and your health a priority. You will never regret a workout.

P.S.- Tabata is a  workout where you work hard for 20 seconds and rest for 10 seconds for 8 rounds. The point is to try to get the same number of reps for each set. If you haven’t tried it, you can download a free timer on your phone and have some serious fun!


Maintenance with Venus Veteran Carly

Carly Venus Before and After

Carly has been using Venus systems for over 3 years.  She did a phenomenal job with her initial transformation and her continued results display the hard work she puts in. Her transformation stretches out further than a 12 week period though, she has lost FORTY pounds using Venus!

Carly Venus Before and After Side

Carly before starting Venus in 2013 and after VT14, unbelievable!

Here is what Carly had to say in her own words:

Before children, I never worked out. I never counted calories. I didn’t have to work hard to keep my figure. I was young then too and now I’m older. All my factors have changed so I need to change my habits in order to keep the figure I desire. I am thirty two years old. I have two children. My son is six years old and my daughter is three years old. I found Venus in June 2013, two months after I had my daughter. I had a lot of weight to lose. I was ready to hit the gym to lose my baby weight.  Liss Graham was teaching Venus at my local gym so I decided to join her class. By April 2014, I hit my weight loss goal. I had dropped FORTY-FIVE pounds! I was in my measurement goals with the nutrition calculator. But once I hit that goal, I already had another goal in mind. TONING!! I kept using Venus from April 2014 to May 2015 but I felt like I was just in the motion and not really learning or thinking about how to better myself. I felt like I was in limbo. For me, it has been hard to build muscle. I didn’t know what I was doing. I felt stronger every time I lifted and I was getting sore but I couldn’t grow. I wasn’t pushing myself to the level I could have gone. Even though, I was very successful with weight loss, I felt like I didn’t know how to maintain my weight and I didn’t know how to tone the muscles. For me it was like, “Well, I lost all this weight but now what?” I felt uneducated on how to maintain my weight and build muscle at the same time. To reach this goal and to get motivated again, I decided to join a contest. I felt like I truly started TONING when VT14 started. When I joined the VT14 my mission was to tone up every muscle from head to toe. I added more days of lifting. I went to the gym six days of the week instead of the recommended three. I watched my intake more. I researched more by listening to podcasts and reading fitness articles. I started following fitness guru’s on Instagram and facebook. I dedicated more time to reading and understanding the VENUS program. Sometimes I even worked out twice a day. I took advice from other Venus expertise. Liss Graham came for visits at my gym and I learned from her every time. She’s an AMAZING coach by the way! I took professional pictures every 6 weeks to help push me along. I had some vacations during the contest and I didn’t want it to derail me. I used myfitnesspal and held myself accountable for every meal. I was dedicated to making progress. Twelve weeks later, I felt like I had the body of my dreams. I know what to do now to keep my transformation. I can see my growth with photos. I know how to keep toning my body without being lost in the process. Venus has educated me on how to be healthy and fit for life. Venus has helped me reach my weight loss goal and my toning goal. Venus has given me the body that I craved. Before children, I weighted one hundred and seventeen pounds. I weigh less now and have way more muscle. I look way better after kids then I ever did before kids. I have been very successful with Venus and have hit many goals. I didn’t know anything about fitness before Venus. I think everyone should watch the how to videos and learn how to eat right and learn what a simple carb is versus a complex carb. I literally didn’t know anything! The biggest change for me is making trips to the grocery store. I know not to just look at the pretty labels on the boxes that are misleading to shoppers. I know how to read ingredients and what to look for in them. I read the nutrition label, which I used to ignore. Venus has changed my life and for the better. I eat clean now. I have the confidence and education it takes to make Venus a lifestyle and not a fad. I’ve done it for three years and I plan on doing it for the rest of my life. It is too good of a program to ever stop doing.

Carly Venus Before and After Back

Carly’s Metrics

Weight Height Waist Shoulders Hips
June 2013 150 lb 63 in 33.5 in 41.5 in 42.5 in
February 2016 113 lb 63 in 26.8 in 36.0 in 36 in
Deltas -37 lb 0 in -6.7 in -5.5 in -6.5 in


Carly and Venus Friends

Carly (right) with Venus veteran and friend Julie (left)

Carly is a beautiful Venus! Nothing can stop her now!


Carly Venus Class June 2015

Carly, Coach Liss, and Venus friends at the Moore County YMCA

Carly Venus Class July 2015

Listen to Carly’s interview with Liss below, or download it for later:

Laura Found Venus to be a Healthy Lifestyle NOT a Get-Fit-Quick Scheme

Laura before and after Venus - Front Clothes

Laura placed in our recent VT15 Venus Transformation Contest.

She did a phenomenal job and her results display the hard work she put in.

Laura before and after Venus - Side

Laura lost 7 inches from her waist and 7 inches from her hips in only 12 weeks! WOW!

Here is what Laura had to say in her own words:

“My experience with the Venus Factor system”

I have to say that I was a teeny bit skeptical about the Venus System when I first went through all the elements. Yes it made sense from a scientific point of view, but there are so many other get fit schemes in the market that I wanted to make sure I was putting my beloved body through a safe and trustworthy system. I then researched and discovered that John Barban is a fitness genius and has plenty of credibility. His explanations are valid, so I make the commitment and signed up! The primary focus I took was on the eating system using the morning fasts about 4 days per week, which made reaching the deficit goal much easier! I was not hungry apart from some days on a couple difficult weeks. Juicing from time to time helped me to get in extra vegetables and healthy nutrients. The forums are also great to read, they were instrumental to me at the beginning to wrap my head around how to really implement this into my life on a daily basis. The fantastic tips I learned from Roberta, Lissa (ah-mazing recipes thanks) as well as the other coaches and regulars on the posts and podcasts gave invaluable, uplifting recommendations. I have weights and other personal fitness gear so I could do modified workouts if I was working from home, on my back deck or would make the trip to a gym. I also bike to work a few times a week though as warned, that can be a little too much and make me more hungry and tired, so I avoided excessive cardio. Since I work in the field of health and physical education I wanted to be walking my talk more since I had got out of past routines over the last year with extra stress and responsibility adding pounds on. The Venus Factor system was the vehicle I needed to get there! The first few weeks of my subscription I lost 4 pounds but there was no contest to start until late August, then I lost the rest of the pounds and inches here in Contest 15! I am delighted to have improved my body to where I feel stronger and more energetic. I can even say focus is better. I have received several compliments and am motivated to keep going in order to shred, shape and tone even more! This is the end of one contest but the beginning of a new framework that is now over the weeks ingrained into me, on how to live a healthier lifestyle. I’m going to keep going until I reach my goals. Thanks Venus Factor!

Laura before and after Venus - Back

Laura’s Metrics

Weight Height Waist Shoulders Hips
Before 151 lb 67.5 in 36 in 45.3 in 42 in
After 141 lb 67.5 in 28.8 in 42.3 in 35 in
Deltas -10 lb 0 in -7.3 in -3 in -7 in


Listen to Laura’s interview with Liss below, or download it for later:

Christine Found a Body She Thought was Impossible

Christine Before and After Venus Side

Christine placed in our recent VT15 Venus Transformation Contest.

She did a phenomenal job and her results display the hard work she put in.She lost THREE INCHES off her waist in twelve short weeks!

Christine Before and After Venus Front

Christine before and after this 12 week contest, unbelievable!

One of the things that makes the Venus program very unique is that it can take an average physique to cover model as Christine’s journey highlights.

Here is what Christine had to say in her own words:

I was stuck and needed something to help get me to the next level of fitness. I have always been active but never really focused to get results I really wanted for myself. Honestly, I was afraid to fail not in the workout side of things but in the mental aspect regarding food choices. I have always felt I was mentally soft regarding my control on food but strong in the gym side of programs. If I wanted it I would eat it. I have always been like that but as I have gotten older the body wouldn’t bounce back as easy as before. I knew I needed to challenge myself and prove that I could have control. The only person that could change that was me. I needed a program that I could actually follow and still live my life with my family. Venus was my answer and I am so happy I accidentally feel upon it and decided to work with a coach. Venus and Coach Liss gave me the tools and the rest was up to me. It was game on! I reached my goals and I am so HAPPY I accomplished what I set out to do! I am mentally stronger and physically stronger now! Thanks Venus family!

Christine Before and After Venus Back

Christine before and after 12 weeks of Venus!


Christine wants to start a tradition of sharing playlists, music is a powerful motivator!

Christine wants to start a tradition of sharing playlists, music is a powerful motivator!

Christine’s Metrics

Weight Height Waist Shoulders Hips
Before 129 lb 65.5 in 31 in 41 in 35 in
After 126 lb 65.5 in 28 in 40.5 in 35 in
Deltas -3 lb 0 in -3 in -0.5 in 0 in

Chrstine After Venus Double Bicep

Christine is a beautiful Venus!

Chrstine After Venus Back

Chrstine After Venus Baseball

Listen to Christine’s interview with Liss below, or download it for later:

Vanessa Quit Endless Running to get her Venus Body

Vanessa before and after Venus

Vanessa placed in our recent VT14 Venus Transformation Contest.

She did a phenomenal job and her results display the hard work she put in.

Vanessa bikini after

Here is what Vanessa had to say in her own words

Like many women, I have struggled with my weight my whole life. I was the chubby girl growing up and at the age of 16 decided just not eating would be the only way to lose the excess fat. I was trim and fit during early 20s when I was in the military, but after six months onboard ship; I packed on 20 pounds. I got married, and then had a child and I continued to fight with my weight dropping to a size 6, then back up to a size 12. At the age of 38, I finally had enough and went on a program and managed to lose 35 pounds and dropped from a size 14 to a size 2. I was able to keep that off for close to 7 years. But, again like most…”life happened”; we sold our home, we moved to a new state, I got a new job; we built a house (and lived in a hotel for a few months, which I strongly recommend against). During this time, I also decided I wanted to run a half marathon, so I started training for that. A lot of the materials talk about carb loading/glucose stores for long runs. That combined with a few overuse injuries and my job changed to work-from-home full time…added up to putting on weight again. So, what was my experience with Venus? I busted through two different weight plateaus that two years and several diets and exercise programs could not accomplish. But, not in two years; no I was able to finally lose the weight following the Venus Factor System in 12 weeks when I couldn’t do it with every other diet and exercise program on the market in 24 months. I call that a true success! I lost 8.2 lbs during this 12 week contest period but even greater, I lost 13 inches off my body. I had moved up to a size 6 but I am finally in my 2s again!! Do I still have work to do? Of course; I haven’t yet achieved my goal weight or goal waist size, but I know with hard work and dedication (never giving up or quitting); I will reach that goal once more and now I have the tools to truly stay there!!


Vaness at her heaviest to now using Venus

Vanessa at her heaviest to now using Venus


Vanessa after back

Vanessa loves the online Venus community

You can find Vanessa active in the Venus community and read her blog!

Vanessa Blog

Vanessa’s Metrics

Weight Height Waist Shoulders Hips
Before 130 lb 62 in 25.8 in 38.5 in 38 in
After 122 lb 62 in 24.7 in 38 in 36 in
Deltas -8 lb 0 in -1 in -0.5 in -2 in


Vanessa before and after Venus side




Listen to Vanessa’s interview with Liss below, or download it for later:

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Be stronger than your EXCUSES!

Coach Carla is stronger than any excuse!

Coach Lita is stronger than any excuse!


The thing I love the most about Coach Lita is she never stands behind a list of excuses.  Like all of us, she wears a lot of different hats, and her life is full of other things called LIFE.  She just owns it and moves on.

I’ll tell you a secret.  Even once you are done raising kids, life still fills up your plate.  You move from one season to the next, and life just keeps throwing things at you. The parents have aging issues, the other jobs place demands on you, the car breaks down, the bills pile up, your spouse needs your support, forest fires, tornado’s, hurricanes and other natural disasters threaten your home, your friends get sick and need help, tragedies happen around you and your community needs you, your aging pets get sick.  Family members have tragedy and illness. You have illnesses. It is endless. There will always be a huge list of excuses.

But they are not really excuses, it’s just life.

So, the best thing to do is just own it and keep moving.

Today is a new day.

We all have 24 hours.

We all wear different hats.

We all have responsibilities.

We all have stress.

We all have adversity.

We all have our own unique genetics.

We all have possible excuses.

We all make mistakes that give us doubt.

Even yesterday.  Whatever mistake you made, let it go.

Today is a new day.

Learn from it and move on.

DECIDE what you want today.

Make it a victory.

Nobody wants to hear the excuses.

Just do what you gotta do without the excuses.

If someone else succeeded in what you want, applaud them instead.

Don’t demean them just because you haven’t done it yet.

Don’t make excuses as to why you have not achieved it yet.

Just do it.

Just do it anyway.

Once again it’s the little steps every day and biding your time.

YOUR time will come too.

If you let go of the excuses already.

If you make today a new day and let yesterday go.

This is how we do it!!

Never give up
Never settle
Live your dream

Have a wonderful weekend.  It’s full of opportunity to make good choices.  A clean slate.  Like every fresh new morning.

And of course if you need help with those day to day choices, you can always choose your own Venus coach, or you can find friends in the Venus forum, or the Venus Facebook group.

-Coach Roberta


