VT18 is winding down and we at the Venus Factor want to see you succeed. I’ll be making a new contest schedule for next year soon. The next contest will be in Mid January 2017. Stay tuned for updates.
The deadline for VT18 is midnight Eastern Time November 21st. Enter your final pictures HERE.
Happy Friday!
Let’s get it done. Weekends count. If you can’t workout focus on diet. If you have parties or social events you don’t have to eat everything in sight. Take one bite of everything. Get involved in fun conversations and LISTEN to others and give them your full attention to make the time fly by and get your focus off of food. Make it a game. People love attention and being listened to.
Getting your nutrition, workouts, and supplements if you need them lined up will be the key to success for making a change happen. This is highly individual for each person, so don’t feel you have to do what the next person does. Feel free to ask questions. There is no one size fits all.
Workouts and nutrition consistency is where the magic happens.
For fat loss it’s really important to know your maintenance number. If you need help with that, ask. All you need for fat loss is a slight consistent calorie deficit over time. Lower is not better, consistency is better.
There are various methods to measuring your calories to make that deficit happen. Again, the method that works for your lifestyle is unique to you. Everyone is different in what works, and what works for you in one season of life may not work in another season. If you need help ask!
I call the calorie deficit a tight rope. You can’t eat too low or you feel like crap or binge. You can’t eat too high or you stay the same or gain body fat. The less body fat you have the more narrow the rope.
Your maintenance number is actually the more important number for everyone. Everyone puts their focus on the deficit number, but really that’s more of a moving target with workouts, stress, health, hormones, etc. The maintenance number is the steady number that should be the life raft everyone clings to. Sometimes right at maintenance can be a deficit with a hard workout.
Any slight deficit consistently under maintenance will cause fat loss if done consistently over time. It is that simple.
Dieting for weight loss is hard for everyone so don’t feel alone. It will require some sacrifice. No one achieves their goal without hard work and some sacrifices.
If you want help with the last few weeks of the Venus contest feel free to join my Venus Factor Contest Prep Facebook Group. I will help you every step of the way. Any Venus contest competitor is welcome to join.
For those of you just getting started, if you want to join a 30 day mini challenge that ends right before Thanksgiving (A famous USA holiday), I have one starting on Monday. This is not a group for lookyloo’s, it is for anyone who is SERIOUS about making a change in their life and taking the steps for just 30 days. There is no fee or cost to join, only your dedication to your own health. It is a private group and what happens in the group stays in the group! Nibbles Thanksgiving Challenge Facebook Group.
Never Settle
Never Give Up
Live Your Dream
– Coach Roberta
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