How To Survive Years Of Fad Diet Yo-yo’s And Finally Succeed.

Today we get to read what Lori Anderson wrote about placing eighth in the 6th Venus Index Transformation Contest.

But first, check out her transformation pictures from the 12 Week Contest:

Lori Anderson before and after the 12 week contest

Lori Anderson before and after the 12 week contest

More of Lori before and after

More of Lori before and after

Lori experienced what many of us have experienced; falling into the trap of complicated fad diets and regimented workout programs only to end up in a perpetual yo-yo that can go on for years or even decades.  Sometimes it is embarrassing for us to admit all the various ways we tried that did not work.  In the end, with the right tools, we can be stronger.

Why? Because depriving yourself of foods you love and over complication is not sustainable.  In Lori’s own words we will see how the Venus Index Workout and Eat Stop Eat finally helped Lori to succeed in her diet and fitness goals.

In Lori’s own words:

Donuts don’t make a people fat, people make themselves fat. The power is not in the object, but the person. Making this connection with my work-outs and eating habits helped me realize that I was the only person going to give my self the body I desired, not a protein bar or meal timing.  It took a lot of messing up before I realized this liberating principle … Continue reading here

Transformation is a Family Affair!

You Become Those with Whom You Associate

Just as you are the sum of the people closest to you, you and your family members influence one another both now and in the future.

Today, I’ll talk about how our children are affected by how moms treat and view their own bodies as well as how they relate to their daughters. As I am female and have daughters, this will be slanted towards mothers and daughters.

My beautiful girls before I began my transformation

My beautiful girls before I began my transformation

Mothers and Daughters Have a Special Relationship

Your mother’s influence shapes you well past childhood.

In listening to the Venus Index podcasts, I’ve noticed this theme a number of times. Some of the contest winners reveal in their interviews that their mother started discussing dieting when they were very young. Others, myself included, are concerned with helping our daughters grow up to be a healthy size and maintain excellent self-esteem.

How do you predict the future results of actions taken today?

Clearly moms have the best intentions but it doesn’t always come out the way we’d hoped.

Here are a few interviews where the moms discuss how transformation is a family affair.

My mother made a brave effort to overcome the misconceptions and poor body image her mother bestowed upon her: a super human effort, really, considering how she was raised.

She unintentionally led me astray with some misconceptions about appropriate measurements; she taught me that measurements didn’t correspond to height so I always assumed I should have the exact same measurements as a much shorter woman.

It wasn’t until I discovered Venus Index that I found out that ideal measurements are directly linked to height. She also led me to believe food was something over which we had no control.

I grew up in a home with a locked box and learned to binge and sneak food very early on. I was forced to choke down abhorrent meals that someone else deemed suitable (or sneak them into the trash when everyone finally gave up waiting for me to finish) and was the self-pronounced “World’s Pickiest Eater” until well into my teens.

As women, as daughters, as mothers, we are aware and noticed perhaps more than men. While mothers wish the best for their daughters, there are always choices to be made and it can be decades before how we did is revealed. As my mother did, I tried to learn from the mistakes of the previous generation.

We are all, hopefully, doing the best we can.

Stealth Fat Loss: Is It Possible? Is It Right?

In Elisa’s case, she felt it was the best choice to go stealth with the methods she was using to reduce body fat.

After checking in with herself, she realized that it was actually best to be honest and forthcoming. While her son was apparently indifferent, her daughter was happy to have this topic brought into the light because she had indeed observed what was going on and not discussed.

Like Elisa, I have had to tread carefully on this topic.

While we do not necessarily need to share every aspect of our adult lives with our children, nor would it be to their benefit, to what extent is it wise to keep a process such as a physical transformation from them?

  • How does our transformation process affect those to whom we are close, regardless of whether we are open and forthcoming, or not?
  • How does our own attitude about the process affect our daughters?
  • How did our mothers’ attitudes about their bodies and relationship with food affect ours?

I would argue that these issues are critical to shaping who girls become as women and being honest and open will only serve to help our daughters in the long run.

As someone who is always checking out to the long-term repercussions, I thought it would be wise to check in with friends.

It turns out this is a VERY touchy area indeed.

Many women are struggling with body image issues stemming from decisions their parents made in the best interest of their kids, or so they believed, decades ago.

I have never been shut down so quickly on any topic!

I’d add discussing the weight of girls to religion, politics and money as taboo!

Yet I persevere!

The research I did was no more enlightening. All I learned was that growing bodies need calories but no one is quite sure how many and that during the years a girl is developing into a woman and starting to menstruate it is no time to even consider doing anything so risky as cutting calories.

All the online calorie tracking software is for adults. It seems that if you find yourself in the unfortunate position of having a child who wants to slim down, and who should, you are going to have to go it alone. (As a side note, as women, we are also informed that during pregnancy and nursing it is not safe to consider cutting calories. Again, most people do not want to risk touching this subject.)

You Can’t Control Your Children, You Can Only Influence Them

When I became a mother, I was shocked to find myself unable to control my older daughter’s weight.

It didn’t help that I didn’t yet have the right information. When I was informed by a doctor at her 5th birthday checkup that she had an “excess of adipose tissue” and that I should cut the junk food, I was not amused. While it was clear to me that she was overweight, she’s never actually eaten junk food and it was so much harder than the idealistic mother of imaginary children that I used to be could ever have foreseen to reduce her body fat.

It certainly did not help that I had also become fat and exhausted and was still operating under the misconception that exercise was the key to fatloss. I felt a total failure as a parent since I didn’t have the energy to move with her and I did know enough to realize I needed to set the example.

Lead by Example

Sure enough, when I started incorporating exercise into our lives on a regular basis, my husband and kids indeed followed suit!

So great, right?

Only the unfortunate results were underwhelming. As our diets did not address our caloric overages, we didn’t get where I expected. Also, I noticed both flattering and not so flattering mirrors of my actions.

Some of my earlier diet attempts before I got the right information involved cheat days.

These quickly turned into a full-blown family fiasco!

Once I began calorie counting, my daughter was very interested and I was at a loss as to what to tell her. The most important message I could give her is that she is beautiful and that I love her, right?

But on the flipside, dishonesty does not serve and I have to admit I wanted to find a way to support her to safely slim down while still growing.

How do you answer your daughter truthfully when she asks if she is fat?

What do you do about the series of emotions visible on your face before answering, “You’re beautiful and I love you”?

She noticed, of course.

How could she not?

She is female and we know from an early age the importance of appearance.

Does she dismiss your answer?

Is it best to say more or leave it at that?

What do you do when your daughter announces that she is fat.

How do you help and guide her when she sees that you are making changes and she asks you what she can do to change her body?

Being Lean Is Not the Only Goal!

It’s not all roses with my younger daughter, by the way.

Although she is naturally lean and strong, she could give me a run for my money for that “World’s Pickiest Eater” title. I thought she’d outgrow it. She will announce that she’s “not hungry” one bite into a meal.

We notice her attitude and strength are affected when she goes without food for too long.

Well meaning friends and family often commented on her eating habits and how “skinny” she was. I used to spend endless hours worrying over how little she ate (keep in mind my reference points were my husband, myself, and my older daughter, and all three of us were growing increasingly more overweight) and constantly trying to tempt her into eating more. This made mealtimes generally unpleasant.  I am old enough to remember when nearly all children where her size so I am somewhat ashamed to have capitulated to peer pressure in this regard.

So what’s next?

Obviously, we have made significant progress in the last four years. In the next installment, I will discuss how my husband and I were able to help our older daughter achieve her goals in a safe and sustainable way while preserving her self-esteem not just now, but hopefully, for the rest of her life. I will also discuss how we have learned to embrace the brilliant eating habits of our younger daughter while at the same time learning from the example she sets.

Are you with me?

Does anything in you’ve just read resonate with you?

Or irk you?

Let’s hear it!


How to Sharpen your Sword and Win the Battle

Sharpen your sword first and prepare yourself to win the battle.

Losing weight and getting fit is hard.  All along the journey I have worked hard, experimented, learned from mistakes, acquired skills, and changed habits that will continue for the rest of my life.  As I worked through the maintenance phase of my journey I realized that all the skills I acquired along the way still come into play.

I have come to think of all the effort I’ve put into the journey as “Honing my Sword”.  I have created a sharp edged sword, used it in battle, won the battle, and I am continuing to keep my sword sharp and I still need to use it now and then.  It may not seem as daunting as when I first started the journey, but it still takes effort to keep my blade sharp.

The Various Tools

For some the tool that needs to be sharpened is the mental mindset against emotional eating.  For others it is consistency at the gym or even getting to the gym. For others it is using motivational tools and learning to find an easier way to think about food.

For everyone it is about setting up your environment for success.

The whole journey requires a lot of patience and even more so in maintenance since progress is much slower. Early in the process you tend to lose fat relatively quickly but you still have frustrating plateaus and life stresses that slow you down.

Even if you do everything right you will have plateaus. The body seems to make progress in “chunks” that are not linear. During these times I like to focus on the victories and “ride one victory to the next”; setting a positive mindset and tuning out negative thoughts.

Everyone has a victory to remember:

  • It could be friends or family noticing your weight loss or fitting into some new clothes (or some old clothes).
  • It could be reaching a goal you had set for yourself.
  • It could be completing a 24 hour fast or even skipping a meal.
  • It could be you getting compliments on how you look or a new personal best at the gym.
  • It could simply be you getting to the gym consistently for a period of time.
  • It could be someone in the gym noticing how hard you work out.

In maintenance you still have victories and the same positive mindset can be applied. One of the biggest victories that you should always remember is how far you have come; how much you have succeeded since you started the journey. Always be kind to yourself and reward yourself in ways that do not involve food. Items you need for the gym or new clothing are nice rewards.

Capture ways to remember your victories to help focus on them throughout your journey.

My Battle

The first picture is from 2005 and the second is from this year’s fitness photoshoot.

For me it was simply finally having the knowledge to eat less.  Getting to the gym and enjoying exercise was and still is integrated into my life as much as tying my shoes or brushing my teeth.

The Venus Index is still my all-time favorite workout and I believe it gave me the shape I now have.  It also helped me to belong to a support community and to have the support of family and friends in my life.

But after experiencing success I find I still need to put in effort to keep my mindset sharp and focus on the positive.  I still have to put effort into eating the right amount for me.  I still use every tool I have acquired and developed and honed and I now realize these will be what I continue to use for the rest of my life.

It’s Not Wasted Effort

What you do now will continue to benefit you for the rest of your life.

It is not wasted effort!

Do not be discouraged or think the effort only helps you get through the day today.  Not only are you resolving the specific situation you currently deal with, but as you succeed you are honing your sword and keeping it sharp for all future battles.

Sharpen your sword and win the battle,

– Ro

Lift Heavy for Longevity: Interview With Denise DeGrazia

The diet and fitness industry/media has grown exponentially since the internet has become a regular part of our daily lives. You have almost limitless information outlets to consume and confuse yourself with. Unfortunately most of them are providing less information and more entertainment.

With the increase in information channels there is a disproportionate increase in incorrect and basically useless information. In many cases it’s not only useless but detrimental.

Denise Venus Index Open

Denise 4th Place Venus Index

Denise DeGrazia Venus Index Open 4th Place

It is sometimes hard to know what is true and what is false at first glance. One of the only ways to truly understand is through experience and trial and error.

In todays interview Denise DeGrazia will take us to school through her experiences with fitness and lifting weights over the course of the last 3 decades. She relates stories of what it’s been like going through many fitness fads, and learning what really works for women and how to build and maintain a strong muscular lean body well into her 50’s.

Wisdom from Experience

Over the years Denise has seen diet and fitness fads come and go, and experimented with many different forms of exercise and dieting. She has the authority of many years of experience on her side and relates it to all of us in this podcast. She has a unique perspective going all the way back to what diet and fitness meant to women of her mothers generation, and then her own generation, and now to the generations below her. The story transcends decades but the final answers for getting lean, strong and muscular will always remain the same. Lift heavy and often, and keep an eye on your calories.

When you start strength training it will help build, shape and strengthen your muscle and body for your best shape. Over time the long term benefit becomes that of longevity, quality of life and the ability to live an independent and fulfilling life well into advanced age.



Being a Venus = Making It What You Do: Interview with Felicity

If you thought you were just ‘big boned’ or a big person and doomed to be ‘big’ think again. This is exactly how Felicity thought of herself and never thought she could slim down, or lose weight and get the body she wanted.

Instead of focusing and believing she could change the shape of her body she focused on building strength and power. At least this way she was making progress.

First Place Venus Index Transformation Felicity

Venus Index 1st Place Felicity

Felicity lost over 34lbs and 6 inches off her waist!

Being a nurse Felicity explains that they are notorious for back injuries so part of her training focus was to build her core strength, which eventually just bulked up and made her midsection thick. This might have built some strength, but it also gave her a thick blocky waist.

Turing to the advice of a sports nutritionist she followed the instructions she was given to a tee. She felt good, and got ‘firmer’ but didn’t lose any weight. This is because her ‘nutritionist’ recommended far too many calories for her to eat. This obviously lead to frustration as she followed the instructions but didn’t get the results.

Once she started with the Venus Index system she started to get the results she was after and actually experienced a relief to finally be putting the effort into something that is actually working.

Following the wrong instructions to a tee, are just going to get you frustrated and feeling like a failure faster.

Having dedication, effort, drive and desire is not enough, you also have to be following the right plan. Once Felicity started on Venus she took it and ran. The results speak for themselves as she won our second transformation contest.

Felicity shares the keys she found that helped her make such a great transformation.


Venus Index Transformation Contest

You must be a Venus Index customer to be eligible to compete in the contests.

About previous contests

Contest Rules And Regulations

The contest judges will evaluate final entries based on the following factors; weight loss, muscle gain, Venus metrics, and presentation. The judges need to see these changes in the pictures so it’s important that both before and after pictures are in focus and taken at appropriate angles and with good lighting.  Take the time to to use a camera with a timer or have someone with a steady hand take the pictures.

Clothing for contest pictures: a bathing suit/bikini, or something that shows off your waist, shoulders and hips (some sort of workout shorts will also do)…just remember we’re trying to judge overall change, if you hide your body in this picture it might work against you if you make it difficult for us to judge how much you change.

There are 4 required pictures at the start AND at the contest end.

1) Front – Facing camera with arms at your side

2) Side – 90 degrees to the camera with your arms at your side

3) Back – Facing away from the camera, with your arms at your side

The pictures need to be full body head to toe. It is very important that for your front, side, and back poses your arms are down at your sides but not covering your waist and that they are full body head to toe pictures.  Do not crop out your face or your feet.

4) Newspaper picture –   This should be a current issue of the national newspaper in order to validate the day you took the picture. You need to take a picture in this same group of pictures with the current day’s newspaper in your hand and the front page visible.

Here is a perfect example of a contest entry;  Full head to toe, hands at sides, and newspaper picture.
Here is a perfect example of a contest entry; Full head to toe, hands at sides, and newspaper picture.


Take the following measurements per page 175 in the Venus Factor Fat Loss Manual:

  • Shoulders
  • Waist
  • Hips
  • Weight
  • Height

At the end of the contest all of the above requirements are needed as well as an essay

End of contest Essay – 250 Word Essay on “My experience with the Venus Factor system”.

Cover model pictures  – In addition to the front, back, and side pictures please submit additional cover pictures.  These will be used in judging the “presentation” of your transformation.

Transformation contest prizes

The Transformation Contest place has prizes for placements:

  • First place: $500
  • Second place: $350
  • Third place: $250
  • Fourth place through tenth place: $200

Cover and Calendar girl category

With each contest there is a Cover and Calendar girl category for previous contest winners or any Venus customer who is close to their Venus Ideal shape and wants a chance to be in our calendar or on one of our covers.  Submit a picture at the beginning of the contest before the deadline so that we know who is in the running.  There are no prizes for this category.  The “before” pictures will not be used for judging or shared with anyone; they are merely for entering the contest.

Be creative and have fun with this category.  Pictures do not have to be bikini model or fitness model pictures – but they can be if you want!  These may be used on workout covers.

You can model a favorite dress or outfit, jeans and T-shirt, sports or hobbie clothing, creative fashion modeling, whatever your style; just have some fun showing off your new beautiful Venus shape.


Additional rules and regulations

All entries become the property of the Contest Sponsor and will not be returned.

Contest Sponsor, its advertising and promotion agencies assume no responsibility for lost, stolen, delayed, damaged, illegible, incomplete, postage-due, garbled or misdirected entries or entries that have been submitted through illicit means, or do not conform to or satisfy the Contest Rules or for any problems or technical malfunction of any telephone network or lines, computer on-line systems, servers, access providers, computer equipment, software, failure of any entry to be received or traffic congestion on the internet or at any website, or any combination thereof including any injury or damage to an entrant’s or any other person’s computer related to or resulting from playing or downloading any material in the contest.

The Contest Sponsor reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to modify, cancel or suspend this Contest should an external circumstances arise which are beyond the reasonable control of the Contest Sponsor. The Contest Sponsor is not responsible for any errors or omissions in printing or advertising this Contest.

The Contest Sponsor collects your personal information for the purposes of registration, program evaluation and to keep you informed about contest. The Contest Sponsor may, if consent was given during registration, also contact you from time to time with information about other ways you can lose weight.

The Contest Sponsor will not share any personal data about entrants with any other party. The personal data collected for this Contest will not be used for any other purposes unless entrants provide explicit permission as indicated on the entry form.  Please also see our privacy policy.

By entering this Contest, entrants agree to release and hold harmless the Contest Sponsor and their respective employees, officers, directors, agents, representatives, successors, assigns, advertising and promotional agencies from any liability for any loss or damage of any kind to the entrant or any other person in connection with this Contest or participation in any Contest related activities, including but not limited the taking of a urine test or, if declared a winner, the use or misuse of a prize or any portion of a prize including personal injury, death or property damage.

This Contest will run in accordance with these Contest Rules, subject to amendment by the Contest Sponsor. Contest Sponsor reserves the right to cancel, amend, modify or terminate this Contest or the Rules at any time in its sole discretion and without notice.

Entrants must comply with these rules, and will be deemed to have received and understood the rules if they participate in the Contest.

Mindtricks & Tips for Transforming Your Body

In today’s podcast we interview one of the contest winners from a past Adonis Index transformation Jason Haynes.

Jason made a dramatic change over the course of two contests and his transformation has influenced and motivated many others to commit to making a real change in their body.

Jason will share some of the insights he gained from losing almost 60lbs to fundamentally change the look and shape of his body.

Venus Index Reports How to Transform Your Body

Jason knows what it takes to make a big time change!

He’ll also give you some tips and advice on what to expect when you decide to take the next step with your body and how others will react towards you. And make no mistake about it. The same hurdles, and barriers exist for men and women so the information Jason is sharing is seriously valuable.

This is a social and psychological exploration of what it’s like to make a big time change in your body and how to deal with other people and yourself once you’ve got to where you want to go.

This is also a bit of mental preparation for those of you who are going to be entering the first ever Venus Index Transformation Contest!

So listen up this is a good one!

If you want to read the transcript you can download it here:

Mindtricks & Tips for Transforming Your Body: An interview with Jason Haynes

