Carla has a stunning shape!
It is a perfect Venus Ideal shape which she got using Venus Factor.
You can have your own perfect ideal shape here too!
In today’s uncensored podcast John and Brad talk about the Venus Index Ideal shape, why it matters more than the body weight scale, and when it’s time to ditch the scale. The body weight scale is a necessary tool when you need to take corrective action for being over weight, but once you get to a healthy body weight – typically for females that might be 30% body fat or less, it is not so useful as a tool. In fact, it might be hindering your progress.
Proportions and shape matter more than the numbers. It is the look that is stunning, not the number. See that picture of Carla? It does not matter what she weighs or what size clothes she wears. She happens to have the Venus Ideal measurements and shape. Some of us have our best shape and the measurements don’t EXACTLY match the ideal – but they are close, and the look and proportions are still stunning.
We all have our unique gifts regarding our shape, and everyone can have a chance to achieve their best and most stunning look. When you do, the measurements will be very close to the Venus Ideal.
I hope you enjoy the podcast as much as I did. John and Brad plan to do more of these podcasts specifically for us ladies and I can’t wait to hear what they have for us in the coming year.
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