What would Venus say?
As I sat down to breakfast last Sunday I declared to my friends that I would enjoy carbs and pastries! I had already enjoyed a beautiful trout dinner with elegant wine and deserts the previous night so it was quite the splurge.
It was vacation with family and friends after all!
Denise, Randy, and Gary all looked curiously at me as Gary asked “What would Venus say?”
I replied “Venus would say this is GREAT! This is part of the golden life to enjoy.”
I went on to explain that it’s all part of managing the food intake like a calorie budget. It’s okay to “spend” as long as we realize the debt will come due. Gary nodded. He understands because managing finances is what he does for a living.
Gary also understood the concept of freedom when a person is “debt free”.
I’ve been debt free with regards to weight loss for over four years now, but part of that means managing a smaller “budget” with regards to food intake. We don’t get to just cruise through the rest of life with no effort once we achieve our fitness goals.
No effort and no awareness is like credit card spending with wild abandon. Most of us would quickly get ourselves into huge debt again.
I don’t know about you but that’s not a place I want to go back to. I would rather roll up my sleeves and get it done before that happens.
I had a great time talking with both Denise and Gary about the Venus and Adonis lifestyle and how it relates to finances and every aspect of our lives.
My friend Denise is a family therapist so she knows all to well the hammering we take with our self image when we reach a level of unhealthiness with our bodies. She also knows it still requires we work and care for the inner part of our being both before and after a transformation.
Denise is a pretty neat lady, both wise and fun. We had a great time together.

Randy, myself, Denise, and Gary enjoying an elegant and beautiful dinner at the Tahoe Ritz-Carlton Manzanita restaurant.
Dinner at the Manzanita restaurant at the Ritz-Carlton in Tahoe is always fabulous. Some of you might remember Dr. Tania and I having a great time there a couple of years ago.
It seems like I’ve been spending a lot of time at Ritz-Carlton hotels lately!
The cycles and seasons of life
I knew as soon as I got back home I’d have to get right back into my normal routine and start slowly paying off some of that debt. We all have these little cycles in life. It’s not the first, nor will it be the last.
We just own it and roll up our sleeves and deal with it because the alternative (becoming obese) is just not acceptable. Many of us accept this as a lifestyle for the very reason that it keeps us healthy and vibrant.
The process for me this week is the same process I used when I wrote about recovering from stress hunger in January.
It’s pretty much the same thing every time. We might get tired of it and it feels like “No, not This Again!” But yes, it is this again. It’s just paying off the debt before it gets out of hand.
We just own it, take care of business, and move on.
It’s best to get our emotions out of the equation and trust the process. The more we do the process and see that it works, the more we trust it.
The health benefits of the Venus lifestyle
Gary, Denise, and spent Saturday downhill skiing at NorthStar at Tahoe ski resort while Randy took care of our sick kitty Squeaky. It was pretty good skiing in the morning and then the afternoon was slushy and difficult.
There are so many health benefits I still enjoy from losing the excess 85 pounds. One of the benefits is the chronic lower back pain I’d experienced for 15 years is completely gone. I had no idea when I was over weight that it had caused such a huge burden.
The last time I’d gone skiing was over 10 years ago and my calves were so big from the excess weight that I couldn’t find boots that fit correctly. I really enjoyed myself this time not having so much pain. Skiing is still hard on the lower legs, but it was all the normal aches and pains of downhill skiing and leaning forward into the boots.
The Venus workout routines seemed to keep me in pretty good shape for skiing. I didn’t get sore, but I was slightly fatigued from the effort.

We ended the weekend together with a hike in the beautiful D.L. Bliss state park in South Lake Tahoe.
You are sculpting and molding your destiny
We ended our time together at the Lake with a hike in D. L. Bliss State Park in South Lake Tahoe. On the way home I pondered how much my life has changed since embarking on this Venus lifestyle. I have a new career that keeps evolving. It’s exciting and I can’t wait to find out what lies ahead for me this year.
Pretty cool for a 54 year old woman who spent many years frustrated and over weight isn’t it?
It made me think of a recent email from one of the owners of Venus and Adonis, Brad Howard. His words describe exactly what I felt as I pondered how my life had changed.
So I shall leave you with his words.
Have a beautiful weekend. It’s full of opportunity to make good choices.
See you on the inside!
-Coach Roberta
You’re not here just to get abs.
You’re not here to just sculpt an ideal physique.
You’re here because Venus and Adonis is just one tool you’re using to sculpt your life. One tool on your journey to owning your destiny.
That is what makes Venus and Adonis special.
We are the kind of men and woman who recognize… that one of the most important things we can bring to this world… is being a person of value.
And by being a person of value… we invest in ourselves.
You know what man…. keep sculpting and carving away at your life.
Throw yourself into the minds of great men and women.
Read voraciously.
If you experience failure… look at it as just golden feedback to grow.
Experience new things. Travel to a place you wouldn’t normally think of going.
In short…
…Keep raising your bar.
It may take you time. In fact, it will take you time. Yet if you keep putting one foot in front of the other… If you keep learning.. if you keep sharpening your blade and applying yourself… your life.. and your success… YOU will be in control of it. And it will open great doors for you.
Venus and Adonis is about marching to the beat of your own drum. It’s tailored to you. Yet the doors are open to experiment with different philosophies. Some you may disagree with … some you may love. All in all… you learn immensely from both.
It’s the same thing in your life.
You get certain guide posts along the way.
You try different things.
You are sculpting and molding your destiny.
Keep rocking it man.
Keep sculpting your journey.
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