I read many programs, diets and exercise plans. I have tried a personal trainer who supposedly designed a program for me specifically but I’ve never found anything like VI. I threw out the fat pants!
Valerie Pallister came in first place in our Venus Transformation contest VT10.
I have been fairly active most of my life. I used to run long distance and have had a gym membership for a good part of my adult life too. I’ve been trim and then not so much. Even running many miles a week, I have never been this lean! I’ve tried to gain arm and shoulder muscle at the gym working those machines but never achieved much progress. I can’t believe the back, shoulder and arm tone I have after just 14 weeks of doing Venus workouts!
I stumbled across Venus on Facebook shortly after the first of the year. I had decided that since I’d gotten to my highest weight ever and the largest level of fat pants were getting tight that I needed to do something! When I found Venus, I sped read the material and jumped right in. I already had the mindset to do something and I knew quickly that Venus was the ticket!! I also read through Eat Stop Eat which was so helpful in figuring out how to manage my caloric intake.
My journey was not without setbacks and disappointments but the community of women and the podcasts I listened to while working out (and driving, and cleaning house) kept me focused and kept me learning about tricks to try for my own challenges. I’ve accomplished more than I thought was possible and am amazed at the condition of my body.
Most of all I have learned invaluable things about myself that I did not know, even at 45 years old! Its been an amazing and educational journey.
Out of all the diets that I’ve ever done, one thing I have never done after I reached a fat loss goal: Threw out the fat pants!
I am so glad to tell you that 3 of my friends have purchased VI and two male friends are doing the Adonis program. Gotta love it! 🙂
Thank you Venus!!
Valerie in MT

I always wanted toned shoulders and back but never knew how to or was able to achieve it. Till now! I could not be happier with the progress I have made using your program. I have learned so much about myself, how much I was eating before and what I am capable of in diet and exercise it’s amazing. I have replaced weight training with my lifelong love of running activities.
Questions and Answers with our Venus winner Valerie
How did you find the Venus Factor?
I found Venus on Facebook by chance. Watched the video and bought it.
What aspect of the program was most beneficial to you?
I haven’t struggled with my weight too much other than trying to keep it in check but the structure of the workouts and the success I had with building muscle where I never have before was the most beneficial to me. I also learned things about dieting and about what is possible from the other Venues. It was a unique experience in that I learned much about myself along the way too.
Did you like the Venus workout?
As I stated previously, I loved the workouts! I like how it was set up to be for women. Also that each exercise had a video demonstration so you could get the right form. I like the flexibility of interchangeable programs and the whole body workout of each one. I am so amazed by the tone and definition the workouts helped me achieve.
Which workout(s) did you use?
I started with the basic Venus Factor workout. I tried the immersion trial and really liked having access to the other workouts available. Shortly after the contest started I started doing the circuits to challenge myself. I stuck with those the rest of the contest but I would go to the next difficulty level when I felt ready. It was nice because while they were similar exercises, they were different enough to keep me interested and challenged.
What kept you motivated?
I didn’t keep it secret what I was doing. For me, people knowing I’m in a contest kept me motivated and accountable. Like having spectators in a running race as opposed to running alone where no one will see if you stop and walk. But just as in running, you have to find your internal motivation and reasons to train for race day, cause most of the time, it’s only you and yourself watching! Most people only know of or see the final race day. It really is what you do when no ones watching that counts.
Do you have a particular style of eating?
No style but I try to eat higher protein while still trying to get plenty of fruits and veggies. I don’t eat much bread, pasta and potatoes though. Just because I can easily eat too much once I start. But if I eat them infrequently, it’s OK. I just try to keep it balanced and comfortable with what my life is like and what I like to eat.
Did you use the undulating diet protocol? If so how did it work for you and did you make any modifications?
I did use it. It worked well and I liked the change to 6/1 and 5/2. Much simpler and easier to keep track of than the previous protocol. Also the flexibility of using the eat up day on social event days was helpful. I only modified it by adding in fasting days. That worked well for me to offset any overage on calories other days. It was nice to think in weekly goals.
Did you use any supplements?
I had started drinking plexus drinks before I found Venus from a friend who is a distributor. I just continued that and my normal daily vitamins and glucosamine. I also began using creatine part way through the contest. I can tell I have better workouts if I have some before.
Did you use the online community and how was that experience?
Yes, I liked being able to glean ideas and tips from other Venuses on the community. The supportive was awesome too. They are all great and so helpful! It’s one of the great tools of Venus I believe.
Did you find support with friends and family?
My husband was very supportive but I did better when he wasn’t home just because I didn’t have to cook for him or go out to eat with him. I have a few very close friends who were very supportive as well. They were patient and interested in what I was learning and experiencing. One of them actually bought eat stop eat after I told her about it.
What was the hardest obstacle to conquer?
Social events and eating out. It’s hard to not eat everything they give you at a restaurant but I did learn techniques that enabled me to keep on track. Namely, banking calories!
How did you feel about your final pictures?
I am amazed at how I looked in them. I had some pictures taken when I was in my 20’s for my husband and I think these were better! I never would’ve guessed I could get to that level of fitness. I might have to get them done professionally sometime. These were taken by my husband in our living room.
Is this a lifestyle you will continue?
I will always use the techniques and tricks I learned from the Venus program. I won’t and don’t expect to be picture ready all the time but I have the knowledge of how to and that I actually can do what I need to if I want to get in picture shape again. Weightlifting is something I will continue always. I love the workouts and the results I get. It’s going to be fun to take pictures next April and see the muscle I’ve gained. I know it will take that long!! But it’s now part of me and I love it!
What is your best advice for other Venuses?
Don’t beat yourself up for mistakes. If you overeat one day or two, know you can fix it by doing the program and keep going. Never give up on yourself. Take progress pictures every about 6 weeks so you can compare them and see your progress.
That’s motivation there Venuses!
Workout consistently and make sure when your spending time at the gym or wherever you choose to workout, you make it worth while. Why bother if you don’t put the kind of effort in that will make you stronger and fitter?!
On the flip side, just listen to your body and don’t push through a pain. Tired and sore are good but pain during an exercise can lead to injury.
Also,the community for moral and educational support, listen to podcasts for helpful information and motivation. Both are excellent resources.
You can find Valerie in our online community.
A common theme with Venus women in their 50’s and beyond
There is a common theme here at The Venus Factor with women becoming successful in mid life. We are finding that what the rest of the world says about us not being able to lose fat in mid life is not true. Here are several more stories from our most successful women who found the same success as Valerie here at The Venus Factor:
Putting it all Together: VI Open Winner Naomi Sandoval
Lift Heavy for Longevity: Interview With Denise DeGrazia
Be in the Best Shape of Your Life at 50
The Girl Who Gets To Wear Cute Clothes Into Her 50′s
Starting a Fitness Career at Age 51
Dear Valerie,
I’d like to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart. I know how hard you worked. I watched your struggles though the weeks as you wrote your journal. It was fun to see your strong victories after the weeks of struggle with social eating and vacations.
It was awesome to see you empowered by the Venus lifestyle as you embraced it with full gusto. You learned the energy balance that was needed for you. You learned to find your own sweet spot and walk your own tightrope.
It’s very nice to have you as part of our community and see you in there helping others out when you can.
Thank you for being a special part of our community Valerie!
All my best,
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